
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
风中有朵雨做的云 00:00 Tools
冬季到台北来看雨 00:00 Tools
你看你看月亮的脸 00:00 Tools
谁的眼泪在飞 00:00 Tools
羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄地开 00:00 Tools
没有情人的情人节 00:00 Tools
你究竟有几个好妹妹 00:00 Tools
往事 00:00 Tools
野百合也有春天 00:00 Tools
无声的雨 00:00 Tools
红雨 00:00 Tools
一个爱上浪漫的人 00:00 Tools
不下雨就出太阳吧 00:00 Tools
把他换作你 00:00 Tools
你听海是不是在笑 00:00 Tools
走在雨中 00:00 Tools
木棉道 00:00 Tools
日以继夜的想你 00:00 Tools
真的还是假的 00:00 Tools
紫浣花 00:00 Tools
白纱窗的女孩 00:00 Tools
伤了你的心的我伤心 00:00 Tools
心电感应 00:00 Tools
手语 00:00 Tools
抉择 00:00 Tools
三生三世 04:12 Tools
羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开 00:00 Tools
不快乐的爱人 00:00 Tools
和饼干说话的人 00:00 Tools
第二道彩虹 00:00 Tools
化身为海 00:00 Tools
风是我回忆的方向 00:00 Tools
幸福感 00:00 Tools
闪亮的日子 00:00 Tools
00:00 Tools
我说的谎都是真的 00:00 Tools
乘风乘月乘忧去 00:00 Tools
琥珀 00:00 Tools
风里的梦 00:00 Tools
爱情的真相 00:00 Tools
恋人 00:00 Tools
将错就错 00:00 Tools
忘了 00:00 Tools
去吧 我的爱 00:00 Tools
偶遇 00:00 Tools
其实我还是有些在乎 00:00 Tools
等待花开 00:00 Tools
天使之歌 00:00 Tools
一个人的伤心 00:00 Tools
好情人 00:00 Tools
哑哑与亚亚 00:00 Tools
其实我还是有点在乎 00:00 Tools
你的味道 00:00 Tools
哑哑和亚亚 00:00 Tools
默认 00:00 Tools
秋天的眼泪 00:00 Tools
伤了你的心的我的心 00:00 Tools
跟影子说 00:00 Tools
爱你后才知道如何爱你(双飞雁) 00:00 Tools
勇敢说出爱 00:00 Tools
住在我心上 00:00 Tools
我们仨 00:00 Tools
爱.海 00:00 Tools
谁来晚餐 00:00 Tools
再见.天堂 00:00 Tools
爱你太真 00:00 Tools
羞答答的玫瑰静敲敲地开 (2005新 00:00 Tools
预感 00:00 Tools
白天的星星 00:00 Tools
爱情就是听不到 00:00 Tools
心的旅途 00:00 Tools
这一季有多长 00:00 Tools
雾里看花 00:00 Tools
原本今生以为 00:00 Tools
梦与诗 00:00 Tools
爱情海 00:00 Tools
小公主 00:00 Tools
偏心 00:00 Tools
把思念寄托远方 00:00 Tools
爱的箴言 00:00 Tools
去吧,我的爱 00:00 Tools
放在心里面 00:00 Tools
幸福感 (吉他版) 00:00 Tools
心港 00:00 Tools
就要挥别 00:00 Tools
如果你不再爱我 00:00 Tools
看着你眼睛微笑 00:00 Tools
蝴蝶是花 00:00 Tools
00:00 Tools
金缕鞋 00:00 Tools
红花 00:00 Tools
过冬 00:00 Tools
静静的生命慢慢的河 00:00 Tools
两小无猜 00:00 Tools
不让你看到我的泪 00:00 Tools
谁说我生命中只能有你 00:00 Tools
嫉妒 00:00 Tools
一个失恋的木偶 00:00 Tools
雨过心晴 00:00 Tools
天使之歌 (独唱版) 00:00 Tools
你是谁 00:00 Tools
千年的新娘 00:00 Tools
琉璃 00:00 Tools
找一个人 00:00 Tools
泪海 00:00 Tools
无处可藏 00:00 Tools
心疼的最爱 00:00 Tools
不要太多 00:00 Tools
孤独时候你想谁呢 00:00 Tools
怎么能 00:00 Tools
雨过天晴 00:00 Tools
爱情 Stay 00:00 Tools
去吧!我的爱 00:00 Tools
情愿一个人 00:00 Tools
凤凰木 00:00 Tools
野百合的有春天 00:00 Tools
明天 00:00 Tools
春雪 00:00 Tools
月亮说话 00:00 Tools
妒嫉 00:00 Tools
你看你看月亮的脸 (2005新版) 00:00 Tools
走出爱情 00:00 Tools
相爱的可能性 00:00 Tools
听说远方有片海洋 00:00 Tools
爱你后才知道如何爱你 00:00 Tools
勾心斗角 00:00 Tools
暗恋 00:00 Tools
手語 00:00 Tools
不再 00:00 Tools
答案 00:00 Tools
拭去你的泪 00:00 Tools
心经 00:00 Tools
乘風乘月乘憂去 00:00 Tools
紫沅花 00:00 Tools
谁说我重任中只能有你 00:00 Tools
把他换做你 00:00 Tools
我淡淡的蓝 00:00 Tools
心里是花园 00:00 Tools
天堂 00:00 Tools
深白色 00:00 Tools
请在我落泪以前离开我 00:00 Tools
翦翦风儿 00:00 Tools
太阳出来了 00:00 Tools
红雨(Red Rain) 00:00 Tools
夜的告白 00:00 Tools
其实我还是有些在乎你 00:00 Tools
右边 00:00 Tools
城堡 00:00 Tools
冬季到台北来看雨(Taipei Wintertime) 00:00 Tools
女儿贼 00:00 Tools
你看你看月亮的脸(2005新版) 00:00 Tools
没有情人的情人节(Valentine Day Without Lover) 00:00 Tools
去吧!我的爱 00:00 Tools
00:00 Tools
得不到的温柔 00:00 Tools
你看你月亮的脸 00:00 Tools
爱情Stay 00:00 Tools
月亮说话(独白 OS:孟庭苇 Mai Meng) 00:00 Tools
冬季来台北看雨 (2005新版) 00:00 Tools
飞梦 00:00 Tools
若我 00:00 Tools
阿郎 00:00 Tools
故作浪漫 00:00 Tools
不消失的回忆 00:00 Tools
此情可问天 00:00 Tools
喜欢自己 00:00 Tools
困爱 00:00 Tools
爱上你知道吗 00:00 Tools
天天天蓝 00:00 Tools
电影结束之后 00:00 Tools
你是我不该靠近的人 00:00 Tools
飘? 00:00 Tools
冬季到台北来看雨(2005新版) 00:00 Tools
最深的感动 00:00 Tools
风中的梦 00:00 Tools
原本以为 00:00 Tools
羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄地开(The Shy Rose Blooming Silently) 00:00 Tools
你究竟有几个好妹妹(How Many Lovers Do You Have) 00:00 Tools
风中有朵雨做的云(Rain Cloud in the Wind) 00:00 Tools
爱情,stay 00:00 Tools
锁上记忆 00:00 Tools
情不自禁吻了你 00:00 Tools
弟弟 00:00 Tools
粉红色的凸床 00:00 Tools
知影 00:00 Tools
你看你看月亮的脸(Look at the Moon) 00:00 Tools
谁的眼泪在飞(Whose Tears Are Fluttering) 00:00 Tools
斑马线 00:00 Tools
校园里的消息传的特别快 00:00 Tools
月亮说话(独白 OS:孟庭苇 Mai M 00:00 Tools
01.风中有朵雨做的云 00:00 Tools
03.忘了 00:00 Tools
爱到史艳文 00:00 Tools
你那好冷的小手 00:00 Tools
我不会忘记 00:00 Tools
最后的季节 00:00 Tools
日以继日的想你 00:00 Tools
钻石金选集CD1 00:00 Tools
无言花 00:00 Tools
舍不得忘记 00:00 Tools
02.你听海是不是在笑 00:00 Tools
美丽新世界 00:00 Tools
哭砂 00:00 Tools
日以继夜地想你 00:00 Tools
琉璃Live演奏版 00:00 Tools
谁的眼泪在飞(Whose Tears Is Flying) 00:00 Tools
野百合也有春天(Wild Lily Also Has Its Spring) 00:00 Tools
不下雨就出太阳吧(If Not Rainy Then Sunny) 00:00 Tools
往事(Past Memories) 00:00 Tools
风中有朵雨做的云(A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind) 00:00 Tools
你看你看月亮的臉 00:00 Tools
你看你看月亮的脸(See, The Moon's Face) 00:00 Tools
无声的雨(Silent Rain) 00:00 Tools
有了新感情 00:00 Tools
往事(Past Things) 00:00 Tools
偶遇(Meet by Accident) 00:00 Tools
月亮說話 00:00 Tools
她沿着沙滩边缘走 00:00 Tools
阿弥陀佛摇篮曲 00:00 Tools
  • 45,611
  • 2,634
  • 45611
    top track count

Meng, Tingwei (孟庭苇), born on 22 December 1969 in Zhanghua (彰化), Taiwan, China, is one of the most important female singers in the early 90's Mandarin pop scene. With her constant high register, crystal-clear articulation, and the subtle support from the easy-listening arrangements and productions, her unique singing style has often been commented as being "ethereal", "spacey", "immaculate", "untarnished", and rather difficult to reproduce till today. She had received an unofficial nickname "Moon Princess" for her hit single "Look! Look! The Face of the Moon"("你看你看月亮的脸"). Originally named Chen, Xiumei (陈秀玫), Meng received her artist name from her initial record label Shangge(上格) through fortune-telling, with an idyllic touch in the chosen Chinese characters (庭苇 means "the flower in the courtyard"). Her hardcore fans often prefer using her nickname Yaya (亚亚). Her first two albums (<其实我还是有些在乎>), (<成长>), released in May and November, 1990, fell into the typical 80's Soft-Rock routines and failed to draw much attention. Her third album (<你看你看月亮的脸>), released September, 1991, introduced to the audience in the region a refreshing style characterized by her high-pitched and minor-key-dominant vocal melody-line, well articulated and emotionally rich vocal narratives, in contrast with the slow tempo and the relaxed analog synths and acoustic guitars in the background, all of which are wrapped into strong artificial reverbs, creating a gradually built-up atmosphere around the lyrics that frequently refer to natural phenomena as a kind of metaphors for loss of love. This style was distinct compared to the Disco and New-Wave oriented Mandarin/Cantonese pop tradition in Hongkong, Taiwan, and Mainland China from the late 80's till early 90's. The album sold 500,000 copies in Taiwan and 5,000,000 throughout Asia, which established her fame as one of the most popular Taiwanese female singers at the time. The following three albums (<冬季到台北来看雨>, released May, 1992), (<谁的眼泪在飞>, February, 1993), (<风中有朵雨做的云>, November, 1993) were essentially the continuations of the same style and achieved consistent commercial successes in Asia. Many of these songs were well fitted into the aesthetics of the Taiwanese romantic TV dramas from the early 90's (she did perform a couple of such themes). Around the releasing time of her sixth album, she was rated as the best "Dream Lover in the Military" ("军中情人") in Taiwan. On the other hand, her success in the Mainland Chinese market also gained her a lot of invited professional appearances in both commercial and governmental events in Mainland China, which was rarely seen among all the Taiwanese artists at that time considering the well-known political tension between the two entities. (<纯真年代>, August, 1994) saw Meng and her production group’s attempts to exploit more traditional Chinese folk flavors, lusher arrangements and productions, marked by richer analog synth overdubs and a little digital ones, more ethnic instruments, and more foreground-oriented instrument mixing. These were further emphasized in the next two albums (<真的还是假的>, March, 1995) and (<心言手语>, March, 1996), with the immediately standing-out pieces such as "Telepathy" ("心电感应"), "My Heart is Broken for Breaking Yours" ("伤了你的心的我伤心"), "Placed into Heart" ("放在心里面"). Entering the mid-90’s, influenced by the trendy Alternative Pop/Rock and Electronica scene at the time, along with the flourishing digital production technology, Meng's next few albums were a complete departure from her most-remembered style. Lots of dynamic elements such as Bossanova were adopted, resulting in songs that are faster and rhythmically more complex; her voice was heavily compressed and the reverbs over her voice were considerably reduced for an enhanced presence; the bass and mid-range of her voice became more emphasized with EQ, creating a “whispering” quality; digital effects such as delay, flanger, chorus, and stereo imaging were piled upon her natural performances; the old analog reverbs and synths were replaced with the fuller and broader digital ones. These albums are (<第二道彩虹>, March, 1997), (<恋人>, November, 1997), and the southern-Fujian-dialect(Min-nan) album (<爱到史艳文>, October, 2000); the latter two albums were made under her new label the Friendly Dog (友善的狗). Two months after the releasing of , Meng announced the end of her professional singing career for the first time. According to some other artists in the circle and herself, Meng realized that her straightforward personality and her exclusive focus on music were incompatible with the climate of the circle, which much contributed to her leaving. Before her leave, she had become obsessed with Buddhist music. Soon, she released a Buddhist music album (<阿弥陀佛>, November, 2001) and also appeared in a number of charity concerts in Mainland China. Another Buddhist album (<心经>) was released in January, 2003. Five months after her marriage with her high-school classmate, Meng finally decided to return to her career and signed to her current record label Jingwen (京文). The first album after her return was (<红花>, January, 2005), which consists of new compositions and the remastering of a few of her early classics. In this and her latest album (<幸福感>, September, 2006, released after her first pregnancy), not only the Electronica-dominant arrangements and refined productions, but her singing (such as the staccato feel) showed certain influences from another super star in the 90-00's Mandarin/Cantonese pop scene, Wang, Faye (王菲). One of the unique features of Meng's singing style compared to the contemporary Chinese female pop singers is her zero usage of falsetto even at rather high registers. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.