Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
12977590 | Play | Kaldevind | 09:02 Tools | |
12977591 | Play | A Stormride | 11:22 Tools | |
12977592 | Play | Celestial Clear Moonlit | 02:21 Tools | |
12977595 | Play | A Crushing Hammer | 06:44 Tools | |
12977593 | Play | Feldhall og Kampf | 11:21 Tools | |
12977596 | Play | Microcosm of the Spirit | 11:24 Tools | |
12977594 | Play | Key to Andkosm | 08:48 Tools | |
12977599 | Play | Intro | 02:55 Tools | |
12977600 | Play | By the Timeless Nightly Dusk | 08:16 Tools | |
87417807 | Play | Raven Fierce | 02:55 Tools | |
12977606 | Play | SpiritSense | 12:55 Tools | |
12977613 | Play | To a frigid luminary of the night | 09:40 Tools | |
12977614 | Play | Rdyandalir | 11:34 Tools | |
12977712 | Play | Night and fog (intro) | 04:08 Tools | |
12977598 | Play | Kalde Vinter of Ruin | 11:28 Tools | |
12977602 | Play | Meine Ehre Heisst Treue | 05:32 Tools | |
12977597 | Play | Kosmhall | 15:45 Tools | |
12977688 | Play | Burning all the bridges behind myself | 07:52 Tools | |
12977722 | Play | Evilwinged songs of the tragic centuries | 06:10 Tools | |
12977610 | Play | Heil Wotan! | 03:30 Tools | |
12977741 | Play | Reich of the winter frost | 07:40 Tools | |
12977623 | Play | The depths of pulsations (outro) | 05:38 Tools | |
12977627 | Play | By the Breath of the Murder | 10:01 Tools | |
12977622 | Play | Outro | 08:52 Tools | |
12977626 | Play | Horrid Storms | 03:24 Tools | |
12977608 | Play | ...Ablaze Far Av Nattensky | 08:29 Tools | |
12977642 | Play | Av VinterKald | 00:00 Tools | |
12977605 | Play | Varg Fjerne a Tornet | 07:11 Tools | |
12977630 | Play | With the only Eye | 08:47 Tools | |
12977655 | Play | Instrumental | 06:33 Tools | |
12977619 | Play | ...Где Ночи Край | 09:01 Tools | |
12977816 | Play | Микрокосм Духа | 11:25 Tools | |
12977612 | Play | Рдяндалир | 11:38 Tools | |
12977921 | Play | Дух Смысла | 12:55 Tools | |
12977662 | Play | The Steel Strings of the Spirit | 14:05 Tools | |
12977798 | Play | Безвременной Тьмой Ночной | 08:15 Tools | |
12977621 | Play | Vargkampf | 08:53 Tools | |
12977653 | Play | Cleaving to Blood, Crushing to Dust | 06:53 Tools | |
12977674 | Play | Рассекая В Кровь, Разбивая В Прах | 06:54 Tools | |
12977641 | Play | Na Volnah Vdohnoven'ya | 14:09 Tools | |
12977667 | Play | Enwinged Far Invisible | 07:02 Tools | |
12977646 | Play | Паденьем Вечных Искр Небес | 10:37 Tools | |
12977666 | Play | Of Eternal Sparks Fall | 10:35 Tools | |
12977656 | Play | Окрыленной Необозримой Дали | 07:03 Tools | |
12977604 | Play | Ворон Лют | 05:51 Tools | |
12977633 | Play | Арийский Миф | 06:53 Tools | |
12977652 | Play | Истоку Ясности | 02:47 Tools | |
12977678 | Play | VI | 07:09 Tools | |
12977634 | Play | Борьба Это Жизнь | 04:31 Tools | |
12977660 | Play | VII | 04:23 Tools | |
12977636 | Play | За Арийский Простор | 04:41 Tools | |
12977665 | Play | Hladavzor | 04:03 Tools | |
12977750 | Play | Прибоем вдохновенья волн | 05:53 Tools | |
12977644 | Play | Painest Sea a Kosmfarne (Part I & II) | 05:35 Tools | |
12977682 | Play | Дух Превосходства | 04:30 Tools | |
12977629 | Play | Askoltvegr | 05:26 Tools | |
12977761 | Play | Доблести Духу | 04:37 Tools | |
12977774 | Play | Тингов Наслаждаясь Распрей | 04:57 Tools | |
12977806 | Play | Духа Уста Опаляя | 09:43 Tools | |
12977664 | Play | VIII | 04:23 Tools | |
12977677 | Play | V | 07:25 Tools | |
12977861 | Play | Жать Врагу | 07:27 Tools | |
12977687 | Play | Searing The Mouth Of Spirit | 09:45 Tools | |
12977676 | Play | Реченька | 02:53 Tools | |
12977890 | Play | Разитель Дух | 07:25 Tools | |
12977805 | Play | Воли и Ярости | 06:47 Tools | |
12977696 | Play | I | 05:26 Tools | |
12977651 | Play | Свастика | 06:37 Tools | |
12977649 | Play | Энергией Ansuz | 07:56 Tools | |
12977752 | Play | Жизнеотрицанью Жизневероломство | 08:48 Tools | |
12977690 | Play | Ablaze, Enraging, Afreezing With Pain | 07:04 Tools | |
12977829 | Play | Жгучи Меда Глотки | 10:03 Tools | |
12977695 | Play | Harvesting For An Enemy | 07:28 Tools | |
12977700 | Play | Lifebetrayal To The Lifedenial | 08:49 Tools | |
12977842 | Play | Ночь Свастики Воспламененья.. | 07:09 Tools | |
12977865 | Play | Опаляя Души Грани | 05:46 Tools | |
12977698 | Play | The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 08:39 Tools | |
12977650 | Play | Превосходство | 07:24 Tools | |
12977895 | Play | Закон Очищения Крови и Духа | 08:47 Tools | |
12977689 | Play | IV | 06:37 Tools | |
12977848 | Play | Раздувая Тинг Ветров | 07:58 Tools | |
12977729 | Play | III | 07:56 Tools | |
12977702 | Play | II | 10:03 Tools | |
12977699 | Play | ...Gde Nochi Kray | 09:01 Tools | |
12977735 | Play | Rausch der Misantrophie | 05:49 Tools | |
12977717 | Play | Searing the Edges of Soul | 05:46 Tools | |
12977869 | Play | Пылая, Озлобляя, Болью Леденя | 07:03 Tools | |
87417808 | Play | Сжигая за собой мосты | 07:03 Tools | |
12977718 | Play | Dikiy Rodich Parusov | 08:15 Tools | |
12977693 | Play | Зимнего Холода Рейх | 07:40 Tools | |
12977711 | Play | Зловдохновенные Песни Трагедий Веков | 06:10 Tools | |
87417809 | Play | Страстью Стремимым | 07:58 Tools | |
12977726 | Play | The Sail's Wild Kin | 08:13 Tools | |
12977714 | Play | Supremacy | 07:24 Tools | |
12977703 | Play | Stuzhi Golos | 07:26 Tools | |
12977725 | Play | Rising up the Thing of Winds | 07:58 Tools | |
12977721 | Play | Fainest Sea U Rosmfarne (Part I & Part II) | 05:36 Tools | |
87417810 | Play | Ночь и туман (Intro) | 07:58 Tools | |
12977681 | Play | Mit Der Klinge Anfrichtigen Blickes | 05:38 Tools | |
12977762 | Play | Doblesti Duhu | 00:00 Tools | |
12977672 | Play | Квинтэссенция Стихий, Элементов, Начал и Реализаций | 04:33 Tools | |
12977753 | Play | Priboyem Vdohnovenja Voln | 00:00 Tools | |
12977706 | Play | Ветрами Разгораются Огни, Ночного Неба Опаляя Высь | 08:29 Tools | |
12977745 | Play | Voice of Frost | 07:24 Tools | |
12977740 | Play | Strun Natyanutyh Vdohnoven'ya Stal' | 08:40 Tools | |
12977757 | Play | Duh Prevoshodstva | 00:00 Tools | |
12977825 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej | 00:00 Tools | |
12977779 | Play | Voli I Jarosti | 06:47 Tools | |
12977734 | Play | На Волнах Вдохновенья (Upon The Waves Of Inspiration) | 00:00 Tools | |
12977716 | Play | Horrid Storms (Bonus) | 04:28 Tools | |
12977723 | Play | Дикий Родич Парусов (Wild Slektning of Sails) | 08:15 Tools | |
12977710 | Play | Бездны пульсаций (Outro) | 05:38 Tools | |
12977719 | Play | Стужи Голос (Stemme av Kald) | 07:26 Tools | |
12977763 | Play | Into Spiritheat | 05:52 Tools | |
12977775 | Play | Like A Blade Of Straight Gaze | 05:38 Tools | |
12977759 | Play | The Mead Of Misanthropy | 05:49 Tools | |
12977709 | Play | Пылая Озлобляя Болью Леденя | 07:03 Tools | |
12977788 | Play | As Wildhuntblood | 05:05 Tools | |
12977743 | Play | Хладавзор (Blikk av Kald) | 04:04 Tools | |
12977766 | Play | …Gde Nochi Kray | 09:02 Tools | |
12977860 | Play | painest sea of kosmfarne | 00:00 Tools | |
12977768 | Play | The Law of Purification of Blood and Spirit | 08:46 Tools | |
12977820 | Play | To Wings Ravenwinged | 08:02 Tools | |
87417811 | Play | Холодное светило ночи | 09:40 Tools | |
12977731 | Play | Холодному Светилу Ночи | 09:40 Tools | |
12977744 | Play | Wild Slektning Of Sails | 08:15 Tools | |
12977754 | Play | The Quintessence of Elements, Parts, Beginnings and Realizations | 04:33 Tools | |
12977748 | Play | Stemme Av Kald | 07:26 Tools | |
12977705 | Play | Страстью Cтремимым | 09:56 Tools | |
12977767 | Play | …Ablaze Far Av Nattensky | 08:30 Tools | |
12977831 | Play | Untitled 1 | 04:23 Tools | |
12977749 | Play | Blikk Av Kald | 04:04 Tools | |
12977746 | Play | ...Где Ночи Край (...Where the Land of the Night) | 09:01 Tools | |
12977800 | Play | Untitled 2 | 04:29 Tools | |
12977773 | Play | Upon The Waves Of Inspiration | 14:12 Tools | |
12977742 | Play | Steel of Strained Strings Inspiration | 08:41 Tools | |
12977802 | Play | Взором Единым | 08:49 Tools | |
12977771 | Play | Varg Fjerne a Tornet (Instrumental) | 07:13 Tools | |
12977797 | Play | The Law of Putrification of Blood & Spirit | 00:34 Tools | |
12977827 | Play | The Quintessence of Elements, Parts, Beginnings... | 04:33 Tools | |
12977739 | Play | Den Winden, die krahegeflьgelt sind | 08:02 Tools | |
12977792 | Play | Den Wilden, die krahegeflugelt sind | 08:02 Tools | |
12977828 | Play | Okrylennoj Neobozrimoj Dali | 07:03 Tools | |
12977794 | Play | Rausch der Misanthropie | 05:49 Tools | |
53967931 | Play | С выдохом гибельным | 05:49 Tools | |
12977715 | Play | Landvidi | 03:54 Tools | |
12977760 | Play | Horrid Storm | 03:22 Tools | |
12977849 | Play | Deine Unerwartete Stimme | 04:27 Tools | |
53967932 | Play | # 03 | 08:02 Tools | |
12977839 | Play | Den Winden Der Krähegeflügelt Sind | 08:02 Tools | |
12977830 | Play | ...deine Umherwanderte Stimme | 04:27 Tools | |
12977881 | Play | Na Volnakh Vdokhnovenya | 14:08 Tools | |
12978090 | Play | Den Winden, Die Krahegeflügelt Sind | 08:02 Tools | |
12977803 | Play | ... Deine Umherwanderte Stimme... | 04:27 Tools | |
53967933 | Play | # 04 | 04:27 Tools | |
12977733 | Play | Glitnir | 06:33 Tools | |
12977868 | Play | Rassekaya V Krov, Razbivaya V Prah | 06:54 Tools | |
12977843 | Play | S Vydohom Gibelnym | 12:57 Tools | |
12977832 | Play | Padenem Vechnyh Iskr Nebes | 10:37 Tools | |
12977872 | Play | Strun Natyanutykh Vdokhnovenya Stal' | 08:38 Tools | |
53967934 | Play | # 05 | 12:57 Tools | |
12977836 | Play | …Ablaze far av Nattensky | 08:27 Tools | |
53967950 | Play | Жгучи Мёда Глотки | 08:41 Tools | |
12977770 | Play | Den Winden, die krähegeflügelt sind | 08:02 Tools | |
12977988 | Play | Painest sea Kosmfarne | 05:36 Tools | |
53967935 | Play | 01 - In der Hitze des Geistes | 08:27 Tools | |
12978062 | Play | Струн Натянутых Вдохновенья Ста& | 08:40 Tools | |
87417812 | Play | Окрылённой необозримой дали | 08:02 Tools | |
53967936 | Play | # 07 | 08:27 Tools | |
12977846 | Play | Vzorom Edinym | 08:08 Tools | |
12977996 | Play | ... Ablaze Far Av Nattensky | 08:29 Tools | |
12977871 | Play | Квинтэссенция Стихий Элементов, Начал И Реализации | 04:45 Tools | |
12977893 | Play | Ñòðóí Íàòÿíóòûõ Âäîõíîâåíüÿ Ñòàëü | 08:41 Tools | |
53967937 | Play | # 06 | 08:30 Tools | |
53967938 | Play | # 08 | 09:02 Tools | |
12977856 | Play | Жизнеотрицанью Жизневеромломство | 09:02 Tools | |
89383597 | Play | On The Waves Of Inspiration | 09:02 Tools | |
12977966 | Play | Ðäÿíäàëèð | 00:00 Tools | |
12977765 | Play | Где Ночи Край | 09:01 Tools | |
12977884 | Play | Äóõ Ñìûñëà | 12:55 Tools | |
12978028 | Play | Áåçâðåìåííîé Òüìîé Íî÷íîé | 08:15 Tools | |
12977907 | Play | Ïàäåíüåì Âå÷íûõ Èñêð Íåáåñ | 00:00 Tools | |
53967939 | Play | 02 - Mit der Klinge aufrichtigen Blickes | 08:02 Tools | |
12977809 | Play | By the Surf of the Waves of Inspiration | 05:53 Tools | |
53967940 | Play | 03 - Mit dem Blut der wilden Jagd | 08:02 Tools | |
53967942 | Play | 06 - ... deine umherwanderte Stimme... | 08:02 Tools | |
87417813 | Play | Ночь и туман | 09:02 Tools | |
12977772 | Play | Струн Натянутых Вдохновенья Ста | 08:40 Tools | |
12977897 | Play | ...Ãäå Íî÷è Êðàé (...Where the Land of the Night) | 09:01 Tools | |
12978032 | Play | Ìèêðîêîñì Äóõà | 11:25 Tools | |
12977950 | Play | Into The Ardor of Spirit | 05:52 Tools | |
53967941 | Play | 04 - Rausch der Misantrophie | 08:02 Tools | |
12977822 | Play | To Those Aspired By Passion | 09:56 Tools | |
12977807 | Play | Ravished by the Battle of Things | 04:57 Tools | |
12978045 | Play | Untitled I | 04:23 Tools | |
53967946 | Play | Untitled II | 07:05 Tools | |
12977833 | Play | To the Spirit of Valour | 04:37 Tools | |
53967943 | Play | 07 - Untitled 1 | 08:02 Tools | |
53967947 | Play | # 10 | 07:05 Tools | |
53967944 | Play | # 01 | 08:02 Tools | |
53967945 | Play | ... Deine umherwanderte Stimme | 08:40 Tools | |
12977863 | Play | Îêðûëåííîé Íåîáîçðèìîé Äàëè | 00:00 Tools | |
12977804 | Play | The Spirit of Superiority | 04:30 Tools | |
12977857 | Play | Arijskij Mif | 07:05 Tools | |
53967948 | Play | # 09 | 08:29 Tools | |
12978116 | Play | Сквозь золотистые пряди | 06:09 Tools | |
12977924 | Play | Painest sea a Kosmfarne | 05:36 Tools | |
12977812 | Play | Воле и Ярости | 06:47 Tools | |
53967954 | Play | Ðàññåêàÿ Â Êðîâü, Ðàçáèâàÿ Â Ïðàõ | 06:09 Tools | |
12977814 | Play | Of Will and Fury | 06:47 Tools | |
53967949 | Play | 08 - Untitled 2 | 08:15 Tools | |
53967951 | Play | # 02 | 08:41 Tools | |
12977859 | Play | Rusmjod Av Misantropie | 05:50 Tools | |
12978147 | Play | Бездны Пульсаций | 05:38 Tools | |
12977920 | Play | Burning Are the Swigs of Mead | 10:02 Tools | |
12978128 | Play | Med Asgardsrei Blod | 05:05 Tools | |
12977879 | Play | To the Ravenwinged Winds | 08:02 Tools | |
53967952 | Play | 05 - Den Wilden, die krahegeflügelt sind | 06:47 Tools | |
12977808 | Play | Окрыленной Необозримой Дали / Enwinged Far Invisible | 07:03 Tools | |
12977927 | Play | Vargkamf | 09:13 Tools | |
53967957 | Play | Key to And Kosm | 10:02 Tools | |
12978136 | Play | Track-01 | 04:06 Tools | |
12977844 | Play | Струн Натянутых Вдохновения Сталь | 08:40 Tools | |
53967953 | Play | Истоки Ясности | 11:25 Tools | |
12977888 | Play | By the Energy of Ansuz | 07:56 Tools | |
12977669 | Play | With Razorblade of Straightforward Stare | 05:38 Tools | |
12977882 | Play | Swastika | 06:37 Tools | |
87417814 | Play | паденьем Вечных Искр Небес / Of Eternal Sparks Fall | 09:34 Tools | |
12977878 | Play | Spirit Who Smites | 07:26 Tools | |
12977791 | Play | ...Where The Night's Verge | 09:05 Tools | |
53967965 | Play | Èñòîêó ßñíîñòè | 06:53 Tools | |
12977911 | Play | Äóõà Óñòà Îïàëÿÿ | 09:44 Tools | |
12977965 | Play | Track-02 | 09:34 Tools | |
53967955 | Play | By the Timeless Obscurity of Night | 06:47 Tools | |
12978089 | Play | Track-03 | 07:51 Tools | |
53967956 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 02 - Priboyem Vdohnovenja Voln | 07:51 Tools | |
12977867 | Play | Rechenka | 02:53 Tools | |
12977923 | Play | Dukha Usta Opalyaya | 09:44 Tools | |
12977985 | Play | Painest Sea A Kosmfarne (Part I & Part II) | 05:36 Tools | |
87417815 | Play | Триумф Воли | 08:14 Tools | |
53967971 | Play | Çà Àðèéñêèé Ïðîñòîð | 08:48 Tools | |
53967958 | Play | Spiritual Microcosm | 07:03 Tools | |
12977995 | Play | Track-04 | 06:13 Tools | |
12977840 | Play | Dikiy Rodich Parusov (The Sail's Wild Kin) | 08:14 Tools | |
53967960 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 01 - Intro | 09:44 Tools | |
12978044 | Play | Track-06 | 14:21 Tools | |
87417816 | Play | Äóõ Ïðåâîñõîäñòâà | 08:49 Tools | |
12978053 | Play | Закон Очищения Крови и Духа / The Law of Purification of Blood and Spirit | 08:47 Tools | |
53967959 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 04 - Instrumental | 05:36 Tools | |
53967962 | Play | Enwinged for Invisible | 09:44 Tools | |
12977963 | Play | Track-05 | 07:39 Tools | |
12977821 | Play | For The Source Of Clearness | 02:47 Tools | |
12977796 | Play | Рассекая в Кровь, Разбивая в Прах / Cleaving to Blood, Crushing to Dust | 06:54 Tools | |
12977909 | Play | Stuzhi Golos (Voice of Frost) | 07:25 Tools | |
12978091 | Play | ...Where The Land Of The Night | 09:01 Tools | |
12977850 | Play | Borba Eto Zhizn | 04:31 Tools | |
53967961 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 07 - Instrumental | 09:44 Tools | |
12977756 | Play | Szhigaja Za Soboj Mosty | 07:50 Tools | |
12977910 | Play | Voron Ljut | 05:51 Tools | |
12977947 | Play | Ïðèáîåì Âäîõíîâåíüÿ Âîëí | 05:53 Tools | |
53967964 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 03 - Doblesti Duhu | 05:51 Tools | |
12977838 | Play | Strun Natyanutyh Vdohnoven'ya Stal'(The Strings of Inspiration Sing) | 08:40 Tools | |
53967981 | Play | Âîðîí Ëþò | 14:20 Tools | |
12977793 | Play | Vetrami Razgorajutsja Ogni, Nochnogo Neba Opaljaja Vys | 08:29 Tools | |
12978110 | Play | Night of the Ignition's Swastika | 07:06 Tools | |
12977862 | Play | Æèçíåîòðèöàíüþ Æèçíåâåðîëîìñòâî | 08:48 Tools | |
12977873 | Play | Za Arijskij Prostor | 06:53 Tools | |
53967975 | Play | Ýíåðãèåé Ansuz | 07:06 Tools | |
53967976 | Play | Ïûëàÿ, Îçëîáëÿÿ, Áîëüþ Ëåäåíÿ | 07:06 Tools | |
12978050 | Play | Padenem Vechnych Iskr Nebes | 10:37 Tools | |
12978068 | Play | Опаляя Души Грани / Searing the Edges of Soul | 05:46 Tools | |
12977904 | Play | Zhizneotritsanyu Zhizneverolomstvo | 08:49 Tools | |
12978019 | Play | Äîáëåñòè Äóõó | 04:37 Tools | |
87417817 | Play | Квинтэссенция Стихий, Элементов, Начал И Реализаций / The Quintessence Of Elements, Parts, Beginnings And Realizations | 08:49 Tools | |
53967966 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 05 - Duh Prevoshodstva | 05:46 Tools | |
53967967 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 08 - Voli I Jarosti | 04:33 Tools | |
53967984 | Play | Àðèéñêèé Ìèô | 07:15 Tools | |
12977982 | Play | Rassekaja V Krov, Razbivaja V Prach | 06:54 Tools | |
12977680 | Play | Din Alltidvandrig Stemme | 04:27 Tools | |
53967989 | Play | Òèíãîâ Íàñëàæäàÿñü Ðàñïðåé | 08:48 Tools | |
53967987 | Play | Ðå÷åíüêà | 08:48 Tools | |
12977977 | Play | The SoiritSence | 12:58 Tools | |
12978009 | Play | Раздувая Тинг Ветров / Rising up the Thing of Winds | 07:58 Tools | |
12977837 | Play | ... Где Ночи Край | 09:01 Tools | |
12977764 | Play | Cholodnomu Svetilu Nochi | 09:33 Tools | |
12977781 | Play | Zimnego Choloda Rejch | 07:38 Tools | |
87417818 | Play | Твой неприкаянный голос | 07:38 Tools | |
12977887 | Play | Микрокосм Духа / Microcosm of the Spirit | 11:27 Tools | |
53967982 | Play | Æãó÷è Ìåäà Ãëîòêè | 14:20 Tools | |
53967993 | Play | Îïàëÿÿ Äóøè Ãðàíè | 12:58 Tools | |
53967969 | Play | The Spiritsence | 11:27 Tools | |
12977875 | Play | Zhat' Vragu | 07:28 Tools | |
53967970 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej - 06 - Tingov Naslazhdajas Rasprej | 07:28 Tools | |
12977758 | Play | Сквозь Золотистые Пряди SIF | 06:08 Tools | |
12977769 | Play | Noch I Tuman (Intro) | 04:06 Tools | |
12977901 | Play | Dikij Rodich Parusov | 08:15 Tools | |
12977855 | Play | Превосходство / Supremacy | 07:24 Tools | |
12978002 | Play | Безвременной Тьмой Ночной / By the Timeless Nightly Dusk | 08:17 Tools | |
12977892 | Play | Ucmoky rchocmu | 02:47 Tools | |
53967973 | Play | Зимнего холода райх | 08:15 Tools | |
12977782 | Play | Zlovdochnovennye Pesni Tragedij Vekov | 06:12 Tools | |
12978036 | Play | ...Your Restless Voice | 04:27 Tools | |
53967986 | Play | Ñâàñòèêà | 08:48 Tools | |
87417819 | Play | Âîëè È ßðîñòè | 04:33 Tools | |
12977886 | Play | Хладовзор | 04:04 Tools | |
53967974 | Play | To a Frigid Luminary of the Ni | 02:47 Tools | |
53967977 | Play | Êâèíòýññåíöèÿ Ñòèõèé, Ýëåìåíòîâ, Íà÷àë è Ðåàëèçàöèé / The Quintessence of Elements, Parts, Beginnings and Realizations | 07:06 Tools | |
12978007 | Play | Êâèíòýññåíöèÿ Ñòèõèé, Ýëåìåíòîâ, Íà÷àë è Ðåàëèçàöèé | 04:33 Tools | |
53967978 | Play | Îïàëÿÿ Äóøè Ãðàíè / Searing the Edges of Soul | 07:06 Tools | |
53967979 | Play | Ïðåâîñõîäñòâî / Supremacy | 07:06 Tools | |
12977917 | Play | ...Gde Nochi Kraj | 09:01 Tools | |
53967980 | Play | Painest Sea A Kosmfarne (I, II) | 09:01 Tools | |
53967999 | Play | Триумф Воли (intro) | 06:47 Tools | |
12977780 | Play | Glybiny Pulsacij (Outro) | 14:20 Tools | |
12977891 | Play | Квинтесенция стихий, элементов, начал и реализации | 04:33 Tools | |
53967985 | Play | Íà Âîëíàõ Âäîõíîâåíüÿ | 04:23 Tools | |
53967992 | Play | Æàòü Âðàãó | 05:52 Tools | |
53968012 | Play | Áîðüáà - Ýòî Æèçíü! | 04:33 Tools | |
12978000 | Play | Zhizneotrichanju Zhizneverolomstvo | 08:48 Tools | |
53968004 | Play | Ðàçäóâàÿ Òèíã Âåòðîâ | 07:58 Tools | |
53968013 | Play | Íî÷ü Ñâàñòèêè Âîñïëàìåíåíüÿ | 04:04 Tools | |
53968014 | Play | Çàêîí Î÷èùåíèÿ Êðîâè è Äóõà | 04:33 Tools | |
12977905 | Play | 6. Хладавзор (Blikk av Kald) | 04:04 Tools | |
12978040 | Play | Pylaya Ozloblyaya Bol'yu Ledenya | 07:15 Tools | |
12977918 | Play | Vetram Voronokrylym | 08:02 Tools | |
53967983 | Play | Meine Ehre Heißt Treue | 07:15 Tools | |
12978115 | Play | С Выходом Гибельным | 10:04 Tools | |
12977922 | Play | Prevoshodstvo | 07:24 Tools | |
53968011 | Play | Ïðåâîñõîäñòâî | 04:33 Tools | |
12978129 | Play | Дух Смысла / SpiritSense | 12:58 Tools | |
12977971 | Play | Zhat Vragu | 07:27 Tools | |
53967988 | Play | 01 - Intro | 08:48 Tools | |
53967990 | Play | Çàêîí Î÷èùåíèÿ Êðîâè è Äóõà / The Law of Purification of Blood and Spirit | 08:48 Tools | |
53967991 | Play | Æèçíåîòðèöàíüþ - Æèçíåâåðîëîìñòâî / Lifebetrayal to the Lifedenial | 08:48 Tools | |
12977908 | Play | Branikald | 02:48 Tools | |
12978067 | Play | Svastika | 06:37 Tools | |
12977877 | Play | Bezymjannaja Pesn | 04:23 Tools | |
53968010 | Play | Ñòðàñòüþ Ñòðåìèìûì | 14:12 Tools | |
53968005 | Play | Безымянная песня | 07:58 Tools | |
53968003 | Play | Ëåçâèåì Ïðÿìîãî Âçãëÿäà / Like a Blade of Straight Gaze | 07:58 Tools | |
12977876 | Play | Razduvaya Ting Vetrov | 07:58 Tools | |
53968002 | Play | Êðîâüþ Îõîòû Äèêîé / As Wildhuntblood | 07:58 Tools | |
12977826 | Play | Lezviem Prjamogo Vzgljada | 05:38 Tools | |
53968019 | Play | Ðàçèòåëü Äóõ | 07:03 Tools | |
12978042 | Play | Ducha Usta Opaljaja | 09:43 Tools | |
12977900 | Play | Strastju Stremumym | 09:56 Tools | |
53967994 | Play | Ðàçäóâàÿ Òèíã Âåòðîâ / Rising up the Thing of Winds | 12:58 Tools | |
53967995 | Play | Äèêèé Ðîäè÷ Ïàðóñîâ / The Sail's Wild Kin | 12:58 Tools | |
12977962 | Play | Painest Sea A Kosmfarne (Part | 05:35 Tools | |
53967996 | Play | Ïûëàÿ, Îçëîáëÿÿ, Áîëüþ Ëåäåíÿ / Ablaze, Enraging, Afreezing with Pain | 05:35 Tools | |
53967997 | Play | Глубины Пульсаций (Outro) | 05:35 Tools | |
53968033 | Play | Din Alltidvandring Stemme | 10:37 Tools | |
53967998 | Play | Страстью Стремимый | 06:47 Tools | |
12977915 | Play | Chmel Mizantropii | 05:49 Tools | |
53968000 | Play | The depths of pulsations (outr | 06:47 Tools | |
12977894 | Play | Strun Natjanutych Vdochnovenja Stal | 08:41 Tools | |
53968001 | Play | To The Source Of Clarity | 08:41 Tools | |
53968009 | Play | Â Äóõà Ïûë / Into Spiritheat | 14:12 Tools | |
12977853 | Play | Krovju Ochoty Dikoj | 05:05 Tools | |
12977835 | Play | V Ducha Pyl | 05:52 Tools | |
53968006 | Play | Cleaning To Blood, Crushing To Dust | 09:43 Tools | |
53968015 | Play | ...Ãäå Íî÷è Êðàé | 04:33 Tools | |
53968007 | Play | Äóõà Óñòà Îïàëÿÿ / Searing the Mouth of Spirit | 09:43 Tools | |
53968008 | Play | Æàòü Âðàãó / Harvesting for an Enemy | 09:43 Tools | |
53968031 | Play | Áîðüáà ýòî Æèçíü | 06:54 Tools | |
12977928 | Play | Холдному Светилу Ночи | 09:40 Tools | |
12977925 | Play | Opalyaya Dushi Grani | 06:02 Tools | |
12978082 | Play | Razitel' Dukh | 07:25 Tools | |
12977902 | Play | Na Volnach Vdochnovenja | 14:12 Tools | |
12977913 | Play | Zakon Ochischeniya Krovi I Duha | 09:06 Tools | |
12977998 | Play | Den Winden, die krahegeflugelt sind | 08:02 Tools | |
12977864 | Play | Kvintessentsiya Stihiy Elementov Nachal I Realizatsii | 04:45 Tools | |
12977931 | Play | Chladavzor | 04:04 Tools | |
53968016 | Play | Âåòðàì Âîðîíîêðûëûì / To Wings Ravenwinged | 04:45 Tools | |
12977970 | Play | Pylaja Ozlobljaja Bolju Ledenja | 07:03 Tools | |
53968045 | Play | Fight is Life, Life is Fight! | 05:49 Tools | |
87417820 | Play | Триумфу Арийской Воли | 06:53 Tools | |
12977852 | Play | …Gde Nochi Kray | 08:59 Tools | |
12977940 | Play | Bezvremennoj Tmoj Nochnoj | 08:18 Tools | |
53968025 | Play | Õëàäàâçîð | 08:29 Tools | |
12978022 | Play | ...ablaze for av nattensky | 08:29 Tools | |
53968026 | Play | Õìåëü Ìèçàíòðîïèè / The Mead of Misanthropy | 08:29 Tools | |
53968017 | Play | Life Betrayal to the Life Denial | 04:45 Tools | |
53968020 | Play | Ñòóæè Ãîëîñ / Voice of Frost | 07:03 Tools | |
53968021 | Play | ...Deine Unerwartete Stimme | 07:03 Tools | |
53968022 | Play | Untitled 1 from The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 07:03 Tools | |
12977987 | Play | Strast'yu Stremimym | 10:12 Tools | |
53968028 | Play | Äèêèé Ðîäè÷ Ïàðóñîâ | 07:58 Tools | |
53968029 | Play | Ñòóæè Ãîëîñ | 07:58 Tools | |
53968023 | Play | Untitled 2 from The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 10:12 Tools | |
12978079 | Play | ...Твой Неприкаянный Голос | 04:27 Tools | |
53968024 | Play | Mein Ehre Heisst Treue | 10:12 Tools | |
53968027 | Play | Ñòðóí Íàòÿíóòûõ Âäîõíîâåíüÿ Ñòàëü / The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 08:02 Tools | |
12978121 | Play | Rising Up The Thing Of The Winds | 07:58 Tools | |
53968030 | Play | Untitled 3 from The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 07:58 Tools | |
53968055 | Play | ... A Blaze Far av Nattensky | 07:52 Tools | |
12977958 | Play | Rassekaya v Krov', Razbivaya v Prakh | 06:54 Tools | |
12978001 | Play | Energiey Ansuz | 07:56 Tools | |
12978080 | Play | Okrylennoy Neobozrimoy Dali | 07:03 Tools | |
12978052 | Play | Noch' Svastiki Vosplamenenya | 07:09 Tools | |
12978139 | Play | Zhguchi Myoda Glotki | 10:03 Tools | |
53968032 | Play | Rdjandalir (Рдяндалир) | 10:03 Tools | |
12978043 | Play | Padenyem Vechnykh Iskr Nebes | 10:37 Tools | |
12977949 | Play | Pylaya, Ozloblyaya, Bolyu Ledenya | 07:03 Tools | |
12978098 | Play | За Арийский Простор (For the Aryan Lands) | 06:53 Tools | |
53968034 | Play | В духа пыл / Into Spiritheat | 06:53 Tools | |
53968048 | Play | 01 | 05:49 Tools | |
53968076 | Play | Ablaze Far Av Nattensky | 02:54 Tools | |
53968035 | Play | Track 01 | 06:53 Tools | |
53968036 | Play | Untitled 4 from The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 06:53 Tools | |
53968054 | Play | Инструментал | 05:49 Tools | |
53968037 | Play | In der Hitze des Geistes (Into Spiritheat) | 08:59 Tools | |
12978117 | Play | Квинтесенция Стихий, Элементов, Н | 04:33 Tools | |
12978113 | Play | Strastyu stremimym | 09:56 Tools | |
53968064 | Play | Fainest Sea U Rosmfarne (Part I & II) | 04:27 Tools | |
53968042 | Play | C Выдохом Гибельным | 09:56 Tools | |
53968038 | Play | 02. To a Frigid Luminary of the Night | 09:56 Tools | |
53968039 | Play | Тингов Наслаждая | 09:56 Tools | |
53968040 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdayas Rasprev 04 - Instrumental | 09:56 Tools | |
53968041 | Play | Микрокосм Духа [Microcosm of the Spirit] | 09:56 Tools | |
12978104 | Play | Branikald - Rausch der Misanthropie | 05:49 Tools | |
53968043 | Play | Струн Натянутых Вдохновенья | 05:49 Tools | |
53968065 | Play | ...Где Ночи Край (...Where the End of the Night) | 04:27 Tools | |
53968044 | Play | Струн Натянутых Вдохновенья Ст | 05:49 Tools | |
53968046 | Play | Хмель Мизантропии / The Mead of Misanthropy | 05:49 Tools | |
53968067 | Play | Kveldulv | 06:54 Tools | |
53968047 | Play | The Strings of Inspiration Sing - Untitled 3 | 05:49 Tools | |
53968074 | Play | Painest Sea of Kosmfarne (Part I & II) | 02:54 Tools | |
53968075 | Play | Дух | 02:54 Tools | |
53968078 | Play | РассекаВ Кровь, РазбиваВ Прах | 02:54 Tools | |
53968049 | Play | 2. Vargkampf | 05:49 Tools | |
53968050 | Play | Untitled 6 from The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 05:49 Tools | |
53968051 | Play | Untitled 5 from The Strings of Inspiration Sing | 05:49 Tools | |
53968052 | Play | Track 02 | 05:49 Tools | |
53968053 | Play | ?? ?????? ??????????? | 05:49 Tools | |
12978056 | Play | Окрыленной Необозримой Дали (Enwinged Far Invisible) | 07:03 Tools | |
12977999 | Play | Сжигая за сабой мосты | 07:52 Tools | |
53968059 | Play | Duch Smysla | 05:52 Tools | |
53968061 | Play | Mikrokosm Ducha | 05:05 Tools | |
12978148 | Play | Branikald - Bonus | 04:23 Tools | |
53968056 | Play | Rausch der Misantrophie (The Mead of Misanthropy) | 04:23 Tools | |
12978152 | Play | Branikald - In der Hitze des Geistes | 05:52 Tools | |
53968057 | Play | Mit der Klinge aufrichtigen Blickes (Like a Blade of Straight Gaze) | 05:52 Tools | |
53968058 | Play | Vetram Voronokrylym (To Wings Ravenwinged) | 05:52 Tools | |
53968060 | Play | Mit dem Blut der wilden Jagd (As Wildhuntblood) | 05:52 Tools | |
12978006 | Play | Branikald - Mit der Klinge aufrichtigen Blickes | 05:38 Tools | |
12978054 | Play | Branikald - Mit dem Blut der wilden jagd | 05:05 Tools | |
53968062 | Play | kalde vonter of ruin | 05:05 Tools | |
53968063 | Play | Den Wilden, die krahegeflügelt sind | 05:05 Tools | |
89383598 | Play | Celestial_Clear_Moonlit | 05:05 Tools | |
89383599 | Play | A StormRide (demo "Stormheit", 1994) | 05:05 Tools | |
89383600 | Play | Хмель Мизантропии = Rausch Der Misantrophie | 05:05 Tools | |
89383601 | Play | Ветрам Воронокрылым = Den Winden, Die Krähegeflügelt Sind | 05:05 Tools | |
89383602 | Play | ...Твой Неприкаянный Голос... = ...Deine Umherwanderte Stimme... | 05:05 Tools | |
12978131 | Play | Branikald - ... Deine umherwanderte Stimme... | 04:27 Tools | |
87417821 | Play | The Steel Strings Of The Spiri | 04:27 Tools | |
53968068 | Play | Лезвием прямого взгляда / Like a Blade of Straight Gaze | 06:54 Tools | |
53968066 | Play | Strun Natyanutyh Vdohnoven'ya | 04:27 Tools | |
12978130 | Play | Ðàññåêàÿ Â Êðîâü, Ðàçáèâàÿ Â Ï | 06:54 Tools | |
53968069 | Play | 06. The Depths of Pulsations (Outro) | 06:54 Tools | |
53968070 | Play | 01. Night and Fog (Intro) | 06:54 Tools | |
12977942 | Play | Реченька (Yee, River, River...) | 02:54 Tools | |
89383603 | Play | Èñòîêó ÿñíîñòè | 02:54 Tools | |
89383604 | Play | Струн натянутых Вдохновенья Сталь (The Strings of Inspiration Sing) | 02:54 Tools | |
53968071 | Play | The Strings of Inspiration Sing - Untitled 2 | 02:54 Tools | |
53968072 | Play | The Strings of Inspiration Sing - Untitled 6 | 02:54 Tools | |
53968073 | Play | The Strings of Inspiration Sing - Untitled 5 | 02:54 Tools | |
53968077 | Play | Tingov Naslazhdayas Rasprev 01 - Intro | 02:54 Tools | |
53968079 | Play | 1. Опаляя Души Грани / Searing the Edges of Soul | 02:54 Tools | |
12977968 | Play | Branikald - Meine Ehre Heisst | 05:32 Tools |
Track name
The Will of Great Ancient Gods saturated the Space, an ability to grow the Harvest of Great Reap was given upon Time Itself. A Harvest of Sprouts that grew high in ALT VISDOM KRAFT. Sprouts clove the desolate of life, opening the wounds, and the river of blood boil, the foreordained Fates of Creators was unveiled, of those who got filled with Celestial Power and who inherit the Power from Ancient Gods. Torrent flooded the whole Earth with swift strength, bringing the flame of great achievements to all the sides of Universe where the New Man was born, bringing the Flame to those who were able to inhale with full breath the Wind of Tragedies and feast upon the squalls of hard fresh bloodstorm. They raised the BLAZEBIRTH HALL - a Stronghold, the Spiritual Shape where the Sacral Flame of Life is burning, blazing among the Thunderblasts of Fate. As a Heralder of GODS Will, as a refraction of Celestial Asgard upon the fields of Midgard expanse. With a Power of Nature, arisen against the neglected life, the Lightnings Blaze rush onwards, painting bright the bleak world and making all around change, forcing all to ascend high unto Glory or fall to the abyss of exposure. Absorbing the power of Solar Action and the Wisdom of Nocturnal Moon, Life has to obtain the lost meaning. With magnified strength to reach the firmness of thousand shields. Movement in the stream of fight , keeping the Lifethirst greed, shall tear the Heims Evolution away from the stagnation of rot. En YGGDRASILL be saturated with a new torrent of aspiration, torrent of heroic fates and achievements. By the stream that satiate with light the Halls of Gods. En LYS that opening the gates transforming into Asgard Blaze. Branikald is a Russian black metal project fronted by Kaldrad Branislav and normally featuring a drummer called Wizard (not to be confused with Wizard from the Russian black metal band Forgot). Branikald are part of the Blazebirth Hall circle alongside Forest, Raven Dark, Nitberg and others. Formed in 1993 in the Russian city of Novomoskovsk, Russian Federation, they have released around 14 albums, many of which were recently reissued on CD by the Russian label Stellar Winter. Branikald have been associated with white power and national socialism, although their lyrics and imagery are typically apolitical, focusing generally on nature, pride, strife and hatred. Kaldrad has also played with various Blazebirth Hall groups such as Forest, Raven Dark, Nitberg, Vargleide and Woods of Fallen, and has contributed vocals to the black metal/folk group Temnozor. In interviews Kaldrad has spoken out against the use of the internet for obtaining music, openly supported antisemitism and white power and advocated "race war". He has also claimed his music is intended to be harsh like the forces of nature and only suited for those who are willing to join in the war for white supremacy rather than those who simply appreciate music. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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