Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
12448003 | Play | 6. An Die Musik | 03:00 Tools | |
12448005 | Play | Wesendonck Lieder: No.5, Träume | 04:16 Tools | |
53492663 | Play | Le Nozze di Figaro, '(The) Marriage of Figaro' K492, ACT 3: Canzonetta sull'aria | 04:16 Tools | |
53492664 | Play | Canzonnetta sull'aria (The Shawshank Redemption) | 04:16 Tools | |
53492665 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Introitus: Requiem aeternam | 04:16 Tools | |
53492666 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Sequenz: Dies irae | 04:16 Tools | |
53492667 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Introitus: Kyrie | 04:16 Tools | |
53492668 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Sequenz: Confutatis maledictis | 04:16 Tools | |
53492669 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Entracte | 04:16 Tools | |
53492670 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Sequenz: Tuba mirum | 04:16 Tools | |
53492671 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Sequenz: Rex tremendae majestatis | 04:16 Tools | |
53492672 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Sequenz: Recordare, Jesu pie | 04:16 Tools | |
53492673 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Entracte | 04:16 Tools | |
53492674 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe | 04:16 Tools | |
12448004 | Play | Chanson perpétuelle Op. 37 | 06:57 Tools | |
53492675 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Offertorium: Hostias | 06:57 Tools | |
53492676 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Rois et peuples de la Grèce, salut à vous! (Agamemmon/Hélène/Oreste/Ménélas/Les deux Ajax/Achille/Pâris/La foule) | 06:57 Tools | |
53492677 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Offertorium: Sanctus | 06:57 Tools | |
53492678 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Offertorium: Agnus Dei | 06:57 Tools | |
53492679 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Offertorium: Benedictus | 06:57 Tools | |
53492680 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Quelle tenue pour un augure (Calchas/La grand Augure/Agamemmon/Ménélas/Tous) | 06:57 Tools | |
12448006 | Play | Quatre poèmes hindous: Lahore - Heinrich Heine | 03:52 Tools | |
53492681 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Couplets: Là, vrai, je ne suis pas coupable (Hélène) | 03:52 Tools | |
53492682 | Play | Requiem in D minor K626, Offertorium: Communio | 03:52 Tools | |
12448089 | Play | 11. Ave Maria “Ellens Gesang III” | 06:27 Tools | |
53492683 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Trop de fleurs (Calchas/Philocome) | 03:52 Tools | |
53492684 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Introduction: Vers tes autels, Jupin (Choeur du peuple) | 03:52 Tools | |
53492685 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte III (Tableau 1): No 14 bis: Duetto 'O grandes leçons du passé' (Duchesse/Boum) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492686 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Voilà, ca va mieux! (Hélène/Bacchis/Pâris) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492687 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte III (Tableau 2): No 20: Légende du Verre 'Il était un de mes aïeux' (Duchesse/Paul/Boum/Nepomuc/Puck/Grog/Choeur) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492688 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Marche de l'oie: Le voici, le roi des rois (Choeur/Hélène/Bacchis/Oreste/Achille/lLes deux Ajax/Agamemmon/Calchas) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492689 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Finale: Elle vient! C'est elle! (Tous) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492690 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Mais, ma Nénène (Ménélas/Hélène/Agamemmon/Calchas) | 06:27 Tools | |
12448175 | Play | Zaide: Aria Ruhe Sanft | 06:27 Tools | |
53492691 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: A Calchas qui tremblote (Tous) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492692 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Finale; A moi, rois de la Grèce (Ménélas/Hélène/Pâris/Oreste/Tous/Choeur) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492693 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Chanson d'Oreste: Au cabaret du labyrinthe (Oreste/Calchas/Parthénis/Léoena/Choeur des jeunes filles) | 06:27 Tools | |
53492694 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Ne criez pas notre cher hôte (Tous) | 06:27 Tools | |
12448007 | Play | Sure on This Shining Night: Sure on This Shining Night | 02:25 Tools | |
53492695 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Ciel! Mon mari! (Hélène/Ménélas/Pâris) | 06:27 Tools | |
12448248 | Play | Summertime | 02:24 Tools | |
53492696 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Choeur: La galère de Cythère (Choeur/Ménélas/Parthénis/Léoena/Oreste/Les deux Ajax/Achille/Agamemmon/Calchas) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492697 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Mesdemoiselles, voici le Calchas demandé (Oreste/Calchas/Léoena/Parthénis) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492698 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Compliments, félicitations, bravo! Vénus ordonne (Calchas/Pâris/Hélène/Oreste) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492700 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte III (Tableau 2): No 21: Complainte de Fritz 'Eh bien mon Altesse me voilà! Ohlalà' (Fritz/Duchesse/Puck/Boum/Choeur) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492699 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Choeur: O reine, en ce jour (Choeur/Bacchis/Hélène) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492701 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Quand les dieux commandent (Agamemmon/Ménélas/Calchas) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492702 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Les Dieux decrétènt par ma voix (Calchas/Ménélas/Hélène/Pâris/Tous) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492703 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Ainsi êtes-vous gentilhomme (Ménélas/Hélène/Pâris/Calchas/Tous) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492704 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Monsieur, c'est vous le devin de Jupiter? (Pâris/Calchas) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492705 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Mais enfin, Madame, vous n'allez pas rester comme ça! (Bacchis/Hélène) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492706 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Finale: Gloire! Gloire au berger victorieux (Choeur/Tous) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492707 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Restez, Calchas ... Toujours, fille de Léda (Hélène/Calchas) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492708 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Allons! Immolez-vous! (Calchas/Ménélas/Agamemmon) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492709 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Va t'en, va t'en, mon amour te suivra (Hélène/Tous) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492710 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, ACT 1 Scene 1: I have to go from pub to pub (Hobson/Chorus/Ellen/Ned) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492711 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE II: Tout ça est d'un désagréable (Hélène/Bacchis/Calchas/Pâris) | 02:24 Tools | |
53492712 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: Couplets de Pâris: Et tout d'abord, ô vile multitude (Pâris/Choeur/Tous) | 02:24 Tools | |
12448156 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Couplets: Amours divins (Hélène/Choeur des jeunes filles) | 03:33 Tools | |
12448086 | Play | 20. Thy ship must sail, my Henry dear | 02:47 Tools | |
53492713 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE III: L'eau est-elle bonne, bouillant Achille? (Achille/Les deux Ajax/Agamemmon/Calchas)Léoena/Parthénis/Ménélas/Hélène/ | 02:47 Tools | |
12448348 | Play | 12. I'll praise the saints with early song | 04:31 Tools | |
53492715 | Play | Amours divins | 02:47 Tools | |
53492714 | Play | Symphony No. 2 in C Minor "Resurrection": V. In Tempo des Scherzos wild herausfahrend | 02:47 Tools | |
53492716 | Play | Cats' Duet (Duetto buffo di due gatti) | 02:47 Tools | |
53492717 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, PROLOGUE: The truth ... the pity (Peter/Ellen) | 02:47 Tools | |
12448333 | Play | Mass In C Minor K427: Kyrie | 06:29 Tools | |
12448021 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: Iv. The Explorers, Sail Forth | 03:07 Tools | |
12448256 | Play | 16. O might I but my Patrick love! | 04:15 Tools | |
53492781 | Play | Seven Songs: Pleading Op. 48 | 02:53 Tools | |
12448010 | Play | 1. Die Forelle “The Trout” | 02:13 Tools | |
53492718 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: From the gutter (Nieces/Auntie/Ellen) | 04:15 Tools | |
53492719 | Play | Requiem in D minor (Mass No. 19) K626: I. Introitus: Requiem aeternam (with sop. solo) - | 04:29 Tools | |
53492720 | Play | L'Amour Masqué: J'ai deux amants | 02:13 Tools | |
12448020 | Play | My heart is like a singing bird | 01:54 Tools | |
53492721 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: Glitter of waves and glitter of sunlight (Ellen/Chorus/Rector) | 02:13 Tools | |
53492722 | Play | Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben | 02:13 Tools | |
12448088 | Play | Waldseligkeit No. 1, Op. 49 | 02:48 Tools | |
87383860 | Play | 6. An die Musik: 6. An die Musik | 02:13 Tools | |
12448023 | Play | Zueignung No. 1, Op. 10 | 01:56 Tools | |
12448009 | Play | Debussy: Le Balcon | 07:41 Tools | |
53492723 | Play | Poulenc: La Courte Paille - 3. La Reine de coeur | 02:25 Tools | |
12448029 | Play | 3. Heidenröslein | 01:55 Tools | |
12448050 | Play | La Voix humaine: I. Introduction | 00:56 Tools | |
53492724 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: Embroidery in childhood was a luxury of idleness (Ellen/Balstrode) | 00:56 Tools | |
12448061 | Play | Te Deum, H.146 (1989 Digital Remaster): Prélude | 01:46 Tools | |
12448306 | Play | Orpheus could lead the savage race | 01:43 Tools | |
53492725 | Play | Le nozze di Figaro K492, ACT 3: No. 20: Duettino: Sull'aria ... Che soave zeffiretto (Contessa/Susanna) | 01:55 Tools | |
12448143 | Play | A Word On My Ear | 04:36 Tools | |
12448012 | Play | Music, When Soft Voices Die | 01:35 Tools | |
12448025 | Play | Under The Greenwood Tree | 01:39 Tools | |
12448013 | Play | Debussy: Harmonie Du Soir | 04:13 Tools | |
12448014 | Play | Debussy: La Mort Des Amants | 03:15 Tools | |
12448008 | Play | 4 Letzte Lieder (4 Last Songs), TrV 296: No. 3. Beim Schlafengehen | 05:31 Tools | |
12448016 | Play | Love'S Philosophy | 00:00 Tools | |
12448043 | Play | 2. An Silvia | 03:03 Tools | |
53492726 | Play | Poulenc: Deux Poèmes de Louis Aragon - 1. "C" | 00:00 Tools | |
12448033 | Play | Allerseelen No. 8, Op. 10 | 03:32 Tools | |
87383870 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: I. A Song For All Seas, Behold, The Sea Itself | 03:01 Tools | |
53492768 | Play | Die Nacht No. 3, Op. 10 | 01:01 Tools | |
12448024 | Play | 9. Litanei: Auf Dem Fest Allerseelen | 04:56 Tools | |
53492727 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: Child you're not too young to know (Ellen/Chorus/Rector/Peter) | 03:03 Tools | |
87383862 | Play | Te Deum, H.146 (1989 Digital Remaster): Fiat misericordia | 04:55 Tools | |
12448085 | Play | 18. Der Hirt Auf Dem Felsen “The Shepherd On The Rock” | 12:08 Tools | |
87383863 | Play | Morgen! No. 2, Op. 27 | 03:17 Tools | |
12448042 | Play | 7. Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen | 03:51 Tools | |
12448038 | Play | 10. Die Junge Nonne | 05:08 Tools | |
12448035 | Play | In Moonlight | 02:10 Tools | |
53492728 | Play | La Belle Hélène, ACTE I: Choeur des jeunes filles: C'est le devoir des jeunes filles (Choeur des jeunes filles/Hélène) | 01:35 Tools | |
53492729 | Play | The soft complaining flute | 01:35 Tools | |
53492730 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, PROLOGUE: You sailed your boat round the coast (Swallow/Peter/Mrs Sedley/Chorus/Hobson/Ellen) | 01:35 Tools | |
53492731 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte I: No 4: Chanson Militaire 'Ah! C'est un fameux regiment' (Duchesse/Fritz/Puck/Nepomuc Boum/Wanda/Demoiselles d'honneur/Choeur) | 01:35 Tools | |
12448054 | Play | Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal | 02:08 Tools | |
12448022 | Play | Debussy: Le Jet D'eau | 06:00 Tools | |
12448017 | Play | Debussy: Recueillement | 04:51 Tools | |
12448027 | Play | O Mistress Mine | 01:22 Tools | |
12448163 | Play | 8. Sei Mir Gegrüsst | 04:37 Tools | |
12448028 | Play | The Trellis | 02:45 Tools | |
53492732 | Play | But oh! What Art can teach | 02:45 Tools | |
87383861 | Play | Te Deum, H.146 (1989 Digital Remaster): Judex crederis | 04:55 Tools | |
53492733 | Play | Biem Schlafengehen | 02:08 Tools | |
12448137 | Play | No.11 The soldier in a foreign land (J. Baillie) | 04:07 Tools | |
12448030 | Play | 14. Nacht Und Träume | 04:19 Tools | |
12448299 | Play | La Voix humaine: II. "Allô, allô…" | 00:58 Tools | |
53492734 | Play | No.12 I'll praise the Saints with early song (W. Smyth) | 00:58 Tools | |
53492772 | Play | Ständchen No. 2, Op. 17 | 01:03 Tools | |
53492740 | Play | What passion cannot Music raise and quell | 01:55 Tools | |
53492736 | Play | 2. Duncan Gray (R. Burns) | 00:58 Tools | |
53492737 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: This unrelenting work (Ellen/Peter/Chorus) | 00:58 Tools | |
12448159 | Play | It Was A Lover & His Lass | 01:55 Tools | |
12448040 | Play | Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal: Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal | 02:09 Tools | |
12448150 | Play | Song Of A Nightclub Proprietress | 02:53 Tools | |
53492752 | Play | This Day Christ Was Born | 04:01 Tools | |
12448083 | Play | Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67: No. 3: Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss | 03:55 Tools | |
12448046 | Play | My Own Country | 02:54 Tools | |
53492739 | Play | 13. Gretchen Am Spinnrade | 01:55 Tools | |
12448171 | Play | 9. Lochnagar (Lord G. Byron) | 04:01 Tools | |
53492742 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte III (Tableau 1): No 18: Final 'A cheval, a cheval' (Tous) | 04:01 Tools | |
53492735 | Play | Poulenc: La Courte Paille - 1. Le Sommeil | 00:58 Tools | |
53492743 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, ACT 1 Scene 2: The bridge is down (Hobson/Ned/Ellen/Boles/Auntie/Nieces/Peter) | 04:01 Tools | |
53492744 | Play | Poulenc: Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob - 1. Chanson bretonne | 04:01 Tools | |
53492745 | Play | Poulenc: Airs chantés - 1. Air romantique | 04:01 Tools | |
53492746 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: People! ... No! I will speak! (Boles/Chorus/Balstrode/Rector/Auntie/Ellen) | 04:01 Tools | |
53492747 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 2: Peter, we've come to take you home (Ellen/Peter/Balstrode) | 04:01 Tools | |
53492748 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: Come along, Doctor! (First Burgess/Burgesses/Rector/Mrs Sedley/Ellen/Balstrode) | 04:01 Tools | |
53492749 | Play | Beim Schlafengehen - [Lott / First] | 04:01 Tools | |
12448125 | Play | Am See, D746 | 01:55 Tools | |
12448335 | Play | The Monk & His Cat: The Monk & His Cat | 02:38 Tools | |
53492750 | Play | Intermezzo | 04:01 Tools | |
53492751 | Play | September | 04:01 Tools | |
12448060 | Play | 4. Du Bist Die Ruhe | 04:55 Tools | |
12448019 | Play | 4 Letzte Lieder (4 Last Songs), TrV 296: No. 4. Im Abendrot | 07:36 Tools | |
53492738 | Play | Poulenc: Airs chantés - 4. Air vif | 01:55 Tools | |
53492753 | Play | Poulenc: Trois Poemes de Louise Lalanne - 2. Chanson | 04:01 Tools | |
53492754 | Play | Poulenc: La Courte Paille - 6. Le Carafon | 04:01 Tools | |
53492755 | Play | Poulenc: Airs chantés - 3. Air grave | 04:01 Tools | |
53492741 | Play | Poulenc: Trois Poemes de Louise Lalanne - 3. Hier | 04:01 Tools | |
53492757 | Play | Poulenc: La grenouillère | 04:01 Tools | |
53492758 | Play | Poulenc: Deux Poèmes de Louis Aragon - 2. Fêtes galantes | 04:01 Tools | |
53492759 | Play | Poulenc: Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob - 2. Le cimtière | 04:01 Tools | |
53492760 | Play | Peter Grimes Op. 33, Scene 1: We planned that their lives should have a new start (Ellen/Rector/Mrs Sedley/Boles/Ned/Nieces/Auntie/Balstrode/Hobson/Swallow) | 04:01 Tools | |
12448210 | Play | Quatre poèmes hindous: Madras - Stance de Bhartrihari | 02:13 Tools | |
53492761 | Play | Poulenc: Toreador | 02:13 Tools | |
53492762 | Play | The Swing | 03:17 Tools | |
12448084 | Play | 16. Lied Der Mignon: Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt | 03:17 Tools | |
87383864 | Play | Der Nussbaum: Der Nussbaum | 03:17 Tools | |
53492763 | Play | Ave Maria | 04:55 Tools | |
12448018 | Play | 4 Letzte Lieder (4 Last Songs), TrV 296: No. 2. September | 04:17 Tools | |
53492764 | Play | No.20 Thy ship must sail, my Henry dear (W. Smyth) | 04:55 Tools | |
12448070 | Play | 5. Der Musensohn | 02:23 Tools | |
53492766 | Play | 1. The Banner of Buccleuch (Sir W. Scott) | 04:55 Tools | |
53492767 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part I: Veni, Creator Spiritus | 04:55 Tools | |
12448266 | Play | La Voix humaine: III. "Allô ! c'est toi?" | 01:01 Tools | |
87383865 | Play | Ca fait peur aux oiseaux | 01:01 Tools | |
12448221 | Play | Des Dichters Abendgang No. 2, Op. 47 | 05:21 Tools | |
53492771 | Play | 15. Ganymed | 01:01 Tools | |
12448240 | Play | Solitary Hotel | 02:39 Tools | |
12448045 | Play | Schlechtes Wetter No. 5, Op. 69 | 02:31 Tools | |
12448168 | Play | La Voix humaine: V. "Allô, chéri…Si on coupe, redemande-moi tout de suite" | 01:03 Tools | |
12448041 | Play | I Have Twelve Oxen | 01:56 Tools | |
12448287 | Play | Sleep | 02:29 Tools | |
53492773 | Play | 12. Im Frühling | 01:03 Tools | |
53492774 | Play | Poulenc: Trois Poemes de Louise Lalanne - 1. Le Present | 01:03 Tools | |
53492756 | Play | Poulenc: Airs chantés - 2. Air champêtre | 04:01 Tools | |
87383866 | Play | Auf dem Wasser zu Singen: Auf dem Wasser zu Singen | 04:01 Tools | |
53492775 | Play | Schubert: Am See, D 746 | 01:03 Tools | |
89358820 | Play | Mozart: Exsultate, Jubilate, K165 (Alleluja) | 01:03 Tools | |
89358821 | Play | Das Rosenband No. 1, Op. 36 | 01:03 Tools | |
53492776 | Play | Im Abendrot | 02:53 Tools | |
53492777 | Play | Fruhling | 02:53 Tools | |
89358822 | Play | Die Zeitlose No. 7, Op. 10 | 02:53 Tools | |
53492778 | Play | Wiegenlied | 02:53 Tools | |
12448315 | Play | DIe Verschwiegenen No. 6, Op. 10 | 01:20 Tools | |
89358823 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: I. A Song For All Seas, Today A Rude Brief Recitative | 01:20 Tools | |
53492779 | Play | Ruhe, Meine Seele! | 02:53 Tools | |
53492780 | Play | Freundliche Vision | 02:53 Tools | |
12448311 | Play | Beethoven: Scottish Songs, Op. 108 - Oh! Thou Art Lad Of My Heart, Willy | 02:23 Tools | |
53492765 | Play | Poulenc: Bleuet | 04:55 Tools | |
53492821 | Play | The Three Kings | 02:39 Tools | |
53492769 | Play | Poulenc: La Courte Paille - 5. Les Anges musiciens | 01:01 Tools | |
12448324 | Play | Der Stem No. 1, Op. 69 | 01:53 Tools | |
53492782 | Play | Poulenc: La Courte Paille - 7. Lune d'Avril | 02:23 Tools | |
12448015 | Play | Music and Moonlight | 02:16 Tools | |
12448087 | Play | Ave Maria D839 | 06:25 Tools | |
53492783 | Play | Poulenc: Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob - 3. La petite servante | 06:25 Tools | |
53492784 | Play | Poulenc: Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob - 4. Berceuse | 06:25 Tools | |
53492785 | Play | Poulenc: Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob - 5. Souric et Mouric | 06:25 Tools | |
53492786 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part II: Alles Vergängliche (Mystic Choir) | 06:25 Tools | |
53492787 | Play | Requiem in D minor (Mass No. 19) K626: VIII. Communio: Lux aeterna (with sop. solo) - Cum sanctis tuis | 06:25 Tools | |
12448349 | Play | Closing Scene | 16:02 Tools | |
12448096 | Play | Fancy | 01:52 Tools | |
12448273 | Play | L'Invitation au Voyage | 04:17 Tools | |
53492788 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte I: No 3a: Rondeau 'Ah! Que j'aime les militaires...' (Duchesse/Fritz/Puck/Boum/Choeur) | 04:17 Tools | |
12448289 | Play | Cherry Tree Farm | 02:27 Tools | |
53492789 | Play | The Fountains Mingle With The River | 02:27 Tools | |
53492790 | Play | Chant D'automne | 02:27 Tools | |
87383867 | Play | Shéhérazade: Asie | 02:27 Tools | |
53492809 | Play | O magnum mysterium | 01:52 Tools | |
12448233 | Play | heuberger - der opernball | 03:20 Tools | |
53492791 | Play | Morgen | 02:27 Tools | |
53492792 | Play | Waldseligkeit | 03:20 Tools | |
89358824 | Play | Ach! was Kummer, Qual und Schmerzen No. 8, Op. 49 | 03:20 Tools | |
53492812 | Play | Poème de l'amour et de la mer, Op.19: La fleur des eaux (Calme) | 03:01 Tools | |
89358825 | Play | Haydn: Missa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor - Agnus Dei: Dona nobis pacem | 03:01 Tools | |
89358826 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: I. A Song For All Seas, Flaunt Out, O Sea, Your Separate Flags Of Nations! | 03:01 Tools | |
89358827 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: II. On the Beach At Night, Alone, A Pennant Universal | 03:01 Tools | |
53492793 | Play | 4. Ye shepherds of this pleasant vale (W. Hamilton) | 04:17 Tools | |
53492794 | Play | Seven Songs: The Shepard's Song Op. 16 No. 1 | 04:17 Tools | |
12448271 | Play | Christmas Truce (A Letter) | 01:05 Tools | |
87383868 | Play | Die Lustige Witwe (complete), ACT 2: Ganz nach Pariser Art! | 01:05 Tools | |
53492817 | Play | Summertime: Summertime | 01:19 Tools | |
53492795 | Play | No.18 They bid me slight my Dermot dear (W. Smyth) | 02:09 Tools | |
12448099 | Play | La Voix humaine: IV. "Hier soir, je me suis couchée tout de suite" | 01:43 Tools | |
53492796 | Play | 6. Highland Harry (R.Burns) | 01:43 Tools | |
53492797 | Play | No.10 Oh! thou hapless soldier (W. Smyth) | 01:43 Tools | |
53492798 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part II: Waldung, sie schwankt heran (Holy Anchorites) | 03:55 Tools | |
53492819 | Play | Leises Lied No. 1, Op. 39 | 01:19 Tools | |
12448222 | Play | L'Amour Masqué | 00:00 Tools | |
89358828 | Play | Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67: No. 2: Guten Morgen, 's ist Sankt Valentinstag | 00:00 Tools | |
53492820 | Play | But bright Cecilia | 02:39 Tools | |
12448183 | Play | December | 02:37 Tools | |
12448034 | Play | Pleading (Op. 48, No. 1) | 03:02 Tools | |
12448080 | Play | Go not, happy day | 01:26 Tools | |
12448032 | Play | Twilight (Op.59, No.6) | 03:09 Tools | |
12448011 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: I. A Song For All Seas_ Behold_ The Sea Itself | 00:00 Tools | |
53492799 | Play | Ariadne auf Naxos, Prologue: An Ihre Plätze...Sein wir wieder gut (Musiklehrer/Primadonna/Componist) | 00:00 Tools | |
53492800 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part II: Hier ist die Aussicht frei (Doctor Marianus) | 00:00 Tools | |
12448097 | Play | Beethoven: Scottish Songs, WoO 156 - Cease Your Funning | 01:09 Tools | |
12448300 | Play | Allo ... | 01:44 Tools | |
53492801 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part II: Ewiger Wonnebrand (Pater Ecstaticus) | 01:44 Tools | |
12448139 | Play | Oj! Non, Ma Cheri, Surtout Ne Me Regarde Pas | 00:00 Tools | |
53492802 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part II: Wie Felsenabgrund mir zu Füssen (Pater Profundus) | 00:00 Tools | |
53492803 | Play | La Grande Duchess de Gerolstein, Acte II (suite et fin): No 12: Le carillon de ma grand mére' (Tous) | 00:00 Tools | |
87383869 | Play | You Can't Make Love By Wireless | 00:00 Tools | |
53492804 | Play | A Melancholy Song | 00:00 Tools | |
53492805 | Play | Das Rosenband | 00:00 Tools | |
12448215 | Play | O That It Were So | 02:16 Tools | |
53492806 | Play | Zueignung | 02:16 Tools | |
53492807 | Play | Des Ditchers Abendgang | 01:52 Tools | |
53492808 | Play | Guitare | 01:52 Tools | |
53492810 | Play | Serenade | 01:52 Tools | |
12448180 | Play | offenbach - la grande duchesse | 04:03 Tools | |
12448184 | Play | Shéhérazade: La Flûte enchantée | 03:01 Tools | |
53492811 | Play | Clair de Lune: Clair de Lune | 03:01 Tools | |
89358829 | Play | Cäcilie No. 2, Op. 27 | 03:01 Tools | |
89358830 | Play | Love's Philosophy: Love's Philosophy | 03:01 Tools | |
89358831 | Play | Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony: I. A Song For All Seas, Token Of All Brave Captains | 03:01 Tools | |
53492813 | Play | Seven Songs: Queen Mary's Song | 03:01 Tools | |
53492814 | Play | No.10 The hero may perish his country (W. Smith) | 03:01 Tools | |
12448209 | Play | Fancie | 01:00 Tools | |
89358832 | Play | 4 Letzte Lieder (4 Last Songs), TrV 296: No. 1. Fruhling | 01:00 Tools | |
53492815 | Play | As from pow'r of sacred lays | 01:00 Tools | |
87383871 | Play | Virgin Mary's Slumber-Song | 01:00 Tools | |
53492816 | Play | Seven Songs: Like To The Damask Rose | 01:00 Tools | |
89358833 | Play | Haydn: Missa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor - Gloria: Quoniam | 01:00 Tools | |
87383872 | Play | Haydn: Missa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor - Gloria: Qui tollis | 01:00 Tools | |
87383873 | Play | Haydn: Missa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor - Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo | 01:00 Tools | |
12448055 | Play | Ushas (Dawn) | 03:15 Tools | |
12448051 | Play | Speak, Music (Op. 41, No. 2) | 03:08 Tools | |
12448343 | Play | La Voix humaine: VI. "Quelle comédie ?" | 01:19 Tools | |
89358834 | Play | Ich wollt ein Sträußlein binden No. 2, Op. 68 | 01:19 Tools | |
87383874 | Play | God's Speech | 01:19 Tools | |
89358835 | Play | Ha'Nacker Mill | 01:19 Tools | |
89358836 | Play | Blauer Sommer No. 1, Op. 31 | 01:19 Tools | |
89358837 | Play | Meinem Kinde No. 3, Op. 37 | 01:19 Tools | |
87383875 | Play | The Journey Of The Magi | 01:19 Tools | |
53492818 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part I: Imple superna gratia | 01:19 Tools | |
89358838 | Play | Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67: No. 1 Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb vor andern nun | 01:19 Tools | |
89358839 | Play | Twelfth Night | 01:19 Tools | |
12448284 | Play | LA VOIX HUMAINE: [Introduction} | 00:00 Tools | |
87383876 | Play | La Dame De Monte-Carlo | 00:00 Tools | |
12448074 | Play | Go, Loveley Rose | 02:47 Tools | |
12448066 | Play | Strew No More Red Roses | 02:45 Tools | |
87383877 | Play | The Shepherd's Song: The Shepherd's Song | 03:02 Tools | |
12448069 | Play | The White Peace | 02:35 Tools | |
12448157 | Play | Allo Cheri | 01:02 Tools | |
53492822 | Play | Te Deum H146 (1989 Digital Remaster): Prélude | 01:02 Tools | |
53492823 | Play | Poulenc: Le petit garcon trop bien portant | 01:02 Tools | |
53492825 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part I: Gloria Patri Domino | 01:02 Tools | |
53492826 | Play | Poulenc: La tragique histoire du petit Rene | 01:02 Tools | |
12448212 | Play | Allo Allo | 00:00 Tools | |
12448336 | Play | Hier So Je Me Suis Couchee | 01:42 Tools | |
53492827 | Play | Symphony No. 8 in E flat, Part II: Bei der Liebe, die den Füssen (Magna Peccatrix, Mulier Samaritana, Maria Aegyptiaca) | 01:42 Tools |
Track name
Felicity Lott, born May 8, 1947, is a British soprano. Celebrated for her Mozart and Strauss roles, she has also sung widely in contemporary music like Stravinsky and Britten. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.