Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Newbie - Intro 1: Good morning 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 2: What's your name? 00:00 Tools
Basic Greetings 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 3: Where are you from? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 4: Do you like China? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 5: Do you have a menu? 00:00 Tools
Intro 1 “Good Morning” 00:00 Tools
Culture, Useful Basic Adjectives, Asking Basic Questions 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where are you going? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Can you speak Chinese? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Mild Swearing 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - You look exhausted! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Colors 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro_6:_I_want_to_buy_this_one 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where are You From? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Useful Phrases #1 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - City Comparison 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What are your hobbies? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 6: I want to buy this one 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Chinese Celebrity: Bruce Lee 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Cell Phones 00:00 Tools
Intro 2 “What’s Your Name?” 00:00 Tools
Newbie - All in the Family 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The First Tone 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - China’s Supergirl 00:00 Tools
The correct way to ask questions. 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How are you feeling? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm upset 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Discussing Eating 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Future Plans 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Weather, Man 00:00 Tools
Going Places, Proper Titles 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Second Tone 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Dialect Party Mix 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Shopping 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Useful Phrases #3 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Traffic Jam 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Neutral Tone 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Paying the Bill 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Finding a Supermarket 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Useful Phrases #2 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Talking about Illness 00:00 Tools
Asking Really and Why, Yesterday’s Happenings 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Third Tone 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hobbies: Music 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Numbers, Days of the Week, and Months 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - 1949 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Explaining Your Occupation 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Fourth Tone 00:00 Tools
菜鸟1 Basic Greetings 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Discussing Work 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Finding an Apartment 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Chinese Tea 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Ordering Food 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Business Style 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Keeping in Touch 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Which country are you from? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Office Policy: Internet 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Pop Music and Pop Culture 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Apartment Hunting 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Conversations: Suggesting a Route 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Mr. Li is busy at the office today 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Call me! 00:00 Tools
Can you speak Chinese 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Christmas 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Friends for Dinner 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Lying in Chinese 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What's up? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I can sing, but I can’t dance 00:00 Tools
Shopping 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Do you have...? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Describing Travels 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Please speak slowly 00:00 Tools
Ordering Food 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Story Time: Likes and Dislikes 00:00 Tools
Ken can’t dance! 00:00 Tools
ChinesePod New User Guide 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Connecting with Email 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - The Monkey King 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Getting a Phone Number 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What time is it? 00:00 Tools
Describing Food 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Shut up! 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Disappointment 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Disliking Others 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I would like to buy a pen 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Train to Beijing 00:00 Tools
Intro 3 “Where are you From? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Long Time No See 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Family Life 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Weather Forecast 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Fighting over the Bill 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Traveling around China 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Post-Graduation Plans 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sightseeing 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Phone Calls 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Days of the week 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Marriage and Divorce 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How have you been? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - I don't have time 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Describing the Weather 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where ya headed? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Calling in Sick 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Drug Dealer 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Football (Soccer) 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Invitations to Eat 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Buying a Computer 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Complaining to the Waiter 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Studying Chinese 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Surfing Online 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm hot! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Are you OK? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Breakup 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Introducing a Friend 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where Do You Live? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Asking for a Phone Number 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Street Food 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Conversations: Finding a Taxi 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Taipei 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Evading Nosy Questions 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Flattery in the Office 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Family Ties 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Teaching English in China 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Celebration Plans and New Year’s Resolutions 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Conversations: Destination 00:00 Tools
Mr Li 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Ordering Chinese Take-out 00:00 Tools
Phone Calls 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Months 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Exchanging Personal Info 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Booking a Plane Ticket 00:00 Tools
Newbie - No, thank you! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Give Me a Kiss 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Introducing Hotels 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Negotiating Price 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm not hungry 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Mother's Birthday 00:00 Tools
Elementary - My boss isn't satisfied 00:00 Tools
Newbie - You're late again! 00:00 Tools
菜鸟10 The Four Tones 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Chinese Breakfast 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Subway Announcements 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Getting Reimbursed 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Clogged Toilet 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Pricey Beer 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Shanghai Fashion 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Buying a Drink 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Tai Chi 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Standing in Line 00:00 Tools
Elementary - What does she usually do? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Flowers and Bugs 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Polite Introductions 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Initial Client Meetings 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Condoms 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Business Dinner with a Supplier 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - London 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Getting Nationalities Straight 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Speaking and Writing 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Welcome to ChinesePod 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Instant Noodles 00:00 Tools
Intro 4 “Do you Like China?” 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - How's business? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Bank Transactions 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Jealous Friend 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Weekend Warriors 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Surfing the Internet 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Conversations: Arriving at your Destination 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Your turn to pay! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - What would you like to drink? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Airplane Arrival 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Tone Practice 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Why, why, why?? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What are you doing? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What is this called? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Here she comes 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Time to Go 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Internet Slang 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Future Goals 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Stop speeding! 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 谁当家? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Using a Dictionary 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 日本恐怖片 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Meet Market 00:00 Tools
Holidays and Celebrations 00:00 Tools
Elementary - MSN and QQ 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Black or Green Tea 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - What is a Chengyu? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Language Power Struggle 00:00 Tools
Newbie - She went out 00:00 Tools
Elementary - New York City 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Finding a Taxi 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Regional Accents 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Discussing Loan Repayment 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Fated Meeting 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Weather and Seasons 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How YOU doin’? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - A Taxi for Tired Feet 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Opinions on Poetry 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Haircuts 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Before Noon, After Noon 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - One-on-One Basketball 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - To Love or Be Loved 00:00 Tools
Newbie - After You 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Chicago 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Small Talk 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes 00:00 Tools
Intro 5 “Do you have a Menu?” 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - She's Easy 00:00 Tools
Newbie - New Year 00:00 Tools
Elementary - A Ticket to Suzhou 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Ordering Xiaolongbao 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where's the bathroom? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Study Abroad 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Teacher Salary and Perks 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Fortunate Cookies 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I don't feel well 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Death by Ninja 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taking a Shower 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Godzilla in Shanghai 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Cold from Biking 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What size? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - On the Way 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Really Good Food 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Girly Talk 00:00 Tools
Elementary - What's your type? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How do you say...? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Getting Your Hair Done 00:00 Tools
Story time #1 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Asking for Favors 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Chinese Wedding Customs 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Iron Your Clothes 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Detroit 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Who is that? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I Have Class 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Old Friend 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Bargaining 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Applying For a Visa 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Fast Food 00:00 Tools
The 9-to-5 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Four Tones 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Ten Four 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Universities 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Winter Fun 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Using ChinesePod 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Measure Words for Counting People 00:00 Tools
Call me! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Something to Do Tomorrow 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Cold Beer 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Beauty Pageant: It's a Mess 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Repeat after Me 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Where Children Come From 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Best Friends 00:00 Tools
Elementary - No Kidding 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Time for Class 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Requesting a Raise 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Calligraphy 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Seeking Comfort 00:00 Tools
Newbie - It's delicious! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Addresses 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Cold Will Kill You 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Flags and National Anthems 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Too Polite 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Sydney, Australia 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Wang's Office 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Rise and Shine! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Whatever... 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Being Seated in a Restaurant 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I Want This 00:00 Tools
Elementary - War Zone 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Superman 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Regional Accents Part II 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I Miss Daddy! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Eating Tofu 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Salt and Pepper 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Chinglish in Reverse and University Culture 00:00 Tools
Newbie - No Need to Take off Your Shoes 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - It's Over 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Promotion 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - How was your date? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Growing Affections 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Going on a Diet 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Dorm Life: Late For Class 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Old Man Who Moved a Mountain 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sending Emails 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Pets 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Dumb Joke 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Signing up for Art Class 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - My New MP3 Player 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I've heard about you 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Internet is Down 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Chinese New Year Plans 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Paying a Bill 00:00 Tools
Elementary - A Chinese-Style Contradiction 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Not on purpose 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Big Guy 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Married with Children 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Microsoft 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Romance in the Beauty Pageant 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Too Picky 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hard of Hearing 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - The Final Show 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Yang Jie's Diary: He's Not Stupid 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I can't write it 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Wake-up Call 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Li Yan's Diary: Love and Italian Food 00:00 Tools
Colors 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Traditional Chinese Medicine 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Online Shopping 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Cooking 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Singapore 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Night Cat 00:00 Tools
Cell phones 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - City Stats 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Karaoke 00:00 Tools
Elementary - How spicy? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Too expensive! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Working Time 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Mobile Repairman 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hiking 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Chinese Seasonings 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Fruit Salad 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Bank Hours 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Upset 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Buying Train Tickets 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Views on the News 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Going to the Doctor 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How's the weather? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Uncomfortable Encounter in a Bar 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Wang Wei's Diary: Food and Girls 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Introducing Oneself to the Family 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Sneezing 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Forget It 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Free Association 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Tool Delivery 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Behind the Scenes at the Beauty Pageant 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Basic Shapes 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Transportation 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Pearl Tea 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Event Times 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Ordering a Steak 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Addressing People 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Getting Dressed 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Registering with the Police Station 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Sichuan 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Morning at the Office 00:00 Tools
Intro 6 “I Want to Buy This One” 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Too Many Cooks 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Airport Announcements 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Who are You Looking For? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Going to the Dentist 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Baby Talk: Friends Song 00:00 Tools
Elementary - He's boring 00:00 Tools
Elementary - What do you do? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Snacks 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Colors Song 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Yang Jie's Diary: Everyone Is Dating 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Getting a Date 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Fat Camp 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 1: Good morning (Fix) 00:00 Tools
Shopping and Review 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Touring a Factory 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Handsome Boy 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The DVD Ploy 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Encouraging Words 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Negotiating Price and Payment Terms 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Yoga 00:00 Tools
Newbie - A Correction of Tones 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Pageant Final Episode 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Chinese Money Denominations 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Have you eaten? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Aussie Rules 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What's that smell? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Yang Jie's Fury 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Seeing Somebody to the Door 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Transliteration into Chinese and the Long Pinky Fingernail 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Conversations: Small Talk 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Transferring a Call 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Do you have vegetables? 00:00 Tools
Numbers 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - This is outrageous! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - University Major: Part 1 00:00 Tools
Elementary - How embarrassing! 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - We're going to miss the plane! 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The DVD Vendor 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Translation Issues 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Do you have a girlfriend? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Import/Export 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Singing Ability 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Key Card 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I Got Married 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What’ll it be? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Finding a Seat 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Getting to Know the Beauty Pageant Judges 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Antiperspirant in China 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Interview with the Boss 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Taxi Destination 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Can you use chopsticks? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - That's enough tea 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Yang Jie's Diary: Date with a Nerd 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sing and Dance 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Attitudes toward Religion 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Adoption 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Borrowing Money 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Tone Rule: Two Third Tones 00:00 Tools
All in the Family 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Getting Internet at your Apartment 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Man or Woman? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Watching a DVD 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Morning Hygiene 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Finding Live Music 00:00 Tools
Elementary - I can't buy my size 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Common Measure Words 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Away on Business 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - It's Over (Again) 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Cupping and Scraping 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Overseas Chinese 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Love Letter 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Late Getting Back 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How do you take your coffee? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Formal Introduction 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Beauty Pageant for Bloggers 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Mailing a Letter 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Li Yan's Diary: More and More 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Automated Phone Recordings 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Reading Faces and Shanghai Architecture 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Two Little Tigers Song 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Asking for Help 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Catch the Train 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Pretty Clothes 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Ordering Noodles 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Chinese Hospitality and Finding Vegetarian Food 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Shikumen vs. Hutongs and Chinese vs. Western School 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - The More Than One Child Policy and Taking Trains 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Qipao Dresses and Marathons in China 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Going to the Gym 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Trip to the Dry Cleaner's 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Turn Right, Turn Left 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 风水 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Your Receipt 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Drive faster! 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Lovers' Spat 00:00 Tools
Newbie - It's broken 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Baby Talk: Your baby looks like you! 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Birth by Chinese Zodiac 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Exchanging Money 00:00 Tools
Where ya headed 00:00 Tools
Elementary - April Fool's 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Buying a Newspaper 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Buying a SIM card 00:00 Tools
Newbie - So Tall! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Rock, Scissors, Cloth 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Stinky Feet 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Don't Leave 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Describing Athletes 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Art Museum 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Stingy Boss 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Cat in the Hat 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Stomach Trouble 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Moving House and Chinese Wineries 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Food Oddities and Eye Exercises 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - High Maintenance Girls and the Elderly 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Adding Credit to a Cell Phone 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Cooking Wings 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Saved by the Gong: History 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Do I look good in this? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - A Ghost Outside 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Baby Care 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Lost Cell Phone 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Guy's Advice on Women 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Parent/Teacher Meeting 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What is your job? 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Discussing Photography 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Who’s that girl? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - An Old Flame 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Here is your change 00:00 Tools
Newbie - You First 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Traditional Residences 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - First Aid 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Taking the HSK 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Bangkok 00:00 Tools
Newbie - You Look Nervous 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Harry Potter 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Bumming a Smoke 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Hot Soup 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Diet Coke 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - I Just.... 刚 & 刚才(gāng & gāngcái) 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Panda's Secret Wish 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where Did You Go? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Valentine's Day 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Cosmetic Surgery and Mooncakes 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Returning an Item 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Colors, By Degrees 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Too Much to Drink 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Hold the Elevator 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Farm Animals 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What will it be? 00:00 Tools
Basic Introduction 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Surviving Winter and Singles Scene for Expat Girls 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Hainan 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Chinese Birthdays and Local Hospitals 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Prescription Drugs and Overseas Chinese 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Confession of Love 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Anthropology 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Due This Week 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Terrorized at the Airport 00:00 Tools
Elementary - A Walk in the Park 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Professional Life 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Have you been to Beijing? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - International Women's Day 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Parking Lot Rage 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Chatting Online 00:00 Tools
Newbie - U-Turn 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Getting Off the Metro 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Dealing with Praise 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Working Hours 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I miss you! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - This room is too small 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How Long in China 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - SBTG: Confucius 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How is business? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - To Bow or Not to Bow 00:00 Tools
Newbie - May I take your photo? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Interviewing an Ayi 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Turn on the Light, Turn off the Light 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Don't Litter 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Number Two 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Business Cards 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Downloading Music 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Wang Wei's Diary: The Importance of Brains 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What's his name? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - It's My Birthday! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Jaywalking 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - 会 (Huì) and 能 (Néng) Face-off 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sales Call 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Going to the Pharmacy 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Missing Luggage 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Come on up! 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Food Regions of China 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Swimming Pools and the Beijing Accent 00:00 Tools
Who’s That Girl 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - The 80/20 Rule 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Waiting for Food 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Directions with a Map #2 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国新富豪 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Perfect Sandwich 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Dog Personalities 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Scheming Girls 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 人性本善 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 输入法 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Child-Parent Fight 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - SBTG: Sun Yatsen 00:00 Tools
Initial Client Meetings 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Public Speaking Tips 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How Long? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Which friend? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Surname Code 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - The Pickup Artist 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Dinner Guest 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where is the supermarket? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Wang's Office: Welcome to the Team 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Other Woman 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Guess what I’m learning? 00:00 Tools
Meet Market 00:00 Tools
A Correction of Tones 00:00 Tools
Newbie - A Present from Santa Claus 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I love China! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Is someone in here? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Finding a Cheap Hostel 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Buddhism and Taoism 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Are You Tired? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Easter and Chocolate Bunnies 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - The 是...的 (Shì Pattern 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Just Looking 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Buying Batteries 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Too Fat 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Baby Talk: Praise 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Calling Roll 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Getting Water Delivered 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - The My Minefield 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Chinese Characters and the History of Sex in China 00:00 Tools
菜鸟1 Basic Greetings 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Do you have a cold? 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Getting Tough on Employees 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - TV Commercials 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Counterfeit Money 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Why are You Studying Chinese? 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 北京奥运会的筹备 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 韩流 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Which Time Zone? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Having Food Delivered 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I like beef 00:00 Tools
Newbie - This is mine! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Where's my class? 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - SBTG: Special Economic Zones 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Beauty Pageant Registration 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Bad Service Restaurant 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - A Visit by the Police 00:00 Tools
Sightseeing 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Travel by Tour Group 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Ticket Scalper 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Hotel Essentials 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Talking about Your Hometown 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - All You Can Eat and Drink 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Vegetarian Eating 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Directory Assistance 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Turbulence 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Requesting a Glass of Water 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Just Say Yes 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Heading Home 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - A Jizhou Identity Revealed 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Do You Remember.... 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Pumpkin Food 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Trouble with Grades 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Preparing for the Heat 00:00 Tools
Newbie - World Cup Football Terms 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Barbecuing 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Scary Clown 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Hong Kong 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Chinese Music Taste and Registering with the Police 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Going Dutch 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Let's Just Be Friends 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Business Interview: e-Commerce Guru 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国企业国际化 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 自然灾害 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Drinking Ability 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm here for an interview 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Using 看 (kàn) and 看起来 (kàn qilai) 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Sheep, Wolves, and Fruit: a Riddle 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Simple Electrical Stuff 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国鬼节 00:00 Tools
Elementary - I see a thief! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What Character? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - My computer froze! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Please let me through! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Buying Bread and Butter 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Ping Pong 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Saved by the Gong: Geology 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Billiards 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Ping Pong Nation 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Hunan 00:00 Tools
Elementary - KTV 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Baby Talk: Be good! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Looking for Someone Else 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm bored 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Olympics on TV 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Seoul 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Caught in the Act 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Giving an Example 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - China Fruit and Pre-Marital Sex 00:00 Tools
Newbie - My Cat 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Roommates and What Chinese Think of Foreigners 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Changes on ChinesePod 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Geography 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What'll it be? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Homesick 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Man and the Dog 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 白酒和黄酒 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Making Dumplings 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Flat Bicycle Tire 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Baby Talk: Words of Comfort 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Up-and-Comer in the Office 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Don't do that! 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 网络游戏 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 3G通信网 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Borrowing and Returning 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Will you marry me? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Buying a Plasma TV 00:00 Tools
How YOU doin’? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Massage Therapy 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Happy Birthday 00:00 Tools
Personal Info 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Call for Innovation at the Office 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Olympic Swimming 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Elevator Emergency 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Presentation on Trends 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Knitting a Scarf 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm hungry! 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Cycling 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Sweet Roasted Chestnuts 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Olympic Excitement 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What’s Your Job? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - He's Not In 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Explosion 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What's tomorrow? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Phone Call for the Boss 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Hold the MSG 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Someone needs a shower 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Macao 00:00 Tools
Newbie - A Late Knock 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - A Month as a Monk and Chinese Business Meetings 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Taxi Culture in China 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Dirty Little Hands 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Counterfeit Money and Driving in China 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What's your name? 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Dad's Advice for a Broken-Hearted Son 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Identity 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Exchange Rates 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - World Cup Football 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Confiding in a Conniving Friend 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 成长的烦恼 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Buying a Shirt 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - The Cocktail Party 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Excuses for Being Late 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Movie Genres 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Holding a Meeting 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Communication in the Office 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Joining the Chamber of Commerce 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Social Networking 00:00 Tools
Newbie - University Major: Part 2 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Badminton 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Firing Afoot? 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Preparing to give an Interview 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Lost Luggage 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Ice Cream 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Views on Contact Lenses 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Travel_Itinerary 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Musical Instruments 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Olympic Marathon 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Quiet for the Baby 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm cold! 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Relativity 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Using a Credit Card 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Get up! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Identifying Family Members 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Pedestrian Peril 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Mosquitoes 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Interview with an Athlete 00:00 Tools
Elementary - World Records 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What Would You Like to Eat? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Paris 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Broken Chair 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Toilet Types 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Scandal in the Pageant 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Son or Daughter? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Tomb Sweeping Day 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Money Values and Beating the Summer Heat 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - On Location at the Beijing 2008 Olympics 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Doggy Bag 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 上火 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Napkins 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 国企私有化 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Studying Japanese 00:00 Tools
Elementary - How is this sold? 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国的口音 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Personal Ad 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Recovering a Cell Phone Number 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国八大菜系 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 撒娇 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Weekend Plans 00:00 Tools
Elementary - American Breakfast 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Olympic Medals 00:00 Tools
Elementary - It's Nothing 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Negotiating Rent 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Just a Flesh Wound 00:00 Tools
Advanced - MBA在中国的发展 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Make-up 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Mysterious Visitor 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How are you? 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国IT外包服务 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I forgot your name 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Monks in the Temple on the Mountain 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Of Beauty Pageants and Plastic Surgery 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Chinese New Year Fireworks 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - State-Owned and Privately-Owned Enterprises 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Asking for Change 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Sudoku 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Gymnastics 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Dublin 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Knowing the Teacher 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Stuffy Room 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Dice Game 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Finding the Teacher 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sign Here, Please 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Wait for Me Here 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm really full! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Moving 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Pretty Ugly 00:00 Tools
Elementary - The Super Bowl 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Golf 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Finding One's seat 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Would You Like a Drink? 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Newserino 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Beijing/Shanghai and Being a Good Guest 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Moscow 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Country Standings 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - A Month in Recovery and Being Civilized 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Chinatomy: Iconic Tunes and Hairy Crabs 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Phobias 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 出国工作 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 理想女人 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 古怪食物 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Mexico City 00:00 Tools
I Gotta Go, Babe 00:00 Tools
Newbie - It's Stopped Raining 00:00 Tools
Family Ties 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Requesting a Sample 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Calling a Supplier for a Quote 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Directions with a Map #1 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Los Angeles 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - SBTG: Health Class 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Christmas Presents 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Tortoise and the Hare 00:00 Tools
Lying in Chinese 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Help with Housework 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How Many Family Members Do You Have? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - New Year's Song 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - A Jizhou Child's Warning 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Saved by the Gong: Math class 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Abducted by Aliens 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Furniture 00:00 Tools
Newbie - To bag or not to bag? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Baby Talk: Eat up! 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Chinese New Year News 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where's the garbage? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Xinjiang 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - My Scooter Won't Start 00:00 Tools
China : North and South 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Definitely! 00:00 Tools
News and Features - New Lessons, New President 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Wait! 00:00 Tools
Mr. Cab Driver 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Ouch! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Didn't Hear Clearly 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Asking for English Books 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Simple Toasts 00:00 Tools
Married… With Xiao Hai 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Powerless Phones 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Requesting a Napkin 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Party Time at ChinesePod 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - DVDs and the Mao Suit 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Superstitions and Business Trip Tales 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Jazz and China from a Different Perspective 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Dad Gives Advice to a Broken-Hearted Son 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 澳门赌博 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 河莉秀 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 传媒大战 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 大智若愚 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Come-on 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Not So Silent Night 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Consoling the Bereaved 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Trimming the Fat at Wang's Office 00:00 Tools
Elementary - What do Foreigners Like? 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Editing a Document 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Hanoi 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Arriving in China on Business 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Ordering Office Supplies 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Rome 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Aren't you.... (不是.... 吗) 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Mahjong 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Sending a Fax 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - "Thinking" in Chinese: 觉得 (juéde), 认为 (rènwéi) and 以为 (yǐwéi) 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Beijing Olympics: Opening Ceremony 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Thirsty for Water 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Olympics 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Saying Sorry 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Do You Want a Map? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Stand Up 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Clearing the Table 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Stopping the Taxi 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Little Friends 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Athlete Injuries 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Chinese Green Eggs and Ham 00:00 Tools
Newbie - A Startled Friend 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Equestrian 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Buying a Bouquet of Flowers 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - I Don't Have the Strength (... 不动) 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sightseeing at Tiananmen 00:00 Tools
初级1 Mild Swearing 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Yang Jie's Diary: The Final Episode 00:00 Tools
Elementary - I don't want it! 00:00 Tools
Any - Security, the Arts, and a Chengyu Group 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Cheering 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Stargazing Ploy 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What meat is this? 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Tech Fixes and Traditional Characters 00:00 Tools
The Four Tones 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Adventures in Chinese Learning 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Pollution and Hot Drinks 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Good morning! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Long Time No See! 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 八卦周刊:大闹现场 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Exam Overview 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中美法律体系的差异 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 功夫之王 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 十一旅游高峰期 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 物流 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 话中带刺 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 算命 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Hot Pot Chitchat 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Tailor-made Clothing 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 葬礼安排 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Wang Tries to Excel at the Office 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Arrival in Jizhou 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro_2:_What's_your_name? (Fix) 00:00 Tools
Too Many Cooks 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Nationalities 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Global Warming 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Where's the bus stop? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Dress Warmly 00:00 Tools
Lesson Review MP3 - Newbie - Intro 1: Good morning 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Complaining About The Boss 00:00 Tools
Upper Intermediate - Extreme Tourism 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Hawaii 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Wireless Internet 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Tone Rule: Changes for 'bu' 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Wrong Change 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Sound Check 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I'm Married 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Feminine Products 00:00 Tools
菜鸟148 Going on Vacation 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What Would You Say You Do Here? 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Tech Upgrades and Farming! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Baby Photos 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Bachelors, Acting, and Game Shows 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Characters in the Desert and Chinese Kitchens 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Crosstalk and Labor Day Holiday 00:00 Tools
#1 Basic Greetings 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Olympics and more... 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - A Cell Phone Ad on TV 00:00 Tools
Newbie - What's Your Surname? 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Canceling Dinner Plans 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 八卦周刊:窃听门事件 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 红楼梦的吸引力 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 人口老龄化 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 东京 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Election Candidates 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 加盟连锁店 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 垃圾回收 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Excited About Traveling 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 阶级意识 00:00 Tools
Elementary - I can't find my glasses! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Who's that girl? 00:00 Tools
The Big Guy 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Considering a Credit Card 00:00 Tools
Athletic Supporters 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Basketball 00:00 Tools
Advanced Media - 土飞机上天 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Skincare: Sunscreen 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Reporting a Loss 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - Gone Fishing 00:00 Tools
Intermediate - The Olympic Mascots 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Is it far? 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Using 又 (yòu) and 再 (zài) 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Allergies 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 猜字谜 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Jizhou Mental Breakdown 00:00 Tools
You Look Exhausted! 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Interesting or Boring? 00:00 Tools
Newbie - The Door 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Requesting a Fork 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Intro 5: Do you have a menu? (Fix) 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Asking for Leave 00:00 Tools
Useful Sentences to Impress Your Chinese friends 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Lo and La (咯 & 啦) 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Going to the Museum 00:00 Tools
Newbie - My Dog 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Turn on the Air Conditioning 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Awesome Promotion and Monks to Japan 00:00 Tools
Newbie - How Many in Your Family 00:00 Tools
Newbie - I want coffee! 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Sweet Watermelon 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - Beauty Ideals and Ayi 00:00 Tools
Dear Amber - The Non-Chinese Speaking Tourist and Toilets 00:00 Tools
Intro 7 “The End of the Beginning?” 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Light and Dark Colors of Clothing 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Bad Cell Reception 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 教书育人 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 章子怡的魅力 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 定做的噩梦 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Exotic Animals 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 钻石 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中国的股票市场 18:09 Tools
Advanced - 中西方幽默 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 外商的中国之路 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 中西方简历的不同 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Checking Baggage 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 崇洋媚外 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 广交会 00:00 Tools
Advanced - 成语俗语 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Happy year of the tiger! 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Playing the Stock Market 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Executive Plan, Newbie Changes, and More 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Making Copies 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Antiques 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Stopped at the Gate 00:00 Tools
Friends For Dinner 00:00 Tools
Elementary - I want to play 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Going to Church 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Buying a Custom-Built Computer 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Pregnancy 00:00 Tools
News and Features - Guided Plan Gets Better! Plus: Poetry is Pending 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Volleyball 00:00 Tools
Newbie - At the Zoo 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Thanksgiving 00:00 Tools
Elementary - Track and Field 00:00 Tools
Upper-Intermediate - Hiring a Courier 00:00 Tools
Qing Wen - Clarifying how to use "every" 每(měi) 00:00 Tools
Newbie - Playing Cards 00:00 Tools
How to Explain Your Occupation in Chinese 00:00 Tools
  • 124,524
  • 4,329
  • 124524
    top track count

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