Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
35053573 | Play | Steel Lord on Wheels | 03:55 Tools | |
35053572 | Play | Tiger Punch | 04:14 Tools | |
35053576 | Play | Millennium Quest | 06:50 Tools | |
35053582 | Play | Defying the Rules | 05:48 Tools | |
35053588 | Play | Change Your Life Line | 04:24 Tools | |
35053579 | Play | Living Under Ice | 03:45 Tools | |
35053591 | Play | A Kingdom to Share | 05:36 Tools | |
35053590 | Play | Stare at Yourself | 07:43 Tools | |
35053596 | Play | The Faceless in Charge | 06:56 Tools | |
35053595 | Play | High Speed Breakout | 05:00 Tools | |
35053577 | Play | Reborn from the Ashes | 04:51 Tools | |
35053583 | Play | Screaming Ghost | 05:17 Tools | |
35053586 | Play | The Anger Inside | 04:55 Tools | |
35053587 | Play | Sea Of Revenge | 04:44 Tools | |
35053607 | Play | Intro | 01:56 Tools | |
35053594 | Play | The Skull Collectors | 05:17 Tools | |
35053592 | Play | Devoted To Your Fear | 06:42 Tools | |
35053598 | Play | Burning All the Flags | 05:13 Tools | |
35053600 | Play | Wings of Wax | 08:34 Tools | |
35053593 | Play | Shoot Me Down | 04:00 Tools | |
35053597 | Play | Nonconforming Minds | 04:58 Tools | |
35053599 | Play | Welcome To The Horror Show | 03:42 Tools | |
35053601 | Play | Blinded By Faith | 04:33 Tools | |
35053603 | Play | Sight Of Blindness | 04:35 Tools | |
35053602 | Play | The Shelter's On Fire | 04:56 Tools | |
35053606 | Play | Beyond Regrets Of The Past | 04:08 Tools | |
35053605 | Play | I Feel No Bliss | 04:13 Tools | |
35053574 | Play | Silent Revenge | 04:50 Tools | |
35053608 | Play | Tough Is The Way | 04:12 Tools | |
35053610 | Play | Rotten Souls | 05:00 Tools | |
35053615 | Play | Screaming Ghost (Demo Version) | 05:23 Tools | |
35053575 | Play | Lonely Fight | 04:42 Tools | |
35053609 | Play | Blind Ride | 00:42 Tools | |
35053578 | Play | Deadly Vengeance | 05:04 Tools | |
35053580 | Play | Silence Will Make You Suffer | 05:40 Tools | |
35053612 | Play | I'm Gonna Live Till I Die | 02:54 Tools | |
35053581 | Play | Walking to Death | 03:50 Tools | |
35053611 | Play | Shall I Keep on Burning? | 04:34 Tools | |
35053584 | Play | The Scream of an Angel | 04:07 Tools | |
35053585 | Play | The Place That You Belong | 04:23 Tools | |
35053589 | Play | The Way It Is | 08:40 Tools | |
74308314 | Play | Pain | 08:40 Tools | |
74308315 | Play | Abyss | 08:40 Tools | |
74308316 | Play | Tightrope | 00:13 Tools | |
74308317 | Play | Life | 00:13 Tools | |
74308318 | Play | Ghosts | 00:13 Tools | |
74308320 | Play | Legacy | 00:13 Tools | |
74308319 | Play | Ashamed | 00:13 Tools | |
74308321 | Play | Church | 00:13 Tools | |
35053617 | Play | Blind Ride (Intro) | 00:13 Tools | |
74308322 | Play | Fame | 00:13 Tools | |
74308323 | Play | Words | 00:13 Tools | |
35053621 | Play | Shoot Me Down (Live) | 01:30 Tools | |
35053619 | Play | Nonconforming Minds (Live) | 01:30 Tools | |
35053620 | Play | Blind Ride (Live) | 00:30 Tools | |
35053623 | Play | Welcome to the Horror Show (Live) | 03:42 Tools | |
35053650 | Play | Millenium Quest | 06:51 Tools | |
35053625 | Play | Defying the Rules (Live) | 06:03 Tools | |
35053627 | Play | Living Under Ice (Live) | 05:07 Tools | |
35053624 | Play | Millennium Quest (Live) | 06:48 Tools | |
35053629 | Play | Blinded By Faith (Live) | 04:41 Tools | |
35053634 | Play | Steel Lord on Wheels (Live) | 03:32 Tools | |
35053630 | Play | The Shelter's On Fire (Live) | 04:55 Tools | |
35053616 | Play | Bleeding On My Regrets (Bonus Track) | 04:17 Tools | |
35053637 | Play | Tiger Punch (Live) | 04:23 Tools | |
88105196 | Play | Moving Ground | 01:30 Tools | |
35053618 | Play | Bleeding On My Regrets | 04:17 Tools | |
35053631 | Play | The Anger Inside (Live) | 06:13 Tools | |
74308324 | Play | Rot (Bonus Track) | 04:55 Tools | |
89860304 | Play | A LIFE FOR YOURSELF | 04:55 Tools | |
35053640 | Play | I Feel No Bliss (Live) | 04:04 Tools | |
35053632 | Play | The Skull Collectors (Live) | 06:42 Tools | |
74308325 | Play | Sir Duke (Bonus Track) | 06:13 Tools | |
35053638 | Play | Rotten Souls (Live) | 01:30 Tools | |
35053633 | Play | Sea of Revenge (Live) | 05:19 Tools | |
35053645 | Play | Sight of Blindness (Live) | 07:35 Tools | |
88105198 | Play | The Shapeshifter | 05:03 Tools | |
35053639 | Play | Intro (Wings of Wax) [Live] | 01:35 Tools | |
88105199 | Play | Scream And Shout | 06:13 Tools | |
35053626 | Play | Shall I Keep on Burning? (Unplugged) | 03:22 Tools | |
35053671 | Play | The Saga Will Begin | 04:41 Tools | |
35053643 | Play | Throne Of Glory | 07:17 Tools | |
89860305 | Play | Souls Ain't for Sale | 07:17 Tools | |
88105202 | Play | Heaven | 09:19 Tools | |
74308329 | Play | Leading Lady | 05:03 Tools | |
88105201 | Play | So Damn Unkind | 06:51 Tools | |
88105203 | Play | Safe Shore | 09:19 Tools | |
35053641 | Play | Painted Skies | 05:14 Tools | |
35053636 | Play | Hard Ride | 03:48 Tools | |
89860306 | Play | Sailing Ship | 03:48 Tools | |
35053660 | Play | Draft | 04:29 Tools | |
74308331 | Play | Music | 04:08 Tools | |
35053655 | Play | Master of Fate | 06:13 Tools | |
74308334 | Play | Abyss (Bonus Track) - Karaoke | 09:19 Tools | |
74308332 | Play | Fool's Paradise | 02:52 Tools | |
74308326 | Play | Rot | 06:13 Tools | |
74308328 | Play | Millennium Quest (extended version) | 06:51 Tools | |
88105205 | Play | RESET MY BRAIN | 05:03 Tools | |
74308327 | Play | Sir Duke | 06:51 Tools | |
35053662 | Play | Painted Skies (Crimson Glory cover) | 05:14 Tools | |
35053652 | Play | Beyond Regrets | 04:08 Tools | |
35053657 | Play | Hard Ride (Pantera cover) | 03:48 Tools | |
35053667 | Play | Millenium | 06:51 Tools | |
35053669 | Play | High Speed Break Out | 05:03 Tools | |
74308335 | Play | Lonely Fight (Live) | 09:19 Tools | |
89860307 | Play | Fearless Will | 09:19 Tools | |
74308333 | Play | The Saga Will Begin (bonus track) | 04:56 Tools | |
74308336 | Play | Silent Revenge (Live) | 03:54 Tools | |
35053653 | Play | The Shelter’s On Fire | 04:56 Tools | |
74308330 | Play | 01-Steel Lord On Wheels | 03:48 Tools | |
35053663 | Play | I'm Gonna Live Till I Die (Frank Sinatra Cover) | 02:52 Tools | |
74308337 | Play | Tightrope (Live) | 03:46 Tools | |
35053665 | Play | Stare At Yoursel | 09:19 Tools | |
74308338 | Play | Defying The Rules (Live) (Bonus Track) | 04:25 Tools | |
89860308 | Play | Tiger Punch (Live) (feat. Diego Kasper & Marco Panichi) | 04:25 Tools | |
35053635 | Play | Hibria - Steel Lord On Wheels | 03:54 Tools | |
35053852 | Play | I’m Gonna Live Till I Die (Bonus Track) | 02:54 Tools | |
35053746 | Play | Blind Ride(Intro) | 00:42 Tools | |
35053664 | Play | Welcom To The Horror Show | 04:18 Tools | |
35053647 | Play | Hibria - Living Under Ice | 03:46 Tools | |
35053666 | Play | Walking Death | 03:50 Tools | |
35053646 | Play | Hibria - Millennium Quest | 06:51 Tools | |
35053649 | Play | Hibria - Defying the Rules | 01:37 Tools | |
35053642 | Play | Hibria - Intro | 01:56 Tools | |
74308340 | Play | Life - Orchestral Version | 00:00 Tools | |
35053648 | Play | Hibria - A Kingdom to Share | 05:37 Tools | |
35053644 | Play | Hibria - Change Your Life Line | 04:25 Tools | |
35053651 | Play | Hibria - The Faceless In Charge | 06:58 Tools | |
35053654 | Play | Hibria - High Speed Breakout | 05:01 Tools | |
35053656 | Play | Hibria - Stare At Yourself | 00:00 Tools | |
35053668 | Play | Shall I Keep On Burning (Unplugged) | 03:22 Tools | |
35053670 | Play | Intro [Wings Of Wax] | 01:35 Tools | |
35053704 | Play | Hard Ride (Bonus) | 03:48 Tools | |
74308342 | Play | Live Till Die (Frank Sinatra) [Bonus] | 01:35 Tools | |
35053661 | Play | Shall I Keep on Burning? - Unplugged | 03:22 Tools | |
35053692 | Play | Painted Skies (Bonus) | 05:14 Tools | |
88105207 | Play | Sailling Ship | 05:14 Tools | |
74308341 | Play | Screaming Ghost (Demo) | 01:35 Tools | |
35053678 | Play | I Feel No Bliss (Acoustic Version) | 04:05 Tools | |
88105208 | Play | Reset My Brain (Bonus Track) | 04:31 Tools | |
74308343 | Play | Live Till Die | 02:54 Tools | |
35053785 | Play | Live Till Die(Frank Sinatra Cover) | 02:54 Tools | |
74308344 | Play | Rot [Bonus Track] | 02:54 Tools | |
35053755 | Play | Intro (Wings Of Wax) | 02:59 Tools | |
88105209 | Play | Pain (Karaoke Version) | 06:58 Tools | |
35053676 | Play | Defying The Rules [Live] | 06:03 Tools | |
35053863 | Play | Sight of the Blindness | 04:35 Tools | |
35053876 | Play | Faceless in Charge | 06:58 Tools | |
35053701 | Play | I Fell No Bliss | 04:53 Tools | |
74308355 | Play | Living Under Ice (Live In Tokyo) | 04:56 Tools | |
35053708 | Play | 2 Minutes 2 Midnight | 06:01 Tools | |
35053758 | Play | Touch Is The Way | 04:12 Tools | |
74308363 | Play | Blind Ride (Live in Tokyo) | 03:54 Tools | |
35053675 | Play | Blind Ride [Live] | 00:53 Tools | |
35053705 | Play | I'm Gonna Live Till I Die (Japanese Bonus) | 02:52 Tools | |
77264059 | Play | Silent Revenge - Official Video | 05:49 Tools | |
74308360 | Play | Tiger Punch (Live In Tokyo) | 04:53 Tools | |
74308371 | Play | Defying The Rules (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
74308345 | Play | Sir Duke [Bonus Track] | 06:01 Tools | |
74308354 | Play | Abyss (Bonus Track) (Karaoke) | 04:18 Tools | |
77264057 | Play | Millenium Quest (Extended Version) | 04:18 Tools | |
74308346 | Play | 4. Life | 00:53 Tools | |
35053837 | Play | 03 - screaming ghost | 05:15 Tools | |
35053694 | Play | Noncorforming Minds | 04:31 Tools | |
74308347 | Play | 1. Pain | 04:31 Tools | |
74308348 | Play | Change Change your Live Line | 05:15 Tools | |
74308374 | Play | Shoot Me Down (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
74308372 | Play | Blinded By Faith (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
74308373 | Play | Welcome To The Horror Show (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
77264060 | Play | Nonconforming Minds (Live In Tokyo) | 04:53 Tools | |
35053817 | Play | 07 - the skull collectors | 05:15 Tools | |
74308378 | Play | Steel Lord On Wheels (Live In Tokyo) | 06:58 Tools | |
74308349 | Play | 5. Ghosts | 05:15 Tools | |
77264058 | Play | Tightrope [Live] | 04:18 Tools | |
74308350 | Play | 3. Tightrope | 05:15 Tools | |
35053763 | Play | Beyond Regrest Of The Past | 04:08 Tools | |
74308351 | Play | 07 - Defying the Rules | 04:08 Tools | |
35053829 | Play | I'm Gonna Live Till I Die (Bonus Track) | 02:54 Tools | |
74308352 | Play | 2. Abyss | 04:08 Tools | |
35053721 | Play | The Faceless In Charge (2004) | 00:30 Tools | |
35053687 | Play | Nonconforming Minds (2011) | 00:00 Tools | |
74308380 | Play | Life (Orchestral Version) | 06:58 Tools | |
77264064 | Play | The Skull Collectors (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
77264067 | Play | The Anger Inside (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
35053813 | Play | 01 - Tiger Punch | 04:17 Tools | |
88105210 | Play | I Fell No Bliss (Live In Tokyo) | 02:54 Tools | |
35053691 | Play | Tiger Punch [Live] | 04:22 Tools | |
35053847 | Play | 09 - wings of wax | 08:37 Tools | |
89860309 | Play | Hard Ride (Pantera Cover) (Bonus Track) | 08:37 Tools | |
35053719 | Play | 02 - Reborn from the Ashes | 04:50 Tools | |
35053749 | Play | 08 - burning all the flags | 05:12 Tools | |
74308353 | Play | 6. Legacy | 04:17 Tools | |
35053857 | Play | 05 - the anger inside | 04:53 Tools | |
35053672 | Play | Welcome To The Horror Show [Live] | 04:18 Tools | |
35053682 | Play | The Shelters On Fire | 04:56 Tools | |
74308356 | Play | 10. Words | 04:56 Tools | |
74308357 | Play | Living under the Ice | 04:56 Tools | |
35053689 | Play | 02_HIBRIA_Steel Lord On Wheels_DEFYING THE RULES | 03:54 Tools | |
35053706 | Play | 03_HIBRIA_Change Your Life Line_DEFYING THE RULES | 04:26 Tools | |
77264066 | Play | The Shelter's On Fire (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
77264065 | Play | Sea of Revenge (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
88105212 | Play | Rotten Souls (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
89860310 | Play | Sight of Blindness (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
35053683 | Play | Shoot Me Down [Live] | 04:09 Tools | |
88105213 | Play | Intro (Wings of Wax) (Live In Tokyo) | 07:15 Tools | |
88105211 | Play | Hibria | 07:15 Tools | |
35053677 | Play | Nonconforming Minds [Live] | 04:33 Tools | |
35053697 | Play | The Anger Inside [Live] | 06:24 Tools | |
74308358 | Play | 7. Ashamed | 04:53 Tools | |
89860311 | Play | Screaming Ghost (Demo Version) (Bonus Track) | 04:53 Tools | |
74308359 | Play | 8. Church | 04:53 Tools | |
74308362 | Play | Skull Collectors | 03:54 Tools | |
35053868 | Play | 01 - Intro | 01:56 Tools | |
74308361 | Play | 06 - Living Under Ice | 03:54 Tools | |
74308364 | Play | 10 - stare at yourself | 03:54 Tools | |
77264068 | Play | Abyss (Bonus Track) | 03:45 Tools | |
74308377 | Play | 2 Minutes To Midnight (Iron Maiden Cover) | 03:45 Tools | |
74308379 | Play | I'm Gonna Live 'till I Die (Frank Sinatra) | 06:58 Tools | |
74308375 | Play | Beyond Regrets On The Past | 03:45 Tools | |
35053764 | Play | The Skull Collectors (2008) | 00:00 Tools | |
74308376 | Play | Tiger Punch Unplugged | 03:45 Tools | |
35053771 | Play | 01 Intro | 01:56 Tools | |
35053738 | Play | 07 Defying The Rules | 05:49 Tools | |
77264063 | Play | Millennium Quest (Live In Tokyo) | 03:45 Tools | |
35053715 | Play | 01_HIBRIA_intro_DEFYING THE RULES | 01:56 Tools | |
35053762 | Play | Hibria - Shoot Me Down | 04:00 Tools | |
35053856 | Play | 05_HIBRIA_A Kingdom To Share_DEFYING THE RULES | 05:37 Tools | |
35053698 | Play | Millennium Quest [Live] | 07:15 Tools | |
77264061 | Play | Silent Revenge [Live] | 07:15 Tools | |
77264062 | Play | Lonely Fight [Live] | 04:42 Tools | |
35053839 | Play | 04 - sea of revenge | 04:42 Tools | |
74308365 | Play | 04 - Millennium Quest | 07:15 Tools | |
74308367 | Play | 9. Fame | 04:42 Tools | |
74308368 | Play | Keine Titelinformation | 04:42 Tools | |
35053707 | Play | I'm Gonna Live Till I Die (Frank Sinatra cover, 2011) | 02:54 Tools | |
74308369 | Play | 09 - high speed breakout | 03:45 Tools | |
74308370 | Play | 08 - The Faceless In Charge | 03:45 Tools | |
35053776 | Play | 02 Steel Lord On Wheels | 03:54 Tools | |
74308381 | Play | Screaming Ghost [Demo] | 06:58 Tools | |
74308382 | Play | Welcome To The Horror | 06:58 Tools | |
74308383 | Play | I`m Gonna Live Till I Die | 06:58 Tools | |
74308384 | Play | Hibria - Change Your Live Line | 06:58 Tools |
Track name
Hibria is a speed/power metal band from Brazil known for their technicality and speed. Their debut Defying the Rules was released in 2004. The band cites traditional metal bands such as Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest along with Thrash bands such as Metallica and Megadeth as influences. Also, they cite influence from more progressive groups such as Dream Theater. The band toured across Europe is 1999, in the "Against The Faceless" demo tour, playing 29 concerts through Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic and Poland.[1] An album entitled The Skull Collectors was released on December 10 in Japan, with a worldwide launch in February 2009 HIBRIA proudly announces the release of their new album named BLIND RIDE in Japan on January 26th, 2011, through King Records. Brazilian, European and American release dates are yet to be announced. HIBRIA's "BLIND RIDE" was mixed and mastered in New York at Machine Shop. The band has recently inked a deal with BASE 2 PRODUCTIONS, also in charge of the management of Sepultura and Angra. Produced by Piet Sielck (Iron Savior, Savage Circus)... Current band members: Iuri Sanson (Vocals) Abel Camargo (Guitars) Diego Kasper (Guitars) Benhur Lima (Bass) Eduardo Baldo (Drums) Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.