
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Shine 02:40 Tools
会いたくて 04:32 Tools
Shikosahoko 04:35 Tools
0010 04:04 Tools
Az 04:45 Tools
TheMe 03:45 Tools
ancient-tree 05:33 Tools
XT 01:50 Tools
ヒナタ 04:26 Tools
夏物語 04:23 Tools
Hinata 04:24 Tools
ラピスラズリ 03:16 Tools
君の声と約束 03:40 Tools
サヨナラ 04:08 Tools
コトノハノル 04:39 Tools
masquerade 03:02 Tools
ゆびきり 04:35 Tools
メーフィッシュのうた、恋柄の水泡 04:06 Tools
星降るお話 03:48 Tools
master piece 03:55 Tools
バージンスノーカラー 01:52 Tools
Gothic Party Speed Session 04:51 Tools
七色の空のオクターブ 03:03 Tools
Virgin snow color 01:52 Tools
last note 03:51 Tools
戦場カメラマンと最期 04:00 Tools
合鍵 00:00 Tools
I'm vogue 03:59 Tools
ミカヅキノキセキ 04:09 Tools
桜舞う季節に 04:44 Tools
da-gi-e 04:49 Tools
ハニーフレーバー 02:22 Tools
Lapis Lazuli 03:16 Tools
しこさほこ 04:41 Tools
ミスサンタクロース 02:53 Tools
Aikagi 03:47 Tools
GAME 03:18 Tools
Artifact 02:07 Tools
ジャパニーズロウレゾキャラメルタウン 04:38 Tools
ツクヨミ 04:08 Tools
gimmick of heavy metal 03:25 Tools
Labyrinth 04:38 Tools
サマーチャイム 04:53 Tools
南極 00:00 Tools
shake 04:35 Tools
三秒 03:25 Tools
ブラウニー 03:25 Tools
デジタルネバーランド 04:57 Tools
ソプラノ 03:36 Tools
Japanese Rourezo Caramel Town 04:38 Tools
03:35 Tools
ドラマティック 04:01 Tools
シーサイドサーカスとパステル調 00:00 Tools
secret room 04:47 Tools
ひなげし 04:03 Tools
猫夜亭 00:00 Tools
ハレノヒ 03:40 Tools
Tseppeshi Taberu 03:42 Tools
Kei 03:35 Tools
Nankyoku 04:15 Tools
栴檀は双葉より芳し 04:58 Tools
LEMPICKA 03:35 Tools
Day Dream 00:34 Tools
ツェッペ氏、食べる。 03:40 Tools
頭がおかしい 06:09 Tools
未来へ 04:10 Tools
教会プール 00:00 Tools
ミザリィインザダスク 00:00 Tools
ダウナービューティフルソング 02:22 Tools
Cubic「L/R」ock 04:03 Tools
鬼灯 03:29 Tools
ロマンサー 04:30 Tools
みみずく 02:32 Tools
キスミイスノウ 03:48 Tools
birthday song 04:32 Tools
セシリー癖 00:00 Tools
FAINT 04:39 Tools
変態最終頁 04:16 Tools
淡雪 04:15 Tools
映写機が写す空 05:39 Tools
electric moon light 05:49 Tools
ゴシックパーティースピードセッション 04:51 Tools
クロイツカササグイトシネガイ 03:46 Tools
Mazochi -Sangatsu ni Mita Yume no Saikousei- 03:58 Tools
カオス・クリーム・フェスティバル 00:00 Tools
音楽を下らぬ 04:22 Tools
戴冠式前夜 04:45 Tools
-----[eve]DiVeR 04:15 Tools
グリッタートロウペン 04:25 Tools
10101 04:24 Tools
Kisumiisunou 03:45 Tools
硝子細工のお話 04:04 Tools
マゾチ「三月に観た夢の再構成」 03:59 Tools
水圧 05:43 Tools
サイコサーキット 03:53 Tools
Kiss me snow 03:48 Tools
brand new story 04:31 Tools
Kirisame 03:37 Tools
君だけを映して 04:50 Tools
action (彩-irodori- ver.) 03:46 Tools
Mimizuku 02:26 Tools
downer beautiful song 02:21 Tools
灰キノコの森、さまよい魚 03:50 Tools
twilight 04:29 Tools
カナリア (彩-irodori- ver.) 03:53 Tools
Mazochii San Gatsu ni Mita Yume no Saikousei 03:59 Tools
VAMP 02:01 Tools
ビッツ-圧縮-ロール 00:00 Tools
Atama ga Okashii 06:09 Tools
Neko Yoru Tei 02:56 Tools
台形の底に溜まった、半透明の澱に顔を長く漬け込みすぎました。 03:34 Tools
Mizery in the Dusk 03:56 Tools
0010101 04:22 Tools
Kimi no koe to yakusoku 03:42 Tools
月請い 04:23 Tools
Cubic'「L/R」ock 04:05 Tools
Romancer 04:30 Tools
chaos cream festival 04:41 Tools
velvet 01:58 Tools
蛙と首輪 03:53 Tools
T.L.S 02:00 Tools
エクストリーム・マシーン 00:37 Tools
Sakura mau kisetsu ni 04:44 Tools
壁_R 03:52 Tools
Kotonohanoru 04:39 Tools
Asshuku-Roll 05:01 Tools
Yubisaki 03:47 Tools
-ecumenicalimage- 03:11 Tools
閉園の後、雨 02:49 Tools
カナリア 03:53 Tools
master piece (Instrumental) 03:53 Tools
下弦櫻 00:00 Tools
Tsueppe Shi, Taberu. 03:40 Tools
デジタルロリータデモンストレーション 03:01 Tools
トパーズ 04:37 Tools
+ 01:27 Tools
会いたくて (Instrumental) 04:33 Tools
Daikei no Soko ni Tamatta, Hantoumei no Den ni Kao wo Nagaku Tsuke Komi Sugimashita. 03:34 Tools
四式衝戒ギレソー 03:21 Tools
03:50 Tools
メルトインシナモン 02:26 Tools
オリオン 04:20 Tools
Psycho Circuit 03:52 Tools
圧縮-ロール 05:01 Tools
Japanese Low-Res Caramel Town 04:37 Tools
Ai no uta 03:54 Tools
ゴシックパーティスピードセッション 04:51 Tools
メトロポリス 02:22 Tools
Mefish no Uta, Koigarano Suihou 04:06 Tools
Metamor Last Page 03:52 Tools
Glitter Toroupen 04:25 Tools
SE 01:48 Tools
Ari to kakuzatou 02:27 Tools
Misery in the Dusk 04:20 Tools
突発性創作症候群 03:04 Tools
Kyoukai Pool 04:56 Tools
ラバーズネーム 03:44 Tools
エム 03:53 Tools
6gatsu 8ka 04:17 Tools
growther 04:57 Tools
台形 00:00 Tools
Hoshigaoka 04:35 Tools
Taikanshiki Zenya 04:23 Tools
Koto no hanoru 04:35 Tools
Hai Kinoko no Mori, Samayoi Sakana 03:50 Tools
Lover's Name 03:44 Tools
Aitakute 04:54 Tools
Digital Lolita Demonstration 03:04 Tools
Tsukuyomi 04:08 Tools
スキマノホシ 05:35 Tools
サヨナラ (Original Karaoke) 04:11 Tools
Kabe_R 03:52 Tools
Tsukikoi 04:23 Tools
Sanbyou 03:25 Tools
Suiatsu 05:42 Tools
M 03:53 Tools
birthday Song (Original Karaoke) 04:32 Tools
Assyuku Roll 05:02 Tools
Izayoi kaze 03:13 Tools
Topaz 04:37 Tools
Bittsu-Asshuku-Roll 05:01 Tools
Seshirii kuse 04:14 Tools
Sendan ha futaba yori kanbashi 04:57 Tools
Heien no Ato, Ame 02:49 Tools
Glitter Tropen 04:25 Tools
Sleet Eve 04:09 Tools
Browny 03:25 Tools
Extreme Machine 03:14 Tools
Ongaku wo kudara nu 04:22 Tools
Meefisshu no uta, koi gara no suihou 04:05 Tools
ドラマティック (Instrumental) 04:01 Tools
Senjou Cameraman to Saigo 04:00 Tools
灰きのこの森、さまよい魚 04:47 Tools
「スキマノホシ」 05:36 Tools
Sayonara 04:02 Tools
Cubic'[L/R]ock 04:03 Tools
Honey flavor 04:03 Tools
Melting Cinnamon 02:26 Tools
brand new story (Instrumental) 04:29 Tools
Digital Neverland 05:01 Tools
恋をしようよ 04:36 Tools
nanairo no sora no Octave 03:03 Tools
君だけを映して (Instrumental) 04:50 Tools
「エム」 03:54 Tools
Yuukyuu no ame, soshite... 04:36 Tools
メーフィッシュのうた、恋柄の水泡 04:05 Tools
Hoshifuru o hanashi 03:48 Tools
Mikazuki no kiseki 04:11 Tools
バージン スノー カラー 01:51 Tools
Artifact (SE) 02:07 Tools
Toppatsu sei sousaku shoukougun 03:04 Tools
Yubikiri 04:38 Tools
合鍵 2008 春 03:58 Tools
ラストノート 03:51 Tools
Cubic'[L-R]ock 04:05 Tools
Daikei no Soko ni Tamatta, Hantoumei no Yodomi ni Kao o Fukaku Tsukekomi Sugimashita 03:34 Tools
Aitakute [会いたくて] 04:35 Tools
Sukima no hoshi 05:35 Tools
Eishaki ga Utsusu Sora 05:39 Tools
mazochi sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei 03:59 Tools
Shi shiki shou kai gireso 03:21 Tools
Ecumenical image 03:11 Tools
Seaside to pastel chou 03:14 Tools
believe~zenpen~ 02:34 Tools
バージンスノーカラー 01:51 Tools
Kuro itsu ka sasagu itoshi negai 03:46 Tools
Mazochi ~sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei~ 03:59 Tools
悠久の雨、そして…。 04:37 Tools
Kagen sakura 04:37 Tools
Daikei 03:34 Tools
Cubic Rock 04:22 Tools
ビリーブ~ゼンペン~ 02:34 Tools
Kien 03:57 Tools
Kaeru to Kubiwa 03:52 Tools
Mirai e 04:10 Tools
Chou 03:57 Tools
Cubic' [L/R] ock 04:23 Tools
action (彩 -irodori- ver.) 03:46 Tools
Kyoukai Puuru 04:56 Tools
Cubic 「L / R」 ock 04:23 Tools
Melt in cinnamon 02:26 Tools
シクレトトラク 03:29 Tools
Natsumonogatari 04:18 Tools
Ayabie orgel vol.1 04:15 Tools
P-R-O 01:48 Tools
Hinageshi 04:03 Tools
Ms Santa Claus 02:53 Tools
DRAMATIC 04:23 Tools
Shiisaidosaakasu to Pasuteruchou 03:14 Tools
ビリーブ~コウヘン~ 02:36 Tools
Daunaabyuutifurusongu 02:21 Tools
Glitter Torou Pen 04:25 Tools
Metropolis 02:22 Tools
Bittsu -ashiku- rooru 05:01 Tools
(secret track) 03:29 Tools
マゾチ-三月に観た夢の再構成- 03:59 Tools
Believe~Kouhen~ 02:36 Tools
カオス・クリーム・フェスティバル 04:41 Tools
Kaosu Kuriimu Fesutibaru 04:41 Tools
Seaside Circus to Pastel Chou 03:14 Tools
Digital Lolita 03:04 Tools
ゆびきり (original karaoke) 04:34 Tools
action -irodori- ver. 03:46 Tools
01:25 Tools
Hoshihuru Ohanashi 03:47 Tools
----- [eve] DiVeR 04:14 Tools
Saishuu Hentai Page 04:15 Tools
(シクレトトラク) 03:29 Tools
Cubic`「L/R」ock 03:29 Tools
hentai saijuu peiji 04:16 Tools
Hai Kinoko no Mori、Samayoi Sakana 03:50 Tools
星ケ丘 04:38 Tools
overture 04:34 Tools
夏物語 (original karaoke) 04:18 Tools
Hare no hi 05:00 Tools
ジャパニーズ ロウレゾ キャラメルタウン 04:37 Tools
Backstage 04:34 Tools
Hentai Saishuuketsu 04:34 Tools
Mazochi "Sangatsu ni kanta Yume no Saikousei" 03:59 Tools
Hoshi furu ohanashi 03:48 Tools
Cubic[L/R]ock 04:23 Tools
合鍵2008春 03:58 Tools
Secret Track 441 04:23 Tools
ツクコミ 03:29 Tools
Kaeru no Kubiwa 03:29 Tools
映写機が映す空 05:37 Tools
Chou 蝶 03:50 Tools
Kaeru to kubiwa 蛙と首輪 03:48 Tools
Hai kinoko no mori samayoi sakana(Live ver.) 03:29 Tools
マゾチ「三月に見た夢の再構成」 03:59 Tools
Message 04:28 Tools
Tsuebbeushi, Taberu 03:40 Tools
カナリア (彩 -irodori- ver.) 03:53 Tools
Rokugatsu Youka 04:17 Tools
MAZOCHI マゾチ 「sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei 三月に観た夢の再構成」 03:59 Tools
Biitsu-asuku-rooru 05:05 Tools
Shikosahoko しこさほこ 04:38 Tools
Ongaku wo kudaranu 04:38 Tools
Cubic'「L/R」ock 04:35 Tools
Hai kinoko no mori, samayoi sakana 灰キノコの森、さまよい魚 04:38 Tools
Sendan wa futaba yori kanbashi 04:38 Tools
Kei 景 04:48 Tools
GOTHIC PARTY SPEED SESSION ゴシックパーティスピードセッション 04:48 Tools
Shikosahoko(Live ver.) 05:04 Tools
Kyoukai POOL 教会プール 04:48 Tools
『I’m Vogue』 04:48 Tools
ビッツ - 圧縮 - ロール 04:35 Tools
Atama gaokashii 03:53 Tools
Digital Lolita Demonstration デジタルロリータデモンストレーション 04:35 Tools
encore 3 03:52 Tools
encore 1 02:27 Tools
Encore 2 03:52 Tools
Hentai Saishuu Page 04:35 Tools
Romancer (New Recording) 03:52 Tools
MELTING CINNAMON メルトインシナモン 02:08 Tools
ari to kakuzato 02:27 Tools
マゾチー三月に観た夢の再構成ー 02:27 Tools
Topaazu 04:35 Tools
Third Stage Message CD 06:27 Tools
action 06:27 Tools
Aino uta 03:51 Tools
natsu monogatari 04:14 Tools
Cubic [L/R]ock 04:22 Tools
Garasu saiku no ohanashi 03:52 Tools
悠久の雨、そして・・。 04:37 Tools
ROMANCER ロマンサー 03:39 Tools
Nankyouku 04:15 Tools
ORION 04:37 Tools
Nankyoku 南極 04:10 Tools
04.Misery in the Dusk 03:39 Tools
Message CD 04:10 Tools
コトノハル 04:38 Tools
Tseppeshi, taberu. ツェッペ氏、食べる。 03:05 Tools
CHAOS CREAM FESTIVAL カオス・クリーム・フェスティバル 05:25 Tools
Kuroi Tsukasa Sagui Toshi Negai 04:10 Tools
Secret Track 03:29 Tools
Heien no ato, ame 閉園の後、雨 03:05 Tools
Seshirii kuse セシリー癖 03:52 Tools
Daikei 台形 03:38 Tools
‐ecumenical image‐ 04:22 Tools
Japaniizurourezokyaramerutaun 04:37 Tools
Tsueppe Shi, Taberu 04:37 Tools
Mazochi ''Sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei'' 04:25 Tools
-ecumenical image- 03:11 Tools
Gurittaatoroupen 04:25 Tools
Lovers Name 04:38 Tools
BITTSU-asuku-ROORU ビッツ-圧縮-ロール 10:05 Tools
01.Shikosahoko 04:22 Tools
Arito kakuzatou 02:27 Tools
Kaeru ni kubiwa 03:49 Tools
Ongaku o Kudara Nu 04:22 Tools
02.Mazochi "Sangatsu ni kanta Yume no Saikousei" 10:05 Tools
Cubic' [L/R]ock 04:22 Tools
Sakura mau kisetsu ni [桜舞う季節に] 04:22 Tools
Cubic' 「L-R」 ock 10:05 Tools
Yubisaki ユビサキ 04:22 Tools
mazochi «sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei» 04:22 Tools
アヤビエのオルゴール音源vol.1 04:22 Tools
Soprano 03:36 Tools
Baajinsunookaraa 04:22 Tools
Kuroi tsukasa sagui to shinegai 03:36 Tools
03.Aikagi 03:36 Tools
Matamor Last Page 03:36 Tools
07.Daikei no Soko ni Tamatta, Hantoumei no Yodomi ni Kao o Fukaku Tsukekomi Sugimashita 03:36 Tools
10.Gothic Party Speed Session 03:36 Tools
Surito eve 04:10 Tools
Cubic' [L-R] ock 03:11 Tools
query 03:11 Tools
台形の底に溜まった、半透明のドロ澱に顔を長く漬け込みすぎました。 03:33 Tools
Lapis Lazul 03:36 Tools
08.Nankyoku 03:33 Tools
Seshiri kuse 04:14 Tools
Shine 03:33 Tools
Neko yoru te (Live ver.) 03:36 Tools
Virgin Snow Color -2nd season- 03:58 Tools
蛙の首輪 03:52 Tools
Summer Chime 04:54 Tools
マゾチ(三月に見た夢の再構成) 03:59 Tools
Ms. Santa Claus 02:53 Tools
Hai kono no mori, samayoi sakana 03:59 Tools
Tseppeshi, Taberu 02:53 Tools
Kaeru to Kobiwa 03:33 Tools
06.Bittsu-Asshuku-Roll 02:53 Tools
09.Tsuebbeushi, taberu 04:14 Tools
ƒTƒCƒRƒT[ƒLƒbƒg 03:33 Tools
ミルク 03:33 Tools
さめざめ 03:33 Tools
I`m Vogue 03:59 Tools
Daikei no soku ni tamatta, hantoumei no ori ni kao wo chou ku tsuke komisugimashita 03:34 Tools
'Emu' 03:59 Tools
05.Kei 03:34 Tools
Heien no ato ame 03:34 Tools
シクレトトラク441 03:29 Tools
合鍵 2008 春 03:58 Tools
Comment 03:52 Tools
前戯 03:52 Tools
Kuroi Tsukaito shiki negai 03:52 Tools
Neko yoru te(Live ver.) 03:52 Tools
0010 03:52 Tools
…ˆ³ 03:29 Tools
6月8日 04:17 Tools
メーフィッシュのうた,恋柄の水泡 04:05 Tools
Awayuki 04:15 Tools
Mefisshu no Uta, koi kara no suihou 04:05 Tools
ビリーブ ~コウヘン~ 02:38 Tools
アンビバレントワールド 02:38 Tools
プロポーズ 02:38 Tools
Yuukyuuno ame, soshite... 04:37 Tools
あなたに 04:37 Tools
Rapisurazuri 03:52 Tools
Msサンタ 04:37 Tools
ビリーブ ~ゼンペン~ 03:37 Tools
Setsurii Kuse 04:14 Tools
‡Œ® 03:47 Tools
ゴシックパーティ―スピードセッション 04:15 Tools
(シクレトトラク) 04:15 Tools
Aitakute (Instrumental) 04:34 Tools
Hi-Fi 03:15 Tools
[eve]DiVeR 04:14 Tools
temptation 03:15 Tools
kimidake wo utsushite 04:50 Tools
圧縮ロール 04:50 Tools
透明ゆえに色を選べずに 04:50 Tools
brownie 03:52 Tools
Harenohi 03:37 Tools
toppatsusei sousaku shoukougun 03:15 Tools
Mazochi "sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei" 03:15 Tools
Virgin Snow Colour 01:52 Tools
合鍵(新録) 03:52 Tools
Meefisshu no Uta、Koi Kara no Suihou 04:50 Tools
[Sukima no Hoshi] 05:35 Tools
PIERROT 03:50 Tools
Sukimanohoshi 03:52 Tools
Az 04:44 Tools
STAR PLAYER 00:32 Tools
Kanaria 03:53 Tools
Cubic「L/R」ock 04:22 Tools
ミザリィインザタスク 04:22 Tools
Tsuki Koi 03:50 Tools
君は、アジテーター 03:50 Tools
Cube [L/R]ock 00:32 Tools
変態最終貢 04:16 Tools
アヤビエオルゴール音源 vol.1 04:16 Tools
Meefisshu no uta, koi gara no 04:22 Tools
カオス・クリーム・フェスティバル 04:16 Tools
Parade 00:31 Tools
Believe ~Kouhen~ 05:35 Tools
ancient-tree 04:16 Tools
action (Ê-irodori- ver.) 04:16 Tools
Kimi dake wo ustushite 04:45 Tools
The Me 04:45 Tools
圧縮―ロール 04:45 Tools
0010 (live) 04:45 Tools
Shine (live) 04:45 Tools
Houzuki 鬼灯 04:45 Tools
ツェッペ氏、食べる 03:40 Tools
gothic party 04:57 Tools
{ 00:31 Tools
mikazukino kiseki 00:31 Tools
Melody 00:30 Tools
ダウナービューテフルソング 02:21 Tools
TheMe (Live) 02:21 Tools
ƒcƒNƒˆƒ~ 02:21 Tools
Mazochi -Sangatsu ni Mita Yume no Saikousei 03:58 Tools
kyoukai loop 00:31 Tools
Caramel Town 00:31 Tools
01 Cubic Rock 04:22 Tools
愛の歌 03:54 Tools
mefish no uta, koi gara no suihou 03:45 Tools
I'm Vogue (Live) 04:37 Tools
Saikosaakitto 04:45 Tools
Soprano [ソプラノ] 00:31 Tools
マゾチ 「三月に観た夢の再構成」 04:38 Tools
灰キノコの森、まよい魚 03:10 Tools
ƒ[ƒtƒBƒbƒVƒ…‚Ì‚¤‚½A—ö•¿‚̐…–A 03:10 Tools
Daikei no Soko ni Tamatta, Hantoumei no Den ni Kao wo Nagaku Tsuke Komi Sugimashita 03:10 Tools
Yuukyuuno ame, soshite 04:37 Tools
masquerade 04:37 Tools
masquerade (Live) 04:37 Tools
『I'm Vogue』 04:37 Tools
TheMe 03:45 Tools
Artifact 04:37 Tools
Ms Santa 04:37 Tools
彩-irodori- ver. 04:37 Tools
OPENING 04:37 Tools
ƒSƒVƒbƒNƒp[ƒeƒB[ƒXƒs[ƒhƒZƒbƒVƒ‡ƒ“ 03:10 Tools
action 彩-irodori- ver. 04:37 Tools
Summer Chime [サマーチャイム] 03:10 Tools
下弦桜 03:57 Tools
SHINKIROU 03:16 Tools
ARTFACT 04:38 Tools
しこさほこ(Live ver.) 04:10 Tools
Heien no Ato, Ame [ Live ] 04:10 Tools
Aitakute [会いたくて] (Instrumental) 04:10 Tools
MAZOCHI ~Sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei~ 04:10 Tools
Mazochi ''sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei' 04:10 Tools
ƒqƒiƒ^ 04:10 Tools
ラバーズ ネーム 02:31 Tools
マゾチ 「三月に見た夢の再構成」 03:59 Tools
桜舞う季節に (Live) 03:59 Tools
Cubic'「L/R」ock (Live) 03:59 Tools
Misery in zadasuku 03:59 Tools
ビリーブ コウヘン 02:36 Tools
03 6gatsu 8ka 04:17 Tools
02 Ai no uta 03:54 Tools
ゴシックパーティー スピードセッション 00:00 Tools
Hentai Saishuu Page (new recording) 04:16 Tools
chaos cream 04:16 Tools
Misery in the Desk 04:26 Tools
TSUMETAI TE 04:26 Tools
Japanese Lo-rez carameltown 04:38 Tools
ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒN 1 04:26 Tools
action 彩-irodori- ver 04:38 Tools
Believe ~Zenpen~ 04:37 Tools
ƒfƒWƒ^ƒ‹ƒƒŠ[ƒ^ƒfƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒgƒŒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ 04:26 Tools
Mefish No Uta Koigarano Suihou 04:06 Tools
圧縮-ロール 05:01 Tools
GAME 05:01 Tools
electric moonlight 05:49 Tools
堕天使BLUE 03:12 Tools
Brand New Story (Inst.) 04:29 Tools
ユビサキ (Live) 04:29 Tools
君の声と約束 (Live) 04:29 Tools
Labyrinth 04:29 Tools
I’m vogue 04:29 Tools
ブラウニー (Live) 04:29 Tools
shake 04:29 Tools
Seaside circus to pastel shou 03:14 Tools
カナリア 彩-irodori- ver 02:26 Tools
会いたくて(Instrumental) 04:29 Tools
¿ß©]«F 02:56 Tools
----[eve]DiVeR 04:14 Tools
Gimmik Of Heavy Metal 03:14 Tools
ダウナーヴューティフルソング 03:14 Tools
ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒN 4 03:14 Tools
A z 04:57 Tools
カナリア 彩-irodori- ver. 04:57 Tools
0010101 04:57 Tools
ƒƒgƒƒ|ƒŠƒX 03:16 Tools
ミミズク 02:31 Tools
“ì‹É 02:31 Tools
流星 05:10 Tools
Love Song 05:56 Tools
HERO 03:51 Tools
Dramatic (Inst.) 04:01 Tools
ケンゾ drum solo 04:01 Tools
カオスクリームフェスティバル 04:19 Tools
Garasuzaiku no Ohanashi 04:19 Tools
Cubic (L/R) 04:19 Tools
蟻と角砂糖 (Live) 04:19 Tools
三秒 (Live) 04:19 Tools
Cubic L R ock 04:19 Tools
キリサメ (Live) 04:19 Tools
エクストリーム・マシーン 03:56 Tools
Hai kono no mori, samayoi saka 04:29 Tools
悲愴アネモネ(前ヒナタ) 03:53 Tools
Vrigin Snow Color 04:19 Tools
action(彩-irodori-ver.|映画「ゲーム☆アクション」主題歌) 04:19 Tools
Ayabie Orgel Ongen (ka) vol. 1 04:19 Tools
ƒ‰ƒsƒXƒ‰ƒYƒŠ 04:19 Tools
04 Ari to kakuzatou 02:26 Tools
LEMPICA 04:57 Tools
Shin Consumption 02:26 Tools
Kimidake wo Utsushite (Inst.) 03:59 Tools
Japanese Rourezo Caramel Town [ジャパニーズロウレゾキャラメルタウン] 04:38 Tools
-irodori- 04:57 Tools
Bittsu - Asshuku - Rooru 03:14 Tools
ƒRƒgƒmƒnƒmƒ‹ 04:38 Tools
スモーク・スマイル・キーパー 04:38 Tools
ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒN 2 04:38 Tools
¯~‚邨˜b 04:38 Tools
Mizariiinzadasuku 04:57 Tools
ƒo[ƒWƒ“ƒXƒm[ƒJƒ‰[ 04:38 Tools
ƒNƒƒCƒcƒJƒTƒTƒOƒCƒgƒVƒlƒKƒC 04:38 Tools
ƒAƒ„ƒrƒGƒIƒ‹ƒS[ƒ‹‰¹Œ¹ vo‚Œ.1 04:38 Tools
“ª‚ª‚¨‚©‚µ‚¢ 04:38 Tools
Bittsu - asshuku - ROLL 04:38 Tools
ƒLƒXƒ~ƒCƒXƒmƒE 04:38 Tools
ビリーブ ~コウヘン~ 02:36 Tools
Haruno hi 04:38 Tools
覚醒シュプレヒコール 04:40 Tools
悠久の雨、そして・・・ 04:40 Tools
Canary (-irodori- ver.) 03:53 Tools
Yubikiri [ゆびきり] 03:56 Tools
メーフィッシュのうた,恋柄の水泡 04:10 Tools
ツクヨミ (Live) 03:53 Tools
Yuukyuu no ame, soshite 03:53 Tools
Izayoi kaze (十六夜風) 03:53 Tools
action (-irodori- ver.) 03:46 Tools
02.教会プール 03:53 Tools
01.シーサイドサーカスとパステル調 03:14 Tools
Shiisaido Saakusu to Pasteru Chou 03:14 Tools
Hinagesh 03:14 Tools
Cubic L/R ock 03:14 Tools
Biitsu-asuku-roll 03:14 Tools
Gothic Party Speed Session [ゴシックパーティスピードセッション] 04:51 Tools
MAZOCHI - Sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei 03:14 Tools
electric moon light (live) 02:36 Tools
MAZOCHI - Sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei - 04:51 Tools
•Ç_R 04:51 Tools
蜃気楼 04:51 Tools
雪降る夜、君想う 04:51 Tools
hoshihuru o hanashi 04:51 Tools
Tseppe Shi, Taberu. 04:51 Tools
ƒ}ƒ]ƒ` uŽOŒŽ‚ÉŠÏ‚½–²‚̍č\¬v 04:51 Tools
ƒrƒbƒc-ˆ³k-ƒ[ƒ‹ 04:51 Tools
ƒTƒˆƒiƒ‰ 04:51 Tools
XR 04:51 Tools
圧縮-ロール- 05:01 Tools
Masterpiece 03:56 Tools
Natsu Monogatari [夏物語] 06:09 Tools
ピエロ 03:56 Tools
ストロベリードール 03:56 Tools
Cubic'?L/R?ock 03:56 Tools
Sayonara (Original Karaoke) 04:11 Tools
Mefisshu no Uta, koi kara no suihou [メーフィッシュのうた、恋柄の水泡] 04:05 Tools
sama-chaimu 04:53 Tools
櫻舞う季節に 03:56 Tools
Cubic [L/R] ock 03:56 Tools
アンバランスなKissをして 04:53 Tools
Aritokakuzatou 04:05 Tools
Comment CD 03:53 Tools
Shin Consumption (live version) 04:05 Tools
Shikosahoko [しこさほこ] 04:35 Tools
Hoshigaoka [星ヶ丘] 04:11 Tools
Emu 04:11 Tools
Japanese Caramel Town 04:11 Tools
マゾチ -三月に観た夢の再構成- 03:59 Tools
Mazochi - sangatsu ni mita yume no saikousei' 04:11 Tools
Kirisame [キリサメ] 04:11 Tools
03.灰キノコの森、さまよい魚 04:11 Tools
Aikagi (rerecorded) 03:52 Tools
Aino song 04:11 Tools
06.猫夜亭 04:11 Tools
05.ダウナービューティフルソング 02:21 Tools
デジタルネバーランド (live) 02:21 Tools
彼方、繋がる空へ 04:54 Tools
儐價僒僉 02:36 Tools
Kiss me snow [キスミイスノウ] 03:45 Tools
パレード 06:09 Tools
映写機が写す空. 03:12 Tools
CubicbL/Rock 03:45 Tools
•Ï‘ԍŏI•Å(ƒƒ^ƒ‚ƒ‹ƒ‰ƒXƒgƒyƒCƒW) 03:45 Tools
冷たい手 03:45 Tools
Kyokai Pool 03:45 Tools
ƒƒ}ƒ“ƒT[ 03:45 Tools
グリッタートロウペン(新曲) 03:45 Tools
action (彩-irodori- ver.) 03:45 Tools
P-R-O (SE) 05:01 Tools
ƒrƒŠ[ƒu ƒRƒEƒwƒ“ 05:01 Tools
Hoshifuru ohanashi 05:01 Tools
ビリーブ ~ゼンペン~ 06:09 Tools
‰Ä•¨Œê 04:18 Tools
Paradise Paradox 03:44 Tools
Rise 03:44 Tools
Reflector 04:31 Tools
メリーゴーランド 03:48 Tools
合鍵 (2008 春) 03:58 Tools
SICs 04:28 Tools
-----[eve] DiVeR 04:28 Tools
Cubic' ¢L-R£ ock 04:28 Tools
6月 8日 04:28 Tools
Rokugatsu Youka (8th. June) 04:17 Tools
ドラマティック(Instrumental) 04:00 Tools
Aikagi 2008 Haru 00:00 Tools
合鍵 (live) 04:00 Tools
Hinata [ヒナタ] 04:24 Tools
action (-irodori- ver.) 03:46 Tools
善悪の彼岸 03:46 Tools
Sayonara [サヨナラ] 03:46 Tools
猫夜亭(Live ver.) 03:46 Tools
君だけを映して(Instrumental) 04:45 Tools
Ayabie - Aikagi 04:45 Tools
Lilia 04:53 Tools
Hoshi furu ohanashi [星降るお話] 03:48 Tools
1. Aitakute 04:35 Tools
ゴシックパーティー 04:35 Tools
ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒN 3 03:48 Tools
Tsueppe Shi Taberu 03:48 Tools
Atama ga Okashii [頭がおかしい] 06:09 Tools
ƒrƒŠ[ƒu 03:48 Tools
04.カオス・クリーム・フェスティバル 06:09 Tools
ハレノヒ (live) 06:09 Tools
会いたくて (live) 06:09 Tools
しこさほこ (live) 06:09 Tools
Izayoi Kaze [十六夜風] 03:12 Tools
載冠式前夜 06:09 Tools
指先 06:09 Tools
Mimizuku [みみずく] 06:09 Tools
台形の底に溜まった、半透明の澱に顔を長く漬け込みすぎました 06:09 Tools
Cubic「L_R」ock 06:09 Tools
Sleet Eve [スリートイブ] 06:09 Tools
君の声と约束 03:12 Tools
Shi shiki shou kai gireso 四式衝戒ギレソー 06:09 Tools
ポップスを下らぬ 03:12 Tools
Kagen No Sakura, Ame 03:12 Tools
mail to in Cinnamon 03:12 Tools
Ayabie Comment 03:12 Tools
-ビッツ-圧縮-ロール- 05:01 Tools
トラック 1 03:50 Tools
10 - Gothic Party Speed Session 03:50 Tools
‰ºŒ·ŸN 03:50 Tools
‚µ‚±‚³‚Ù‚± (ƒVƒ“ƒRƒ“ƒTƒ“ƒzƒ“ƒRƒ“) 03:50 Tools
  • 857,777
  • 10,747
  • 857777
    top track count

彩冷える (now Ayabie, formerly written as アヤビエ) was a Japanese major pop-rock (formerly visual kei) band that formed in mid 2004 and disbanded in August 2010. Their first European tour took place in 2006, but shortly after that their guitarist and primary composer 涼平 (Ryouhei) decided to leave the band. He was soon replaced by 夢人 (Yumehito) and the band officially changed their name from アヤビエ to 彩冷える. Their popularity exploded after having embarked on a second European tour, an American tour in 2008, and then their major label debut in 2009, but in August 2010 they decided to disband due to "musical diverences", but came back in 2010/09/17 as Ayabie, without their former vocalist 葵. Their last line-up was as follows: Vo. 葵 (Aoi) (ZercVelle→Le’visage→Shedde→シニカルビスケット→アイオロス→MASK→エッチ→アヤビエ→彩冷える→ 葵 from 彩冷える→葵&涼平 incl.アヤビエメガマソ) Gt. 夢人 (Yumehito) (Primrose→HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ→そろばん→彩冷える→K.Y,from 彩冷える→D-N-L→ Ayabie) Gt. 猛飛 (Takehito) (雛罠→暴君会議→アヤビエ→彩冷える→D-N-L→ Ayabie) Ba. インテツ (Intetsu) (雛罠→暴君会議→エッチ→アヤビエ→彩冷える→D-N-L→ Ayabie) Dr. ケンゾ (Kenzo) (繭→アヤビエ→彩冷える→K.Y,from 彩冷える→D-N-L→ Ayabie) Beginnings Ayabie was formed in May of 2004 in Tokyo, Japan. The band was put together from former Hinawana guitarists Ryohei and Takehito, bassist Intetsu, and former Cynical Biscuit and MASK vocalist Aoi. The group would only play with support drummers until October 1st, 2005, the date when Kenzo joined. Their first live concert was on May 8th at Takadanobaba AREA. It was a free one-man live titled "Ayabie Party?!" and here is where they sold their first single, the double A-side "Romancer / Metamorphosis Last Page", and distributed the single "Heien no Ato, Ame". Their next live at Takadanobaba AREA on May 19th is where a slightly different version of the single "Heien no Ato, Ame" was distributed. During July and August, Ayabie had their first tour; a coupling two-man concert tour with Alice Nine titled A2 ~Natsu Coupling Circuit~ which hit six stops. On the first stop, they sold a second pressing of their first single, "Romancer / Metamorphosis Last Page / Kagen Sakura". The tour's final was held on August 24th at Shibuya O-Crest. In September Ayabie signed with the indie label SPEED DISK and released their first single with label support (second single in all) "Chouisou Yori, Sannin" on the 15th. The single reached #7 on the indies chart. After two lives in late September at Roppongi Y2K and a one-man live on October 15th, they released their third single "Gothic Party". That single broke into the major chart top 100, reaching #82, a great accomplishment for an indies band. After a couple of lives spanning October, November, and December, Ayabie released a third pressing of their first single on December 11th, "Romancer / Metamorphosis Last Page / Digital Lolita Demonstration / +". December 21st was the release date of their first DVD. It was titled Daikei / Misery In the Dusk and contained four PVs. A one-man live at Shibuya O-WEST on December 29th (where "Lovers Name" was distributed), and two different lives on December 31st concluded the year. Rising Popularity Starting 2005 was the release of their first mini-album, Tetsu no Shima. It also broke into the major chart, reaching #208. They also took a part in a short SPEED DISK presents lives, three concerts in January and February along other SPEED DISK bands. February 10th was the release date of Ayabie's fourth single "M", which came with a A4 sized 24 page photobooklet. It reached #80 on the major chart. February had two more lives and was also the month were they made the single "Melt In Cinnamon". That song became a present with March's issue of the magazine FOOL'S MATE. March was a busy month; there were seven lives, but more importantly on the 21st Ayabie's debut full-length album Ayabie Sokkan Ongen Shuu was released. The album reached #130 on the major chart. The one-man live on April 1st "Ichidan Tobi" at Shibuya O-EAST was their first to be filmed, it was later released on DVD on August 20th. During the rest of April there were two events, a live, and a special single released on the 25th. It was "Kuroi Tsuka Sasagu Itoshi Negai", and was sold only in Like an Edison shops. May started with Ayabie being a part of "stylish wave '05 Shibuya no Tairan" at Shibuya AX on the 1st. All the other bands at the event were:【FIGURe;】, Antic Cafe, Doremidan, Shulla, Fatima, D, D'espairsRay, and SID. A week later Ayabie had their first fanclub event at Takadanobaba AREA, and two days after that they took a part in another SPEED DISK presents lives. This time it was a tour called Shinranbanshow tour '05 which spanned from the 10th to the 31st, hitting seven stops across Japan. The band had collaborated with Death Trap-ID sometime in April, so on May 7th a T-shirt was sold with a single called "Believe ~Zenpen~". During the Shinranbanshow tour on the 23rd, a second pressing of their Like an Edison single "Kuroi Tsuka Sasagu Itoshi Negai" was released. A second collaboration with Death Trap-ID sometime in May yielded another T-shirt with a single called "Believe ~Kouhen~", which was sold on June 7th. Ayabie and Alice Nine had their second coupling two-man concert tour titled A2V2 ~Zenkoku Sugoroku Angya~. It started on June 15th (where "Hinata" was distributed) and stopped at six places across Japan. This tour's finale was held on June 29th at Shibuya O-EAST. Before the coupling tour, they had started a three month consecutive single release plan. The first entry was "~Igyou no Sou no Toujisha~ "Taikanshiki Zenya"" (fifth single), which was released on June 15th. "~Kakoya Kasure Sakebishi~ "Tsuki Koi"" (sixth single) was the second entry released on July 13th. Finally the last entry, "~Manatsu Yuki Torokeru Shougen~ "Kiss Me Snow"" (seventh single), was released on August 10th. The singles reached #75, #76, and #57 on the charts respectively. August was finished by a Nagoya, Osaka, and Tokyo one-man concert tour during the 16th, the 18th, and the 23rd respectively. Gaining, Losing, and Gaining The band finally gains a permanent drummer when Kenzo joined on October 1st. With a new drummer, they release their second mini-album -EquAL pRayer 2 aLL- on the 26th. This release is a first of Ayabie's to come in two different versions, and the first one to include an extra DVD. The mini-album reached #145 on the major chart. A country-wide one-man tour to support the release, EquAL pRayer 2 U, spanned from November 18th to December 3rd hitting seven stops. The tour's final took place at Shibuya AX on December 7th and was filmed. At this live "LEMPICKA" was distributed. The concert was released later as the DVD TOKYO pRayer on February 1st, 2002. January 2006 started with a live at LIQUID ROOM ebisu on the 14th. Four days later their eighth single "Mafuyu, Yon Renya Sou" was released and eventually reached #62 on the major chart. A special event to support this single's release was held at Takadanobaba AREA almost a month later on February 18th. Three days later their ninth single was released, titled "Japanese Low Res Carameltown". It reached #45 on the major chart. Ayabie had another one-man concert tour to support these singles. It was titled Tsuki no Kakera Furisosogu and started on March 3rd and ended on March 31st. The last live on the tour at Nakano Sunplaza is where "Chou" was distributed, and the live itself was filmed. The concert was later released as the DVD TOKYO-Rock SHOW on May 24th. For three days in June Ayabie had their first international tour, in Finland, France, and Germany. Around this time, they had signed onto CLJ Records, a European label that distributes visual-kei releases. Their first release on this label was on the 9th, and was titled "Euro Best". Also in June, Ryohei announced that he would leave Ayabie permanently, due to his disagreement about the band's future. Later on in the month, on the 28th Ayabie released their last single with Ryohei "FAINT / Topaz" (tenth single overall). The single reached #39 on the major chart. On July 19th a second pressing of "Tetsu no Shima" was released simultaneously with the PV DVD Ayabie Sokkan Eizou Shuu. From July 21st to August 30th, Ayabie held their last tour with Ryohei titled -N.M.POPCORE-. During the entire tour the single "N.M. Gentei Ongen Shuu" was sold. Ryohei withdrewn from the band on August 30th. He has since started his own band called Megamasso. Now as a four piece band Ayabie recruited a support guitarist for lives. Yumehito, former Soroban guitarist, lyrics and song writer filled this position. They would play three lives in October and then release their 11th single "Kimi no Koe to Yakusoku" on November 1st. It didn't chart higher than their last single, but it reached #79 on the major chart. Since Ryohei was Ayabie's main lyrics and song writer, this single and all subsequent releases have a different sound and feel. Ayabie would play three lives in November and release their second full-length album Virgin Snow Color on the 15th. This charted higher than their previous album released a year ago as it reached #77 on the major chart. Yumehito would permanently join the band the next day. The day after that Ayabie would play as a five member band again at Zepp Tokyo. The year would end with the Virgin Snow Color tour. It started on the 21st and concluded on December 23rd. The tour's final was on January 7th, 2007 at Tokyo Kousai Nenkin Kaikan. Here is where "Garasu Saiku no Ohanashi" was distributed. The concert was filmed and was released as the DVD tour '06>>'07 Virgin Snow Color on February 14th, 2007. Yumehito Settling In After two lives in Korea and nine lives including: four regular ones, a one-man, two SPEED DISK presents lives with Nagoya E.L.L., and a live supporting the latest live DVD (all spanning from January to Febraury 2007), Ayabie released their third mini-album Ecumenical on March 7th. This mini-album reached #99 on the major chart. They then started a tour to support this release titled spring tour '07 ecumenical image that started on the 14th and ended on April 8th. During the tour up until April 2nd is when "Brownie" was distributed. The final concert at C.C.Lemon Hall was filmed and it is where "ecumenical image" was distributed. The concert was released later as the DVD spring tour '07 ecumenical image ~at 2007.4.8 C.C.Lemon Hall~ on June 13th. Eight lives, including another two in Korea, were played in April before the release of their 12th single "Sakura Mau Kisetsu ni". This single was released on the 25th and reached #59 on the major chart. April ends for the band on the 29th when Ayabie was a part of Zy. "stylish wave ILLUSION '07 Vol.3". May was only filled with lives, including: two different SPEED DISK presents lives, two lives at Fukuoka DRUM LOGOS, two lives at Shibuya O-EAST, and a live at Sendai JUNKBOX. The band had their second European tour was also during May. It started on the 19th in Germany and ended on the 28th in Finland. June was sparsely filled with lives; one regular live, SHOCK WAVE ~Aporo~ Vol.3, and a one-man. "Cubic'「L/R」ock", Ayabie's 13th single was released on June 27th. This single just broke into the top 30, reaching #29 on the major chart. After two different SPEED DISK presents events (five lives in total), and another live, they started their 2007 summer tour The Brilliant Parade. This tour so far spans the longest time, as it started on June 26th and ended on October 6th. On September 26th, Ayabie released their 14th single "Yubisaki". It charted lower than their latest single, reaching #43 on the major chart. There was also a free live to support the single. During all the September dates on the tour, "Extreme Machine" was distributed. The tour's final on October 6th at Hibiya Yagai Daiongakudou was: where "Day Dream" was distributed, and filmed. The concert was later released as the DVD Summer Tour '07「The Brilliant Parade」Final at HIBIYA YAGAI DAIONGAKUDO on November 28th. Five lives from the end of October to the end of November filled in until they released their fourth mini-album on November 28th, Rikkaboshi. From this release on, they started to visually change into a more mainstream looking one. This is Ayabie's highest charting mini-album, reaching #62 on the major chart. The end of 2007 concludes with three lives plus the winter tour six starz program, which started on December 4th and ended on December 28th. This tour is also the first time Ayabie has played a live on Christmas. Becoming a Major Band 2008 was a shorter year compared to others. It started with three lives and the release of their third PV DVD Film Spiral on February 13th, and on the 15th they released another European exclusive title called Rikkaboshi + a. It's also around this time Ayabie changed their distributor. At this point they still stayed with SPEED DISK management, but switched from XXX RECORDS to GENEON ENTERTAINMENT INC. as a distributor. Between two spring tours, Ayabie released their 15th single "MELT AWAY" (first with new distributor) on March 19th. This reached #17 on the major Oricon chart. The second spring tour's final at Shibuya AX on April 30th was filmed. It was later released as the DVD Mizu ni Tokeru Yuki ~2008.04.30 at SHIBUYA-AX~ on July 9th. May was an important month of lives for the band because Ayabie had their longest international tour. It started on the 28th in Finland and ended on June 19 in U.S.A. On June 25th, "Mikazuki no Kiseki", their 16th single, was released. This was six spots away from their latest single, reaching #23 on the major Oricon chart. July 11th started off the tour with the most dates, the Mikazuki no Kiseki tour. It had 33 stops across Japan and ended on September 27th. The last two dates on the tour, September 19th and September 27th, are when "twilight" and "electric moon light" were distributed respectively. Also in September, Ayabie announced that they would become a major band, and eventually signed with Tokuma Japan Communications. The year 2009 started with a three date January fanclub tour, and two SPEED DISK presents lives in February. The band's last tour as an indies band, The 7th color, started on March 3rd and ended on April 2nd. The tour's final was filmed and released as the DVD The 7th color ~Indies last tour FINAL~ on September 16th. Before their major debut, in May, they performed two consecutive fifth anniversary lives titled "Ayabie Kanshasai" at Shibuya O-EAST on the 7th and 8th. Later on in the month, on the 16th, they took part in the "BENT BEAT SPECIAL '09" event at Zepp Tokyo. The band made their major debut with the single "Aitakute" (their 17th single) on May 27th. It reached #12 on the Oricon chart, where it charted for six weeks. The title song was used as the May ending theme song for NTV's Ongaku Senshi MUSIC FIGHTER. During this time a brand new song, called "Canary", was distributed through volume 197 of SHOXX magazine. On June 26th at Sapporo cube garden they participated in the "V LIVE CHANNEL(side:V)" event. Ayabie released their 18th single "Natsu Monogatari" on August 19th. This reached #10 on the Oricon chart, where it charted for six weeks. The title song was used as the August opening theme song for NTV's program Ongaku Senshi MUSIC FIGHTER. Their tour, colorful rock party, started on August 24th and continued to October 26th, altogether hitting 25 stops. In December the band released their third major single and 19th overall single "Sayonara" on the 2nd. It reached #11 on the Oricon charts, where it charted for three weeks. On the 31st, they took part in the "Over The Edge '09" event with many bands at Shibuya C.C.Lemon Hall. 2010 began with their "brand new story" live on the 6th at Tokyo Kousei Nenkin Kaikan. On January 27th they released their major debut album (third overall album) irodori. The album managed to reach #18 on the Oricon charts, where it had charted for four weeks. In August 2010 they decided to disband due to "musical diverences", but came back in 2010/09/17 as Ayabie, without their former vocalist 葵. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.