
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Русалки 05:56 Tools
Будемо разом 03:54 Tools
Орися 04:15 Tools
Дорога 03:21 Tools
Перекотиполе (стара версія) 05:29 Tools
Будемо разом (FDR version) 03:10 Tools
Не Спи Моя Рідна Земля 04:38 Tools
Калина 03:38 Tools
Коломийка Дракула 03:30 Tools
Любов 02:59 Tools
Дочка мельника 03:18 Tools
Kolo mlinu 03:21 Tools
Коло Млину 03:02 Tools
Легенда про іванка та одарку 02:56 Tools
Крила 03:14 Tools
Вітре Цигане 05:21 Tools
Коханочка 04:31 Tools
Хай не буде тобі сумно 04:54 Tools
Лети душа 04:07 Tools
Місто 03:48 Tools
Романсеро про ніжну королеву 04:20 Tools
Kohanochka 04:30 Tools
Світ 04:41 Tools
Магдалена 04:53 Tools
Колиска 04:48 Tools
Картата сорочка 03:29 Tools
Ти В Серці Моїм 03:29 Tools
Зозуля 03:46 Tools
Гілка 04:35 Tools
Синій жупан 03:17 Tools
Гоголя 02:52 Tools
Старий Шинок 04:27 Tools
Косачіна 03:13 Tools
Amore mio 03:20 Tools
Ріо ріта 03:20 Tools
Човен 03:37 Tools
Ряба кобила 04:18 Tools
Ялинка 01:59 Tools
Думи 05:12 Tools
Танок 03:39 Tools
Ой, чий то кінь стоїть 04:14 Tools
Ой чий то кінь стоїть 04:19 Tools
Тінга-Лінга 04:15 Tools
Не спи, моя рідна земля 04:35 Tools
Три пляшки пива 11:06 Tools
Сьогодні нас Карпати зустрічають 02:23 Tools
Перекотиполе 05:31 Tools
Сонце 04:00 Tools
Ой, чий то кiнь стоiть... 04:19 Tools
Лелеки 05:18 Tools
Аріведерчі Рома 03:30 Tools
Прокинься, Моя Україно (Не Спи, Моя Рідна Земля) 04:38 Tools
Kalina 04:35 Tools
Jun Jah La le 04:48 Tools
Несе Галя Воду 04:48 Tools
Три пляшка пива 04:39 Tools
Старий шинок (вальс-шансон) 04:26 Tools
Різдв'яна ніч 03:07 Tools
Ніч 04:58 Tools
Спогади 03:01 Tools
Хай тобі не буде сумно 05:56 Tools
Зірки 06:03 Tools
Віруте 04:00 Tools
Проміння 05:28 Tools
Синiй 03:17 Tools
Ой, чий то кінь стоїть... 04:19 Tools
Знай моя мила 00:00 Tools
Рiздв'яна нiч 03:07 Tools
Вiруте 04:01 Tools
Віруйте 04:00 Tools
Різдвяна ніч 03:07 Tools
Знову день переходить у ніч 03:28 Tools
Kalyna 03:28 Tools
Україна 04:32 Tools
Не спи 04:37 Tools
Новорічна 03:46 Tools
Моя мила, моя люба 02:48 Tools
Мельника дочка 03:16 Tools
Не спи моя рiдна земля 04:35 Tools
Старий шинок (вальс) 04:26 Tools
Ти і я 04:35 Tools
Не Спи Моя Рідка Земля 04:38 Tools
Магдалєна 04:53 Tools
Гради вогняні 00:00 Tools
Арівідерчі Рома 03:30 Tools
Тінга - Лінга 04:15 Tools
Dochka Mel`nyka 03:30 Tools
Тнга-Лінга 04:15 Tools
Орися =)))))) (самая танцевальная песня =))))))))))))))))))) 00:00 Tools
Misto 00:00 Tools
Orysya 04:19 Tools
Kartata Sorochka 00:00 Tools
Kryla 04:19 Tools
Різд'яна ніч 03:04 Tools
Orisya 03:13 Tools
Choven 00:00 Tools
Ой, чий то кінь стоїть ... 04:19 Tools
tanok 04:19 Tools
Косачiна 04:19 Tools
Rio Rita 04:19 Tools
Ти в серцi моiм 03:04 Tools
doroga 03:13 Tools
Legenda pro Ivanka ta Odarku 03:04 Tools
Cherevyky 04:06 Tools
Kolo mlynu 03:10 Tools
dumy 03:10 Tools
Kosachina 03:13 Tools
Gogol`a 03:13 Tools
Magdalena 03:13 Tools
perekotypole 02:53 Tools
Romansero pro Nizhnu Korolevu 02:53 Tools
Romansero pro niznu korolevu 03:13 Tools
Рiздвяна Нiч 04:01 Tools
Аморе Міо 03:41 Tools
Моя мила 03:41 Tools
Рiо Рiта 03:41 Tools
Doroha 03:41 Tools
Vitre Cygane 04:01 Tools
Rusalky 03:41 Tools
Staryj shynok 03:41 Tools
Virute 04:53 Tools
Аріведерчі, Рома 03:30 Tools
Косачина 03:13 Tools
R`aba Kobyla 04:53 Tools
Ой,чий то кінь стоїть... 04:53 Tools
Блюз для рудої кішки 04:53 Tools
Не спи, моя рідна земля! 04:35 Tools
Kolo Mlinu - Original Mix 04:06 Tools
Любов (Kiss FM Jalsomino Mix) [www.mp3-online.com.ua] 03:33 Tools
Ljubov 04:35 Tools
Lety Dusha 04:06 Tools
Хей -хай, хвилю тримай! 03:16 Tools
Прокинься, Моя Україно 03:33 Tools
Orys`a 03:33 Tools
Oy, Chyi to Kin` Stoyit` ... 03:33 Tools
Jalynka 03:33 Tools
doczka melnyka 03:13 Tools
Tinga-Linga 03:13 Tools
Synij zhupan 03:13 Tools
Хвилю тримай 00:30 Tools
Lehenda Pro Ivanka Ta Odarku 03:16 Tools
Rizdv`ana nich 03:13 Tools
Virujte 03:13 Tools
Тинга-Линга 02:59 Tools
Ти В Серці Моiм 00:00 Tools
orysia 03:16 Tools
Lyubov 02:59 Tools
Koxanochka 02:59 Tools
Kohanochka - Original Mix 02:48 Tools
Тiнга - Лiнга 04:15 Tools
Старий шинок (вальс шансон) 04:15 Tools
Arividerchi Roma 03:46 Tools
Вітре цигане (Перекотиполе) 05:22 Tools
Gilka 04:35 Tools
Ne spy moja ridna zemlya 04:38 Tools
Старий шинок(вальс-шансон) 04:38 Tools
Krila 04:38 Tools
Дорога (mix by Jalsomino) 03:47 Tools
Zozulya 03:46 Tools
Kolyskova 03:46 Tools
Gogolja 03:46 Tools
Orysja 03:46 Tools
Ty v sertsi mojim 04:42 Tools
Черевики 03:34 Tools
Не спи, моя рiдна земля 04:42 Tools
Rizdvjana_nich 04:42 Tools
Khai Ne Bude Tobi Sumno 03:56 Tools
Чубарики-чубчики! 03:55 Tools
Не спи моя земля 04:38 Tools
Kolomyika Drakula 04:42 Tools
Вір у те 03:56 Tools
Kolyska 05:22 Tools
Колискова 04:49 Tools
Несе Галя воду (Live) 04:49 Tools
Моя люба 03:20 Tools
Hilka 04:49 Tools
Рио Рита 03:34 Tools
Romansero_pro_Nizhnu_Korolevu 03:20 Tools
Reeflux 03:14 Tools
Dochka mel'nyka 03:55 Tools
Дорога [www.mp3-online.com.ua] 03:20 Tools
tinha-linha 03:20 Tools
Ne spy, moja ridna zemlja 03:20 Tools
Starij_Shinok 03:20 Tools
Тiнга-Лiнга 03:20 Tools
Вставай моя рідна Земля 03:14 Tools
Козачина 03:20 Tools
Коханочка... 04:32 Tools
Донька Мельника 03:14 Tools
Dochka melnika 04:32 Tools
Zozulja 03:52 Tools
Старий шинок (старий вальс-шансон) 04:26 Tools
Ой у лузі калина 03:52 Tools
Рiздв'на нiч 04:26 Tools
Ой, чий то кiнь стоїть... 04:32 Tools
ой чий то кінь стоїть (сподобалась мені тая дівчинонька) 03:26 Tools
Ty v serci mojim 04:41 Tools
Dochka melnyka 04:41 Tools
З Новим Роком 03:55 Tools
Калина (live) 03:55 Tools
Перекати-поле 03:14 Tools
Ой, чий то кінь стоїть (Live) 03:14 Tools
Нас кличе у мандри дорога 01:56 Tools
Смерека 04:13 Tools
Легенда про І. та О. 02:58 Tools
Rusalki 06:47 Tools
Staryj Shynok (val`s-shanson) 06:47 Tools
Любовь 06:47 Tools
Hai_ne_bude_tob__sumno 06:47 Tools
Орися (live) 06:47 Tools
Staryi Shynok 06:47 Tools
Îðèñÿ 06:47 Tools
Hoholya 01:56 Tools
Лиса гора. 01:56 Tools
Carpathian Song (Derbastler Eastern Cumbia Remix) 04:06 Tools
Ne Spy 01:56 Tools
У Різдвяну Ніч 03:08 Tools
Будемо разом (MuzOFF Drogobych) 03:55 Tools
"Ой,не ходи,ходи Орисю на гору на Лиску.Не ходи,ходи на Лиску,а грай на сопілці...Ой-гой,дриці-дриці!!!Ой-гой,дриці-дриці!Не ходи на лису гору,а грай на сопілці)))))))))))))Еще одна батарейка,от которой мгновенно пускаешься в пляс)))) 02:58 Tools
Rizdviana Nich 03:55 Tools
Мандри 02:58 Tools
Вiруше 03:55 Tools
Ніжна королева 02:46 Tools
Гилка 02:58 Tools
Рiздв`яна нiч 03:08 Tools
Тумба -тумба -рара*) 03:01 Tools
Надія Є 04:13 Tools
Xay ne Bude Tobi Sumno 03:08 Tools
hohola 03:08 Tools
Yalynka 02:58 Tools
Kolomyjka Drakula 02:58 Tools
Схожа на осінь 03:26 Tools
Ой, чий то кiнь стоїть 02:58 Tools
Гогола 02:58 Tools
Коло млину, коло броду!!! Тумба-тумба, ра-ра-а!!! Там дівчина брала воду, А я гоя-гер-я!!! 00:00 Tools
Романсеро про нiжну Короле 02:48 Tools
Сподобалась мені тая дівчинонька 04:13 Tools
Îđčń˙ 02:58 Tools
Zozulia 02:58 Tools
Орися (Club mix) [www.mp3-online.com.ua] 03:00 Tools
Коло Млину [www.artmp3.net] 03:10 Tools
Хай Не Буде... 03:10 Tools
Дорога (нас кличе у мандри дорога) 03:21 Tools
Ти в серцi моïм 04:41 Tools
моя любов 04:06 Tools
Коханка [www.mp3-online.com.ua] 03:26 Tools
Чубарики-чубчики 03:55 Tools
Романсеро про Н. К. 02:50 Tools
За Сибіром сонце сходить 03:45 Tools
Несе Галя Bоду 03:45 Tools
06.Kałyna 03:45 Tools
Не Cпи Моя Рідна Земля 04:38 Tools
Vitre Cyhane 04:38 Tools
Ой, чий то кiнь стоiть 04:38 Tools
Чубарики 04:04 Tools
Ми сміло в бій підем за Україну 04:13 Tools
JAMFM 04:04 Tools
Ryaba kobila 04:13 Tools
Коханочка (Live) 04:13 Tools
Yalinka 03:01 Tools
Легенда про Іванка та Одарку (Live) 03:01 Tools
Не ходи Орисю 04:41 Tools
Орыся 04:41 Tools
romansero pro niżnu korołewu 00:00 Tools
Романсеро 00:00 Tools
Ëåãåíäà ïðî Iâàíêà òà Îäàðêó 00:00 Tools
Äî÷êà ìåëüíèêà 00:00 Tools
Mahdalena 00:00 Tools
2 00:00 Tools
Любов (rmx) [Украинский Хит] 00:00 Tools
Прокинься моя Україно 04:37 Tools
Ой не ходи орисю 04:37 Tools
1 04:37 Tools
Orys'a 02:00 Tools
Старий шинок [Украинский Хит] 02:00 Tools
staryj szynok 02:00 Tools
Kolomiyka Drakula 02:00 Tools
Ти в серцi моїм 04:42 Tools
Vitre Tsihane 04:42 Tools
Різдв‘яна ніч 04:42 Tools
Легенда про Іванка і Одарку 04:42 Tools
Êàëèíà 04:42 Tools
MANDRY / Doroga 04:42 Tools
Haj ne bude tobi sumno 04:42 Tools
Козаччина 04:42 Tools
MANDRY / Ne spy moja ridna zemlya 04:39 Tools
Oricya 02:48 Tools
Rizdv'yana nich 04:06 Tools
Rizdvyana Nich 02:48 Tools
Romansero über meine zärtliche Königin 02:48 Tools
Моя мыла:) 02:48 Tools
З гори високої 02:48 Tools
Kohanochka (Original Mix) 02:48 Tools
Вітре -цигане 02:48 Tools
Rjaba Kobyla 02:48 Tools
Лети, душа 04:06 Tools
Мандры - Коло млину 04:06 Tools
Не спи моя рідна земля! 04:37 Tools
01 - Дорога 04:37 Tools
  • 200,113
  • 13,849
  • 200113
    top track count

Mandry (Ukrainian: Мандри) is a popular Ukrainian folk-rock, blues, ska band; the band formed in 1997 in Kiev, Ukraine. The band's vocalist and most recognizable member is Serhiy "Foma" Fomenko. Current members Serhiy "Foma" Fomenko - main vocals, guitar, sopilka (tin whistle) Leonid "Lyonya" Bieley - accordion, synthesizer, backing vocals Serhiy "Chizh" Chehodayev - bass, backing vocals Andriy Zanko - drums, backing vocals Salman Salmanov Mamed-Ohly - percussion, backing vocals Albums «Mandry» (1998) «Romansiero pro nizhnu korolevu» (2000, re-released in 2002) «Rusalky» (2000) «Lehenda pro Ivanka ta Odarku» (2002) «Doroha» (2006) Activity Mandry were officially formed in 1997 by the already well known singer/songwriter Serhiy "Foma" Fomenko, who had made a name for himself in the Kiev underground music scene for his creative work with the group Den Vmiraye Rano (Day Dies Early). At first they performed as a three-piece acoustic band, but after a few band member change-overs a new sound was created which made Mandry the spearheads of what is now known as "folk music of the cities". They performed their first concert with this unique sound on 24th December 1997. In contemporary Ukrainian youth culture the group hold an original musical niche. Owing to the stylish diversity of their music and their unique combination of traditional Ukrainian folk music with modern rhythms, elements of city romance and French chansons with a good dose of reggae, blues, rock and punk, they manage to captivate a varied audience representing all age groups. The music of Mandry, in spite of being a combination of various genres, is well crafted and artistically unique. Their songs are full of imagery and have emotionally charged melodic patterns making poetic lyrics understandable to people from all walks of life. Mandry's repertoire is still growing, expanding not only due to new songs being written by the band members, but also by giving traditional folk songs a new interpretation. In October 1997 accordion player Leonid Bieley appeared on the scene and his contribution to Foma's songs enriched the melodies, as did a change in percussionist. Salman joined the contingent of "mandryvnyky" (wanderers) with a complete set of percussion instruments. At this time Mandry possibly were the only Ukrainian group with a percussionist. In the same month the new line-up played a concert, but it wasn't a very successful performance, and as they were dissatisfied doubts arose as to whether the band should split up. The director of Asteroid records came to the band's rescue and offered them their first contract and with his help the group continued. The last alteration in the group's line-up occurred when MANDRY invited drummer Andriy Zanko and Serhiy "Chizh" Chehodayev, who replaced Oleksandr Kokhanivskiy on bass, to join the band. As a result the sound of the band changed quite radically. Their music was enriched with contemporary rhythms and started to include French melodic influences. In the months that followed the group recorded and released their first MC on the "Asteroid" label. It was recorded in a hurry, and thus the quality of the album suffered. Over the next year and a half, the material was being constantly reworked. In August 1998 the band produced their first video for the song Romansiero Pro Nizhnu Korolevu, which quickly won the audience's approval. In September 1998, during the First All-Ukrainian Music Video Contest MANDRY's video was in the top three, and director Anton Trofimov was also nominated for an award. The first EP of the group, which, apart from 7 songs also contained the video clip Romansiero Pro Nizhnu Korolevu, the MC in MP3 format, text information in html and a photo gallery, was released in December 1998. The same year MANDRY played in Lviv, Dniepropetrovsk, Kherson, Donetsk, Minsk and their hometown Kyiv. In January 1999 they filmed their second video to their song Kartata Sorochka in Lviv, which was broadcast on the national TV channel 1+1. All in all 1999 was a very busy year for them with many concerts. In springtime they visited Budapest, the capitol of Hungary to take part in a festival commemorating the 50th anniversary of the EU. In summer they performed at "Rock - Kyiv", "PEPSI-SZIGET" (Budapest) and "Slavyanskiy Bazar" (Vitebsk) festivals. At the end of summer they started working on their video to the song Rusalky (Mermaids). In April 2000 they released their first full-length album Romansero Pro Nizhnu Korolevu on Karavan Records and their video to the song Rusalky. In June 2000 MANDRY took part in the International Festival of Ukrainian Culture which takes place in Sopot, Poland. In September they participated at "Rock - Existence" festival in Kyiv. In November they released their EP Rusalky on Karavan Records. From 14 to 26 May 2001 MANDRY had a big tour across Poland. In two week's time they managed to play 11 concerts in cities like Wrocław, Warsaw, Kraków, Szczecin, Gliwice, Białystok, Olsztyn, Sopot and Lublin. At the beginning of November 2001 "Creon Music", a French record label, released a compilation called "Ukrainian Rock", which included a few songs by MANDRY.[1] In March 2002 the video to Dochka Melnika (Miller's daughter) was shown on Ukrainian television. On 19 May 2002 MANDRY, together with other Ukrainian groups and artists, played a concert at the "Hippodrome", one of the most prestigious clubs in London. The show was part of the Festival of Ukrainian Culture in Great Britain. At the end of September 2002 their first animated video to the song Orisya was shown on Ukrainian television. On 17 October 2002, their second album, Legenda Pro Ivanka Ta Odarku, was released in Ukraine on the Lavina Music record label. On 17 May 2003, the band took part in the International festival "The Day of United Europe" in Kyiv. At the end of August 2003 MANDRY started shooting the video for "Vitre Tsihanye (You Gypsy Wind)", which was the first one to be shown on the all-Ukrainian M1 music channel that October. 2004 saw Mandry tour extensively in Ukraine to support Viktor Yushchenko's campaign to become the next president of Ukraine. They played to a varied audience and in parts of Ukraine were they were completely unknown to their audience. During the protests that followed after the disputed election results at the end of 2004, Mandry were one of many bands who appeared on stage in Maidan (Independence Square) in Kyiv to keep the Orange Revolution protesters entertained. In 2005 the band recorded their latest album Doroha, which was released in February 2006. At that time they often took part in folk festivals and concerts in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.[2] In March 2006 they filmed a new video to their song Ne spy moya ridna zemlya, a very touching clip with powerful imagery depicting Ukraine's history and her heroes, bringing it right up to date with the Orange Revolution. On January 10th, 2009, Mandry will perform at the 23rd annual CYM (Spilka Ukrainskoyi Molodi - Ukrainian Youth Association) Malanka in Toronto, which sees 1400 people attending annually from all over the globe. This marks the band's second time performing in Canada, and their first Malanka. Official Mandry website http://www.mandrymusic.com/ Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.