
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
04:31 Tools
いい日旅立ち 04:31 Tools
陽はまた昇る 04:43 Tools
AURA 04:52 Tools
三都物語 04:13 Tools
昴 -すばる- 04:35 Tools
群青 04:07 Tools
サライ 05:30 Tools
22歳 04:23 Tools
昴-すばる- 04:35 Tools
チャンピオン 05:13 Tools
AURA( acoustic version ) 02:33 Tools
帰らざる日々 09:40 Tools
06:10 Tools
遠くで汽笛を聞きながら 04:54 Tools
Far away 05:22 Tools
秋止符 04:03 Tools
ダンディズム 05:31 Tools
風の暦 05:45 Tools
忘れていいの 04:41 Tools
階 -きざはし- 05:15 Tools
狂った果実 05:13 Tools
昴~すばる 04:34 Tools
04:34 Tools
小さな肩に雨が降る 04:01 Tools
風姿花伝 41:47 Tools
昴-すばる- 04:34 Tools
マイ・ボーイ 05:29 Tools
ココロノジカン 05:00 Tools
Heart in Heart 05:12 Tools
ココロツタエ 04:37 Tools
冬の稲妻 03:36 Tools
それぞれの秋 05:13 Tools
夏の二週間 00:00 Tools
今はもうだれも 03:47 Tools
ジョニーの子守唄 03:22 Tools
天狼 05:00 Tools
オリオン13 04:44 Tools
忘れていいの -愛の幕切れ- 04:42 Tools
夜顔 04:19 Tools
AURA (Acoustic Version) 02:34 Tools
睡蓮 03:29 Tools
风姿花传 05:40 Tools
心の駅 04:21 Tools
青年の樹 04:07 Tools
さくら 04:32 Tools
旗を立てる 04:35 Tools
River of Life 05:33 Tools
わかれの詩 06:02 Tools
浪漫鉄道(蹉跌篇) 04:27 Tools
儚きは 04:01 Tools
いい日旅立ち・西へ 04:53 Tools
イリス 05:05 Tools
ミクロのテーマ 05:44 Tools
琉球の風 02:42 Tools
AURA (accoustic version) 00:00 Tools
22歳 04:18 Tools
AURA 04:46 Tools
さらば青春の時 06:30 Tools
祇園祭 05:29 Tools
今を生きて 05:56 Tools
夢人~ユメジン~ 04:38 Tools
英雄 05:15 Tools
ハーヴェスト 03:45 Tools
12番街のキャロル 04:38 Tools
サテンの薔薇 03:26 Tools
少年時代 06:05 Tools
忘れないで 04:48 Tools
AURA(オリジナル・カラオケ) 04:47 Tools
夢去りし街角 03:45 Tools
終止符 04:03 Tools
AURA[アウラ] 00:00 Tools
AURA(accoustic version) 00:00 Tools
最後の I LOVE YOU 04:47 Tools
散りゆく花 03:49 Tools
涙の誓い 03:27 Tools
走っておいで恋人よ 04:30 Tools
ライトハウス 03:55 Tools
ガラスの花 03:45 Tools
風姿花傳 05:43 Tools
AURA (テレビ 『∀ガンダム』 より) 04:50 Tools
レストランの片隅で 05:14 Tools
LEFT ALONE 05:39 Tools
カノン 04:34 Tools
残照 04:42 Tools
浪漫鉄道 04:27 Tools
昴ーすばるー 04:33 Tools
引き潮 03:19 Tools
終着駅 04:52 Tools
Far away 05:20 Tools
冬の嵐 00:00 Tools
明日への讃歌 04:38 Tools
階-きざはし- 05:16 Tools
00:00 Tools
愛の誓い 03:36 Tools
05:15 Tools
浪漫鉄道(蹉跌篇) 04:18 Tools
青春残酷物語 04:05 Tools
流星 00:00 Tools
昴―すばる― 00:00 Tools
レイニーブルー 05:38 Tools
06:05 Tools
浪漫鉄道<蹉跌篇> 04:17 Tools
ひまわり 04:16 Tools
海猫 04:33 Tools
Burai 04:19 Tools
04:44 Tools
こころ前線 00:00 Tools
AURA (Original Karaoke) 04:50 Tools
真夜中のカーニバル 04:53 Tools
Subaru 04:34 Tools
昴-すばる- - 2017 ver. 04:34 Tools
今のままでいい 00:00 Tools
今ありて 03:52 Tools
龍のエムブレム 03:54 Tools
煙草のけむり 05:29 Tools
Runnin' On 05:43 Tools
いい日旅立ち?西へ 03:19 Tools
面影 00:00 Tools
刑事 05:43 Tools
スタンダード 04:09 Tools
歩きつづけて 04:50 Tools
涙あふれて 00:00 Tools
夢の世代 03:29 Tools
冬木立 00:00 Tools
アルシラの星 - Karaoke 03:29 Tools
君を忘れない 05:09 Tools
いい日旅立ち - 2017 ver. 05:09 Tools
黒い鷲 05:38 Tools
リメンバー 04:57 Tools
落陽 05:36 Tools
レテの川 -Lethe- 04:35 Tools
家族写真 05:36 Tools
アデリーヌ 04:09 Tools
昴-すばる 00:00 Tools
悲しい女 00:00 Tools
冬の扉 04:51 Tools
冬の雁 04:05 Tools
夢の途中 04:29 Tools
AURA off vocal version 04:48 Tools
浪漫鉄道 -蹉跌篇- 04:49 Tools
マカリイ 00:30 Tools
昂一すばゐ一 04:32 Tools
忘れていいの-愛の幕切れ- feat. 小川知子 04:10 Tools
ラスト・ソング-最後のライト- 06:38 Tools
最終フライト 00:00 Tools
哀しみの終る時 04:10 Tools
旅人よ 04:22 Tools
さらば青春 04:24 Tools
玄冬記 -花散る日- 05:36 Tools
雨やどり 03:44 Tools
この世が終る時 00:00 Tools
ガラスの砂漠 00:00 Tools
ラバン 05:30 Tools
凱旋 06:59 Tools
青空 05:36 Tools
青い薔薇 04:21 Tools
木蘭の涙 04:22 Tools
北陸ロマン 04:35 Tools
無縁坂 05:40 Tools
マイ?ボーイ 00:00 Tools
悲しくてやりきれない 04:09 Tools
灰色の瞳 04:22 Tools
BURAI 04:44 Tools
AURA(アコースティック・ヴァージョン) 00:00 Tools
昴 - すばる - 04:33 Tools
遠い花火 14:24 Tools
マラソンマン 04:10 Tools
棘 -とげ- 04:22 Tools
想い出橋 00:30 Tools
恋唄 00:00 Tools
砂の道 04:29 Tools
勇気のカタチ~私を変えてくれたあなたへ~ 05:43 Tools
CORAZON 14:24 Tools
弓の月 04:36 Tools
幸せのサプリ 03:38 Tools
モーニング・コール 06:17 Tools
夢の世代 -FROM THESE DAYS- 03:29 Tools
浪漫鉄道 (蹉跌篇) 03:44 Tools
非婚宣言 00:00 Tools
ハレバレ 03:55 Tools
ノスタルジア 00:00 Tools
水曜日 00:00 Tools
さちこ 00:00 Tools
ありふれた黄昏の街にて 04:08 Tools
そっと おやすみ 04:44 Tools
卒業 00:30 Tools
RADIO DAYS 04:41 Tools
夕凪 05:36 Tools
夢で逢いましょう 05:40 Tools
おやすみ 03:03 Tools
セレナーデ 04:40 Tools
ホタル 03:35 Tools
Aura(Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
涙はyes 04:10 Tools
窓辺の猫 04:36 Tools
この空の下 04:29 Tools
北風のエール 04:54 Tools
空にしずめる物語 04:24 Tools
喝采 -想い出のライト- 04:51 Tools
06:29 Tools
カノン(カラオケ) 05:36 Tools
輪舞 -ロンド- 04:00 Tools
ノーザンエクスプレス 00:00 Tools
サライ [Live] 07:08 Tools
Answer Phone 00:00 Tools
夢人~ユメジン~ 04:35 Tools
秋のホテル 04:37 Tools
獅子の時代 05:20 Tools
浅き夢 05:20 Tools
挽歌 04:29 Tools
いい日旅立ち [Live] 04:31 Tools
マーキュリー 04:53 Tools
スーパースター -MY SUPERSTAR- 04:52 Tools
熱い吐息 04:37 Tools
アディオス 04:44 Tools
暗い桟橋 05:06 Tools
有谁共鸣原曲 05:29 Tools
流行の女達 03:38 Tools
浪漫铁道 03:38 Tools
ぬくもり 05:47 Tools
チングヨ 04:41 Tools
风の暦 05:46 Tools
男と女に戻る時 04:29 Tools
夢人 ~ユメジン~ 04:38 Tools
秋のソナタ 04:22 Tools
22岁 04:22 Tools
心の駅 [Live] 04:09 Tools
櫻守 04:36 Tools
マリカの調べ 04:57 Tools
Follow the Sun 03:55 Tools
神のマリオネット 08:14 Tools
喝采-想い出のライト- 04:37 Tools
砂漠 06:39 Tools
100年ラブソング 00:30 Tools
さようならば 03:37 Tools
チャンピオン [Live] 04:20 Tools
夢行燈 04:56 Tools
都に雨の降るごとく 05:36 Tools
睡莲 00:00 Tools
遠くで汽笛を聞きながら [Live] 04:24 Tools
忘れないで [Live] 04:22 Tools
CRAZY 04:22 Tools
コスモポリタン 04:17 Tools
クラシック -CLASSIC- 06:29 Tools
パンセ 05:13 Tools
ラストニュース -THE MANのテーマ- 05:59 Tools
風のメロディー 04:26 Tools
エデンの夏 03:55 Tools
夢になりたい 04:22 Tools
十三夜 03:37 Tools
昴(すばる) 04:34 Tools
咲きほこる花のように 00:30 Tools
階段のオスカー 03:42 Tools
最後のI Love You 00:00 Tools
バサラ 04:29 Tools
葬送セレナーデ 05:40 Tools
テーマ・さよならの季節 03:42 Tools
Lion Heart 00:00 Tools
都忘れ 04:41 Tools
昴 -すばる- [Live] 05:03 Tools
ハリマウ -HALIMAU- 04:46 Tools
今ありて [Live] 03:50 Tools
花束 -最後の汽笛- 06:29 Tools
讃歌 05:47 Tools
やくそくの樹の下で 05:40 Tools
デラシネの星座 04:48 Tools
風の時代 07:21 Tools
愛去りて 05:47 Tools
夢人~ユメジン~(カラオケ) 04:22 Tools
夢路 06:29 Tools
スキタイの歌 04:55 Tools
階~きざはし 05:16 Tools
ハリマウ 00:00 Tools
今ありて (音帰しVer.) 03:47 Tools
なつめの木 05:30 Tools
メトロ 04:28 Tools
Good-Bye My Friend So Long 04:11 Tools
朱音 04:37 Tools
ムーランルージュ物語-哀しみのライト- 04:11 Tools
冬のメリーゴーランド 06:41 Tools
九龍の出来事 03:55 Tools
哀しみの9月の前に 05:20 Tools
この世が散るとき (When The World Ends) 03:42 Tools
昂 -すばる- 04:41 Tools
陽はまた昇る [Live] 05:03 Tools
サクラサク 04:52 Tools
BORN FREE 05:40 Tools
タカラヅクシ 00:00 Tools
THE NAME 05:06 Tools
Runnin' On -ランニング- 05:06 Tools
風の子守歌 04:48 Tools
家族 -FAMILY- 07:21 Tools
男と女に戻る時 (ソロ・バージョン) 04:48 Tools
ラスト・ソング -最後のライト- 05:27 Tools
鶴と亀 03:59 Tools
アデュー巴里 04:27 Tools
勇気のカタチ~私を変えてくれたあなたへ~(カラオケ) 00:00 Tools
いい日旅立ち (音帰しVer.) 00:00 Tools
寿留女〜スルメ〜 03:55 Tools
浪漫鉄道<蹉跌篇> 03:55 Tools
アゲインスト 05:11 Tools
朝日を求めて 06:39 Tools
星標 04:29 Tools
愛 [Live] 04:29 Tools
バイ・バイ 04:29 Tools
22歳 [Live] 04:37 Tools
ビクトリーロード -JOEの幻- 05:20 Tools
タクシードライバー 05:20 Tools
RESISTANCE -ピアニストは撃たないで- 05:20 Tools
風は激しく 05:20 Tools
レテの川-Lethe- 05:20 Tools
誕生日 -ありふれた黄昏の街にて- 05:20 Tools
Road To Heaven 03:42 Tools
家路 -私が死んだ日- 04:37 Tools
シェヘラザード 05:20 Tools
口笛が聞こえる町 05:47 Tools
狙撃者 05:20 Tools
ジョニーは戦場に行った 06:39 Tools
インディゴ・ブルー 03:59 Tools
AURA (オリジナル・カラオケ) 05:47 Tools
月曜の朝8:00 05:27 Tools
幸福 -しあわせ- 05:27 Tools
去年の雪 05:27 Tools
君のそばにいる 04:56 Tools
ココロノジカン(カラオケ) 04:44 Tools
愛の光 05:47 Tools
AURA(アコースティック・ヴァージョン) 00:00 Tools
01. 昴-すばる 00:00 Tools
伽羅 05:47 Tools
君の歌 06:29 Tools
22歳(Shinji Tanimura With Piano My Note) 00:30 Tools
梅・桃・桜 06:29 Tools
ラ・ストラーダ 03:59 Tools
B2 AURA——TURN A GUNDAM 06:29 Tools
昴(すばる) 06:29 Tools
走ってわぃ恋人ょ 00:00 Tools
サライ (音帰しVer.) 00:00 Tools
22歳 (音帰しVer.) 00:00 Tools
群青 (音帰しVer.) 03:55 Tools
愛 (音帰しVer.) 03:55 Tools
昴〈すばる〉(星) 03:55 Tools
いい日旅立ち(Shinji Tanimura with PIANO MY NOTE) 05:54 Tools
风姿花伝 03:55 Tools
憧れのチェン夫人 03:55 Tools
誘惑 05:20 Tools
Sarai 05:20 Tools
鍵を持つヒト 03:55 Tools
ハーバー・ライト(港の灯) 03:55 Tools
PAST LOVE 03:55 Tools
トランジット・エイジ 03:55 Tools
琥珀の夢 03:55 Tools
明日への赞歌 03:42 Tools
柊の街 -RAINY DAY- 03:42 Tools
玄冬記-花散る日- 06:39 Tools
男鹿の子守唄 06:39 Tools
03. 三都物語 04:12 Tools
(有谁共鸣原曲) 06:39 Tools
恋に生きる 06:39 Tools
ライザ -LIZA- 06:39 Tools
08. チャンピオン 05:40 Tools
どこかに幸せが 05:40 Tools
黄昏 (ロンドン・デリー・エアー) 04:56 Tools
渚にて 04:56 Tools
群青 [Live] 06:33 Tools
9月のマリー -ヴィエナ讃歌- 07:21 Tools
浪漫鉄道 <蹉跌篇> 07:21 Tools
涙はyes 04:10 Tools
ぃぃ日旅立ち 05:47 Tools
階ーきざはしー 05:47 Tools
ガラスの風鈴 05:47 Tools
05:27 Tools
愚かしく美しく 05:27 Tools
今 伝えたい 00:30 Tools
三都物语 00:30 Tools
MIRAI 00:30 Tools
浪漫鉄道〈蹉跌篇〉 03:59 Tools
ベラドンナ・リリー 03:59 Tools
  • 81,952
  • 5,290
  • 81952
    top track count

Tanimura Shinji was born in Kawachinagano, Osaka on Decemeber 11, 1948. He was exposed to music by his mothers shamisen playing and his sisters high school folk dancing at a young age. He spent his late elementary and junior high school years being one of the only overweight kids in his school. In junior high he began writing poetry and learning guitar. There weren't any instruction manuals in these days, so he had to practice by ear while listening to records and the radio and trying to figure out the notes. Throughout high school he continued to practice, write songs, and copy American folk songs. In high school he formed the band 'Rock Candies' with some friends. The band gained some local success in his college days, and the money earned paid for his food and expenses. He also began exercising and lost the weight that had plagued him through his school days. Rock Candies continued to become more successful as an amateur band amongst students in the Kansai area. In 1970, with the band still an unsigned amateur act with no releases, they made the insanely ambitious decision to tour around the streets of the US. He went to a festival at the Shea Stadium in New York where acts like Steppenwolf, Paul Simon, and Richie Heavens were performing. The last act was Janis Joplin (in perhaps her last live, or close to it) and though he had never heard her he was heavily impacted by her performance, calling it "the greatest encounter of my life". They continued their tour around the states, staying in cheap hotels and eating the bare minimum. The person sending money to them from Japan ran off and they ended up completely broke on the streets of Mexico. With the help of an outrageous lie from one of the members of the band, they ended up playing at a Mexican festival of 50,000 people, and were escorted there with limousines and motorcycles. They eventually managed to stumble back to Japan with the help of various new friends along the way, and decided to start the company Young Japan on the flight back home. The begins of Young Japan were nothing too impressive, but included James Brown's first [and rather lackluster] performance in Japan. As things got desperate, Tanimura's partner Hosokawa Ken went so far as to invite 20 French strippers to the company and try to have some sort of big event to make money. Unfortunately it went no where and the money they had to pay the girls pushed the company further and further into debt. They made yet another ambitious move, and rented out a boat to go to Guam with the band Garo to perform on board, as well as Young Japan's bands (Alice, Ban-Ban and The Mussyu). After this, Tanimura met Alice's Horiuchi Takao and the group started out as these two members. At this same time, Tanimura started several very successful late-night radio shows as well. Alice, now three members, became successful and they paid of their previous 150 million yen debt. This was the beginning of great things for Tanimura, and was also married this year and soon after had his first son. In 1974 the members of Alice each embarked on solo albums, and Alice also continued on successfully for years. In the early 80's, Tanimura embarked on a tour throughout Asia and had a sizable impact on China. In the late 80's he aimed his sights at Europe, working with the London Symphony Orchestra, performed with the opera orchestra of Paris, and recorded an album with Vienna Symphony Orchestra Project in Italy. In the mid-90's he worked with famous US producer Phil Ramone, who said to him "The music of the next era will only come from Asia". There is some truth to this over 10 years later, as Asian music has become more accepted and liked throughout Europe and America. In 2001, 20 years after the start of their hiatus, Alice had a reunion tour and played at Budokan. In 2002 he produced a special festival event in China, and brought with him artists such as Gackt, Hamasaki Ayumi, and Sakai Noriko. In 2003 he was invited to head Shanghai's conservatory modern music department and is passionate about focusing his efforts on the furthering of music within China and strenthen the bridge of Japanese-Chinese relations. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.