
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Infrared Featuring Gil Felix 00:00 Tools
Paranaue 03:07 Tools
Zoom Zoom Zoom 02:51 Tools
Capoeira 02:46 Tools
Busta Groove - Capoeira 01:16 Tools
Olelê Olalá 03:09 Tools
Samba de Roda 01:05 Tools
Defesa e ataque 01:39 Tools
Capoeira de Sao Salvador 00:00 Tools
Samba da roda 00:00 Tools
Zum Zum Zum 02:25 Tools
ANGOLA 00:53 Tools
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom 02:51 Tools
Dona Maria como vai voce 00:48 Tools
Maculele 04:06 Tools
AMAZONAS 00:00 Tools
Ai, Ai, Aide 01:41 Tools
Berimbau de Ouro 10:04 Tools
Berimbau 02:39 Tools
IUNA 00:00 Tools
Marinheiro So 04:26 Tools
Parana Jradicao 02:58 Tools
Jinga Capoeira 03:07 Tools
CAVALARIA 02:27 Tools
Capoeira Do Brasil 03:37 Tools
Regional (Berimbau Solo) 02:02 Tools
Maculele Pouporri 04:05 Tools
BENGUELA 00:00 Tools
Olodum - Berimbau 00:00 Tools
Marinheiro Só 00:00 Tools
IDALINA 00:00 Tools
Samba Capoeria-Fanho 00:00 Tools
Bahia Latina (Club Mix) 05:20 Tools
A Licao 04:59 Tools
Ai Ai Ai De 03:49 Tools
Parana e 00:33 Tools
Capoeira de Angola 02:02 Tools
Jogo Arrepiado 06:12 Tools
Camaradinha 04:21 Tools
Parana Ue 03:12 Tools
Luta Nacional 02:52 Tools
Allegretto Break 05:48 Tools
Meu Mestre Joi Zuem Me Ensinou 03:32 Tools
Paranauê-Paraná 00:00 Tools
Brazilian Samba 03:38 Tools
Mestre Pastinha Worren 04:54 Tools
Macaleña 03:38 Tools
Axe Capoeira 04:07 Tools
Mestre Bimba foi maior 04:54 Tools
Pedir Licenca Pra Ver 3Umbi 03:12 Tools
La Vai Viola 03:12 Tools
La Laue 02:54 Tools
Paranae 02:48 Tools
Jogue De Amazonas 05:23 Tools
Colheita Do Cafe 02:33 Tools
Paranue 03:10 Tools
Navio Negreiro 05:17 Tools
Bahia manda seu axé prá mim 02:18 Tools
Magalenha 03:39 Tools
Paraná ê 03:11 Tools
Capoeira Ligeira 02:40 Tools
Capoeira Abada 02:53 Tools
Zuando Eu Nasci 02:53 Tools
Traditional capoeira songs 18:45 Tools
Bahia 03:22 Tools
a loirinha de angola 03:22 Tools
SaobentoRegional 03:22 Tools
oa oai 02:28 Tools
Toque berimbau 09:21 Tools
Iaia Ioio 01:50 Tools
Lê Lê Lê Loo 01:32 Tools
Dona Maria 00:48 Tools
Capoeira ABADÁ 02:54 Tools
Leva Morena Me Leva 01:26 Tools
Bom Capoiera 02:47 Tools
Berimbau solo 02:47 Tools
Na Bahia Tem 02:57 Tools
Adeus Sereia 02:38 Tools
Berimbauê balancê 03:59 Tools
SAMBA_DE_RODA 00:40 Tools
Hoje É Dia De Negro Lutar 00:40 Tools
Barravento 01:30 Tools
Bahia Latina (Club Mix) - Capoeira 05:27 Tools
Eu Ja Vivo Enjoado De Viver Aqui Na Terra 01:30 Tools
Hino de Capoeira 01:38 Tools
TICO_TICO 01:30 Tools
Mestre Moraes 01:30 Tools
Capoera paranaue 02:53 Tools
Balança Cajueiro 02:34 Tools
Lá na bahia 02:53 Tools
Sereia 02:56 Tools
Toques De Capoeira 04:25 Tools
berimbau falou 04:47 Tools
Olelę Olalá 04:25 Tools
Oi Sim Sim Sim 00:00 Tools
Capoeira Angola - Paraná 00:00 Tools
A Benguela 03:46 Tools
Mestre Bimba 05:27 Tools
Maria 09:21 Tools
Samba Reggae 05:36 Tools
La Laue (Roda maravilhosa) 04:07 Tools
Para A Roda Capoeira 04:47 Tools
Sou Capoeira 02:25 Tools
La laue laue laue laua 02:54 Tools
Banana 03:46 Tools
foi no clarao da lua 00:00 Tools
Mercado Modelo 05:07 Tools
Canticos De Capoeira 07:54 Tools
Topei Quero Ver Cair 09:37 Tools
Capoeira e beleza 03:00 Tools
Pedido De Capoeira 01:52 Tools
Camara 04:36 Tools
Pão De Ló 04:36 Tools
Berimbau em Capoeira 05:07 Tools
a hora e essa 05:07 Tools
Hoje Me Leva 00:00 Tools
Corridos 02:58 Tools
Viva capoeira 03:16 Tools
Bahiano Chant(Guilherme Franco) 03:16 Tools
Bahia Axe, Axe Bahia 03:16 Tools
Diz Paraná 02:50 Tools
Sao Bento Pequeno 01:58 Tools
tyt 04:11 Tools
Ilha De Maré 04:11 Tools
Filho De Aruanda 04:11 Tools
Olele Olala 02:50 Tools
Paranauê Paraná 03:14 Tools
Beso En La Boca (Под такую музыку обычно проходят тренировки) 03:33 Tools
Techno capoeira 02:50 Tools
Jogo De Dentro 01:08 Tools
Samba 02:50 Tools
Viva De Mastre 02:50 Tools
Roda de capoeira 01:56 Tools
No Pé Da Cruz 02:50 Tools
Amor e meu amor 02:50 Tools
Capoeira [] 02:50 Tools
Abalou capoeira abalou 01:14 Tools
Donovan's Mix 02:55 Tools
Raizes De Angola 07:07 Tools
Olete, O'Lala 00:00 Tools
Pra lhe ver 07:07 Tools
Capoeira me chama 02:32 Tools
Bimba Ensina Eu 04:08 Tools
Samba-de-viola santamarense 01:56 Tools
Negro No Cais 01:46 Tools
Curva de Rio 02:03 Tools
E-Mainha 02:03 Tools
Capoeira II 02:16 Tools
Roda de rua 04:59 Tools
Paranaue (Ba Na Na Way) 03:07 Tools
Paranaue Parana 00:00 Tools
Eu Sai Da Bahia 00:00 Tools
Eu sou movido pela capoeira 00:00 Tools
O sim sim sim 02:45 Tools
Mestre dos Mestres 04:06 Tools
Bahia que tem Dendê 01:59 Tools
Bahia Que Tem Dende 01:59 Tools
Jogar Capoeira e Maculele 01:59 Tools
Capoeira I 03:32 Tools
Para ser un capoeira 01:46 Tools
Calango 03:55 Tools
Os Cariocas - Berimbau 03:55 Tools
Roda 01:46 Tools
Berimbau "Sao Bento Grande" 01:38 Tools
Capoeira Mestre Bimba 06:58 Tools
Toca Do Zumbi 06:58 Tools
Homenagem Aos Mestres 06:58 Tools
Filhos De Bantu 02:14 Tools
Capoeira Regional Ginga,com amor a palma de bimba 02:14 Tools
Zoom Zoom 02:51 Tools
Luta e brincadeira 03:03 Tools
iaiaioio 02:39 Tools
Zum, zum, zum capoeira mata um 02:39 Tools
Tim Tim Tim La Vai Viola 02:39 Tools
Santa Maria 01:03 Tools
Sensacao 02:39 Tools
Candomble Ketu "orixa" 02:39 Tools
Vamos Jogar Capoeira 00:55 Tools
Parana 00:55 Tools
Capoeira - Olodum - Berimbau 00:55 Tools
Samba Funk 06:00 Tools
Samba-de-roda 03:55 Tools
Birimbau no Maculêlê 04:03 Tools
Toqu de Iúna 04:03 Tools
Bem te vi vuo 02:57 Tools
Joga Capoeira de Angola 02:57 Tools
Brasil Capoeira Paranue 03:10 Tools
Parana Tradicao 03:10 Tools
La na Bahia 01:54 Tools
Bahia Latina [Club Mix] 01:03 Tools
Eu Vou 01:03 Tools
Cantigas de Angola 01:03 Tools
Sensacao - Capoeira 03:49 Tools
Capoeira Ural Dance Mix 03:49 Tools
Bahia Latina 06:19 Tools
Le Le Le Loo 01:32 Tools
Clara Nunes - jogo de angola 01:32 Tools
capoeira - paranaue 02:57 Tools
Bahia Latina Club Mix 03:55 Tools
Brincadera Tem Hora 02:57 Tools
Nova Santo Amaro 02:57 Tools
Oh lele, Maculelê, paranauê 03:45 Tools
Sou Eu Maculele 04:11 Tools
Capoeira Angola - Paraná 04:11 Tools
Bloco afro 04:11 Tools
Zoom 04:11 Tools
Capoeira Angola From Salvador Brazil - Jogo De Dentro 02:07 Tools
Meu Berimbao 01:54 Tools
Aluja 01:54 Tools
Caboclo 01:54 Tools
zoom zoom (b side) 01:54 Tools
Brasil - Academia de Capoeira - Samba de Roda 00:45 Tools
Capoeira e defesa, ataque 01:55 Tools
Zum Zum Zum Remix 00:45 Tools
Pisa Caboclo 02:27 Tools
Samba de viola "tom do" 01:55 Tools
Capoeira Do Brasil Wyth Sergio Mendez 01:55 Tools
Bimba foi Bimba e considerado 01:55 Tools
Balada 04:43 Tools
Suassuna - Maculele 04:43 Tools
Boa noite, bom dia 02:27 Tools
Capoeira - Maculele Percussions 02:27 Tools
Capoeira no sangue 02:36 Tools
Paranauę-Paraná 02:36 Tools
Zum zum zum Capoeira mata um 02:36 Tools
Mariska - capoeira 03:14 Tools
Centro Cultural De Capoeira - Para A Roda Capoeira 02:03 Tools
Maculele (Boa noite, bom dia) 02:27 Tools
Capoeira - Mestre Moraes 02:27 Tools
Zum, Zum, Zum 02:55 Tools
el capoeira 03:10 Tools
Aue Aue Aue 03:10 Tools
Lindramo: samba-de-roda 03:10 Tools
Capoiera Fight 01:26 Tools
abada - joga capoeira de angol 01:26 Tools
Axe Europa 01:26 Tools
Uwasa no Capoeira 04:23 Tools
Amare amare 04:46 Tools
Ladainha 01:42 Tools
Toques de Berimbau 09:21 Tools
Para Mestre Waldemar 01:01 Tools
Cantigas de Angola II 01:01 Tools
Mestre Bimba - Capoeira 02:19 Tools
Puxada de Rede 02:27 Tools
Capoeira - Maculele 08:11 Tools
La ue la ue la ua 08:11 Tools
A roda vai começar 08:11 Tools
Berimbau "Luna" 06:19 Tools
Meu Gunga 06:19 Tools
Imbirimba E' Pau - Vamos Jogar Capoeira 06:19 Tools
Menino Chorando 06:19 Tools
2 09:21 Tools
Avamunha 06:19 Tools
Rio de Janeiro 07:14 Tools
Me Leva Pra Bahia 03:21 Tools
Sao Bento Grande 03:21 Tools
Capoeira De Săo Salvador 03:21 Tools
banda eva 00:00 Tools
Capoeira Music 03:09 Tools
Para MestreWaldemar 03:09 Tools
capoeira mata-u 02:59 Tools
Toques Tradicionais 02:59 Tools
E capoeira 03:12 Tools
Capoeria Luanegra 03:12 Tools
Olodum - Requebra 03:12 Tools
Roda Maravilhosa 01:59 Tools
Dende mare 00:53 Tools
falou 04:46 Tools
Besouro Manganga 01:32 Tools
A Benguela chamou pra jogar 01:32 Tools
Machete 01:32 Tools
Eu Nasci Foi de Repente 06:08 Tools
Mundo Enganador 06:08 Tools
Toque De Iúna 01:17 Tools
Paraná 01:42 Tools
Olelк Olalб 09:21 Tools
Cordao de Ouro 09:21 Tools
hino abada capoeira 09:21 Tools
Abada Capoeira - Iaia Ioio / Hoje tem Capoeira / É Bimba É Bimba 09:21 Tools
Uwasa no Kapoera 02:57 Tools
Lose Control 02:57 Tools
Sao Bente Grande 09:21 Tools
Eu Já Vivo Enjoado / Corridos de Angola 09:21 Tools
Marinheiro Sou 09:21 Tools
Maculelê 03:21 Tools
Senzala 01:29 Tools
Maculele Percussions 01:29 Tools
Fundo de Quintal 00:00 Tools
Chiclete com banana 00:00 Tools
Zoom-Zoom-Zoom 02:51 Tools
Ai ai ai ai, Sao bento me chama 00:39 Tools
Abada 00:00 Tools
Capoeira - Marinheiro So 00:00 Tools
Chiclete com Banana - Capoeira 03:14 Tools
Areia Do Mar (Samba de Roda)+ 01:59 Tools
Techno 01:59 Tools
Jogo Practicado 01:59 Tools
Berimbau De Ouro (Morena Rosinha) 01:59 Tools
Berimbau no Maculele 01:59 Tools
Avisa Meu Mano 01:59 Tools
Jogar Capoeira de Angola 01:59 Tools
Sempre Lembrado 01:59 Tools
Uwasa no Caopoeira 01:59 Tools
Chora Capoeira (SENZALA) 01:56 Tools
Areia Do Mar 01:56 Tools
Capoeira Mata Um 02:57 Tools
Iaia o Iaia 02:57 Tools
Sinhazinha 02:57 Tools
O le le O 02:57 Tools
07 02:57 Tools
capoeira - Clara Nunes - jogo de angola 02:57 Tools
O vento levo o mar 02:57 Tools
Um menino 02:57 Tools
Zum Zum Zum (Remix) 02:57 Tools
Trilha 9 00:54 Tools
A Morte Do Capoeira 00:54 Tools
Sao Bento Grande de Angola 00:54 Tools
Candomble Ketu "quebra prato" 00:54 Tools
Cidadão Considerado 00:54 Tools
Viola 00:54 Tools
Olodum 00:54 Tools
Canga Zumi 00:54 Tools
Faca De Ponta 00:54 Tools
Zumbi, Zumbi, Olha Zumbi 00:39 Tools
Dia de batizado 02:38 Tools
Abadá 02:38 Tools
mestre barrao - sou capoeira 02:16 Tools
Berimbau no Maculêlê 02:16 Tools
Areia Do Mar (Samba de Roda) 02:16 Tools
mestre_barrao_-_grupo_axe_capoeira 02:16 Tools
Academia de Capoeira - Samba de Roda 02:16 Tools
  • 60,963
  • 6,585
  • 60963
    top track count

Capoeira (IPA: [ka.pu.ˈej.ɾɐ]) is an Afro-Brazilian art form that makes a ritual of movements from martial arts, games, and dance. It was brought to Brazil from Angola some time after the 16th century in the regions known as Bahia, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. Participants form a roda or circle and take turns either playing musical instruments (such as the Berimbau), singing, or ritually sparring in pairs in the center of the circle. The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, and extensive use of sweeps, kicks, and headbutts. Less frequently used techniques include elbow-strikes, slaps, punches, and body throws. Its origins and purpose are a matter of debate, with the spectrum of argument ranging from views of Capoeira as a uniquely Brazilian folk dance with improvised fighting movements to claims that it is a battle-ready fighting form directly descended from ancient African techniques. Music! Music is integral to capoeira. It sets the tempo and style of game that is to be played within the roda. The music is composed of instruments and song. The tempos differ from very slow (Angola) to very fast (são bento regional). Many of the songs are sung in a call and response format while others are in the form of a narrative. Capoeiristas sing about a wide variety of subjects. Some songs are about history or stories of famous capoeiristas. Other songs attempt to inspire players to play better. Some songs are about what is going on within the roda. Sometimes the songs are about life or love lost. Others are lighthearted or even silly things, sung just for fun. Capoeiristas change their playing style significantly as the songs or rhythm from the berimbau commands. In this manner, it is truly the music that drives capoeira. There are three basic kinds of songs in capoeira[citation needed]. A ladainha (litany) is a narrative solo usually sung at the beginning of a roda, often by the mestre (master). These ladainhas will often be famous songs previously written by a mestre, or they may be improvised on the spot. A ladainha is usually followed by a chula or louvação, following a call and response pattern that usually thanks God and one's teacher, among other things. Each call is usually repeated word-for-word by the responders. The ladainha and chula are often omitted in regional games. Finally, corridos are songs that are sung while a game is being played, again following the call and response pattern. The responses to each call do not simply repeat what was said, however, but change depending on the song. The instruments are played in a row called the bateria. Three instruments are berimbaus, which look like an archer's bow using a steel string and a gourd for resonance. It is played by striking the string with a stick, and the pitch is regulated by a stone. Legend has it that, in the old times, knives or other sharp objects were attached to the top of the berimbau for protection and in case a large fight broke out. In 'the little book of capoeira' - 'Nestor Capoeira, It is said Mestre Pastinha would tell of a small sickle sharpened on both edges which he would keep in his pocket. He was fond of saying "If it had a third edge I would sharpen that one too, for those who wish to do me harm." Pastinha also spoke of how this blade could be attached to the end of a berimbau. These three bows are the Berra boi (also called the bass or Gunga), Medio, Viola, and lead the rhythm. Other instruments in the bateria are: two pandeiros (tambourines), a reco-reco (rasp), and an agogo (double gong bell). The atabaque (conga-like drum), a common feature in most capoeira baterias, is considered an optional instrument, and is not required for a full bateria in some groups. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.