Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
87482520 | Play | I'm So Sick | 03:40 Tools | |
89429003 | Play | %%(Eung Eung) | 00:30 Tools | |
14969409 | Play | NoNoNo | 03:40 Tools | |
54636650 | Play | Mr. Chu | 03:42 Tools | |
54636651 | Play | LUV | 04:47 Tools | |
14969410 | Play | MY MY | 41:51 Tools | |
77089516 | Play | Hush | 03:40 Tools | |
77089520 | Play | Five | 02:58 Tools | |
54636654 | Play | Remember | 03:54 Tools | |
14969433 | Play | I Don't Know | 03:36 Tools | |
87482521 | Play | Bubibu | 04:13 Tools | |
54636674 | Play | Only One | 03:23 Tools | |
54636652 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) | 03:34 Tools | |
14969419 | Play | It Girl | 03:23 Tools | |
14969424 | Play | Boo | 03:09 Tools | |
14969421 | Play | Wishlist | 03:33 Tools | |
14969412 | Play | U You | 03:25 Tools | |
14969420 | Play | 몰라요 | 02:30 Tools | |
87482523 | Play | A L R I G H T | 03:49 Tools | |
77089518 | Play | BOY | 03:25 Tools | |
14969413 | Play | Lovely Day | 03:01 Tools | |
87482522 | Play | I Got You | 03:25 Tools | |
89429004 | Play | Hug me | 03:25 Tools | |
14969417 | Play | Step | 03:38 Tools | |
89429005 | Play | What are you doing? | 03:38 Tools | |
54636653 | Play | Seven Springs of Apink | 03:59 Tools | |
54636655 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY | 04:16 Tools | |
14969423 | Play | Une Annee | 00:55 Tools | |
14969414 | Play | Secret Garden | 04:03 Tools | |
14969422 | Play | Yeah | 03:15 Tools | |
89429006 | Play | Enough | 03:15 Tools | |
54636673 | Play | Boom Pow Love | 03:35 Tools | |
54636656 | Play | Crystal | 04:16 Tools | |
54636657 | Play | So Long | 02:58 Tools | |
87482526 | Play | Don't be silly | 04:18 Tools | |
89429007 | Play | Push & Pull | 04:18 Tools | |
14969425 | Play | Prince | 03:52 Tools | |
77089521 | Play | Always | 03:42 Tools | |
87482527 | Play | I Like That Kiss | 04:18 Tools | |
54636658 | Play | Secret | 03:49 Tools | |
14969442 | Play | Let Us Just Love | 02:58 Tools | |
54636660 | Play | Perfume | 04:18 Tools | |
54636666 | Play | Drummer Boy | 03:42 Tools | |
54636659 | Play | Wanna Be | 03:49 Tools | |
14969426 | Play | Cat | 03:33 Tools | |
54636669 | Play | The Wave | 03:32 Tools | |
54636662 | Play | Dejavu | 03:42 Tools | |
14969436 | Play | 하늘 높이 (feat. Joker) | 04:16 Tools | |
87482524 | Play | OH YES | 03:42 Tools | |
77089525 | Play | Eyes | 02:59 Tools | |
87482528 | Play | Forever Star | 03:42 Tools | |
87482529 | Play | Promise me | 03:32 Tools | |
89429008 | Play | Memories | 03:32 Tools | |
54636663 | Play | I DO | 03:42 Tools | |
87482525 | Play | What a Boy Wants | 03:42 Tools | |
77089528 | Play | Kok Kok | 03:49 Tools | |
14969428 | Play | He's My Baby | 03:11 Tools | |
54636678 | Play | FAIRY | 03:36 Tools | |
89429009 | Play | CATCH ME | 03:36 Tools | |
14969427 | Play | 꿈결처럼 | 03:36 Tools | |
54636680 | Play | DING DONG | 03:48 Tools | |
77089524 | Play | TO. US | 02:59 Tools | |
14969415 | Play | 난 니가 필요해 | 03:49 Tools | |
89429010 | Play | Cause you're my star | 03:49 Tools | |
54636665 | Play | Good Morning Baby | 03:42 Tools | |
77089526 | Play | Evergreen | 02:59 Tools | |
89429011 | Play | %% (Eung Eung) | 00:30 Tools | |
14969432 | Play | 4월 19일 | 04:18 Tools | |
77089527 | Play | Miss U | 02:59 Tools | |
14969429 | Play | April 19th | 04:19 Tools | |
54636661 | Play | 사랑동화 | 03:42 Tools | |
77089531 | Play | Like! | 03:49 Tools | |
14969446 | Play | It Girl (Original ver.) | 03:23 Tools | |
54636695 | Play | Petal | 03:49 Tools | |
54636667 | Play | 꽃잎점 | 03:42 Tools | |
54636668 | Play | 끌려 | 03:42 Tools | |
54636670 | Play | 천사가 아냐 | 03:32 Tools | |
14969444 | Play | Like a dream | 03:36 Tools | |
14969435 | Play | 고양이 | 03:32 Tools | |
54636681 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 | 02:59 Tools | |
54636671 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 | 03:32 Tools | |
54636672 | Play | 신기하죠 | 03:35 Tools | |
77089530 | Play | NoNoNo (Ballad Ver.) | 04:19 Tools | |
14969439 | Play | No No No | 03:35 Tools | |
14969445 | Play | I Need You | 03:49 Tools | |
77089532 | Play | LUV (Ballad Ver.) | 03:49 Tools | |
54636692 | Play | Promise U | 03:49 Tools | |
54636727 | Play | Love Story | 03:59 Tools | |
87482531 | Play | Miracle | 01:44 Tools | |
54636676 | Play | 새끼손가락 | 03:40 Tools | |
14969443 | Play | It Girl (Remix ver.) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636706 | Play | Attracted To U | 03:49 Tools | |
89429012 | Play | Everybody Ready? | 03:49 Tools | |
14969434 | Play | NoNoNo (Inst.) | 03:40 Tools | |
54636684 | Play | 네가 손짓해주면 | 02:59 Tools | |
14969438 | Play | BUBIBU (Remix Ver.) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636716 | Play | I'm Not An Angel | 03:42 Tools | |
87482530 | Play | 1도 없어 | 02:59 Tools | |
54636720 | Play | A Wonderful Love | 01:44 Tools | |
14969437 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 | 02:59 Tools | |
54636728 | Play | Once Upon A Time | 03:40 Tools | |
14969440 | Play | BUBIBU (Original ver.) | 03:39 Tools | |
54636682 | Play | NoNoNo - Japanese Version | 02:59 Tools | |
77089529 | Play | 별의 별 | 03:49 Tools | |
77089566 | Play | It's You | 02:58 Tools | |
54636683 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) (Inst.) | 03:24 Tools | |
54636750 | Play | 419 | 04:16 Tools | |
77089564 | Play | Cliche | 02:58 Tools | |
54636754 | Play | Sky High | 03:33 Tools | |
54636685 | Play | Remember (Inst.) | 02:59 Tools | |
77089534 | Play | 콕콕 | 03:09 Tools | |
77089571 | Play | Heaven | 03:42 Tools | |
77089536 | Play | 좋아요! | 01:44 Tools | |
87482537 | Play | Only one (R&B Ver.) | 03:42 Tools | |
54636700 | Play | Brand New Days | 03:49 Tools | |
77089543 | Play | Bye Bye | 03:55 Tools | |
54636686 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) - Japanese Version | 02:59 Tools | |
89429013 | Play | %%(응응) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636687 | Play | LUV (Inst.) | 03:09 Tools | |
77089535 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 (R&B Ver.) | 03:59 Tools | |
54636737 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 Only One | 03:40 Tools | |
77089537 | Play | 흔한 일 | 01:44 Tools | |
77089538 | Play | 잃어버린 조각 | 03:49 Tools | |
87482533 | Play | 말보다 너 | 03:40 Tools | |
87482532 | Play | 별 그리고.. | 03:49 Tools | |
14969441 | Play | He s My Baby | 03:09 Tools | |
77089539 | Play | 그 봄날, 이 가을 | 03:40 Tools | |
54636688 | Play | Luv - Japanese Version | 03:09 Tools | |
54636734 | Play | Sunshine Girl | 03:40 Tools | |
89429014 | Play | 느낌적인 느낌 | 03:40 Tools | |
89429015 | Play | 안아줘요 | 03:40 Tools | |
54636691 | Play | It Girl (Remix ver.) (Inst.) | 03:49 Tools | |
54636698 | Play | 사랑동화 Love Story | 03:49 Tools | |
54636693 | Play | PINK SEASON | 03:49 Tools | |
14969475 | Play | He`s My Baby | 03:09 Tools | |
77089541 | Play | FIVE (Inst.) | 03:49 Tools | |
89429016 | Play | 줄다리기 | 03:49 Tools | |
54636689 | Play | MyMy - Japanese Version | 03:49 Tools | |
87482540 | Play | 1도 없어 (I’m so sick) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636694 | Play | NoNoNo -Japanese Ver.- | 03:49 Tools | |
54636690 | Play | Remberber | 03:49 Tools | |
87482534 | Play | Orion | 03:49 Tools | |
77089596 | Play | 0419 | 03:20 Tools | |
77089540 | Play | LUV (Japanese ver.) | 03:49 Tools | |
89429017 | Play | 기억 더하기 | 03:49 Tools | |
77089547 | Play | 별의 별 Cause You're My Star | 01:44 Tools | |
54636708 | Play | 천사가 아냐 I'm not an angel | 03:55 Tools | |
54636719 | Play | 꽃잎점 Petal | 01:44 Tools | |
77089546 | Play | My First Love | 01:44 Tools | |
89429018 | Play | %%(응응) (Eung Eung) | 01:44 Tools | |
54636699 | Play | Promise U (새끼손가락) | 03:49 Tools | |
77089562 | Play | もっとGO!GO! | 02:58 Tools | |
54636701 | Play | Mr.Chu | 03:49 Tools | |
54636702 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) -Japanese Ver.- | 03:49 Tools | |
54636718 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 Once upon a time | 03:42 Tools | |
77089553 | Play | ぱぴぷぺPON! | 00:57 Tools | |
54636762 | Play | Remember (inst) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636703 | Play | MyMy -Japanese Ver.- | 02:41 Tools | |
54636779 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) (inst) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636704 | Play | Remember -Japanese Ver.- | 03:49 Tools | |
54636697 | Play | NoNoNo [Japanese Ver.] | 03:49 Tools | |
54636733 | Play | 끌려 Attracted to U | 03:40 Tools | |
54636746 | Play | 네가 손짓해주면 The Wave | 03:09 Tools | |
77089558 | Play | 콕콕 Kok Kok | 03:31 Tools | |
54636715 | Play | LUV (Instrumental) | 03:42 Tools | |
77089545 | Play | Shining Star | 01:44 Tools | |
54636714 | Play | LUV -Japanese Ver.- | 03:42 Tools | |
54636709 | Play | HUSH -Japanese Ver.- | 03:55 Tools | |
54636730 | Play | サマータイム! | 03:40 Tools | |
54636710 | Play | U You -Japanese Ver.- | 03:55 Tools | |
87482535 | Play | 고양이 (Cat) | 03:09 Tools | |
54636712 | Play | BUBIBU -Japanese Ver.- | 03:42 Tools | |
77089559 | Play | Only One - R&B Version | 00:57 Tools | |
89429019 | Play | %% | 00:57 Tools | |
54636736 | Play | 새끼손가락 Promise U | 03:40 Tools | |
87482544 | Play | FIVE - Instrumental version | 03:33 Tools | |
54636731 | Play | Mr. Chu (Instrumental) | 03:40 Tools | |
14969649 | Play | Let Us Just Love (inst.) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636713 | Play | モルラヨ -Japanese Ver.- | 03:42 Tools | |
77089554 | Play | No No No - Ballad Version | 00:57 Tools | |
54636705 | Play | Hush - Japanese Version | 03:49 Tools | |
54636773 | Play | LUV (inst) | 04:16 Tools | |
87482536 | Play | Rainbow | 03:42 Tools | |
54636778 | Play | NoNoNo (inst) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636726 | Play | NoNoNo (Japanese Ver.) | 01:44 Tools | |
77089561 | Play | 좋아요! Like! | 02:58 Tools | |
77089548 | Play | If I.... | 03:40 Tools | |
54636735 | Play | 신기하죠 A Wonderful Love | 03:40 Tools | |
77089601 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage) - Japanese Ver. | 03:33 Tools | |
14969451 | Play | 몰라요 (I Don't Know) | 03:42 Tools | |
54636721 | Play | Good Morning Baby (Japanese Ver.) | 01:44 Tools | |
54636722 | Play | Good Morning Baby -Japanese Ver.- | 01:44 Tools | |
54636723 | Play | 天使じゃない -Japanese Ver.- | 01:44 Tools | |
54636707 | Play | Apink | 03:55 Tools | |
77089567 | Play | I'm in Love | 03:33 Tools | |
77089544 | Play | BUBIBU (Remix ver.) (Inst.) | 03:40 Tools | |
77089549 | Play | 甘い恋しようよ | 03:40 Tools | |
14969463 | Play | NoNoNo (Instrumental) | 03:40 Tools | |
77089608 | Play | NoNoNo - Japanese Ver. | 03:33 Tools | |
54636729 | Play | 4月19日 -Japanese Ver.- | 03:40 Tools | |
54636717 | Play | MyMy [Japanese Ver.] | 03:42 Tools | |
77089560 | Play | LUV - Ballad Version | 02:58 Tools | |
77089550 | Play | IT GIRL -Japanese Ver.- | 03:33 Tools | |
87482538 | Play | Hello Hello | 02:58 Tools | |
89429020 | Play | %% (응응) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636785 | Play | 몰라요 I Don't Know | 03:21 Tools | |
14969447 | Play | Seven Springs Of A Pink | 01:44 Tools | |
54636894 | Play | Mr. Chu (Inst.) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089552 | Play | サマータイム! | 02:58 Tools | |
54636744 | Play | NoNoNo - Instrumental | 02:58 Tools | |
54636724 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage)〜Japanese Ver.〜 | 01:44 Tools | |
54636876 | Play | Yeah -Japanese Ver.- | 04:16 Tools | |
54636732 | Play | Fairytale Love | 03:40 Tools | |
87482539 | Play | Don`t be silly | 03:49 Tools | |
54636841 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY -Japanese Ver.- | 03:33 Tools | |
54636725 | Play | Good Morning Baby (Inst.) | 01:44 Tools | |
87482553 | Play | Mr. Chu - Instrumental version | 03:55 Tools | |
14969506 | Play | 난 니가 필요해 I Need You | 03:48 Tools | |
14969525 | Play | MyMY | 03:55 Tools | |
87482541 | Play | Darling | 04:16 Tools | |
77089555 | Play | ファンファーレ! | 03:48 Tools | |
87482543 | Play | Love Forever | 03:49 Tools | |
77089551 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 (Inst.) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636739 | Play | Yeah (Japanese Version) | 03:55 Tools | |
77089607 | Play | LUV - Japanese Ver. | 03:33 Tools | |
54636740 | Play | Remember (Instrumental) | 00:57 Tools | |
54636738 | Play | Good Morning Baby - Japanese Version | 03:40 Tools | |
87482542 | Play | Love Shoot! | 03:49 Tools | |
54636758 | Play | 네가 손짓해주면 The Wave (Instrumental) | 03:33 Tools | |
77089592 | Play | FIVE - Instrumental | 02:59 Tools | |
77089565 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 Only One (R&B Ver.) | 04:16 Tools | |
77089556 | Play | 4월 19일 (Inst.) | 04:16 Tools | |
14969458 | Play | 난 니가 필요해 (I Need You) | 03:49 Tools | |
54636787 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 (Only One) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636741 | Play | HUSH (Japanese Ver.) | 03:49 Tools | |
54636759 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage) - Japanese Version | 03:33 Tools | |
87482547 | Play | Happy Ending | 03:42 Tools | |
87482545 | Play | ダリア | 03:42 Tools | |
54636765 | Play | NoNoNo (Japanese Version) | 02:58 Tools | |
87482559 | Play | Once upon a time - Instrumental version | 02:58 Tools | |
77089563 | Play | 花占い -Japanese Ver.- | 02:58 Tools | |
77089570 | Play | 잃어버린 조각 Heaven | 03:42 Tools | |
54636764 | Play | LUV (Japanese Version) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636794 | Play | Remember - Instrumental | 02:58 Tools | |
77089569 | Play | 흔한 일 Cliche | 03:42 Tools | |
14969453 | Play | Une Année | 00:57 Tools | |
87482563 | Play | 0419 - Instrumental version | 03:29 Tools | |
54636749 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) - Instrumental | 04:17 Tools | |
77089573 | Play | Always (Inst.) | 04:16 Tools | |
87482550 | Play | 1도 없어 (I'm So Sick) | 02:58 Tools | |
87482546 | Play | MyMy (instrumental) | 03:42 Tools | |
89429021 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY - Japanese Version | 03:42 Tools | |
77089572 | Play | 그 봄날, 이 가을 It's You | 02:58 Tools | |
14969474 | Play | 하늘 높이 (Sky High) [feat. Joker] | 03:21 Tools | |
54636763 | Play | Luv - Instrumental | 02:58 Tools | |
14969473 | Play | 4월 19일 (0419) | 04:17 Tools | |
89429022 | Play | REMEMBER (Japanese Ver.) | 04:17 Tools | |
54636755 | Play | MyMy - Instrumental | 03:33 Tools | |
14969452 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 (inst.) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636772 | Play | Good Morning Baby - Instrumental | 04:16 Tools | |
54636742 | Play | Mr. Chu ( Original Ver ) | 03:49 Tools | |
14969460 | Play | 꿈결처럼 (Like A Dream) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636761 | Play | Sunday Monday (Japanese Version) | 02:58 Tools | |
14969465 | Play | 하늘 높이 | 03:21 Tools | |
89429023 | Play | Eung Eung | 03:21 Tools | |
14969485 | Play | 4月19日 | 04:17 Tools | |
87482557 | Play | Miracle - Instrumental version | 02:59 Tools | |
14969488 | Play | 4월19일 | 04:16 Tools | |
89429024 | Play | I’m So Sick | 04:16 Tools | |
54636769 | Play | Hush - Instrumental | 04:16 Tools | |
77089648 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY - Japanese Ver. | 03:03 Tools | |
14969456 | Play | Let Us Just Love (우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089625 | Play | HUSH - Japanese Ver. | 03:32 Tools | |
14969455 | Play | I Don't Know (몰라요) | 03:41 Tools | |
14969471 | Play | 4월 19일 (April 19th) | 04:16 Tools | |
77089575 | Play | Five (Instrumental) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636745 | Play | LUV - Apink | 03:09 Tools | |
54636757 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) (Japanese Ver.) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636751 | Play | MyMy (Japanese Ver.) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636748 | Play | Not An Angel | 04:17 Tools | |
54636777 | Play | Hush (Japanese Version) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636756 | Play | Mr Chu | 03:33 Tools | |
87482558 | Play | MyMy - Japanese Ver. | 02:58 Tools | |
54636752 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) [Instrumental] | 03:42 Tools | |
87482548 | Play | 새끼손가락 (inst.) | 03:42 Tools | |
14969462 | Play | Let's Us Just Love | 02:58 Tools | |
89429025 | Play | Everybody Ready? - Instrumental | 02:58 Tools | |
87482549 | Play | 기적 같은 이야기 (Miracle) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636775 | Play | BUBIBU (Japanese Ver.) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636868 | Play | Promise U (Inst) | 04:16 Tools | |
14969469 | Play | I dont know | 03:42 Tools | |
54636766 | Play | MY MY (Japanese ver.) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636767 | Play | Good Morning Baby (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636865 | Play | Summer Time! | 04:16 Tools | |
77089589 | Play | Always - Instrumental | 03:42 Tools | |
14969459 | Play | Up To The Sky | 03:21 Tools | |
54636804 | Play | MyMy (Japanese Version) | 02:59 Tools | |
87482551 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY (Japanese Ver.) | 02:58 Tools | |
87482554 | Play | 1도 없어 (I`m so sick) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636783 | Play | U You (Japanese Ver.) | 03:31 Tools | |
14969468 | Play | Like Dream | 03:33 Tools | |
87482562 | Play | Good Morning Baby - Japanese Ver. | 03:30 Tools | |
14969467 | Play | Please let us love | 02:58 Tools | |
54636776 | Play | Brand New Days (Instrumental) | 04:16 Tools | |
77089585 | Play | Mr. Chu - Instrumental | 03:49 Tools | |
54636935 | Play | BUBIBU (Remix Ver.) (inst) | 03:31 Tools | |
87482578 | Play | Miracle - Instrumental | 04:07 Tools | |
54636813 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) [Japanese Version] | 03:49 Tools | |
54636817 | Play | Yeah (Japanese Ver.) | 03:55 Tools | |
54636781 | Play | 꽃잎점 (Petal) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636771 | Play | Attracted | 04:16 Tools | |
54636760 | Play | Remember - Apink | 02:58 Tools | |
54636799 | Play | Good Morning Baby (Japanese Version) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636855 | Play | 고양이 Cat | 03:42 Tools | |
54636770 | Play | Mr.Chu (On Stage) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636774 | Play | Deja Vu | 04:16 Tools | |
87482552 | Play | Yeah (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636789 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) (Japanese Version) | 03:21 Tools | |
77089583 | Play | 0419 - Instrumental | 00:30 Tools | |
77089614 | Play | I Don`t Know | 03:21 Tools | |
87482555 | Play | 별의 별 (Cause You’re My Star) | 03:31 Tools | |
77089581 | Play | Once Upon A Time - Instrumental | 04:16 Tools | |
87482567 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY - Inst. | 02:59 Tools | |
14969457 | Play | 하늘 높이(Feat. Joker) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636798 | Play | 새끼손가락 (Promise U) | 03:41 Tools | |
14969522 | Play | April 19 | 04:16 Tools | |
54636858 | Play | The Wave - Instrumental | 02:59 Tools | |
54636884 | Play | Good Morning Baby (inst) | 03:36 Tools | |
54636861 | Play | 꿈결처럼 Like A Dream | 02:59 Tools | |
54636829 | Play | 네가 손짓해주면 (The Wave) | 02:58 Tools | |
14969461 | Play | 하늘높이 | 03:21 Tools | |
54636809 | Play | 하늘 높이 (Feat. Joker) (Up to the sky (Feat. Joker)) | 03:30 Tools | |
54636780 | Play | モルラヨ (I don't know.) | 03:31 Tools | |
14969520 | Play | Sky High (feat. Joker) | 03:21 Tools | |
87482560 | Play | 기적 같은 이야기 | 04:16 Tools | |
54636896 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage) - Instrumental | 03:33 Tools | |
89429026 | Play | %% ) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636922 | Play | 4월 19일 0419 | 03:24 Tools | |
54636811 | Play | Flower Petal | 03:33 Tools | |
54636886 | Play | 하늘 높이 Sky High (feat. Joker) | 03:37 Tools | |
14969470 | Play | Bubibu (Remix Version) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636795 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636792 | Play | HUSH (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
89429027 | Play | Sunday Monday - Instrumental | 02:58 Tools | |
54636801 | Play | Sunshine Girl (Instrumental) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636800 | Play | My Darling (Apink BnN) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636788 | Play | 네가 손짓해주면 (Inst.) | 03:21 Tools | |
77089582 | Play | Fanfare! | 00:30 Tools | |
89429028 | Play | Bye Bye (Instrumental) | 00:30 Tools | |
77089599 | Play | 콕콕 (Kok Kok) | 03:33 Tools | |
87482568 | Play | Don’t be silly | 03:20 Tools | |
54636786 | Play | 사랑동화 (Fairytale Love) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636806 | Play | Mr. Chu (Japanese Ver.) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636807 | Play | モルラヨ | 03:30 Tools | |
14969685 | Play | SKY HIGH (Feat.Joker) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636791 | Play | My Darling | 02:58 Tools | |
54636782 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) - Apink | 03:31 Tools | |
54636810 | Play | 天使じゃない | 03:30 Tools | |
89429029 | Play | IT GIRL (Japanese Ver.) | 03:30 Tools | |
54636814 | Play | Remember (Japanese Version) | 03:55 Tools | |
77089591 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 Once Upon a Time (Instrumental) | 03:29 Tools | |
54636784 | Play | I Do Not Know | 03:21 Tools | |
54636859 | Play | The Wave (네가 손짓해주면) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636821 | Play | U You (Japanese Version) | 00:30 Tools | |
54636815 | Play | Bubibu (Japanese Version) | 03:55 Tools | |
54636790 | Play | NoNoNo(Japanese Ver.) | 03:21 Tools | |
77089603 | Play | It Girl (Remix Ver.) (inst) | 03:21 Tools | |
77089586 | Play | ファンファーレ! | 02:59 Tools | |
14969464 | Play | Please, Let's Just Love | 02:58 Tools | |
54636805 | Play | 천사가 아냐 (Not An Angel) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636808 | Play | 천사가 아냐 (I'm Not An Angel) | 03:30 Tools | |
54636824 | Play | 天使じゃない (Japanese Ver.) | 03:42 Tools | |
54636883 | Play | 花占い (Japanese Ver.) | 03:21 Tools | |
77089588 | Play | ぱぴぷぺPON! (Instrumental) | 02:59 Tools | |
77089594 | Play | 4월 19일 0419 (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636796 | Play | NoNoNo - Apink | 02:58 Tools | |
14969499 | Play | I Need You (난 니가 필요해) | 03:49 Tools | |
14969489 | Play | Mollayo | 03:41 Tools | |
54636820 | Play | 4月19日 (Japanese Ver.) | 00:30 Tools | |
87482571 | Play | 별 그리고.. (Forever Star) | 03:29 Tools | |
54636826 | Play | 끌려 (Attracted to U) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636793 | Play | LUV (Areia Kpop Remix #160) | 02:58 Tools | |
87482564 | Play | 꽃잎점 (petal) | 02:58 Tools | |
87482574 | Play | I'm So Sick (1도 없어) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636812 | Play | Rembember | 03:33 Tools | |
87482597 | Play | 1도 없어 I’m so sick | 03:00 Tools | |
14969498 | Play | Like A Dream (꿈결처럼) | 03:33 Tools | |
87482566 | Play | It Girl (Remix version) | 03:30 Tools | |
54636830 | Play | モルラヨ (Japanese Ver.) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089590 | Play | Dear (Whisper) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636816 | Play | Love Like A Fairytale | 03:55 Tools | |
89429030 | Play | 말보다 너 (Promise me) | 03:55 Tools | |
87482569 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 (Once Upon a Time) | 03:20 Tools | |
77089604 | Play | 좋아요! (Like!) | 03:24 Tools | |
14969478 | Play | Let Us Love | 02:59 Tools | |
54636818 | Play | No Angel | 02:57 Tools | |
54636835 | Play | April 19th (Japanese Version) | 03:33 Tools | |
89429031 | Play | It Girl - Original Version | 03:33 Tools | |
87482570 | Play | Alright | 02:58 Tools | |
14969466 | Play | A Pink - Hush | 03:30 Tools | |
54636851 | Play | Tenshijanai (Japanese Version) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636869 | Play | Morurayo (Japanese Version) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636832 | Play | 신기하죠 (A Wonderful Love) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089597 | Play | 별의 별 (Cause You're My Star) | 03:29 Tools | |
54636846 | Play | 사랑동화 (Love Story) | 03:29 Tools | |
89429032 | Play | It Girl - Remix Version | 03:29 Tools | |
54636833 | Play | BUBIBU mirrored Dance Practice | 02:58 Tools | |
89429033 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636837 | Play | My My (Instrumental) | 03:33 Tools | |
14969472 | Play | 하늘높이 (feat. 용준형) | 03:55 Tools | |
14969477 | Play | Let Us Just Love ( OST.Protect The Boss ) | 02:57 Tools | |
14969604 | Play | ??? | 03:42 Tools | |
14969719 | Play | Mollayo (I Don't Know) | 00:30 Tools | |
54636840 | Play | Mr. Chy (On Stage) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636819 | Play | Mr. Chu [On Stage Version] | 00:30 Tools | |
77089593 | Play | Only One (내가 설렐 수 있게) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636828 | Play | Fortune Telling Petal | 02:58 Tools | |
87482577 | Play | Dahlia | 02:58 Tools | |
87482573 | Play | Orion (Instrumental) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089600 | Play | 花占い | 03:33 Tools | |
77089613 | Play | もっとGO!GO! (Instrumental) | 03:37 Tools | |
77089595 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 (Love Like a Fairytale) | 02:58 Tools | |
89429034 | Play | 안아줘요 (Hug Me) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636822 | Play | Mr | 03:42 Tools | |
87482579 | Play | 1도 없어 I'm So Sick | 04:07 Tools | |
54636831 | Play | 끌려 (Attracted) | 02:58 Tools | |
14969528 | Play | Let Us Just Love(OST "Спасти босса) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089615 | Play | Amai Koi Shiyouyo | 03:21 Tools | |
77089624 | Play | I'm in Love (Instrumental) | 03:32 Tools | |
54636827 | Play | Luv [Instrumental] | 02:58 Tools | |
14969527 | Play | Please Let Us Just Love | 02:58 Tools | |
77089609 | Play | Petal -Japanese Ver.- | 02:59 Tools | |
89429035 | Play | 느낌적인 느낌 (What Are You Doing?) | 02:59 Tools | |
89429036 | Play | Rainbow (Instrumental) | 02:59 Tools | |
54636843 | Play | NoNoNo(Inst.) | 03:20 Tools | |
54636863 | Play | Mr. Chu (dance practice) DVhd | 02:59 Tools | |
54636842 | Play | Fairytale Love (사랑동화) | 03:33 Tools | |
77089606 | Play | Up to the Sky (ft. Joker) | 03:42 Tools | |
77089616 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 (Only One) (R&B Ver.) | 04:13 Tools | |
54636838 | Play | NO NO NO (DJ AMAYA VS. GROOVEBOT REMIX) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636839 | Play | Petal(꽃잎점) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636850 | Play | Cat (고양이) | 03:29 Tools | |
87482580 | Play | Brand New Days (Japanese Ver.) | 03:29 Tools | |
14969716 | Play | HUSH (中字) | 03:29 Tools | |
89429037 | Play | Motto GO! GO! | 03:29 Tools | |
87482575 | Play | A Pink - I Don't Know | 03:36 Tools | |
14969676 | Play | Don't Know | 03:42 Tools | |
89429038 | Play | 줄다리기 (Push & Pull) | 03:42 Tools | |
77089636 | Play | Always (Instrumental) | 03:29 Tools | |
89429039 | Play | 기억 더하기 (Memories) | 03:29 Tools | |
54636836 | Play | Apink 4TH MINI [Pink Blossom] 'Mr.Chu' | 03:33 Tools | |
54636895 | Play | Déjà vu | 03:33 Tools | |
89429040 | Play | Sunday Monday (オルゴール Ver.) | 03:33 Tools | |
77089602 | Play | HUSH [instrumental] | 02:59 Tools | |
14969679 | Play | 몰라요 (Don't Know) | 03:42 Tools | |
14969514 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 (Let Us Just Love) | 02:58 Tools | |
54636864 | Play | Crystal (크리스탈) | 04:16 Tools | |
14969591 | Play | NoNoNo [Instrumental] | 03:40 Tools | |
14969642 | Play | 하늘 높이 (feat. 용준형) | 03:20 Tools | |
14969634 | Play | A PINK - Wishlist | 03:33 Tools | |
89429041 | Play | %%(Eung Eung(응응)) | 03:33 Tools | |
14969661 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해 주세요 | 03:00 Tools | |
77089610 | Play | 甘い恋をしようよ | 03:12 Tools | |
87482589 | Play | Papipupepon! | 03:21 Tools | |
54636853 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage) | 03:43 Tools | |
54636845 | Play | Apink-Hush | 03:29 Tools | |
14969519 | Play | April 19th (4월 19일) | 04:16 Tools | |
14969493 | Play | skinny baby | 03:29 Tools | |
77089612 | Play | Dear (Whisper) (CD ONLY) | 03:30 Tools | |
14969545 | Play | I Don't Know 몰라요 | 03:42 Tools | |
54636847 | Play | LUV (Areia Kpop Remix) | 03:29 Tools | |
89429042 | Play | Everybody Ready? (Instrumental) | 03:29 Tools | |
54636890 | Play | サマータイム! (Instrumental) | 03:37 Tools | |
14969496 | Play | I Don’t Know | 03:42 Tools | |
54636900 | Play | MY MY (Japanese Version) | 03:21 Tools | |
14969602 | Play | APINK - HUSH | 03:30 Tools | |
77089605 | Play | Bubibu (Remix) | 03:30 Tools | |
89429043 | Play | im so sick | 03:30 Tools | |
89429044 | Play | I'm so sick(1도 없어) | 03:30 Tools | |
54636854 | Play | My Darling (마이달링) | 03:42 Tools | |
54636857 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) 〜Japanese Ver.〜 | 02:59 Tools | |
54636906 | Play | A Wonderful Love (신기하죠) | 04:07 Tools | |
87482581 | Play | 기적 같은 이야기 Miracle | 03:36 Tools | |
54636873 | Play | 내가 설렐 수 있게 - Apink | 04:16 Tools | |
54636852 | Play | Secret - Apink | 03:00 Tools | |
77089644 | Play | Petal (Japanese Version) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429045 | Play | Promise U - Instrumental | 03:03 Tools | |
54636911 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) ~Japanese Ver.~ | 04:07 Tools | |
14969505 | Play | 몰라요(I Don't Know) | 03:43 Tools | |
14969595 | Play | ¸ô¶ó¿ä | 03:42 Tools | |
54636856 | Play | Isn't It Amazing | 02:59 Tools | |
14969640 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 – 에이핑크 (Protect The Boss OST Part.1) | 02:59 Tools | |
89429046 | Play | %% Eung Eung | 02:59 Tools | |
87482591 | Play | Cause You’re My Star | 03:52 Tools | |
14969476 | Play | So What | 03:36 Tools | |
77089623 | Play | Lost Piece | 03:32 Tools | |
89429047 | Play | I’m In Love | 03:32 Tools | |
87482595 | Play | 기적 같은 이야기 (Inst.) | 04:07 Tools | |
54636862 | Play | My My - Apink | 03:12 Tools | |
14969487 | Play | 猫 | 03:33 Tools | |
87482583 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY (썬데이 먼데이) | 03:21 Tools | |
54636879 | Play | My Darling (ApinkBnN) | 03:30 Tools | |
89429048 | Play | Apink - I'm so sick | 03:30 Tools | |
54636881 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) ~Japanese Ver.~ | 03:30 Tools | |
77089620 | Play | Like! (좋아요!) | 03:49 Tools | |
77089639 | Play | Kok Kok (콕콕) | 03:30 Tools | |
77089618 | Play | Summer Time | 03:52 Tools | |
87482608 | Play | 별 그리고.. (Star And..) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636866 | Play | Mr. chu - APINK | 04:16 Tools | |
87482587 | Play | 기적 같은 이야기 (Miracle) (Inst.) | 04:13 Tools | |
14969631 | Play | 몰라요 (Mollayo) [I Don't Know] | 03:42 Tools | |
54636867 | Play | 不知道 | 04:16 Tools | |
54636904 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 (Instrumental) | 03:49 Tools | |
54636870 | Play | Let Us Just Love (Protect The Boss OST) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636871 | Play | 꿈결처럼 (Kkumgyeolcheoreom) [Like A Dream] | 04:16 Tools | |
54636939 | Play | Attracted (끌려) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482600 | Play | Motto GO!GO! | 03:24 Tools | |
14969504 | Play | Let's Us Just Love (Protect The Boss OST) | 11:06 Tools | |
54636872 | Play | Good Morning Baby - Apink | 04:16 Tools | |
77089627 | Play | Up To The Sky (하늘 높이) (feat. Joker) | 03:24 Tools | |
54636875 | Play | 077 에이핑크(Apink) - My My | 04:16 Tools | |
89429049 | Play | Everybody Ready? (Inst.) | 04:16 Tools | |
89429050 | Play | BUBIBU - Instrumental | 04:16 Tools | |
54636874 | Play | 꽃잎점 - Apink | 04:16 Tools | |
87482584 | Play | 그 봄날 이 가을 | 04:16 Tools | |
14969491 | Play | Please, Let's Just Love (OST Protect the Boss) | 00:00 Tools | |
54636877 | Play | HUSH ~Japanese Ver.~ | 04:16 Tools | |
89429051 | Play | 응응 | 04:16 Tools | |
54636878 | Play | Mr. Chu (미스터 츄) | 04:16 Tools | |
89429052 | Play | %% (응응) (Eung Eung) | 04:16 Tools | |
87482585 | Play | 별의 별 (Cause You`re My Star) | 04:16 Tools | |
14969512 | Play | 02. HUSH | 03:30 Tools | |
54636891 | Play | Let Us Just Love (우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요) | 00:00 Tools | |
87482590 | Play | It Girl (Japanese Version) | 03:52 Tools | |
54636937 | Play | SUNDAY MONDAY (Inst.) | 03:55 Tools | |
77089626 | Play | 새끼손가락 Promise U (Instrumental) | 03:42 Tools | |
54636893 | Play | MY MY MV | 04:13 Tools | |
54636903 | Play | Petal (꽃잎점) | 03:55 Tools | |
14969681 | Play | 하늘높이 (feat. Joker) | 03:21 Tools | |
77089643 | Play | I Like It! | 03:03 Tools | |
54636941 | Play | LUV (러브) | 03:03 Tools | |
14969523 | Play | Up To The Sky feat. Joker | 03:21 Tools | |
77089628 | Play | Hush (허쉬) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636885 | Play | 몰라요 - Apink | 03:21 Tools | |
14969674 | Play | 06. Step | 03:37 Tools | |
54636907 | Play | No No No (Japanese Version) | 04:07 Tools | |
54636887 | Play | 새끼손가락 - Apink | 03:37 Tools | |
54636888 | Play | 끌려 - Apink | 03:37 Tools | |
54636889 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 (Love Like Fairytale) | 03:37 Tools | |
87482586 | Play | It Girl (remix) | 03:37 Tools | |
89429053 | Play | Cause you're my star (별의 별) | 03:37 Tools | |
77089632 | Play | MY MY -Japanese ver.- | 03:31 Tools | |
14969709 | Play | 05. Bubibu | 03:39 Tools | |
14969518 | Play | LOVE DAY | 03:57 Tools | |
77089649 | Play | NoNoNo (노노노) | 03:03 Tools | |
14969492 | Play | Up To The Sky (feat. Junhyung) | 03:21 Tools | |
14969497 | Play | Sober | 04:13 Tools | |
54636892 | Play | 고양이 (Goyangi) [Cat] | 03:21 Tools | |
89429054 | Play | 말보다 너 (You Than Words) | 03:21 Tools | |
14969529 | Play | A Pink - My My | 41:51 Tools | |
54636915 | Play | Mr. Chu(미스터 츄) | 04:13 Tools | |
14969521 | Play | Let Us Just Love (OST Protect The Boss) | 02:58 Tools | |
77089640 | Play | 그 봄날, 이 가을 (That Spring, This Autumn) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482599 | Play | BUBIBU (Remix ver.) (Instrumental) | 03:29 Tools | |
87482593 | Play | LUV (Ballad version) | 00:00 Tools | |
14969580 | Play | 05 Prince | 03:49 Tools | |
54636938 | Play | 크리스탈 | 03:03 Tools | |
14969577 | Play | Fuckin' Perfect | 03:33 Tools | |
14969483 | Play | Try | 04:07 Tools | |
54636940 | Play | Une Année (Intro) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429055 | Play | Once Upon a Time (Instrumental) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429056 | Play | NoNoNo (Ballad Version) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636897 | Play | Perfume - Apink | 03:33 Tools | |
54636898 | Play | Secret Garden - Apink | 03:33 Tools | |
54636899 | Play | A-PINK | 03:33 Tools | |
89429057 | Play | 0419 (Instrumental) | 03:33 Tools | |
54636912 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage Version) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636913 | Play | 몰라요 (Mollayo) | 04:16 Tools | |
14969675 | Play | 노노노 (NoNoNo) | 03:40 Tools | |
14969526 | Play | 하늘 높이 (ft. Joker) | 03:21 Tools | |
89429058 | Play | %% (Eung Eung) (응응) | 03:21 Tools | |
14969644 | Play | 4월 19일 (April 19) | 04:16 Tools | |
54636901 | Play | Hush Hush | 03:21 Tools | |
54636930 | Play | 하늘 높이 (Up To The Sky) (feat. Joker) | 03:00 Tools | |
14969482 | Play | Last Christmas | 01:38 Tools | |
14969495 | Play | Please Don't Leave Me | 03:52 Tools | |
77089635 | Play | That Spring, This Autumn | 03:31 Tools | |
87482592 | Play | Cause You`re My Star | 03:52 Tools | |
54636902 | Play | Up To The Sky (feat Joker) | 03:52 Tools | |
54636916 | Play | U You - Apink | 03:27 Tools | |
54636905 | Play | Snow Pink | 03:49 Tools | |
14969502 | Play | Let Us Just Love(OST 'Спасти босса) | 00:00 Tools | |
89429059 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage) [Japanese Ver.] | 00:00 Tools | |
77089637 | Play | I'm Not an Angel (천사가 아냐) | 03:29 Tools | |
77089621 | Play | Attracted To U (끌려) | 03:49 Tools | |
54636918 | Play | LUV (Areia Remix) | 03:24 Tools | |
89429060 | Play | 말보다 너 Promise Me | 03:24 Tools | |
89429061 | Play | 별 그리고.. Forever Star | 03:24 Tools | |
77089622 | Play | He’s My Baby | 03:32 Tools | |
89429062 | Play | %%(응응) (%%(Eung Eung)) | 03:32 Tools | |
89429063 | Play | LUV Lyrics (Rom+Han+Eng) | 03:32 Tools | |
14969710 | Play | 고양이 | 03:32 Tools | |
87482594 | Play | 미스터 츄 | 03:32 Tools | |
54636947 | Play | Songs Compilation | 03:03 Tools | |
87482614 | Play | Mr.Chu (On Stage) -Japanese Ver.- | 03:03 Tools | |
54636908 | Play | NoNoNo MV | 04:07 Tools | |
14969507 | Play | Bubibu (Original Version) | 03:39 Tools | |
54636910 | Play | NoNoNo (Japanese Ver.) Full/PV | 04:07 Tools | |
87482601 | Play | モルラヨ (I Don't Know) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429064 | Play | Remeber | 03:03 Tools | |
14969581 | Play | Please Allow Us To Love | 03:00 Tools | |
87482612 | Play | Mr. Chu(On Stage) (Japanese ver.) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482603 | Play | もっとGO!GO! (Motto GO!GO!) | 03:00 Tools | |
14969585 | Play | Molla Yo | 03:42 Tools | |
14969510 | Play | 몰라요 (I Don’t Know) | 03:42 Tools | |
54636933 | Play | 꽃잎점 (Flower Petal) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636914 | Play | Apink - LUV | 03:42 Tools | |
89429065 | Play | Remember (레멤버) | 03:42 Tools | |
14969708 | Play | I Don't Know (Instrumental) | 03:42 Tools | |
87482611 | Play | Common Thing | 03:29 Tools | |
14969691 | Play | 4월 19일 (4 Wol 19 Ir) [April 19th] | 04:16 Tools | |
54636936 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage)〜Japanese Ver.〜 | 03:55 Tools | |
89429066 | Play | 안아줘요 Hug Me | 03:55 Tools | |
14969490 | Play | Raise Your Glass | 03:24 Tools | |
87482598 | Play | Mr. Chu (On Stage) [Japanese Ver.] | 03:24 Tools | |
89429067 | Play | Perfume (퍼푸메) | 03:24 Tools | |
54636917 | Play | It's Amazing, Right | 03:24 Tools | |
89429068 | Play | 흔한 일 (Ordinary Thing) | 03:24 Tools | |
77089641 | Play | It's Amazing Right | 03:03 Tools | |
54636919 | Play | Just Give Me A Reason (feat. Nate Ruess) | 03:24 Tools | |
87482615 | Play | Like It! | 03:03 Tools | |
54636945 | Play | Fairy tale love | 03:03 Tools | |
54636920 | Play | 선데이 먼데이 | 03:24 Tools | |
54636921 | Play | Mr.Chu(舞动全球) | 03:24 Tools | |
89429069 | Play | Fortune Telling Petal (꽃잎점) | 03:24 Tools | |
89429070 | Play | Love Like A Fairytale (동화 같은 사랑) | 03:24 Tools | |
54636923 | Play | HUSH - Apink | 03:24 Tools | |
89429071 | Play | Dejavu (데자뷰) | 03:24 Tools | |
54636924 | Play | I DO - Apink | 03:24 Tools | |
14969603 | Play | 08. 하늘높이 | 03:21 Tools | |
54636925 | Play | Wanna Be - Apink | 03:39 Tools | |
54636926 | Play | 천사가 아냐 - Apink | 03:39 Tools | |
54636927 | Play | What A Boy Wants - Apink | 03:39 Tools | |
77089647 | Play | 花占い (Inst.) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636928 | Play | My My (Live) ( Comeback 4th Stage ) | 03:39 Tools | |
54636929 | Play | NoNoNoMV | 03:39 Tools | |
54636949 | Play | It Girl, 에이핑크 - 잇 걸, Music Core 20110702 | 03:03 Tools | |
87482619 | Play | If I... | 03:03 Tools | |
87482602 | Play | 'Cause You're My Star | 03:03 Tools | |
89429072 | Play | I`m so sick | 03:03 Tools | |
14969481 | Play | All For You | 04:08 Tools | |
89429073 | Play | 우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 Instrumental | 04:08 Tools | |
14969607 | Play | a pink - nonono | 03:40 Tools | |
89429074 | Play | 응응 (%%) | 03:40 Tools | |
54636931 | Play | Remember (리멤버) | 03:00 Tools | |
89429075 | Play | Petal (Japanese Ver.) | 03:00 Tools | |
14969559 | Play | Bubibu [Remix] | 03:31 Tools | |
89429076 | Play | 도 없어 (I’m so sick) | 03:31 Tools | |
54636932 | Play | 고양기 | 03:00 Tools | |
77089631 | Play | I Need You 난 니가 필요해 | 03:00 Tools | |
87482605 | Play | Papipupe Pon! | 03:31 Tools | |
89429077 | Play | もっとGO! GO! | 03:31 Tools | |
87482604 | Play | 동화같은 사랑 | 03:00 Tools | |
77089633 | Play | 02 My My | 03:31 Tools | |
77089634 | Play | Promise U 새끼손가락 | 03:31 Tools | |
87482606 | Play | モㇽラヨ -Japanese Ver.- | 03:31 Tools | |
87482607 | Play | Love Fairy Tales | 03:31 Tools | |
89429078 | Play | LUV | Areia Kpop Remix #160 | 03:31 Tools | |
87482609 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 (Fairytale Love) | 03:31 Tools | |
89429079 | Play | Once Upon a Time (동화 같은 사랑) | 03:31 Tools | |
87482610 | Play | Hush - A Pink - Une Annee | 03:31 Tools | |
14969560 | Play | Skinny Baby (feat. B2ST) | 03:30 Tools | |
14969563 | Play | Who Knew | 03:29 Tools | |
89429080 | Play | 잃어버린 조각 (Lost Pieces) | 03:29 Tools | |
14969584 | Play | 夢のような | 03:35 Tools | |
14969503 | Play | 일년전에 | 03:55 Tools | |
77089638 | Play | LUV Inst. | 03:35 Tools | |
14969712 | Play | Hust | 03:30 Tools | |
89429081 | Play | 그 봄날,이 가을 | 03:30 Tools | |
89429082 | Play | Once Upon a Time (Inst.) | 03:30 Tools | |
14969611 | Play | 09. Boy | 03:03 Tools | |
89429083 | Play | My My (Inst.) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429084 | Play | 하늘 높이 (Sky High) (Feat. Joker) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482613 | Play | 썬데이 먼데이 | 03:03 Tools | |
89429085 | Play | Ordinary Thing | 03:03 Tools | |
77089642 | Play | 네가 손짓해주면 - Apink | 03:03 Tools | |
89429086 | Play | 느낌적인 느낌 What Are You Doing? | 03:03 Tools | |
89429087 | Play | Just Give Me a Reason | 03:03 Tools | |
89429088 | Play | Lovely Day (러블리 데이) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429089 | Play | Secret Garden (시크릿가든 ) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482616 | Play | Mr.Chu (Piano cover by jgmb829) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429090 | Play | Once upon a time (inst) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636942 | Play | 신기하죠 - Apink | 03:03 Tools | |
77089645 | Play | Dejavu - Apink | 03:03 Tools | |
54636943 | Play | A Pink | 03:03 Tools | |
89429091 | Play | It Girl (Remix Version) - Instrumental | 03:03 Tools | |
77089646 | Play | Une Annee (intro) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482617 | Play | Mr. Chu (Japanese Version) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429092 | Play | I Do (이 도) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636944 | Play | Mr. Chu [On Stage Version] [Instrumental] | 03:03 Tools | |
89429093 | Play | What A Boy Wants (어떤 소년이 원하는) | 03:03 Tools | |
87482618 | Play | Hush (inst.) | 03:03 Tools | |
89429094 | Play | Bubibu (부비부) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636946 | Play | Apink 4TH MINI [Pink Blossom] 'Crystal' | 03:03 Tools | |
89429095 | Play | Isn't It Amazing (신기하죠) | 03:03 Tools | |
54636948 | Play | Love Story, 에이핑크 - 사랑 동화, Show Champion 20140409 | 03:03 Tools | |
89429096 | Play | 미니 | 03:03 Tools | |
89429097 | Play | Eung Eung @인기가요 Inkigayo 20190113 | 03:03 Tools | |
77089650 | Play | 동화 같은 사랑 (Instrumental) | 03:03 Tools |
Track name
Apink (Hangul: 에이핑크; Japanese: エーピンク) is a six-member South Korean girl group under Plan A Entertainment (formerly known as A Cube Entertainment). The groups consists of six members: Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Naeun, Namjoo and Hayoung. Yookyung left the group in April 2013. They released their first mini-album Seven Springs of Apink on April 19 2011, and rose steadily in popularity. Their official debut was April 21, 2011 on M! Countdown. They were named "Apink" because "A" stands for the girls always showing an "Amazing" performance while "Pink" is known to be the group's favorite color. Pre-debut The documentary A Pink News (aired on TrendE) first introduced A Pink to the public. The show chronicled the debut process of the members of A Pink. The first member revealed was Son Na Eun who used to be a trainee of A Cube Entertainment; she was then featured in B2ST's "Beautiful", "I Like You the Best" and "Soom" music videos. The second member revealed was the group's leader, Park Cho Rong; she was revealed through B2ST's "Shock" Japanese PV. On the morning of February 21st, A Cube Entertainment set up their own Twitter account and welcomed the maknae, Oh Ha Young as the third member of A Pink. Jung Eun Ji was the fourth member revealed through A Cube's Twitter singing "I Love You I Do" and was said to be the main vocalist of the group. The next was Hong Yoo Kyung wherein they revealed her playing the piano. And the last two were Yoon Bo Mi and Kim Nam Joo which were revealed through A Cube's Official Twitter account. The pilot episode of A Pink News was aired on March 11, 2011. Each episode was featured a different celebrity guest as its anchorman. Among the stars who presented the show will also be included: G.NA, Mario, MBLAQ's Seung Ho & G.O, B2ST, 4minute, 2AM's Jinwoon, Secret's Sunhwa & Hyosung. Before their debut the girls have been nicknamed ‘Elf Idols’, and the image has helped them in garnering contracts, like with jewelry brand “Cottiny“, and beverage brand “Ceylon Tea“. 2011: Debut, Seven Springs of Apink and Snow Pink On April 13, A Pink released their music video teaser for their debut album, Seven Springs of Apink (EP). Done under the concept of ’spring ladies’, the seven members expressed the different charms of the spring season and emphasized their innocent beauty. A Pink released Seven Springs of Apink and the Music Video for "몰라요 (I Don't Know)" on 19 April 2011. The MV also stars B2ST's Lee Gi Kwang. A Pink made their first live debut stage through's M! Countdown on April 21, 2011, to further promote the album. They had their first official fanmeet where it was revealed that their pseudo-official fanclub name is "Pink Panda". After a few weeks of promoting "몰라요 (I Don't Know)", the girls promoted "It Girl". Then, the group was chosen to sing "우리 그냥 사랑하게 해주세요 (Let Us Just Love)" to a Korean series, "Protect The Boss" as its OST. On October 31, 2011 it was confirmed that A Pink would be star on a new show called Birth of a Family together with Infinite. The new show will document A Pink & Infinite taking care of abandoned animals for 8 weeks or so – until the animal is adopted by a new family. In addition, the show will also feature rare animals that are not commonly seen in the company of people. The first day of filming started on November 1st, and the first episode aired on November 12. A Pink released their second mini-album Snow Pink on November 22, 2011, featuring the lead single "My My". The album featured five tracks, including Yeah and Prince. The music video teaser for "My My" was released on November 21, 2011. Promotions for "My My" began on November 25, 2011, on Music Bank. The lead single "My My" was particularly noted for having a sound reminiscent of girl groups of the early 2000s, such as S.E.S and FinKL. During their promotions for "My My", the group opened up a one-day idol tea cafe, serving visiting fans to raise profits for charity and preparing food and drinks themselves. The members also auctioned off some of their personal items for charity. In November 29, A Pink were awarded the Best New Female Artist award at the 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards, while labelmate Huh Gak went on to win the Best New Male Artist award. On December 26, 2011 A Pink released a song with B2ST called "Skinny Baby" and the song was a collaboration for the school uniform brand Skool Looks. The song itself showcases the strengths of both groups and has an addictive melody and rhythm. The track was written for them by Kim Taewan and Yoon Sangjo. 2012: Une Annee On January 5, 2012, the group won their very first music show award on Mnet's M! Countdown for "My My". A Pink's Eunji and B2ST's Yoseob released the music video for their duet song Love Day on March 13. The full single, titled "A CUBE" FOR SEASON # GREEN, was released the next day. Eunji and Yoseob performed the song on the April 7 episode of MBC's Show! Music Core. The group performed at the Kool Haus in Toronto, Canada, to about 1,000-1,600 fans on March 21, 2012. On April 19, A Pink released 4월 19일 (April 19th) as a gift for their fans to celebrate their one year anniversary. The song was composed by Kim Jin-hwan, and the lyrics were personally written by the group's leader,Park Cho-rong. A Pink released their first studio album, [açbum artist=A Pink]Une Annee, on May 9. The group promoted the album by making weekly appearances on several music programs and performing "Hush". A Pink released their third single from the album, Bubibu, on July 6. The single was chosen by fans through an internet polling on Mnet's official website. The group began follow-up promotions for Bubibu on July 7. Fans have great respect for A Pink who performed in front of a massive crowd despite the pouring rain in the MNET One Asia Tour 2012 Smile Thailand concert at the Rajamangala Stadium in Thailand on October 4. 2013: Second Cube Project + Second Collaboration & line-up changes Eunji and Namjoo featuring Hyunseung of B2ST released the single from the project "A Cube For season # White" on January 3 to commemorate A Pink's win the year before and Eunji, Hyunseung and B2ST's successes that year. Later in January, A Pink also had second collaboration single with B2ST, titled 5! My Baby (Oh! My Baby) which is for the school uniform brand Skoolooks. On January 5, A Pink appeared at the AIA K-POP 2013 concert in Hong Kong and performed several of their hits along with other Cube Entertainment groups 4Minute and B2ST. On the 23rd of April, it was announced that member Yookyung left the group to focus on her studies. A CUBE announced that she is to be replaced by a new member, who is expected to start promoting with the group for their comeback, expected to be in June. But recently, at A Pink's interview in a university, Yoon Bomi confirmed that A Pink will push their comeback in July. However, their was no official statement from A Cube Entertainment. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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