Diane Dufresne

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Oxygène 05:00 Tools
J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie 03:01 Tools
Les Adieux D'un Sex Symbol 07:07 Tools
Le Rêve de Stella Spotlight 03:19 Tools
Le parc Belmont 05:38 Tools
Un souvenir heureux 02:56 Tools
Cendrillon au coton 06:00 Tools
Les hauts et les bas d'une hôtesse de l'air 06:38 Tools
J'ecris c'qui m'chante 04:49 Tools
Kamikaze 04:47 Tools
J'ai douze ans 04:09 Tools
Hymne à la beauté du monde 02:20 Tools
Strip Tease 04:37 Tools
Je voulais te dire que je t'attends 05:35 Tools
Le Rêve De Stella Spotlight - remastered 04:03 Tools
Addict 05:00 Tools
Le rêve de Stella Spotlight - Remastered in 2009 02:51 Tools
Partir Pour Acapulco 06:02 Tools
Les Adieux D'Un Sex-Symbol - remastered 04:03 Tools
J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie - Version originale 03:03 Tools
New-York Requiem 05:18 Tools
Hollywood Freak 03:34 Tools
J'Ai Besoin D'Un Chum 03:08 Tools
Rock pour un gars d'bicycle 03:55 Tools
La dame de cuivre 05:18 Tools
La vie en rose 03:33 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex-Symbol - Remastered in 2009 02:52 Tools
La Chanteuse Straight 04:27 Tools
Les scélérats 04:03 Tools
La fureur du cash 04:18 Tools
Chanson pour Elvis 04:10 Tools
Le ciel connaît la musique 04:18 Tools
Top secret 03:59 Tools
Que 04:34 Tools
Tiens toé ben, j'arrive 02:14 Tools
Le Monde Est Stone 00:00 Tools
Le locataire 05:06 Tools
Un Jour Il Viendra Mon Amour 03:34 Tools
Sur la même longueur d'ondes 04:28 Tools
Actualités 05:41 Tools
Merci 05:43 Tools
Les dessous chics 03:08 Tools
Les adieux d'un sex-symbol - En concert 06:40 Tools
Partager les anges 04:18 Tools
L'enfant de la lumière 05:58 Tools
J'me sens ben 04:06 Tools
En écoutant Elton John 06:30 Tools
Le dernier aveu 03:20 Tools
Partir pour la gloire 03:15 Tools
J'ai Rencontre L'homme De Ma Vie, Diane Dufresne 03:03 Tools
Mon premier show 05:18 Tools
Alys En Cinémascope 04:26 Tools
L'été n'aura qu'un jour 04:09 Tools
J't'aime Plus Que J't'aime 04:55 Tools
Mille et une nuits 03:53 Tools
À faire l'inventaire 01:27 Tools
Tiens-toé Ben, J'arrive 02:15 Tools
Berceuse Pour Un Homme 02:49 Tools
Fascination 03:47 Tools
Turbulences 05:01 Tools
Épine de rose 03:27 Tools
Tiens-Toé Ben J'arrive 02:14 Tools
Chanson de l'autruche 02:52 Tools
L'oubli 05:48 Tools
Le 304 04:54 Tools
Hymne A La Beaute Du Monde 03:43 Tools
Rond-point 03:57 Tools
Psy quoi encore 04:33 Tools
Seule dans mon linceul 05:18 Tools
Noire soeur 04:12 Tools
Si tu crois 02:59 Tools
Kabuki 04:00 Tools
Rock pour un gars d'bicyc 03:32 Tools
Chanson de l'autruche (version inédite) 02:51 Tools
Progressif 03:41 Tools
0001110 02:26 Tools
J'taime plus que je t'aime 04:54 Tools
Les hauts et les bas d'une hotesse de l'air 06:40 Tools
J'écris c'qui m'chante 04:49 Tools
J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie (Version originale) 03:02 Tools
Le Rêve De Stella 06:40 Tools
Rock Pour un Gars de Bicycle 00:00 Tools
Vingtième Étage 04:55 Tools
Un jour il viendra mon amour - Version originale 03:33 Tools
Passé date 04:26 Tools
Le Tango De L'amour Et De La Mort 06:40 Tools
La dernière enfance 03:13 Tools
Ça m'donne les bleus 04:25 Tools
Merci Michel Jonasz 01:12 Tools
On fait tous du show business 07:54 Tools
L'enfant prodige 03:14 Tools
J'tombe amoureuse 04:25 Tools
CA M'donne Les Bleus 04:26 Tools
Nanna's Lied 03:43 Tools
Laissez Passer Les Clowns 05:57 Tools
Désir 03:45 Tools
Pour un ami condamné 04:20 Tools
Ego Trip 03:13 Tools
Il m'aimera 00:59 Tools
Madame Rêve 04:25 Tools
Taxi 00:41 Tools
Rill Pour Rire 04:25 Tools
Terre planète bleue 07:11 Tools
Jingle De Stella (Si Vous Voulez Un Homme Nouveau) 07:11 Tools
De T'avoir Aimé 02:41 Tools
Le reve de stella spotlight 03:19 Tools
Sex Shops, Cinémas Pornos 04:25 Tools
Comme Un Bel Oiseau 00:00 Tools
On Tourne En Rond 04:47 Tools
Mais vivre 04:47 Tools
Addio Del Passato 04:41 Tools
L'Autruche (Inedit) 02:52 Tools
L'homme à puce 04:33 Tools
J'avais Deux Amants 04:07 Tools
Chanson de l'autruche - Version enregistrée en 1980 pour l'émission télévisée "Émilie Jolie", réalisée par Jean-Christophe Averty 04:07 Tools
Rock pour un gars d'bicyc' 03:13 Tools
Le temps me fait la peau 03:13 Tools
Mon p'tit boogie boogie 02:41 Tools
Alys En Cinemascope 01:08 Tools
Tu M'fais Flipper 03:07 Tools
J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie - Remastered Edition 03:07 Tools
L' Enfant Prodige 03:14 Tools
Une Fille Funky 04:49 Tools
Le Rêve De Stella Spotlight (remastered) 03:57 Tools
J'ai vendu mon âme au Rock n'Roll 04:07 Tools
Il n'y a pas de hasard, il n'y a que des rendez-vous 03:00 Tools
Survoltée 04:32 Tools
J'vieillis 05:26 Tools
Thème du rayon rose 00:49 Tools
Aimons-nous 07:21 Tools
Comme un damné 07:21 Tools
Love Me Tender 03:44 Tools
Buzz 03:17 Tools
Oxygene (OST Laurence Anyways) 03:01 Tools
Chanson De L'Autruche - Version Inédite 03:57 Tools
J't'aime plus que j't'aime - Live 03:19 Tools
Peindre des toiles 04:32 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex-Symbol (Remastered in 2009) 04:32 Tools
Fellini 04:51 Tools
Le rêve de Stella Spotlight - 2009 Remastered 04:51 Tools
Les Femmes D'aujourd'hui 02:38 Tools
Les uns contre les autres 03:42 Tools
Le rêve de Stella Spotlight (Remastered in 2009) 03:42 Tools
Shanson de l'Autruche [*] 02:52 Tools
Les Adieux D'Un Sex-Symbol (remastered) 03:55 Tools
J'veux pas qu'tu me r'gardes 02:38 Tools
Les papillons 03:42 Tools
La victoire de Zéro Janvier (Live) - Remastered in 2009 03:42 Tools
Je voulais te dire que je t'attends - En concert 05:39 Tools
Parlez-moi d'amour 03:55 Tools
Il m'aimera - Version originale 00:59 Tools
Duodadieu 07:21 Tools
Pour qu'il n'y ait plus de romantisme 04:49 Tools
Au Loin Sur La Mer 03:55 Tools
Cinq à sept 05:06 Tools
Chanson pour Elvis - En concert 04:18 Tools
Le Signal Final 01:08 Tools
J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie - Remix 2002 03:03 Tools
Vingtieme Etage 06:21 Tools
Week-End Sur La Lune 06:12 Tools
L'homme de ma vie 03:01 Tools
Jingle de Stella (Live) - Remastered in 2009 03:01 Tools
Le tango de l'amour et de la mort (Live) - Remastered in 2009 03:01 Tools
Ville et mort blues 02:39 Tools
Message extra-terrestre 02:27 Tools
L'arche 02:27 Tools
Donnez Moi De L'oxygène 00:00 Tools
Le télégramme de Zéro à Stella (Live) - Remastered in 2009 00:00 Tools
Le Dernier Show 03:19 Tools
Suicide 03:21 Tools
L'hymne à la beauté du monde 02:09 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex Symbol (Live) - Remastered in 2009 02:09 Tools
Oft denk'ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen 03:43 Tools
Carrousel 00:33 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex-Symbol - 2009 Remastered 00:33 Tools
La derniere enfance 03:14 Tools
Réveillez-vous, j'peux pas Dormir 02:52 Tools
Quand J'te Parle De Même 01:10 Tools
Aimer ce qui nous tue 01:10 Tools
Chanson Pour Elvis (Live) 04:13 Tools
J'me mets sur mon 36 06:05 Tools
Le Tour Du Bloc 04:15 Tools
La Fin Du Monde Est Pour Aujourd'hui 03:25 Tools
Nocturne 03:25 Tools
Le vieux saxophoniste 03:55 Tools
La demande de Zéro à Stella (Live) - Remastered in 2009 03:55 Tools
Le rêve de Stella (Live) - Remastered in 2009 03:55 Tools
Pars pas sans me dire bye bye 03:02 Tools
Attention La Terre 00:35 Tools
Les Hauts Et Les Bas D Une Hotesse De L Air 04:10 Tools
J'ai vendu mon âme au rock 02:38 Tools
Rockeuse 02:39 Tools
Valse Triste 02:20 Tools
Ego Trip (Live) - Remastered in 2009 02:20 Tools
La peur a la frousse 02:20 Tools
Pars Pas Sans M'Dire Bye Bye 03:04 Tools
Je voulais dire que je t'attends 03:03 Tools
La Main De Dieu 05:21 Tools
Les fantômes de l'amour 03:03 Tools
Madame rêve - Live 04:31 Tools
Oxygène ´99 03:56 Tools
Ma Vie, C'est Ma Vie 04:25 Tools
Sex Shops, cinémas pornos (Live) - Remastered in 2009 04:25 Tools
a faire l'inventaire 01:27 Tools
La Joute Des Étoiles 01:38 Tools
Le playboy de mes rêves 03:12 Tools
Comme des Chiens 02:10 Tools
Tes mains sur mon visage 02:10 Tools
Alibi 03:25 Tools
Les hauts et les bas d'une hôtesse de l'air '99 04:45 Tools
Je Suis Un Homme 03:12 Tools
Dialogue d'amoureux 02:34 Tools
Sur la même longueur d'ondes - Version originale 04:26 Tools
À vie de recherche 03:47 Tools
La Femme tatouée 00:00 Tools
Les Haut Et Les Bas D Une Hotesse De 04:33 Tools
Le Cirque Est Fini 01:23 Tools
Pour un ami condamne 03:04 Tools
Rock pour un gars d'bicyc' ´99 - Remix 03:12 Tools
J'veillis 05:21 Tools
Actualites 05:21 Tools
Strip-tease - Version originale 04:32 Tools
La Vérité 06:21 Tools
Sur la meme longueur d'ondes 05:21 Tools
Tiens-Toé Ben J'arrive (Reprise) 01:22 Tools
Tiens-toé ben, j'arrive - Version originale 02:14 Tools
Peindres Des Toiles 02:14 Tools
elsie saisie par le démon 04:15 Tools
Noire Sœur 03:12 Tools
Youkali 03:12 Tools
Je me noue à vous 03:12 Tools
Oxygène '99 03:55 Tools
Les cœurs tendres 01:07 Tools
Epine de rose 01:22 Tools
Je ne t'aime pas 04:40 Tools
Hollywood freak (En concert) 03:57 Tools
pauvre amour 03:47 Tools
Oxygène 06:40 Tools
J'ai rencontré l 'homme de ma vie 03:02 Tools
Un souvenir heureux - From "Le tiroir secret" 02:10 Tools
J ai rencontre l homme de ma vie 05:23 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex Symbol (Comédie musicale Starmania) 04:15 Tools
Samedi soir 02:53 Tools
Somewhere Over The Rainbow 03:03 Tools
On N'a Pas Le Temps 02:22 Tools
Complainte de la serveuse automate 02:22 Tools
Partager les anges - Live 33:20 Tools
J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie (Remix - 2002) 01:22 Tools
Ils s'aiment 03:09 Tools
Je voulais te dire que je t'attends - Live 03:09 Tools
Survoltée - Version originale 04:31 Tools
Le rêve 04:31 Tools
Chanson pour Elvis (En concert) 06:21 Tools
Striptease 04:32 Tools
En écoutant Elton John - En concert 10:46 Tools
Les adieux d'un sex-symbol (En concert) 06:40 Tools
rond-plein 03:57 Tools
La toune qui groove 03:36 Tools
La sentence 01:29 Tools
La plaidoirie 01:07 Tools
Disneyland 02:34 Tools
Palladio (premier mouvement) [live] 03:47 Tools
Blitz 02:53 Tools
Alabama Song 03:03 Tools
Mon P'tit Boogie Woogie 02:41 Tools
La vie en rose - En concert 04:15 Tools
Que - Live 33:20 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex-Symbol - 2009 Remaster 33:20 Tools
Thème du rayon rose - Version originale 00:49 Tools
J'ai douze ans - Avec l'Orchestre symphonique de Québec 03:09 Tools
Oxygène - Remix 2002 02:34 Tools
La chanteuse straight - En concert 04:10 Tools
Actualités - En concert 05:36 Tools
Intro 02:10 Tools
Délinquante 02:10 Tools
L'Assassin 01:07 Tools
Femme Frau Woman 03:09 Tools
Les hauts et les bas d'une hotesse de l'air (99) 04:45 Tools
Les haut et les bas d'une hotesse de l'air 04:45 Tools
Ma Vie C'est Ma Vie 01:29 Tools
Good bye Rocky 03:37 Tools
Interrogatoire 1 00:55 Tools
J'attends un navire 04:45 Tools
Palladio 01:07 Tools
On n'a pas l'temps 01:07 Tools
Le ciel connait la musique 33:20 Tools
Est-ce que je te retrouverai ma douce 01:07 Tools
Tiens-toe ben, j'arrive 02:53 Tools
La Complainte De La Serveuse Automate 03:37 Tools
Quand On A Que L'amour 03:37 Tools
Hymne à la beauté du monde - Live 03:37 Tools
Rock pour un gars d'bicyc' - Remix 2002 03:37 Tools
Oxygène - Live 03:47 Tools
Le petit voyageur (Chanson pour Léo) 03:47 Tools
Vous aurez de mes nouvelles par les journaux 02:34 Tools
Le rêve de Stella (Comédie musicale Starmania) - Live 1979 remasterisé 02:34 Tools
Oxygne 05:24 Tools
Surabaya Johnny 05:24 Tools
L'enfant de la lumiere 02:34 Tools
Ça me donne les bleux 04:10 Tools
Desir 03:46 Tools
Les hauts et les bas d'une hôtesse de l'air ´99 - Remix 04:46 Tools
I Love You Soho! 05:36 Tools
Un musicien parmi tant d'autres 05:36 Tools
Aujourd'hui j'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie 02:10 Tools
La fiancée du pirate 03:47 Tools
Ego Trip (Comédie musicale Starmania) 03:47 Tools
A m'donne les bleus 03:47 Tools
Facination 01:07 Tools
La Marche Nuptiale Des Condamnés À Mort 01:07 Tools
Le parc Belmont (live) 01:07 Tools
Un Musicien Parmi Tant D'autres (Version Spectacle Inédite 1977) 03:47 Tools
Un musicien parmi tant d'autres (Live 1977) 03:47 Tools
Les adieux d'un Sex Symbol (Comédie musicale Starmania) - Live 1979 remasterisé 03:47 Tools
Oxygène - Remastered edition 03:47 Tools
Est-ce que je retrouverai ma douce - Live 03:47 Tools
Mon premier show - En concert 02:34 Tools
Le tango de l'amour et de la mort (Comédie musicale Starmania) - Live 1979 remasterisé 02:34 Tools
Top secret - Version originale 02:34 Tools
Hollywood freak - En concert 02:34 Tools
Le parc Belmont (Avec l'Orchestre symphonique de Québec) 02:34 Tools
La Derni Re Enfance 02:34 Tools
Tango des Matelots 02:34 Tools
Actualités (En concert) 02:34 Tools
Laissez passer les clowns - Version originale 02:34 Tools
Hôtesse de l'air 04:46 Tools
  • 51,680
  • 7,483
  • 51680
    top track count

Diane Dufresne was born in a working class suburb of Montreal on September 30th 1944. Her mother died when she was 12 years old and she left school to take care of her brother and sister. Early on she had developed a taste for dressing up and performing, and a few years later a job as a nurse allowed her to pay for singing lessons. Her first professional engagement in a bar in the Montreal suburbs, where she sang standards by French and Quebec artists such as Ferré, Brel and Vigneault. Her meeting with lyric writer Luc Plamondon in 1965 enabled her to work on more personal material. In 1966, still unknown in Quebec, she left for France. Quebec-Paris-Quebec In contrast to her repertoire in Canada, in France she sang songs by Quebec songwriters such as Jean-Pierre Ferland, Claude Léveillée and Félix Leclerc. She performed in the principal cabarets in vogue, including L’Ecluse and L’Echelle de Jacob. She took singing lessons at the Jean Lumière school, studied drama with actress Françoise Rosay, but she had little more success than in Quebec. A journalist who saw her perform in Paris wrote a glowing article about her, thanks to which, after returning to Quebec in 68, she released her first single, "Mon Cœur est fou". Canadians gave the disc a warm reception and Diane worked harder and developed her incredible talent as a live performer. In 1969, the Quebec public got their first taste of that characteristic Dufresne craziness in the revue, "Les Girls", in which she both acted and sang. The man of my life Her first real break came when she met lyric writer François Cousineau, who not only became her partner but went on to write her greatest hits. He worked for the cinema, gave numerous concerts and every night during the summers of 70 and 71, played with Dufresne at the La Marjolaine summer theatre near Montreal. In 1972, when Cousineau teamed up with Plamondon, the long line of Dufresne’s hits began with the album "Tiens-toé ben, j’arrive!" released in December. The characteristic Dufresne style was all there: the intensity, the humour, the self-mockery, her provocative manner, her joyful rock ’n’ roll romanticism not without a certain violence, and above all her exceptionally versatile voice. The album’s success (60.000 copies sold) was due principally to a track which is now a Dufresne standard, "Aujourd’hui j’ai rencontré l’homme de ma vie". In December, for the record’s launch, Diane sang at the Le Patriot theatre, a Montreal venue, then toured throughout Quebec. No holes were barred to make each performance a unique celebration and fans adored her flamboyant stage act with its costumes, hairstyles, makeup, art direction. In 1973, when Diane Dufresne did support act for Julien Clerc at L’Olympia in Paris, fans discovered the full live impact of a new name in Quebec music, as they had done a few years earlier with Robert Charlebois. She got a mixed reception, but in general Europeans were enthusiastic about her frenzied visual and musical imagination. Show girl From then on, hit followed hit and show followed show. In 74, she staged "A part de d’ça, j’me sens ben/Opéra-Cirque", a show based on the album of the same name released the previous year. She was also back in France with her "Quebec à Paris" tour. In 75 she released the album, "Sur la même longueur d’ondes", which included the hits, "Les hauts et les bas d’une hôtesse de l’air" and "Chanson pour Elvis", both written by Plamondon. Her show that year, "Mon premier show", again contained a series of vivid tableaux and illustrated the malicious pleasure she has always taken in stripping away the facade of theatrical pretence to show what goes on behind the scenes: at the end of the concert, the curtain and the decors were raised to reveal the stage and the wings completely bare. Following two new shows in 77, "Sans entracte" and "Spectacle au Café campus", she returned to L’Olympia in Paris , playing there from March 13th to 19th, this time top of the bill. Her long collaboration with François Cousineau came to an end during this time, but in 19789, her career made another leap forward with the musical comedy, "Starmania", written by Michel Berger and Luc Plamondon, in which she played a favourite character of hers, the star on the decline. Recorded in 78, the show was premiered the following year at the Palais des Sports in Paris. Disguise Also in 78, in her "Comme un film de Fellini" show at the Théâtre St-Denis in Montreal, Dufresne introduced a novel dimension by asking the audience to come to the show made up. The idea worked perfectly and became a fixture of her live performances in following years. In 79 she released the album, "Striptease", with its two superb numbers, "J’ai douze ans", about her mother who died when she was twelve, and "Le Parc Belmont", a disturbing song about madness. In the early eighties, the diva’s stage productions became even more audacious. On Quebec’s national day on June 24th 1980, she performed in Paris at the famous rock venue, Le Palace, with her breasts barely concealed by a veil. The following year, again on Saint Jean’s day, she appeared in front of an audience of 350.000 audience at the Vieux Port in Montreal dressed as Joan of Arc. The people of Quebec adored it. The constant evolution of her work and her live shows had made her a universally appreciated artist both in "la Belle Province" and in France. While continuing to work with Luc Plamondon, Diane Dufresne called on new songwriters Angelo Rinaldi, Christian Saint-Roch and Germain Gauthier who in 82 wrote the lyrics of one of the singer’s biggest hits, "Oxygène", on the "Turbulences" album. On the same record, she also did a cover version of Serge Gainsbourg’s "Suicide". Pink In 84, Diane Dufresne staged one of her most famous shows, "Magic Rose", which – as the name suggests – features the colour pink. For the recording of the live album of the same name in the Olympic Stadium on August 16th 1984, audience and singer were dressed entirely in pink. In front of 46.000 people, Dufresne and guest artists Jacques Higelin and the American group, Manhattan Transfer, put on a show Quebec still remembers today. As if "Magic Rose" was not enough for one year, in November, she put on another show, "Dioxine de Carbone, written by Plamondon and Rinaldi, and directed by Hans-Peter Cloos, at the Cirque d’Hiver in Paris. In 86, now living in Paris and Montreal, she put on "Top Secret", a highly theatrical show considered by some to be her most original. With "Symphonique n’roll", she opened up a whole new musical dimension for herself, perfectly in tune with her theatrical tastes. She was invited to do the show by the Quebec Symphony Orchestra, with whom she went on a world tour which included the Palais Garnier in Paris in 91, an exceptional venue for a non-classical piece. Distance With the exception of the world tour, which took her to Japan, Diane Dufresne began to distance herself from her profession. In 1990, she performed for one night in the Paris suburbs with Quebec artists Claude Dubois and Michel Rivard and Frenchman Georges Moustaki. In 1993, Diane Dufresne tried her hand at song writing, choosing the themes which have continually obsessed her: money, the environment and unhappiness. "Détournement majeur", a rock dominated album, was written during a six-month stay in New York funded by a government grant. Audiences at the Forum in Montreal and then at L’Olympia in Paris from December 14th to 19th, applauded a performer, now almost fifty, who had become more tempered but had lost nothing of her offbeat imaginativeness. Fans had to wait until 1997 for the next Diane Dufresne album, "Comme un parfum de confession". With several tracks written and performed by classical pianist Alexis Weissenberg, it was both more intimate and more sober than her previous releases. The singer who had done everything, given everything on stage, premiered a new show in Paris in January 1998, in the stark but very beautiful Bouffes du Nord theatre. In contrast to her hits of yesteryear, her new material was like the show’s title, "Reservé" (Reserved). Backed by a string section and piano, the singer again played her favourite role, the jaded and blasé star, with several songs, including "J’vieillis", written by Michel Jonasz. On August 10th 1998 Diane Dufresne gave a memorable performance at the popular open-air festival in Ramatuelle (in the South of France). Welcome Comeback Diane made a major comeback on the Quebec music scene in April '99. After performing her show "Réservé" at the Musée d'art contemporain in Montreal then in Paris at the Bouffes Parisiens in '98, the singer reworked her show very slightly and presented it in a small Quebec venue, le Théâtre Petit Champlain. Diane's new show, which this time round was simply entitled "Merci" (Thank you), received a warm welcome from Quebecois music fans. In June '99 Diane went on to bring the house down at the "Saint Jean" festival (a traditional Quebecois event organised to celebrate Saint John's Day). At the beginning of August Ms. Dufresne was back on stage, performing at the opening night of the Francofolies Festival in Montreal, where she shared the stage with Claude Dubois and Kevin Parent, two other popular Quebecois stars. Meanwhile, Diane continued to devote much of her time to her painting career and in the summer of '99 the singer had her work exhibited in the States, in a gallery in the New York region. In July 2001 the singer performed next to Robert Charlebois and Claude Dubois at the 35th anniversary of the Quebec Summer Festival. The audience delighted in the inspiring trio. At the same time, the star prepared a great exhibition of her paintings in old Quebec. For the two following years she toured up and down the country. In March 2003 she landed in Paris where she brought the house down on March 14th and 15th. The French were so excited to meet the Quebec singer again that tickets were sold out long before the show. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.