Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
14019745 | Play | Prélude of Light | 01:10 Tools | |
14019682 | Play | The Goddess Of Love & The Bizness Men | 03:31 Tools | |
14019658 | Play | Prendre Corps | 08:08 Tools | |
14019710 | Play | Padam Padam | 02:58 Tools | |
14019726 | Play | Quai N°3 | 05:02 Tools | |
14019700 | Play | City Of Light | 04:07 Tools | |
54357082 | Play | Les Papous, c'est nous ! | 05:49 Tools | |
14019714 | Play | Andora | 04:51 Tools | |
14019708 | Play | The Lady Is Back | 05:19 Tools | |
14019659 | Play | Dis Moi Tout | 05:03 Tools | |
54357079 | Play | Oh Là-Haut! | 03:42 Tools | |
14019701 | Play | Adieu Goodbye | 04:49 Tools | |
14019671 | Play | Bachibouzouk Band | 03:31 Tools | |
14019661 | Play | Baba Love | 04:10 Tools | |
14019731 | Play | Radio City Light | 04:41 Tools | |
14019696 | Play | John La Reine Des Pommes | 04:21 Tools | |
14019725 | Play | Perfect Stranger | 03:47 Tools | |
54357081 | Play | Une Femme Qui Pleure | 04:27 Tools | |
14019754 | Play | Mystérieuses Colères | 03:42 Tools | |
14019666 | Play | Lily Dale - (Extrait De "Hiers Bleus" De J.A Nau) | 04:37 Tools | |
14019697 | Play | Loulou | 04:30 Tools | |
14019727 | Play | Anabelle | 03:34 Tools | |
14019753 | Play | Les Parures Secrètes | 04:13 Tools | |
54357080 | Play | Une Rose Pour Madame X | 04:30 Tools | |
54357090 | Play | Tragédie musicale | 05:46 Tools | |
14019707 | Play | Cosmonaute Père & Fils | 06:18 Tools | |
14019692 | Play | Le Baron Noir | 04:27 Tools | |
14019716 | Play | Nancy & Tarzan | 03:55 Tools | |
14019656 | Play | Le Paradis Il Est Chinois | 03:23 Tools | |
14019712 | Play | The Hypno-Techno-Gypsie-Queen | 06:45 Tools | |
14019769 | Play | Don't Make Me Laugh | 02:11 Tools | |
14019732 | Play | Scritch | 02:37 Tools | |
77077626 | Play | J'Ai Un Revolver | 05:49 Tools | |
87453455 | Play | MOONLOVE FANTAISIE | 04:10 Tools | |
14019750 | Play | Haka Dada | 08:12 Tools | |
14019723 | Play | Sur La Place | 05:49 Tools | |
14019687 | Play | Nancy Et Tarzan | 03:56 Tools | |
14019668 | Play | Un Rayon De Soleil | 02:58 Tools | |
14019665 | Play | Basquiat | 05:04 Tools | |
14019711 | Play | Indiana Lullaby | 04:37 Tools | |
14019702 | Play | Un Aveugle Au Volant | 05:43 Tools | |
14019717 | Play | La Télé | 04:15 Tools | |
87453456 | Play | Général of Love | 00:42 Tools | |
14019758 | Play | la lionne et l'éléphant | 04:10 Tools | |
77077627 | Play | Inséparables Mais | 04:10 Tools | |
87453457 | Play | Lily Dale symphonie | 04:50 Tools | |
14019762 | Play | Est-ce que tu m'aimes | 03:32 Tools | |
54357094 | Play | Je sais | 04:33 Tools | |
14019719 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes | 03:32 Tools | |
87453458 | Play | Sous les étoiles à Montréal | 04:47 Tools | |
14019761 | Play | Un Fantôme S'Est Suicidé | 05:33 Tools | |
14019695 | Play | Le Soleil De L'Amour | 04:40 Tools | |
77077628 | Play | La Fille à Cent Sous | 04:40 Tools | |
14019669 | Play | L'Arc En Ciel | 03:56 Tools | |
14019721 | Play | Avanti! | 02:43 Tools | |
14019794 | Play | Ô Casino | 00:00 Tools | |
54357092 | Play | Requiem | 00:46 Tools | |
54357083 | Play | Le Tonnerre du coeur | 04:10 Tools | |
14019742 | Play | Les Pieds Nickelés | 04:24 Tools | |
54357084 | Play | L'Aéroport de los angeles | 03:28 Tools | |
14019728 | Play | Onirique Attaque | 05:37 Tools | |
14019704 | Play | Un Fantôme Asthmatique | 04:10 Tools | |
77077629 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New York City | 04:10 Tools | |
14019768 | Play | Avanti ! | 02:46 Tools | |
14019735 | Play | La Chanson de Satie (Duo Feist) | 03:48 Tools | |
14019737 | Play | Con Comme La Lune | 04:35 Tools | |
89408913 | Play | NOSFERATU | 04:35 Tools | |
14019653 | Play | Lilly Dale | 04:53 Tools | |
14019763 | Play | La Femme Idéale | 03:25 Tools | |
14019734 | Play | Le Sculpteur Aveugle | 03:12 Tools | |
87453466 | Play | IL / ELLE | 13:48 Tools | |
87453459 | Play | Inversion mélancolique | 03:32 Tools | |
14019748 | Play | Le Nantais | 11:40 Tools | |
14019771 | Play | Petite Reine | 03:47 Tools | |
14019837 | Play | Ô Carnaval | 03:28 Tools | |
87453460 | Play | LA DAME DU LAC | 03:32 Tools | |
14019777 | Play | Ma Dernière Nuit À New-york | 04:50 Tools | |
54357086 | Play | Le Bonheur c'est l'eau | 00:42 Tools | |
77077630 | Play | J'ai dix ans | 00:48 Tools | |
14019688 | Play | Corps perdu | 06:24 Tools | |
14019686 | Play | Ma Dernière Nuit A New-York City | 04:50 Tools | |
87453468 | Play | La boxeuse amoureuse - Radio Edit | 04:55 Tools | |
14019738 | Play | Eléonore Et Léonard | 07:07 Tools | |
54357087 | Play | L'arbre | 03:48 Tools | |
54357089 | Play | Mon H.L.M | 04:10 Tools | |
14019825 | Play | Interlude 01 | 00:42 Tools | |
14019713 | Play | Soleil D'Hiver | 04:03 Tools | |
54357085 | Play | L'amour (Part 1) (feat. Lou Doillon) | 04:50 Tools | |
87453461 | Play | Moonlove déesse | 06:06 Tools | |
14019751 | Play | The Lady Of Shanghai | 05:25 Tools | |
14019722 | Play | Les Trois Petits Nains | 04:47 Tools | |
87453462 | Play | AMOUR CHIEN FOU | 01:15 Tools | |
14019841 | Play | salammbô | 03:23 Tools | |
14019759 | Play | La chanson de Satie (en duo avec Feist) | 03:48 Tools | |
14019760 | Play | Jeune Sauvage | 04:47 Tools | |
14019796 | Play | L'Alcool | 05:58 Tools | |
54357088 | Play | La Femme Etoile | 04:03 Tools | |
87453463 | Play | Brigade légère | 01:15 Tools | |
87453464 | Play | Carnaval chaotique | 01:24 Tools | |
14019740 | Play | Naive Derviche | 02:51 Tools | |
14019746 | Play | La Tour Eiffel Sidérale | 03:45 Tools | |
14019744 | Play | La Fille A Cent Sous | 03:32 Tools | |
14019679 | Play | L'Ivresse Des Hauteurs/Elias Basquiat | 12:08 Tools | |
14019786 | Play | Luc | 04:10 Tools | |
54357184 | Play | Tragédie musicale - Extrait du conte musical 'Les souliers rouges' | 03:32 Tools | |
14019857 | Play | Tout ce qui était perdu | 02:19 Tools | |
54357093 | Play | Lou mon étoile | 01:15 Tools | |
54357095 | Play | L'amour (Part 1) | 04:33 Tools | |
14019705 | Play | La cohée du Lamentin | 02:41 Tools | |
14019800 | Play | Adieu | 05:46 Tools | |
14019799 | Play | inséparables mais... | 03:35 Tools | |
14019780 | Play | trouble-fête | 04:45 Tools | |
14019822 | Play | Interlude 02 | 00:51 Tools | |
54357091 | Play | L'Arrivée De La Femme Etoile | 05:46 Tools | |
87453467 | Play | Super héros de l'instant zéro | 03:35 Tools | |
14019733 | Play | On En Rit Encore | 03:15 Tools | |
14019817 | Play | Chem-Cheminée | 03:29 Tools | |
14019821 | Play | Interlude 03 | 00:46 Tools | |
14019801 | Play | Grand Marabout | 04:52 Tools | |
14019816 | Play | Les Pieds-nickelés | 03:55 Tools | |
14019715 | Play | Le métier à métisser | 02:23 Tools | |
14019798 | Play | La Femme Maquillée | 05:32 Tools | |
14019824 | Play | Nue Au Soleil | 03:08 Tools | |
14019741 | Play | C'Est Extra | 06:06 Tools | |
14019765 | Play | Le Destin Du Voyageur (Duo Higelin) | 03:17 Tools | |
14019730 | Play | Sous Le Soleil De Miami | 05:44 Tools | |
14019789 | Play | Idiot | 01:02 Tools | |
54357100 | Play | La Femme étoile | 04:55 Tools | |
14019872 | Play | Interlude 04 | 01:15 Tools | |
14019828 | Play | La Magie (Interlude) | 01:24 Tools | |
14019855 | Play | Le Général De Gaulle Dans La Cinquième Dimension | 13:48 Tools | |
14020023 | Play | Est ce que tu aimes | 03:32 Tools | |
14019844 | Play | The Man I Love | 04:33 Tools | |
14019795 | Play | Alabama Song | 08:42 Tools | |
14019807 | Play | The Lady Of Shangaï | 06:37 Tools | |
14019770 | Play | Ma Dernière Nuit A New York City | 05:33 Tools | |
14019729 | Play | A la crinière du cyclone | 02:02 Tools | |
14020368 | Play | Le temps d'un éclair | 02:56 Tools | |
54357231 | Play | Je sais - Extrait du conte musical 'Les souliers rouges' | 03:35 Tools | |
54357098 | Play | L'œil du chat | 10:20 Tools | |
14019842 | Play | Nao Faz Mal | 03:45 Tools | |
54357101 | Play | L'Arrivée de la femme étoile | 03:02 Tools | |
14019854 | Play | Crazy Rag (Interlude) | 00:48 Tools | |
14020250 | Play | L'égyptienne du Molino | 07:20 Tools | |
14019736 | Play | Cahier d'un retour au pays natal | 10:20 Tools | |
14019772 | Play | Est Ce Que Tu Aimes? | 04:25 Tools | |
14019783 | Play | Casserole-Sérénade | 04:10 Tools | |
54357245 | Play | Requiem - Extrait du conte musical 'Les souliers rouges' | 03:02 Tools | |
14019818 | Play | Chérie | 04:48 Tools | |
14019956 | Play | Ceci N'Est Pas Un Hold-Up | 03:11 Tools | |
14019945 | Play | Je T'Aime Grand Duke | 02:25 Tools | |
14020060 | Play | Lily Dale (Extrait De "Hiers Bleus" De J.A Nau) | 04:37 Tools | |
14019756 | Play | Soufrière | 04:09 Tools | |
54357099 | Play | 1928 | 03:40 Tools | |
14019802 | Play | Georgia | 03:12 Tools | |
14019929 | Play | Shopping Dans La Jungle | 03:15 Tools | |
54357096 | Play | Gisèle Dans La Jungle | 00:00 Tools | |
14019888 | Play | Requiem pour un con | 00:00 Tools | |
14019952 | Play | When the saints go marchin' in | 02:51 Tools | |
14019928 | Play | Inséparable Mais | 02:17 Tools | |
89408914 | Play | La dame du lac - Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018 | 02:17 Tools | |
54357097 | Play | Loulou T'Embrasse | 10:20 Tools | |
87453469 | Play | Le passage - Gong Song | 03:50 Tools | |
14019752 | Play | La foire aux morts | 04:55 Tools | |
14019858 | Play | Hollywood | 07:57 Tools | |
54357102 | Play | Roman d'amour | 03:02 Tools | |
14019767 | Play | La Beauté De L'Amour - R3myBoy Remix | 03:02 Tools | |
14019992 | Play | Robert 2000 | 03:40 Tools | |
14019834 | Play | Le destin du voyageur (en duo avec Jacques Higelin) | 03:17 Tools | |
54357104 | Play | Lettre à Nora, 2 décembre 1909 | 05:14 Tools | |
14020266 | Play | Momo Lève Les Yeux Au Ciel | 03:29 Tools | |
14019811 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes? (en duo avec M) | 03:32 Tools | |
14019813 | Play | Sans Amour | 03:42 Tools | |
14019994 | Play | Souffle électrique | 06:34 Tools | |
14019757 | Play | Marie-Galante | 07:14 Tools | |
14019773 | Play | Lettre du sorcier | 02:41 Tools | |
14019776 | Play | L'enfant du pays | 05:14 Tools | |
14019766 | Play | Le cristal automatique | 02:40 Tools | |
14019892 | Play | Cool Jazz (Lourdes Mix) | 08:05 Tools | |
54357103 | Play | L'amour (Part 2) (feat. Lou Doillon) | 07:14 Tools | |
14019862 | Play | La Chanson De Satie (Avec Feist) | 03:47 Tools | |
54357106 | Play | Mademoiselle mon cœur | 03:47 Tools | |
14019815 | Play | L'Homme Du Monde | 04:38 Tools | |
14019782 | Play | Je Rêve De Toi - Live | 03:47 Tools | |
14019785 | Play | Le Nantais / Vénus Rose | 09:09 Tools | |
14019874 | Play | Est-Ce Que Tu Aimes? (Duo Avec -M-) | 03:32 Tools | |
14019948 | Play | O Carnaval Ethiopien | 02:17 Tools | |
14020048 | Play | Ciel De Soie | 03:43 Tools | |
89408915 | Play | Tailler la zone | 03:43 Tools | |
54357105 | Play | Robert Gengis Khan 2000 | 02:17 Tools | |
14019749 | Play | Le Paradis Il Est Chinois (feat. Saul Williams) | 03:23 Tools | |
14019921 | Play | Je Suis Complètement Taré | 03:50 Tools | |
89408916 | Play | Le passage | 03:50 Tools | |
14019830 | Play | Trouble Fête | 04:47 Tools | |
14019870 | Play | Le premier pas | 06:32 Tools | |
14019960 | Play | La Chanson De Satie (Duo avec Feist) | 03:47 Tools | |
14019968 | Play | La Chanson de Satie (feat. Feist) | 03:47 Tools | |
14019891 | Play | Cosmonaute Pére Et Fils | 06:18 Tools | |
14019879 | Play | La Tour Eiffel Siderale | 03:44 Tools | |
14019839 | Play | Inseparables mais... | 03:10 Tools | |
54357107 | Play | Si Moi Je Ne Te Parle Pas Durement Qui Le Fera | 03:10 Tools | |
54357109 | Play | Sanguine | 09:25 Tools | |
54357108 | Play | Souvent Tu Joues Les Idiots | 03:44 Tools | |
14019781 | Play | The Goddess Of Love The Bizness Men | 03:30 Tools | |
14019823 | Play | Quai Numero 3 | 05:02 Tools | |
14019873 | Play | Cool Jazz (Judas Mix) | 09:25 Tools | |
54357116 | Play | Mon nom est Kévin B | 02:27 Tools | |
14019775 | Play | Prélude Of Light - Instrumental | 01:11 Tools | |
14019787 | Play | Basquiat (feat. Saul Williams) | 05:03 Tools | |
14019853 | Play | Le Destin Du Voyageur (Duo Avec Jacques Higelin) | 03:17 Tools | |
14020121 | Play | Laïka | 03:12 Tools | |
14019814 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes ? (feat. -M-) | 03:32 Tools | |
14019779 | Play | La Beauté De L'Amour (feat. Izia) | 03:23 Tools | |
14019774 | Play | Introduction | 03:34 Tools | |
87453471 | Play | Le Passage (Gong Song) | 01:44 Tools | |
14019803 | Play | Indiana Lullaby (avec la participation de Lhasa) | 04:40 Tools | |
54357110 | Play | Est-Ce Qui Tu Aimes? | 09:25 Tools | |
14019838 | Play | Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? | 03:32 Tools | |
14019875 | Play | Good bye my friend | 04:55 Tools | |
54357126 | Play | Oh là-haut ! | 06:32 Tools | |
14019901 | Play | Le Cosmos, C'est Chouette | 01:47 Tools | |
54357130 | Play | L'Ivresse des hauteurs / Elias Basquiat | 06:24 Tools | |
54357111 | Play | L'amour (Part 2) | 01:44 Tools | |
14020003 | Play | Petit Papa Noël | 00:30 Tools | |
14019905 | Play | Ma sorcière bleue | 02:42 Tools | |
14019806 | Play | L'ivresse des hauteurs | 06:56 Tools | |
14019880 | Play | John, La Reine Des Pommes | 04:16 Tools | |
14019833 | Play | Le vieux singe | 03:47 Tools | |
87453478 | Play | L'amour, pt. 1 | 04:06 Tools | |
14019971 | Play | J'Ai Un Revolver (Live) | 03:35 Tools | |
14019955 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes ? (en duo avec -M-) | 03:32 Tools | |
14019868 | Play | Ma Dernière Nuit À Nyc | 00:00 Tools | |
14019808 | Play | L'arc en ciel (feat. Claire Farah) | 03:55 Tools | |
14020050 | Play | La garde de nuit à l'yser | 08:01 Tools | |
14019906 | Play | Le Cosmos C'Est Chouette | 01:49 Tools | |
77077631 | Play | BON GRI GRI | 03:22 Tools | |
87453472 | Play | La boxeuse amoureuse (Radio Edit) | 03:22 Tools | |
14019829 | Play | Le prince et son ministre | 01:35 Tools | |
14019810 | Play | l'ivresse des hauteurs (feat. jean-louis trintignant) | 12:06 Tools | |
89408917 | Play | Super héros de l'instant zéro - Instrumental | 12:06 Tools | |
14019886 | Play | Cool Jazz (Jazz Mix) | 01:44 Tools | |
14019898 | Play | Hollywood (Live) | 07:56 Tools | |
14019940 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New-York City | 04:50 Tools | |
14019826 | Play | Monkimane, le voleur | 02:44 Tools | |
14019926 | Play | Trouble Fête (Live) | 04:47 Tools | |
14019835 | Play | Chem-Cheminée - Live Au Studio Furbert | 03:30 Tools | |
14019938 | Play | Le Baron Noir (Live) | 04:27 Tools | |
54357112 | Play | L'autre cote de la Lune | 01:49 Tools | |
14020021 | Play | Cool Jazz (Live Au Studio Furbert) | 07:56 Tools | |
54357114 | Play | La caissiere du super | 07:56 Tools | |
14019867 | Play | L'Alcool - Live | 05:59 Tools | |
54357113 | Play | La Télé (Live) | 07:56 Tools | |
14019967 | Play | Le Baron Noir - Live | 04:26 Tools | |
14019861 | Play | La Chanson De Satie (Ft Feist) | 03:48 Tools | |
14019909 | Play | Nue Au Soleil - Live | 02:47 Tools | |
54357133 | Play | L'autre côté de la lune - Live France 2015 | 03:10 Tools | |
54357247 | Play | On en rit encore - Live Canada / 2006 | 02:47 Tools | |
54357141 | Play | Oh là haut - Live France 2015 | 03:17 Tools | |
14019865 | Play | Rencontre avec Babu | 03:50 Tools | |
54357118 | Play | Les papous, c'est nous! | 03:14 Tools | |
14020055 | Play | J'Ai Un Revolver - Live | 03:35 Tools | |
14019859 | Play | Cosmonaute Père Fils | 06:17 Tools | |
54357115 | Play | Es Ce Que Tu Aime | 00:30 Tools | |
14019840 | Play | elias basquiat | 00:59 Tools | |
14020249 | Play | La Baron Noir | 04:08 Tools | |
54357139 | Play | La beauté de l'amour - Live France 2015 | 03:49 Tools | |
14019966 | Play | WWW.Com - Live | 02:27 Tools | |
14019896 | Play | Cool Jazz (Verdun Mix) | 08:41 Tools | |
87453479 | Play | On en rit encore - Live | 03:32 Tools | |
54357157 | Play | La lune - Live France 2015 | 01:29 Tools | |
54357117 | Play | Dancing With Madonna (Edit) | 03:10 Tools | |
14020052 | Play | Sous le soleil de Miami (Feat. Pauline Croze) | 05:43 Tools | |
14019882 | Play | Le voyage dans la montagne | 02:06 Tools | |
14020042 | Play | Indiana Lullaby (feat. Lhasa) | 04:40 Tools | |
54357149 | Play | La ballade des clandestins - Live France 2015 | 08:01 Tools | |
14020007 | Play | Inséparables Mais (Live) | 03:10 Tools | |
14019910 | Play | On rit encore (avec Lhasa) | 03:30 Tools | |
14019908 | Play | Quai Nº 3 | 05:02 Tools | |
14019720 | Play | Le légion étrange | 03:40 Tools | |
14019876 | Play | Le vizir Kouroustan et son corbeau magique | 01:24 Tools | |
54357172 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New York City - Live France 2015 | 04:12 Tools | |
14020218 | Play | La Lune (Live) | 03:55 Tools | |
14019972 | Play | On rit encore (Feat. Lhasa) | 03:14 Tools | |
14019942 | Play | Arthur H - L'Alcool | 00:00 Tools | |
14020317 | Play | On rit encore | 03:14 Tools | |
14019894 | Play | Cool Jazz - Live Au Studio Furbert | 07:55 Tools | |
14019877 | Play | La Magie - Live (Interlude) | 01:24 Tools | |
14020220 | Play | Souffle Electrique (Live) | 06:35 Tools | |
54357362 | Play | Tragédie musicale (Extrait du conte musical 'Les souliers rouges') | 05:43 Tools | |
14020077 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit A N Y | 04:50 Tools | |
14019866 | Play | Maire-Galante | 07:12 Tools | |
54357122 | Play | Oh la haut ! | 03:47 Tools | |
14020257 | Play | Le Destin du Voyageur (feat. Jacques Higelin) | 03:17 Tools | |
14020034 | Play | Est-ce que tu m'aimes feat. M | 03:32 Tools | |
54357120 | Play | Onirique Attaque (Live) | 03:32 Tools | |
54357119 | Play | Arthur H - Cool Jazz | 01:24 Tools | |
14019922 | Play | Indiana Lullaby featuring Lhasa | 04:41 Tools | |
54357166 | Play | Une femme qui pleure - Live France 2015 | 07:55 Tools | |
14019852 | Play | Un tigre féroce | 03:31 Tools | |
14019933 | Play | Je Rêve De Toi (Live) | 03:47 Tools | |
54357200 | Play | Le Tonnerre du cœur | 07:21 Tools | |
14019851 | Play | Le magicien du Vizir | 01:52 Tools | |
89408918 | Play | La boxeuse amoureuse - Instrumental | 01:52 Tools | |
54357121 | Play | Arthur H - Chem-Cheminée | 06:17 Tools | |
14020061 | Play | Cool Jazz - Jazz Mix | 01:44 Tools | |
14019848 | Play | La jeune femme à la voix douce et la guérisseuse | 04:06 Tools | |
14019927 | Play | Cool Jazz (Landru Mix) | 08:36 Tools | |
14020164 | Play | Não Faz Mal (Brad Scott / Jon Handelsman) | 03:45 Tools | |
14020319 | Play | Arthur H - | 02:26 Tools | |
14019939 | Play | Le Premier Pas (Live) | 06:32 Tools | |
54357125 | Play | L'arrivee de la femme etoile | 06:32 Tools | |
54357127 | Play | Les papous c'est nous ! | 08:36 Tools | |
54357123 | Play | Arthur H - Nue Au Soleil | 02:26 Tools | |
14020030 | Play | The Man I Love (Live Au Studio Furbert) | 04:34 Tools | |
14020125 | Play | The Man I Love - Live Au Studio Furbert | 04:34 Tools | |
54357185 | Play | Le tonnerre du coeur - Live France 2015 | 03:32 Tools | |
14020177 | Play | Cool Jazz [Lourdes Mix] | 06:24 Tools | |
14020002 | Play | Le Temps D'Un Eclair (Live Au Studio Furbert) | 02:56 Tools | |
54357124 | Play | Salammbo (Live) | 06:32 Tools | |
54357203 | Play | Tragedie musicale | 04:01 Tools | |
14019869 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit a New-York City | 04:50 Tools | |
89408919 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New York City - Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018 | 04:50 Tools | |
14020288 | Play | WWW.Com (Live) | 02:27 Tools | |
14019903 | Play | Deux serpents de feux | 05:00 Tools | |
14020283 | Play | Arthur H - Je Rêve De Toi | 03:47 Tools | |
54357128 | Play | L'aeroport de Los Angeles | 06:24 Tools | |
14019847 | Play | La beauté de l'amour (Avec Izia) | 03:22 Tools | |
14019932 | Play | La Lune - Live | 03:55 Tools | |
54357186 | Play | La caissière du super - Live France 2015 | 03:32 Tools | |
54357129 | Play | Arthur H - La Lune | 06:24 Tools | |
14019912 | Play | La guérison du prince | 01:25 Tools | |
54357188 | Play | Navigateur solitaire - Live France 2015 | 03:32 Tools | |
54357131 | Play | Cool Jazz - Verdun Mix | 03:22 Tools | |
54357335 | Play | Requiem (Extrait du conte musical 'Les souliers rouges') | 02:52 Tools | |
14020307 | Play | Cool Jazz [Verdun Mix] | 03:36 Tools | |
54357134 | Play | La Lionne et L' éléphant | 03:10 Tools | |
14020169 | Play | Nue Au Soleil (Live) | 02:47 Tools | |
14020314 | Play | Arthur H - The Man I Love | 04:33 Tools | |
14019985 | Play | Chem-Cheminée (Live Au Studio Furbert) | 03:30 Tools | |
54357132 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes ? (Feat. M) | 03:30 Tools | |
14019941 | Play | Inséparables Mais - Live | 03:10 Tools | |
14020181 | Play | La Magie (Live (Interlude)) | 01:24 Tools | |
89408920 | Play | La boxeuse amoureuse - Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018 | 01:24 Tools | |
54357143 | Play | Compagnon du ciel (duo avec Arthur H) | 05:06 Tools | |
14019893 | Play | Crazy Rag - Live (Interlude) | 00:49 Tools | |
14020171 | Play | Le Temps D'Un Eclair - Live Au Studio Furbert | 02:56 Tools | |
14019981 | Play | La chanson de Satie feat. Feis | 03:48 Tools | |
14019982 | Play | O Carnaval - Live | 03:13 Tools | |
14019917 | Play | La folle journée du prince | 02:59 Tools | |
14020305 | Play | Crazy Rag (Live (Interlude)) | 00:48 Tools | |
14020165 | Play | The Lady Of Shanghaï | 05:25 Tools | |
14020117 | Play | La Lionne & L'Elephant | 06:22 Tools | |
89408921 | Play | Reine de cœur - Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018 | 06:22 Tools | |
54357196 | Play | Cheval de feu - Live France 2015 | 04:26 Tools | |
14020370 | Play | O Carnaval (Live) | 03:13 Tools | |
77077632 | Play | Je sais (Extrait du conte musical 'Les souliers rouges') | 05:06 Tools | |
14019924 | Play | Berceuse Pour Marcia | 03:33 Tools | |
14020024 | Play | Les Pieds Nickeles | 04:23 Tools | |
87453474 | Play | Éléonore Et Léonard | 03:13 Tools | |
14019900 | Play | Retour à Panasia | 02:19 Tools | |
54357135 | Play | Arthur H - La Baron Noir | 03:33 Tools | |
54357136 | Play | Arthur H - Inséparables Mais... | 05:59 Tools | |
14020191 | Play | Cool Jazz [Judas Mix] | 03:49 Tools | |
14019849 | Play | L'arc en ciel (Avec Claire Farah) | 03:55 Tools | |
89408922 | Play | La dame du lac - Instrumental | 03:55 Tools | |
14019946 | Play | Hollywood - Live | 07:56 Tools | |
14020138 | Play | L'Alcool (Live) | 05:59 Tools | |
14020212 | Play | Cool Jazz [Landru Mix] | 04:18 Tools | |
54357138 | Play | ma sorciиre bleue | 03:13 Tools | |
14020032 | Play | la magie | 01:29 Tools | |
14020079 | Play | La Tour Eiffel Sidérale (Live) | 03:45 Tools | |
14020170 | Play | Petite Reine (Live) | 04:16 Tools | |
14019973 | Play | Le destin du voyageur (en duo avec J Higelin) | 03:17 Tools | |
54357140 | Play | Iris | 03:17 Tools | |
14019944 | Play | Inseparables mais | 03:46 Tools | |
14019923 | Play | Dancing With Madonna - Edit | 03:46 Tools | |
89408923 | Play | La boxeuse amoureuse (Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018) | 03:46 Tools | |
14020025 | Play | La Lionne Et L'Eléphant - Live | 04:10 Tools | |
14020148 | Play | Cool Jazz [Jazz Mix] | 08:14 Tools | |
54357142 | Play | Good Bye My Friend (Live) | 03:17 Tools | |
14020163 | Play | Le Chercheur d’Or | 05:06 Tools | |
54357174 | Play | Oh là haut | 04:12 Tools | |
14019947 | Play | Le Sculpter Aveugle | 03:44 Tools | |
54357175 | Play | crazy rag | 03:44 Tools | |
54357145 | Play | La Tour Eiffel Sidérale - Live | 08:14 Tools | |
54357232 | Play | La beauté de l'amour (Live France 2015) | 06:22 Tools | |
14019964 | Play | Souffle Electrique - Live | 06:34 Tools | |
54357151 | Play | La Télé - Live | 08:01 Tools | |
54357144 | Play | Piste 02 | 08:14 Tools | |
54357146 | Play | Cool Jazz - Landru Mix | 08:14 Tools | |
54357147 | Play | Mystèrieuses Colères | 08:14 Tools | |
54357150 | Play | Arthur H - Hollywood | 08:01 Tools | |
54357148 | Play | La Femme Idéale (Live) | 08:14 Tools | |
54357153 | Play | Le tonnerre du coeur Featuring Patrick Watson | 08:01 Tools | |
89408924 | Play | Tokyo Kiss - Instrumental | 08:01 Tools | |
14019890 | Play | Le Premier Pas - Live | 06:32 Tools | |
54357260 | Play | Prelude Of Light - Instrumental | 00:00 Tools | |
14020098 | Play | Raa | 08:01 Tools | |
14020207 | Play | Onirique Attaque - Live | 07:55 Tools | |
14020020 | Play | j'ai un révolver | 03:04 Tools | |
54357159 | Play | Arthur H - Ô Carnaval | 03:04 Tools | |
54357152 | Play | Le Soleil De L'Amour (Live) | 08:01 Tools | |
14020160 | Play | le chercheur d or | 05:31 Tools | |
54357162 | Play | Lily Dale ((Extrait De "Hiers Bleus" De J.A Nau)) | 03:04 Tools | |
54357257 | Play | La lune (Live France 2015) | 00:00 Tools | |
87453475 | Play | Ma Dernière Nuit À New York | 06:32 Tools | |
54357155 | Play | Piste 06 | 06:32 Tools | |
54357156 | Play | Piste 10 | 01:29 Tools | |
54357158 | Play | La Femme Idéale - Live | 03:04 Tools | |
54357160 | Play | Est-ce quetu aimes? | 03:04 Tools | |
54357240 | Play | La ballade des clandestins (Live France 2015) | 03:02 Tools | |
54357259 | Play | L'autre côté de la lune (Live France 2015) | 00:00 Tools | |
54357161 | Play | On rit encore - Avec Lhasa | 03:04 Tools | |
54357154 | Play | We Can Work it Out (Beatles cover) | 08:01 Tools | |
54357170 | Play | La chanson de Satie feat. Feist | 03:46 Tools | |
14020128 | Play | Arthur H et Thomas Fersen-La lionne | 04:09 Tools | |
54357164 | Play | Piste 01 | 04:09 Tools | |
14020022 | Play | Trouble Fête - Live | 06:42 Tools | |
54357165 | Play | Piste 11 | 04:09 Tools | |
54357167 | Play | Piste 12 | 07:55 Tools | |
54357169 | Play | L'idole, sonnet du trou du cul | 07:55 Tools | |
54357168 | Play | Arthur H - Souffle Electrique | 07:55 Tools | |
14019950 | Play | la fille de l est | 00:00 Tools | |
54357242 | Play | Une femme qui pleure (Live France 2015) | 03:02 Tools | |
14020312 | Play | Ma Zouzou | 00:00 Tools | |
14020111 | Play | ô carnaval éthiopien (dub) | 01:22 Tools | |
14019983 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes? (avec M) | 03:32 Tools | |
14019930 | Play | L'ivresse des hauteurs (Avec Jean-Louis Trintignant) | 12:06 Tools | |
14020011 | Play | À La Crinière Du Cyclone | 02:03 Tools | |
14020269 | Play | Não Faz Mal | 03:45 Tools | |
14019931 | Play | Intro | 01:15 Tools | |
54357171 | Play | Le Sculpteur Aveugle (Live) | 06:42 Tools | |
54357297 | Play | Je rêve de toi - Live France / 2002 | 02:42 Tools | |
14020211 | Play | Le jardin de délices | 04:12 Tools | |
54357309 | Play | Oh là haut (Live France 2015) | 02:56 Tools | |
54357191 | Play | Le destin des voyageurs | 03:32 Tools | |
54357197 | Play | Cool Jazz - Jazz Mix | 04:50 Tools | |
54357173 | Play | Piste 05 | 04:12 Tools | |
14020230 | Play | Petite Reine - Live | 03:47 Tools | |
14019913 | Play | John La Reine Des Pommes - Live | 08:52 Tools | |
54357176 | Play | Jeune Sauvage (Live) | 03:44 Tools | |
14020262 | Play | John La Reine Des Pommes (Live) | 08:52 Tools | |
14020132 | Play | L'Abondanse | 04:01 Tools | |
54357275 | Play | Cheval de feu (Live France 2015) | 04:55 Tools | |
54357276 | Play | Le tonnerre du coeur (Live France 2015) | 04:55 Tools | |
89408925 | Play | Reine de cœur - Instrumental | 04:55 Tools | |
54357304 | Play | Sous le soleil de Miami - Live Canada / 2006 | 01:30 Tools | |
54357177 | Play | Piste 07 | 03:44 Tools | |
54357178 | Play | Ma Derniиre Nuit А New-York | 01:15 Tools | |
54357179 | Play | Piste 04 | 01:15 Tools | |
87453476 | Play | Le Chercheur D'Ore Chercheur D'Or | 01:15 Tools | |
54357180 | Play | Cool Jazz Jazz Mix | 01:15 Tools | |
54357181 | Play | La Lionne Et L'Eléphant (Live) | 01:15 Tools | |
54357202 | Play | Chem cheminee | 04:01 Tools | |
14020268 | Play | Est-ce que tu m'aimes (avec M) | 03:32 Tools | |
54357182 | Play | Piste 08 | 03:32 Tools | |
54357183 | Play | Piste 03 | 03:32 Tools | |
54357190 | Play | Confession nocturne | 03:32 Tools | |
54357187 | Play | Piste 13 | 03:32 Tools | |
14020234 | Play | Cool Jazz Verdun Mix | 08:43 Tools | |
14020139 | Play | Ô Carnaval Éthiopien | 01:17 Tools | |
14020233 | Play | Quai no.3 | 04:59 Tools | |
54357370 | Play | On en rit encore (Live Canada / 2006) | 04:18 Tools | |
14019954 | Play | Le Baron Noir [Live] | 04:26 Tools | |
54357189 | Play | Piste 09 | 03:32 Tools | |
14020255 | Play | Sous Le Soleil De Miami (Avec Pauline Croze) | 05:28 Tools | |
14019884 | Play | Quai No. 3 | 05:04 Tools | |
54357193 | Play | Cool Jazz Landru Mix | 03:32 Tools | |
14020092 | Play | Le chercheur dor | 05:06 Tools | |
14019977 | Play | Le Destin Du Voyageur (Ft Jacques Higelin) | 03:17 Tools | |
14020296 | Play | Robert "Gengis Khan" 2000 | 01:22 Tools | |
54357347 | Play | Chem-cheminée - Live Studio Furbert, Paris / 2002 | 04:40 Tools | |
54357194 | Play | Est-ce que tu m'aimes? | 01:22 Tools | |
54357274 | Play | Navigateur solitaire (Live France 2015) | 05:02 Tools | |
54357299 | Play | La caissière du super (Live France 2015) | 02:42 Tools | |
14020302 | Play | Ulysse et Çalypso | 01:30 Tools | |
14020150 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit A New York | 04:50 Tools | |
54357195 | Play | La fille a cent sou | 04:26 Tools | |
14020267 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New-York Ci | 04:50 Tools | |
14020129 | Play | 02 - La chanson de Satie (en duo avec Feist) | 03:48 Tools | |
14020014 | Play | Slow Na Boogie Ni Shitekure | 02:54 Tools | |
54357198 | Play | Le sculteur aveugle (avec Thomas Fersen) | 03:48 Tools | |
14020119 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes (avec M) | 09:34 Tools | |
14020112 | Play | La Garde De Nuit A L'Yser - Live | 07:21 Tools | |
54357199 | Play | Le Soleil De L'Amour - Live | 07:21 Tools | |
54357218 | Play | Jazz Mix | 04:33 Tools | |
54357209 | Play | La Garde De Nuit A L'Yser (Live) | 02:32 Tools | |
14019965 | Play | La fille de lEst | 04:22 Tools | |
54357236 | Play | La Beauté De L'Amour (R3myBoy Remix) | 03:00 Tools | |
54357225 | Play | Cool Jazz - Verdun Mix | 04:50 Tools | |
77077636 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New York City (Live France 2015) | 04:55 Tools | |
14020243 | Play | Capone Et Sa P'Tite Phillis | 02:32 Tools | |
54357204 | Play | Sous le soleil de Miami - Avec Pauline Croze | 02:32 Tools | |
54357206 | Play | La lionne | 02:32 Tools | |
54357205 | Play | Le destin du voyageur feat. Ja | 02:32 Tools | |
14019990 | Play | Man I Love | 04:33 Tools | |
54357207 | Play | Le Sculpteur Aveugle - Live | 02:32 Tools | |
54357208 | Play | Lady from Shanghai | 02:32 Tools | |
14020193 | Play | Les Sédiments... | 03:38 Tools | |
54357238 | Play | LA LIONNE ET L ELEPHANT | 04:50 Tools | |
87453485 | Play | Reine de coeur | 03:21 Tools | |
87453477 | Play | est ce que tu aimes ? | 03:38 Tools | |
14020000 | Play | Lamoureux | 00:00 Tools | |
54357210 | Play | Est-Ce Que Tu Aimes (Ft M) | 02:54 Tools | |
14020161 | Play | Inséparables mais… | 03:35 Tools | |
54357211 | Play | Lady Of Shanghai | 02:54 Tools | |
54357212 | Play | Le chercheurs d'or | 02:54 Tools | |
14020001 | Play | 14 julliet 2002 | 04:06 Tools | |
54357213 | Play | The Lady of shangaĩ | 04:06 Tools | |
14020090 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit A New York City | 05:33 Tools | |
54357214 | Play | La chanson de Satie en duo avec Feist | 04:06 Tools | |
54357215 | Play | Les Nantais | 04:06 Tools | |
14019936 | Play | La Beauté De L'Amour | 03:22 Tools | |
54357216 | Play | Confession nocturnes | 04:33 Tools | |
54357233 | Play | Le destin du voyageur - en duo avec Jacques Higelin | 06:22 Tools | |
54357234 | Play | Cool Jazz - Landru Mix | 06:22 Tools | |
14020033 | Play | Inséparable Mais ... | 02:18 Tools | |
54357219 | Play | L AUTRE COTE DE LA LUNE | 02:18 Tools | |
14019925 | Play | Casserole sérénade | 04:12 Tools | |
54357220 | Play | Destin du Voyageur | 05:33 Tools | |
54357221 | Play | 03 - Mon Nom Est Kevin B | 05:33 Tools | |
54357217 | Play | Jeune Sauvage - Live | 04:33 Tools | |
54357263 | Play | Souvent Tu Joues Les Idiots - Instrumental | 00:30 Tools | |
54357222 | Play | Salammbo - Live | 05:33 Tools | |
14019970 | Play | Dis-moi tout | 05:02 Tools | |
14019963 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit A New-york | 04:50 Tools | |
14019943 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes (en duo avec -M-) | 03:32 Tools | |
54357223 | Play | We Can Work It Out | 05:33 Tools | |
14020329 | Play | J'Ai Un Revolver [Live] | 03:35 Tools | |
89408926 | Play | Reine de cœur (Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018) | 03:35 Tools | |
14020054 | Play | Nue Au Soleil [Live] | 02:47 Tools | |
54357250 | Play | Gisèle Dans La Jungle - Instrumental | 02:47 Tools | |
54357224 | Play | Le destin du voyageur - Avec Jacques Higelin | 04:12 Tools | |
54357248 | Play | Give Me Up - Edit Radio | 02:47 Tools | |
54357303 | Play | Rêve d'une vie | 00:48 Tools | |
14020175 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New-York | 04:50 Tools | |
54357226 | Play | Verdun Mix | 04:50 Tools | |
54357266 | Play | La Caissiere Du Supermache | 00:30 Tools | |
54357227 | Play | La lйgion Etrange | 04:50 Tools | |
14020244 | Play | Le paradis il est chinois (Avec Saul Williams) | 03:22 Tools | |
14019993 | Play | Padam… Padam… | 03:02 Tools | |
87453496 | Play | Cool Jazz - Live | 04:18 Tools | |
54357228 | Play | 06 - Est-ce que tu aimes? (en duo avec M) | 03:32 Tools | |
89408927 | Play | L'amour, pt. 2 | 03:32 Tools | |
87453480 | Play | Ma dernière nuit а New-York | 03:32 Tools | |
89408928 | Play | La dame du lac (Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018) | 03:32 Tools | |
54357230 | Play | La Fille ŕ Cent Sous | 03:35 Tools | |
54357323 | Play | Mon Hlm | 04:27 Tools | |
14020359 | Play | O Carnaval Ethiopien - Dub | 02:52 Tools | |
89408929 | Play | General of Love | 02:52 Tools | |
14020004 | Play | La Lionne & L'éléphant | 06:22 Tools | |
54357252 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New-York City | 02:47 Tools | |
54357235 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit А New-York | 06:22 Tools | |
14020029 | Play | Titwan | 03:00 Tools | |
54357237 | Play | Le Tonnerre du sur | 03:22 Tools | |
87453481 | Play | 11 - Ma Dernière Nuit À New-York City | 03:22 Tools | |
89408930 | Play | MOONLOVE DEESSE | 03:22 Tools | |
54357239 | Play | 07 - La lune | 03:02 Tools | |
54357241 | Play | 01 - Quai n°3 | 03:02 Tools | |
14020366 | Play | Good Bye My Friend - Live | 04:55 Tools | |
87453483 | Play | Est ce que tu aimes Rk1 | 03:02 Tools | |
14020198 | Play | Cool Jazz [Live Au Studio Furbert] | 07:54 Tools | |
54357244 | Play | 09 - Scritch | 03:02 Tools | |
54357246 | Play | 12 - Padam padam | 02:47 Tools | |
14019984 | Play | WWW.Com [Live] | 02:26 Tools | |
54357288 | Play | Shopping Dans La Jungle - Instrumental | 05:33 Tools | |
54357249 | Play | Arthur H & -M- chedid est ce que tu aimes Rk1 | 02:47 Tools | |
14020057 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit À New-York City | 05:33 Tools | |
14020065 | Play | Soufeele Electrique | 06:34 Tools | |
54357251 | Play | Piste 7 | 02:47 Tools | |
54357289 | Play | Si Moi Je Ne Te Parle Pas Durement Qui Le Fera - Instrumental | 05:33 Tools | |
54357262 | Play | Souvent, tu joues les idiots | 00:30 Tools | |
54357292 | Play | Je T'Aime Grand Duke - Instrumental | 05:33 Tools | |
54357293 | Play | Loulou T'Embrasse - Instrumental | 05:33 Tools | |
54357253 | Play | La Fille а Cent Sous | 02:47 Tools | |
54357265 | Play | Le destin du voyageur feat. Jacques Higelin | 00:30 Tools | |
14020015 | Play | Sous le soleil de minuit (avec Pauline Croze) | 05:59 Tools | |
14020091 | Play | Si Moi Je Ne Te Parle Pas Durement, Qui | 04:08 Tools | |
14020192 | Play | Gisels Dans La Jungle | 02:37 Tools | |
14020315 | Play | La Chanson de Satie (ft. Feist) | 03:48 Tools | |
54357269 | Play | On en rit encore (Avec Lhasa) | 05:03 Tools | |
54357254 | Play | Le Jardin des dйlices | 03:48 Tools | |
54357255 | Play | Le Chercheur D`or | 03:48 Tools | |
89408931 | Play | Super héros de l'instant zéro (Instrumental) | 03:48 Tools | |
54357256 | Play | est-ce que tu aimes ? - Avec M | 03:48 Tools | |
89408932 | Play | Ma dernière nuit à New York City (Live aux Francofolies de La Rochelle 2018) | 03:48 Tools | |
14020282 | Play | Salambo | 00:00 Tools | |
14020303 | Play | Le Temps D'Un Eclair [Live Au Studio Furbert] | 02:56 Tools | |
54357258 | Play | Rene Lacaille / Danyel Waro - banm kalou banm | 00:00 Tools | |
54357305 | Play | The Man I Love [Live Au Studio Furbert] | 01:30 Tools | |
89408933 | Play | Sous le soleil de Miami - Live | 01:30 Tools | |
14020130 | Play | Ma Derniere Nuit А New-York City | 05:32 Tools | |
14020180 | Play | Bachibouzouk | 03:30 Tools | |
54357261 | Play | Je ręve de toi | 03:30 Tools | |
14020017 | Play | Le jardin des delices (avec Lhasa) | 00:30 Tools | |
54357312 | Play | Robert Gengis Khan 2000 - Instrumental | 03:47 Tools | |
54357264 | Play | Lourdes Mix | 00:30 Tools | |
14020101 | Play | lily dale (instru) | 00:30 Tools | |
14019980 | Play | Est-Ce Que Tu Aimes ? (ft -M-) | 03:32 Tools | |
14020016 | Play | Basquiat (avec Saul Williams) | 05:03 Tools | |
54357267 | Play | La Fille De L`est | 03:32 Tools | |
54357268 | Play | Est-Ce Que Tu M`aimes | 03:32 Tools | |
77077647 | Play | l amoureux | 03:46 Tools | |
89408934 | Play | Chem-cheminée - Live | 03:46 Tools | |
14020035 | Play | Le Sculteur Aveugle | 03:11 Tools | |
54357270 | Play | L`amoureux | 03:11 Tools | |
54357271 | Play | La chanson de Satie (en duo av | 03:11 Tools | |
54357272 | Play | 10 - Marouchka | 03:11 Tools | |
14019934 | Play | Prélude Of Light [Instrumental] | 01:10 Tools | |
54357273 | Play | L'amour | 03:11 Tools | |
54357277 | Play | Trouble Fete | 04:55 Tools | |
14020338 | Play | Quai No3 | 05:02 Tools | |
89408935 | Play | La dame du lac (Instrumental) | 05:02 Tools | |
89408936 | Play | Tokyo Kiss (Instrumental) | 05:02 Tools | |
14020063 | Play | La Magie [Live (Interlude)] | 01:24 Tools | |
14020013 | Play | L'Alcool [Live] | 05:58 Tools | |
54357278 | Play | Piste 6 | 04:55 Tools | |
54357279 | Play | Casserole-Serenade | 04:55 Tools | |
14020331 | Play | www point com | 02:26 Tools | |
54357280 | Play | Si Tu M’Aimes | 02:26 Tools | |
54357281 | Play | Lettre à la petite amie de l'ennemi public n°1 | 01:24 Tools | |
14020073 | Play | Je Rêve De Toi [Live] | 03:47 Tools | |
54357282 | Play | Lily Dale (Extrait De "Hiers Bleus" De J.A Nau) - (Extrait De "Hiers Bleus" De J.A Nau) | 07:54 Tools | |
14020297 | Play | Landru Mix | 08:37 Tools | |
54357283 | Play | Ceci N'Est Pas Un Hold-Up - Instrumental | 08:37 Tools | |
54357284 | Play | Le jardin des délices (avec Lhasa) | 03:47 Tools | |
54357285 | Play | Interlude 4 | 03:47 Tools | |
54357286 | Play | Piste 1 | 05:33 Tools | |
54357287 | Play | C'est extra (avec Brad Scott) | 05:33 Tools | |
77077637 | Play | Inséparables mais - Live France / 2002 | 03:47 Tools | |
14020044 | Play | Le Temps D'un Eclair (Inedit) | 02:56 Tools | |
54357290 | Play | Piste 9 | 05:33 Tools | |
54357291 | Play | Piste 5 | 05:33 Tools | |
77077638 | Play | La femme maquillée - Live Canada / 2006 | 03:47 Tools | |
14020206 | Play | Vénus Rose | 03:21 Tools | |
14020217 | Play | La Chanson De Satie Avec Feist | 03:50 Tools | |
54357313 | Play | Oh la haut | 03:21 Tools | |
87453484 | Play | Le chercheur d'or - Live Canada / 2006 | 03:21 Tools | |
54357294 | Play | En harmonie | 00:30 Tools | |
54357295 | Play | 02 - la chanson de satie | 00:30 Tools | |
14020089 | Play | 05 - Le Chercheur D'or | 06:02 Tools | |
14019959 | Play | Un fantome sest suicide | 05:33 Tools | |
89408937 | Play | La boxeuse amoureuse (Instrumental) | 05:33 Tools | |
89408938 | Play | Reine de cœur (Instrumental) | 05:33 Tools | |
54357296 | Play | Chem-Cheminée [Live Au Studio Furbert] | 06:02 Tools | |
77077660 | Play | Nue au soleil - Live Studio Furbert, Paris/ 2002 | 04:13 Tools | |
14020183 | Play | Les Trois Petis Nains | 04:47 Tools | |
54357324 | Play | Prélude Of Light (Instrumental) | 04:27 Tools | |
54357300 | Play | QUAI #3 | 00:00 Tools | |
77077655 | Play | Il faut passer le temps | 04:18 Tools | |
14020228 | Play | Ma Sorcière Bleue | 02:42 Tools | |
54357318 | Play | C'Est Extra - Live | 01:10 Tools | |
89408939 | Play | Le chercheur d'or - Live | 01:10 Tools | |
87453486 | Play | Cool Jazz (Live Studio Furbert, Paris / 2002) | 02:42 Tools | |
54357298 | Play | Le sculpteur | 02:42 Tools | |
14020051 | Play | Chérie - Live | 04:48 Tools | |
14020040 | Play | Une Soiree Bleue (Avec Maya Barsony) | 09:56 Tools | |
14020214 | Play | Voleur D' Etincelles | 00:00 Tools | |
77077640 | Play | Cool Jazz - Live Studio Furbert, Paris / 2002 | 04:27 Tools | |
14020156 | Play | Crazy Rag [Live (Interlude)] | 00:48 Tools | |
54357301 | Play | La Femme Id ale | 05:58 Tools | |
14019974 | Play | Le Jardin des Délices | 04:12 Tools | |
77077642 | Play | - Live France / 2002 | 04:27 Tools | |
54357306 | Play | Inséparables Mais [Live] | 01:30 Tools | |
54357382 | Play | O Carnaval Ethiopien - Instrumental | 05:49 Tools | |
77077645 | Play | Le baron noir - Live France / 2002 | 02:52 Tools | |
77077659 | Play | La magie - Live Interlude, France / 2002 | 04:18 Tools | |
54357307 | Play | Lily Dale [Album Version] | 01:30 Tools | |
77077643 | Play | L'alcool - Live France / 2002 | 03:55 Tools | |
14020258 | Play | 07 Petite reine | 03:47 Tools | |
54357373 | Play | The Goddess Of Love And The Busin | 04:13 Tools | |
77077661 | Play | Le temps d'un éclair - Live Studio Furbert, Paris / 2002 | 04:13 Tools | |
77077644 | Play | Souffle électrique - Live France / 2002 | 02:52 Tools | |
54357308 | Play | Judas Mix | 03:47 Tools | |
54357310 | Play | Piste 3 | 02:56 Tools | |
54357381 | Play | Momo Lève Les Yeux Au Ciel - Instrumental | 05:49 Tools | |
54357311 | Play | Quai no 1 | 02:56 Tools | |
54357383 | Play | Robert 2000 - Instrumental | 05:49 Tools | |
14019988 | Play | Je rêve de toi | 03:47 Tools | |
14020285 | Play | Quai Numéro 3 | 05:02 Tools | |
54357314 | Play | 12 - Le destin du voyageur (en duo avec Jacques Higelin) | 03:21 Tools | |
87453487 | Play | Lentement | 03:21 Tools | |
54357317 | Play | Le destin du voyageur (en duo avec J. Higelin) | 01:10 Tools | |
54357349 | Play | 12 - Lady X | 04:40 Tools | |
54357351 | Play | 10 - 14 Juillet 2002 | 04:40 Tools | |
54357315 | Play | La chanson de Sattie (en duo avec Feist) | 03:21 Tools | |
87453493 | Play | SOUS LES ETOILES A MONTREAL | 05:43 Tools | |
54357316 | Play | Eric Satie: Gnossienne 1 (La chanson de Satie) | 03:21 Tools | |
54357319 | Play | Premier Pas | 01:10 Tools | |
54357320 | Play | Mysric Rhumba | 01:10 Tools | |
77077649 | Play | The Man I Love - Live Studio Furbert, Paris / 2002 | 04:54 Tools | |
14020080 | Play | 13 - Loulou | 04:27 Tools | |
54357321 | Play | 08 - Un fantôme s'est suicidé | 04:27 Tools | |
14020008 | Play | La Télé [Live] | 04:13 Tools | |
87453488 | Play | Chem-cheminée (Live Studio Furbert, Paris / 2002) | 04:27 Tools | |
54357322 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes ? (en duo avec M) | 04:27 Tools | |
77077651 | Play | J'ai un revolver - Live France / 2002 | 00:00 Tools | |
54357369 | Play | Chem-Cheminée (live) | 04:18 Tools | |
54357329 | Play | O Carnaval [Live] | 04:27 Tools | |
54357325 | Play | Petit Papa Noel | 04:27 Tools | |
54357326 | Play | VIENS | 04:27 Tools | |
87453489 | Play | Jardin des délices | 04:27 Tools | |
87453490 | Play | Eleonore et Léonard | 04:27 Tools | |
14020097 | Play | La Lune [Live] | 03:55 Tools | |
54357328 | Play | Légion Étrange | 04:27 Tools | |
54357330 | Play | Ma sorcičre bleue | 04:27 Tools | |
77077658 | Play | O Carnaval - Live France / 2002 | 04:18 Tools | |
54357331 | Play | Naпve Derviche | 03:55 Tools | |
54357332 | Play | 01 - L’Abondance | 03:55 Tools | |
54357333 | Play | Baron Noir | 03:55 Tools | |
54357334 | Play | Lilydale | 02:52 Tools | |
54357375 | Play | Cool Jazz (live) | 04:13 Tools | |
14020143 | Play | La Cohée du Lamentin | 00:00 Tools | |
54357336 | Play | 11 - John la reine des pommes | 00:00 Tools | |
54357337 | Play | Est Ce Que Tu M'aimes ? | 00:00 Tools | |
54357338 | Play | Je rкve de toi | 00:00 Tools | |
54357339 | Play | Si Moi Je Ne Te Parle Pas Durement, Qui Le Fera? | 00:00 Tools | |
54357384 | Play | Johnny Palmer | 05:49 Tools | |
54357340 | Play | Piste 8 | 00:00 Tools | |
14020131 | Play | 04 Le sculpteur aveugle | 03:10 Tools | |
54357341 | Play | Les Pauvres Secrétes | 03:10 Tools | |
54357342 | Play | je rêve de de toi | 05:02 Tools | |
77077646 | Play | Ma derniиre nuit а New-York City | 05:02 Tools | |
54357344 | Play | Arthur H - Con Comme La Lune | 05:02 Tools | |
54357345 | Play | 06 - est-ce que tu m'aimes | 05:02 Tools | |
14019979 | Play | 06 - Lily Dale | 04:40 Tools | |
54357346 | Play | Est-ce que tu aimes ? (avec M) | 04:40 Tools | |
89408940 | Play | INVERSION MELANCOLIQUE | 04:40 Tools | |
54357354 | Play | Le tonnerre du coeur feat. Patrick Watson | 04:40 Tools | |
54357348 | Play | 10 - On rit encore (avec Lhasa) | 04:40 Tools | |
87453491 | Play | 13 - Négresse Blanche | 04:40 Tools | |
87453492 | Play | 11 - Bo Derek | 04:40 Tools | |
54357350 | Play | Je rêve de toi | 04:40 Tools | |
54357352 | Play | 09 - City Of Light | 04:40 Tools | |
14020149 | Play | Voleur d'Etincelles | 04:54 Tools | |
54357353 | Play | Raîssa | 04:40 Tools | |
14020099 | Play | 02 - | 03:46 Tools | |
54357355 | Play | 06 - Je rêve de toi | 03:46 Tools | |
54357356 | Play | 11 Piste 11 | 03:46 Tools | |
54357357 | Play | la lйgion йtrange | 04:54 Tools | |
77077648 | Play | Je t'aime moi non plus | 04:54 Tools | |
77077650 | Play | La Femme Idéale [Live] | 05:43 Tools | |
54357358 | Play | Les Papous, c`est nous! | 04:54 Tools | |
54357359 | Play | Cosmonaute Père Et Fils. | 04:54 Tools | |
54357360 | Play | 04 Piste 4 | 04:54 Tools | |
14020086 | Play | Sous le Soleil de Miami - Pauline Croze, Arthur H | 05:43 Tools | |
77077652 | Play | Onirique Attaque [Live] | 09:56 Tools | |
77077653 | Play | Le Sculpteur Aveugle [Live] | 09:56 Tools | |
54357361 | Play | Femme ideale (avec Thomas Fersen) | 05:43 Tools | |
89408941 | Play | The Man I Love - Live | 05:43 Tools | |
54357363 | Play | Indiana Lullaby (avec Lhasa) | 05:43 Tools | |
54357364 | Play | 02 Piste 2 | 05:43 Tools | |
54357365 | Play | Cosmonaute Père & Fils | 05:43 Tools | |
89408942 | Play | Ulysse et Calyps | 05:43 Tools | |
87453494 | Play | Je rêve de toi (Live France / 2002) | 05:43 Tools | |
54357366 | Play | 03 Piste 3 | 05:43 Tools | |
14019989 | Play | Lily Dale (version pour piano) | 00:00 Tools | |
54357367 | Play | Arthur H - Lilly Dale | 09:56 Tools | |
89408943 | Play | Sous le soleil de Miami (Live Canada / 2006) | 09:56 Tools | |
89408944 | Play | est ce que tu m'aimes | 09:56 Tools | |
54357368 | Play | Arthur H - Lily Dale | 09:56 Tools | |
14019918 | Play | Adieu tristesse - Radio Edit | 04:18 Tools | |
89408945 | Play | Con Comme La Lune - Live | 04:18 Tools | |
77077654 | Play | La limonade | 04:18 Tools | |
87453495 | Play | Naissance Dun Soleil | 04:18 Tools | |
77077656 | Play | Souffle Electrique [Live] | 04:18 Tools | |
87453497 | Play | L'alcool (Live France / 2002) | 04:18 Tools | |
77077657 | Play | Hollywood [Live] | 04:18 Tools | |
89408946 | Play | La femme maquillée - Live | 04:18 Tools | |
54357371 | Play | 08 - Naissance D'Un Soleil | 04:18 Tools | |
54357372 | Play | Le Destin Du Voyageur (ft. Jacques Higelin) | 04:18 Tools | |
87453498 | Play | Confessions nocturnes - Live France / 2006 | 04:18 Tools | |
87453499 | Play | Crazy Rag - Live - Interlude France / 2002 | 04:18 Tools | |
87453500 | Play | Les Pieds - Nickeles | 04:18 Tools | |
54357374 | Play | Femme idéale | 04:13 Tools | |
54357376 | Play | Interlude 1 | 04:13 Tools | |
14020270 | Play | Est-ce Que Tu Aimes? (Avec Jerome Goldet) | 05:49 Tools | |
87453501 | Play | Shopping dans la junle | 05:49 Tools | |
54357378 | Play | 07 - Cosmonaute Père & Fils | 05:49 Tools | |
89408947 | Play | Quai Numero Troi | 05:49 Tools | |
54357380 | Play | 01 Le baron noir | 05:49 Tools | |
54357385 | Play | Si tu m'aimes encore | 05:49 Tools | |
54357386 | Play | La legion étrange | 05:49 Tools | |
54357387 | Play | Un Fantфme Asthmatique | 05:49 Tools |
Track name
Arthur H is Arthur Higelin's stage name. Higelin (born Paris, France, 27 March 1966), is a French pianist, songwriter and singer. He is the son of the French singer Jacques Higelin and Nicole Courtois. After traveling in the West Indies, he studied music in Boston before returning to Paris and developing his eclectic but highly personal musical style, drawing on such influences as Thelonious Monk, Serge Gainsbourg, the Sex Pistols, jazz, blues, Middle Eastern music and the tango. He is best known in France for his live performances - four of his albums were recorded live - and remains relatively little-known in the English-speaking world. Arthur H first performed in 1988 in clubs in Paris, as leader of a trio with bassist Brad Scott and drummer Paul Jothy. His first album, Arthur H (1990), combined rhythmic experimentation and bal-musette elements with a vocal style which has been compared to Tom Waits. He toured widely around this time, particularly in France and Japan, adding a fourth band member, Jon Handelsman (saxophone), and produced a second album, Bachibouzouk (1992). In early 1993, he did a six week season at the Magic Mirrors, an antique circus big top, which was later put on as a touring show and recorded on the live album En chair et en os. In 1996, he released the album Trouble Fête, following which he performed a season at the Gymnase in Paris. The live album Fête Trouble (1997) included some tracks from these shows as well as others recorded on tour in Africa. He toured the USA and Canada in 1998. In 2000, he wrote the soundtrack for Michel Couvelard’s film, Inséparables, before touring in Asia and Canada. His next album, Pour Madame X (2000), featured the touring band of Nicolas Repac (guitar), Brad Scott (double bass) and Laurent Robin (drums). In 2001, he took part in the show "Cabaret Imprudent" with "Le Cirque Cahin-caha". The following year, he released the album Piano Solo, recorded live in a studio and mainly consisting of solo interpretations of earlier songs. This was followed by a band album, Négresse Blanche (2003), comprising tracks dedicated to the memory of famous women such as "Marilyn Kaddish" and "Bo Derek". In 2005, a planned tour of China was cancelled, and he returned to the studio to record the album Adieu Tristesse. This was the most commercially successful of his career, and included several duets, one with his father and another, "Est-ce que tu aimes?", with the musician -M- (Matthieu Chedid). He subsequently toured widely in France, Lebanon and Canada. In 2006 he published a book, "Onirique attaque", containing lyrics, reflections and photographs. He also composed the soundtrack for the film "L’homme qui rêvait d'un enfant", directed by Delphine Gleize. The soundtrack was performed by an ensemble of children from a local music school. The album "Show Time", issued late in 2006, was recorded live on tour and includes duets with Matthieu Chedid, Pauline Croze, Lhasa de Sela and Jacques Higelin. In June 2008 he released the album "L'Homme du Monde". Discography * 1990 : Arthur H * 1991 : Cool Jazz (remixes) * 1992 : Bachibouzouk * 1993 : En chair et en os (live) * 1996 : Trouble-Fête * 1997 : Fête Trouble (live) * 1999 : Inséparables (soundtrack) * 2000 : Pour Madame X * 2002 : Piano Solo (live) * 2003 : Négresse Blanche * 2005 : Adieu Tristesse * 2006 : Show Time (live) * 2008 : L'Homme du Monde Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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