Parálisis Permanente

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Autosuficiencia 02:09 Tools
unidos 00:00 Tools
Quiero ser tu perro 00:00 Tools
nacidos para dominar 00:00 Tools
Quiero Ser Santa 00:00 Tools
Adictos a la lujuria 00:00 Tools
Tengo un pasajero 00:00 Tools
Vamos a jugar 00:00 Tools
yo no 00:00 Tools
Jugando a las cartas 00:00 Tools
Heroes 00:00 Tools
El Acto 00:00 Tools
sangre 00:00 Tools
Tengo un precio 00:00 Tools
Todo el mundo 00:00 Tools
un dia en texas 00:00 Tools
Bacanal 00:00 Tools
Esto no es 00:00 Tools
Quiero ser santa - Caja de ritmos 00:00 Tools
Esa Extraña Sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Un día en Texas 00:00 Tools
Héroes 00:00 Tools
Te gustará 00:00 Tools
Te gustara 00:00 Tools
resplandor 00:00 Tools
Miedo 00:00 Tools
Lección de Inglés 00:00 Tools
Por que? 00:00 Tools
jugando a las cartas en el cementerio 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia - con Javier Benavente 00:00 Tools
Esta no es 00:00 Tools
Adictos de la lujuria 00:00 Tools
¿Por qué? 00:00 Tools
Quiero ser santa (Caja de ritmos) 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia (con Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
porque 00:00 Tools
¿Porqué? 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia (1) 00:00 Tools
Adictos a la lujuría 00:00 Tools
Un Dia En Texas (82) 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia (2) 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia (buena imagen) 00:00 Tools
Te gustará 00:00 Tools
Héroes 00:00 Tools
Pista 13 00:00 Tools
Esa extraña sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Un día en Texas 00:00 Tools
Tengo un Precio (Soy Barata) 00:00 Tools
tango un pasajero 00:00 Tools
02. Tengo un Pasajero 00:00 Tools
Todo Sigue Igual 00:00 Tools
Esa extrana sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Esa Extraсa Sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Suicide Bag 00:00 Tools
¿Porque? 00:00 Tools
Ahora Quiero Ser Tu Perro 00:00 Tools
Te gustarб 00:00 Tools
Hйroes 00:00 Tools
06. Un dia en texas 00:00 Tools
Por que 00:00 Tools
Satelite 00:00 Tools
Héroes (Bowie) 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia (Voz: Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
autosuficiencia-PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
esa extrańa sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Jugando a las Cartas en el Cementerio (Voz: Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
Un dÖa en Texas 00:00 Tools
quiero ser santa- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
13. Miedo 00:00 Tools
Miedo (Voz: Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
Resplandor (Voz: Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
PARALISIS PERMANENTE - Autosuficiencia 00:00 Tools
¿porque¿ 00:00 Tools
Lección de Inglés (Voz: Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
09. Porque 00:00 Tools
¿Por qué? (Voz: Javier Benavente) 00:00 Tools
autosuficiente 00:00 Tools
Un Dнa En Texas 00:00 Tools
¿Por Que? 00:00 Tools
01 - unidos 00:00 Tools
adictos a la lujuria- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Quiero ser santa (En Vivo) 00:00 Tools
Juagando a las cartas 00:00 Tools
02 - yo no 00:00 Tools
unidos- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
En el cementerio 00:00 Tools
tengo un pasajero- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Pista 07 00:00 Tools
04 - undia cualquiera en Texa 00:00 Tools
Adictos a la lujuria (Caja de ritmos) 00:00 Tools
Quiero ser santa (versión "caja de ritmos") 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Quiero ser tu perro 00:00 Tools
¿por Que¿ 00:00 Tools
Grabaciones Completas 1981-1983 00:00 Tools
Entrevista 00:00 Tools
Un día cualquiera en Texas 00:00 Tools
Heroes (David Bowie cover) 00:00 Tools
Autosuficiencia (feat. Javíer Benavente) 00:00 Tools
vamos a jugar- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Nacidos para dominar 00:00 Tools
porque? 00:00 Tools
Jugando a las Cartas 2 00:00 Tools
Tengo Un Paraiso 00:00 Tools
Por qué 00:00 Tools
10 - Heroes 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Unidos 00:00 Tools
Golpes 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 04 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 01 00:00 Tools
un día en texas- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
el acto- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
héroes- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Esa extraña sonrisa 00:00 Tools
quiero ser tu perro- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - El Acto 00:00 Tools
Te gustará 00:00 Tools
tengo un precio- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
sangre- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
bacanal- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Me aburres tanto 00:00 Tools
Paralisis Pernamente - Sangre 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Adictos de la lujuria 00:00 Tools
te gustará- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - 05 - en el cementerio 00:00 Tools
13-Esa extraña sonrisa 00:00 Tools
esa extraña sonrisa- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - leccion de ingles 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - Miedo 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Bacanal 00:00 Tools
nacidos para dominar- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
03 Unidos 00:00 Tools
jugando a las cartas en el ce 00:00 Tools
Paralisis permanente - nacidos para dominar 00:00 Tools
01 Autosuficiencia 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 02 00:00 Tools
Esa extraña sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 05 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 03 00:00 Tools
3-Te gustará 00:00 Tools
09 - quiero ser tu perro 00:00 Tools
Quiero Ser Santa [Parálisis Permanente] 00:00 Tools
todo el mundo- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Hidden Track 00:00 Tools
Paralisis Permanente - Autosuficiencia 2 00:00 Tools
Paralisis Permanente - Por Que 00:00 Tools
Undia cualquiera en Texas 00:00 Tools
YoQuie 00:00 Tools
Jugando Con Sangre 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 11 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - Autosuficiencia 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 13 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - Un Dia En Texas 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 09 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 12 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 06 00:00 Tools
04 - Heroes 00:00 Tools
esto no es- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Te gustaría 00:00 Tools
Te Gustarà 00:00 Tools
Sombras negras 00:00 Tools
en cestas 00:00 Tools
PARALISIS PERMANENTE - 01 - Tengo un pasajero 00:00 Tools
un dia cualquiera en texas 00:00 Tools
01 autosuficiencia (streamload) 00:00 Tools
Esa Estraña Sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 07 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 08 00:00 Tools
Paralisis Permanente - Jugando a las Cartas 2 00:00 Tools
Te gustaria 00:00 Tools
¿por Qué¿ 00:00 Tools
Paralisis Permanente - Todo sigue igual 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - 04 - quiero ser tu perro 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente / Autosuficiencia 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 10 00:00 Tools
Por Qué? 00:00 Tools
02 - Vamos a jugar 00:00 Tools
Lecciуn de ingles 00:00 Tools
Te gustará¡ 00:00 Tools
kiero ser santa 00:00 Tools
Adictos A La Lujurнa 00:00 Tools
05 Sangre 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - 02 - esto no es 00:00 Tools
01-autosuficiencia-PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
PARALISIS PERMANENTE - 17 - Yo no 00:00 Tools
03 - te gustara 00:00 Tools
PARALISIS PERMANENTE - 15 - Autosuficiencia 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - 10 - quiero ser santa 00:00 Tools
Héroes (David Bowie Cover) 00:00 Tools
Parálisis Permanente - El Acto 00:00 Tools
Esa extraña sonrrisa 00:00 Tools
12 - Tengo un pasajero 00:00 Tools
Esa Extraña Sonrisa... 00:00 Tools
Te gustar 00:00 Tools
Esa extraña sonrisa 00:00 Tools
me miro en el espejo 00:00 Tools
04 Yo no 00:00 Tools
¿Porque 00:00 Tools
Esa Extraa Sonrisa 00:00 Tools
Esas extrañas sonrisas 00:00 Tools
02 Quiero ser santa 00:00 Tools
Lecciуn De Inglйs 00:00 Tools
Pista 10 00:00 Tools
01-Autosuficiencia 00:00 Tools
El acto - Adictos a la lujuria 00:00 Tools
El acto - Vamos a jugar 00:00 Tools
08 - esto no es 00:00 Tools
13 - Esa extraña sonrisa 00:00 Tools
05 - tengo un precio 00:00 Tools
paralisis permanente - 16 - un dia en texas 00:00 Tools
pista 01 00:00 Tools
04-yo no- PARALISIS PERMANENTE 00:00 Tools
Pista de audio 15 00:00 Tools
  • 507,230
  • 27,584
  • 507230
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Legendary Madrid band (1980-1983) who are sadly associated with their leader's (Eduardo Benavente) tragic death, Parálisis Permanente (Permanent, or Chronic, Paralysis) was not, properly speaking, a punk band; they were rather involved in the so-called "dark wave" (or Goth -"onda siniestra" in Spain), with a strong influence from Killing Joke, Theatre of Heate, UK Decay and the like; but a lot of their songs are also influenced by the harder and faster UK punk from 1981-1982. In the beginning they were to be a parallel band to ALASKA Y LOS PEGAMOIDES. The Pegamoides (very successful in Spain) were one of several bands born from KAKA DE LUXE's ashes; three of the Pegamoides came from KK (1977-1979), including the young Olvido Gara a.k.a. "Alaska", who played rhythm guitar in KK but now was the singer. The Pegamoides played ironic pop and their biggest hit was "Bailando" (1982), a funny and catchy disco song inspired on Gibson Brothers' "Cuba"; it was amusing that they played that song all dressed as (postcard) punks! Pegamoides' bassist, Nacho Canut, had the idea of PARÁLISIS PERMANENTE to get rid of the restrictions of the Pegamoides, forced to play silly pop. Pegamoides' drummer, EDUARDO BENAVENTE, joined as singer and guitarist; the band was complete with Johnny (dr). They began rehearsing in the fall of 1980. They rehearsed with interruptions until the end of 1981, a time when there were lots of "dark" (gothic) bands starting everywhere. With one of them, GABINETE CALIGARI (Caligari's Kabinett, a band that was to be very famous in Spain from 1984 on, but in 1981 their sound was very much like THE CURE's first two LP's), Parálisis Permanente went to the studio in october '81. The release of Parálisis Permanente and Gabinete Caligari's split EP (Tres Cipreses-Tic Tac), along side AVIADOR DRO's first EP (Aviador Dro was a technopop band with a heavy influence from Devo but a peculiar anarchist-futurist stance), signaled the birth of indie labels in Spain - the two records were released in February, 1982. The names of PP and GC were written in gothic letters in the cover, with a photo of two tombs, and two shaking hands off the graves. (The re-issue from fall of '82, 3c-006, has a different cover, with two "pinheads" from the movie Freaks.) PP's songs on the EP are Autosuficiencia (Selfsufficiency) and Tengo un pasajero (I Got a Passenger Inside). The first is obviously inspired by the Pistols' God Save the Queen, but with the Clay bands' (GBH, Discharge) blitz. The raving lyrics are based (in Nacho Canut's own words) upon No Feelings and it's a parody, but many people took it straight and thought PP meant it. (A videoclip of the song was made for a TV program called Pista libre.) The other song is an imitation of Killing Joke (e.g. The Wait) and tells a terrific story based on the film Alien. This record was one of the very first indie hits, and Autosuficiencia was a hymn to many people. Nobody had heard anything as fast and hard in Spain before. They soon released a follow-up, the EP Quiero ser santa (3C-002, 5/82), "I want to be a (female) saint". In the cover, a naked woman crucified; in the back cover, Eduardo is sitting back, with spread legs, in an armchair (you figure out he's paralytic), with a fear _expression, and a Sid Vicious haircut. (A Parálisis' T-shirt was made using this picture.) Four new tracks: Unidos (United), Yo no (Not Me), Quiero ser santa and Un día en Texas (Some Day in Texas). The last one sounds like GBH (except for the vocals); the lyrics are about the same movie as in Ramones' Chainsaw Massacre. The other ones have a more gothic sound. The title track has a good riff and an intro with Burgos' cathedral's bells; the words were written by Alaska and Ana Pegamoide, and it's a piss-off on the aspiring mythical nuns. "When I die, I want my body to stay uncorrupted / so that everyone who sees me gets scared to death!" (it's funnier in Spanish, eh?). Unidos, a faster song, tells a grim story of some inseparable siamese brothers. Yo no's lyrics are antisocial punk, but they are witty: "There are pigs, there are rats who live in houses; there are seals, there are monkeys who get fed with anything. There's big worms who have legs and hands. There are ravens and parrots who study anything. // Pigs don't think, they have no defences. Rats don't sleep, they can't, they're not able. / Parrots take heed, they repeat, they learn. Ravens do stare but never get close. / And I'm sick of it, sick of it... / Not me, not me, not me..." The band is one of the favourite new indie bands; both the gothic followers and the punks like them. Meanwhile, ALASKA Y LOS PEGAMOIDES were having their biggest hits. Eduardo wanted more time for Parálisis, but Nacho didn't, so he left. He's replaced by Rafa Balsameda (from NEGATIVO, a pioneer punk band in Donosti, Euzkadi); Ana "Pegamoide" Curra (keyboards) joins in, but only as a collaborator (she was forced by a contract to the Pegamoides), and she writes new songs along with Eduardo. This line-up recorded the LP El acto in July and released it in October '82 (3C-003). A big indie success, and a very big one, just before SINIESTRO TOTAL's LP. The LP is a manual to perversity and mauvais sex. ("El acto" means the the act of sexual intercourse.) In particular, Ana and Eduardo's songs: Adictos a la lujuria ("Addicted to lust"), Te gustará ("You'll enjoy it"), Tengo un precio (soy barata) ("I've got a price - I'm cheap"), Esa extraña sonrisa (That strange smile) and the instrumental, Bacanal. Other songs: Jugando a las cartas ("Playing Cards" - gambling in a graveyard), Esto no es (nada divertido) ("This is Not (Funny at All)" - a tale of poisoning), a new recording of Tengo un pasajero, another anti-social burst by Nacho called Todo el mundo ("Everybody") and two good covers of the grandfathers: Iggy (Quiero ser tu perro, I Wanna be Your Dog) and Bowie (Heroes). My favourite song (I mean the music, not the lyrics) is Vamos a jugar ("Let's Go Playing"), extremely simple but incredibly effective, Eduardo insisting on a single note of the guitar combined with three hits on the cymbal. On the cover, pictures of Eduardo and Ana (with a blonde dyed long hair à la Siouxsie), dressed up in S&M leather, some candles, a cross (the T of 'Acto'); Eduardo wears a beatnik cap (like the one used by Dylan or Lennon in '65), the cap turned out very fashionable between the Spanish wave-followers. Around this time, Ana and Eduardo had the idea of a parallel band of the parallel band, called SERES VACÍOS (Voidoids!) and with Ana as singer. They recorded two songs in november, released as a 12" single: Los celos se apoderan de mí / La casa de la imperfección (3C-007, 1983). The flip is a variation on a Banshees' theme (Happy House), but Jealousy's Got a Hold On Me has inner life. In the winter of 82-83 Eduardo is called for Military Service. Meanwhile, the Pegamoides call it quits. Alaska, Nacho and Toti (the drummer) join to Carlos García-Berlanga's project DINARAMA (so that Dinarama are almost the same people as Pegamoides, without Ana and Eduardo). Eduardo managed to combine the "permisos" (spare days out from the military quarters) with some gigs and recording sessions, as well as some TV broadcasts (Caja de ritmos, the same program as the Vulpess' infamous appearance). In March '83, they recorded a new single and played in Barcelona's old Zeleste (a small club where many new-wave gigs took place from 1983 on, and a few punk gigs too); Eduardo gave his last interview there. A couple of months later, on May 14th , when going back to Madrid from a gig in León, they had a carcrash - Ana and Toti were wounded, but Eduardo died. A promise ended up and the legend began. Soon after, the single was released: Nacidos para dominar / Sangre (3C-010, 1983). Marlene Dietrich on the cover. Sangre (Blood) was another Killing Joke revisited song, but Nacidos para dominar (Born to Overpower) perhaps was the better and more original song they had ever made. A very strong intro, melody, nerve... an almost perfect song - its lyrics dedicated to the frightening powers which control the world: "They are amazing, they say they're not right. / Badly cooked-up, raw beings who were ill-born. / You have to cover them up with a veil to avoid their smelly stink, / they have to hide to avoid scaring people. / They carry a thousand snakes inside, and a lethal viper that at the first chance could be awakened up... But they have the world in their hand - they are born to overpower. Born, born, born to overpower. Born... to glory!" (Again, it sound better in Spanish. Not unusual, though.) Some months after the demise, Ana Curra had the courage to raise up the band, but the name changed to SERES VACÍOS. They evolved starting where P.P. had ended up, and with the novelty of the female voice. The critics accused S.V. of being P.P.-lookalikes, but I think their 12" Luna nueva (3C-101, 11/83), at least the title track, was a step ahead. Other records followed (12" EP Recuerda, 1984; LP Volviendo a las andadas 1987; sorry I don't know the rest) but they didn't get the acclaim that they deserved. Incidentally, Ana Curra has helped several punk bands from Madrid. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.