Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
12211914 | Play | Reif für die Insel | 04:42 Tools | |
12211913 | Play | Der Kaffee ist fertig | 03:33 Tools | |
12211912 | Play | Segel im Wind | 03:40 Tools | |
12211917 | Play | Streicheleinheiten | 03:53 Tools | |
12211921 | Play | Calafati | 03:43 Tools | |
12211925 | Play | Kindheit | 03:42 Tools | |
12211916 | Play | Du entschuldige I kenn Di | 04:23 Tools | |
12211923 | Play | Bevor I Geh | 03:09 Tools | |
12211965 | Play | The Three Kings | 02:28 Tools | |
12211933 | Play | Tag Und Nacht | 04:42 Tools | |
53301403 | Play | The Three Kings (Die Koenige) | 02:28 Tools | |
53301406 | Play | Weihnachtslieder Op. 8: The Three Kings | 04:22 Tools | |
12211915 | Play | Du entschuldige I kenn' di | 04:23 Tools | |
12211927 | Play | Es Ist Nie Zu Spät | 03:41 Tools | |
12211918 | Play | Sanft ist unser Kampf | 03:42 Tools | |
12211919 | Play | Süchtig | 04:05 Tools | |
12211941 | Play | Mit'n Schmäh | 03:53 Tools | |
12211920 | Play | Ganz Wien hat den Blues | 04:22 Tools | |
12211939 | Play | Erde, Feuer, Wasser, Luft | 03:40 Tools | |
12211926 | Play | Alles Oder Nichts | 03:49 Tools | |
12211929 | Play | Die Wies'n | 03:29 Tools | |
12211924 | Play | Zufällig | 04:07 Tools | |
12211931 | Play | Irgendwann im nächsten Leb'n | 04:10 Tools | |
12211948 | Play | Es wird immer sei' wie's immer war | 04:01 Tools | |
12211932 | Play | Sensibel | 02:36 Tools | |
53301404 | Play | The Three Kings - Arr. Ivor Atkins | 04:01 Tools | |
12211937 | Play | Schatten und Licht | 04:03 Tools | |
53301408 | Play | Der Kaffee ist fertig - 15 | 04:29 Tools | |
12211938 | Play | Ganz einfach leben | 03:31 Tools | |
12211999 | Play | Café-Haus | 04:07 Tools | |
12212233 | Play | Wenns dir net hilft | 03:36 Tools | |
12211922 | Play | Du entschuldige, i kenn' Di | 04:23 Tools | |
12212035 | Play | Du entschuldige – I kenn' di | 04:23 Tools | |
12211943 | Play | Ebbe und Flut | 04:04 Tools | |
53301405 | Play | Cornelius: The Three Kings | 04:22 Tools | |
12211951 | Play | Du wirst mi nimmer ändern | 03:20 Tools | |
53301411 | Play | Reif für die Insel - 15 | 03:33 Tools | |
12212109 | Play | Es ist alles in Butter | 04:23 Tools | |
12211935 | Play | Fata Morgana | 04:37 Tools | |
12211945 | Play | Hoffnung | 04:14 Tools | |
12211936 | Play | Ausbruchsversuch | 03:38 Tools | |
12211930 | Play | Du Entschuldige, I Kenn Di | 04:23 Tools | |
12211950 | Play | Ein Diamant Verbrennt | 04:10 Tools | |
12211934 | Play | Wenn das Geld ausgeht | 03:09 Tools | |
12212115 | Play | Streicheleinheiten (Neuaufnahme) | 04:03 Tools | |
12211955 | Play | Positive Energie | 03:28 Tools | |
89345662 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: III. The Three Kings | 03:28 Tools | |
12211942 | Play | Irren ist männlich | 03:59 Tools | |
12211967 | Play | Gegen den Strom | 08:05 Tools | |
12211940 | Play | Treib' mi net zum Wahnsinn, Liebling | 03:43 Tools | |
12211977 | Play | Treib mi net zum Wahnsinn, Liebling | 03:43 Tools | |
12211911 | Play | Du entschuldige - i kenn di | 04:23 Tools | |
12211952 | Play | Von 0 auf 100 in 7 Sekunden | 05:08 Tools | |
12212077 | Play | I Lieg' In Der Sonn' | 13:05 Tools | |
53301407 | Play | Weihnacht 2001 | 06:40 Tools | |
12211953 | Play | Hampelmann | 03:36 Tools | |
12212031 | Play | Wunderbare Kindheit | 05:02 Tools | |
12212061 | Play | Cafe-Haus | 04:07 Tools | |
12211974 | Play | Träumer, Tramps Und Clowns | 02:51 Tools | |
12211966 | Play | Jedes G'sicht hat a G'schicht | 04:23 Tools | |
12212139 | Play | The Three Kings (Arr. Ivor Atkins) | 02:52 Tools | |
12212056 | Play | Die Wolk'n | 02:43 Tools | |
53301409 | Play | Du gibst nie wieder auf | 03:17 Tools | |
12211972 | Play | Wasserblaue Aug'n | 04:35 Tools | |
12212033 | Play | I will nur zruck zu Dir | 03:44 Tools | |
53301442 | Play | Der Kaffee ist fertig (15) | 04:01 Tools | |
12211956 | Play | Lieber heut' als morgen | 04:02 Tools | |
12212224 | Play | Auf Di kann i mi verlassen | 04:04 Tools | |
12212070 | Play | Die Unbequemen Freund' | 04:25 Tools | |
12211971 | Play | Du Entschuldige | 04:23 Tools | |
12211990 | Play | Lass' mi' heut' bei Dir sein | 04:12 Tools | |
12212004 | Play | Es Ist Alles In Butter (Mit Dem Computer) | 04:23 Tools | |
12211949 | Play | Der Kaffee ist fertig... | 04:30 Tools | |
12211994 | Play | Du Entschuldige I Kenn´ Di | 04:23 Tools | |
53301440 | Play | A Ausweg Is Des Net | 03:27 Tools | |
12212118 | Play | Wenn der Tag in die Nacht geht | 03:40 Tools | |
12212185 | Play | Du entschuldige - I kenn´ di | 04:23 Tools | |
53301431 | Play | Geisterbahn | 04:29 Tools | |
12212062 | Play | Flipper | 03:17 Tools | |
53301427 | Play | Nie wie unsere Eltern | 04:34 Tools | |
53301436 | Play | Sieger im Herzen | 04:22 Tools | |
12211959 | Play | Zeit (Wer Hat Verdammt Denn Die Zeit Erfunden) | 03:53 Tools | |
12211992 | Play | Nur Die Illusion | 04:06 Tools | |
12212010 | Play | Drei Kön'ge Wandern Aus Morgenland | 02:38 Tools | |
12212150 | Play | Lad' Deine Freunde Ein | 02:44 Tools | |
53301415 | Play | 6 Weihnachtslieder, Op.8: 3. Die Könige | 04:04 Tools | |
12212159 | Play | Ich Bin Ein Wassermann | 03:25 Tools | |
12212113 | Play | Mei Engerl | 04:29 Tools | |
53301410 | Play | Die Könige, The Three Kings, Op 8 | 02:44 Tools | |
12211962 | Play | Mein Gefühl | 04:22 Tools | |
12212234 | Play | Heimweh Nach Dir | 03:33 Tools | |
53301425 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8 (arr. for choir): Die Konige (The Kings) | 02:55 Tools | |
12212013 | Play | Zeit | 03:52 Tools | |
53301437 | Play | Christmas Carols, Op.8: 3. Die Könige | 03:27 Tools | |
53301455 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: The 3 Kings | 04:22 Tools | |
12211961 | Play | Schwerelos | 04:23 Tools | |
53301417 | Play | 6 Weihnachtslieder, Op.8: 1. Christbaum | 02:37 Tools | |
12212066 | Play | Schau Mi Net So An | 03:07 Tools | |
53301458 | Play | Reif für die Insel (15) | 03:37 Tools | |
53301412 | Play | Cornelius: The Three Kings - The Three Kings | 03:33 Tools | |
53301413 | Play | Das Gerede | 03:33 Tools | |
53301448 | Play | Kann sein (Rock 'N Roll ich schuld dir Dank) | 04:17 Tools | |
53301414 | Play | Langsam tanzen | 04:23 Tools | |
12212075 | Play | Du Bist Wie Der Junge Frühling | 03:56 Tools | |
12212207 | Play | Wenn der Wind zum Sturm wird | 04:00 Tools | |
12212092 | Play | Das Licht Geht Aus | 03:47 Tools | |
12212002 | Play | Eine Rose Aus Papier | 02:59 Tools | |
12212273 | Play | Peter Cornelius: The Three Kings | 02:33 Tools | |
12212006 | Play | Lieber heut als morgen | 04:04 Tools | |
12212024 | Play | Mädchen | 03:22 Tools | |
12212195 | Play | Wie Schön Dich Wiederzusehen | 02:37 Tools | |
53301416 | Play | Fixstern | 03:32 Tools | |
12211980 | Play | Bevor I geh' | 03:15 Tools | |
12212001 | Play | Wenn's Dir Net Hilft (Schaden Kann's A Net) | 03:32 Tools | |
12211957 | Play | High Society | 03:20 Tools | |
53301418 | Play | Bei Dir schlafen | 03:20 Tools | |
12212160 | Play | Wo Immer Es Ist | 04:21 Tools | |
12212039 | Play | Cornelius Boogie | 02:30 Tools | |
53301421 | Play | Discjockey Andy (Mit Dem Kosenamen King) | 02:30 Tools | |
53301419 | Play | Reif f?r die Insel | 04:21 Tools | |
53301464 | Play | Ganz Wien hat den Blues - Live | 04:32 Tools | |
89345663 | Play | Atkins: The Three Kings (After "Die Könige", No. 3 from Peter Cornelius' "Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8") | 04:32 Tools | |
53301447 | Play | Was macht der Teufel im Himmel | 03:28 Tools | |
53301420 | Play | Du Entschuldige I Kenn'Di | 04:04 Tools | |
12211988 | Play | Du entschultige- i kenn di | 04:21 Tools | |
53301422 | Play | Ich Möcht Noch Einmal Ganz Am Anfang Steh'n | 02:30 Tools | |
53301453 | Play | 72ste Strasse | 02:38 Tools | |
53301423 | Play | Ruaf mi net an | 02:30 Tools | |
53301475 | Play | Bevor i geh - Live | 04:08 Tools | |
12212067 | Play | Leben | 02:38 Tools | |
12211993 | Play | Geh' net am Leben vorbei | 03:45 Tools | |
12212154 | Play | Weil i Di mog | 03:18 Tools | |
53301424 | Play | Wo Der Fluss Entspringt Ist Er Rein | 02:38 Tools | |
12212240 | Play | Sei Gut Zu Dir | 04:46 Tools | |
12211997 | Play | Du Bist | 03:05 Tools | |
12212205 | Play | Werbewahnsinn | 03:30 Tools | |
53301462 | Play | Die unbequemen Freund - 15 | 01:52 Tools | |
12212277 | Play | Nie Genug | 04:34 Tools | |
12211995 | Play | Forever | 02:55 Tools | |
53301451 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: 3 kungar (3 Kings) | 05:10 Tools | |
12211975 | Play | Gib Ma Dei Telefonnummer | 03:11 Tools | |
12212197 | Play | Sie Steht Auf | 04:14 Tools | |
12212065 | Play | Querulant | 03:37 Tools | |
12212203 | Play | Sonnenblumen | 03:30 Tools | |
12212122 | Play | Leben Ist Immer Nur Jetzt | 04:01 Tools | |
53301426 | Play | Du entschuldge i kenn Di | 04:24 Tools | |
12212100 | Play | E.T. | 04:53 Tools | |
53301429 | Play | Nerven-Ballerina | 04:29 Tools | |
12212029 | Play | Die unbequemen Freund | 04:22 Tools | |
77049135 | Play | Three Kings (Arr. Ivor Atkins) | 04:07 Tools | |
53301428 | Play | Es Ist Nicht Wichtig, Dass Dir Schönheit Ist Gegeben | 04:29 Tools | |
12212059 | Play | Für Jede Jahreszeit | 02:58 Tools | |
53301433 | Play | Morgen Früh | 03:37 Tools | |
53301430 | Play | Dich schickt der Himmel | 04:29 Tools | |
12212011 | Play | Jede Menge Zeit | 03:37 Tools | |
12212236 | Play | Positive Energie (Radio Edit) | 03:27 Tools | |
53301471 | Play | Three Kings From Persian Lands Afar | 04:19 Tools | |
53301434 | Play | Ganz langsam mehr | 03:37 Tools | |
53301432 | Play | Hinterhofprinzessin | 02:58 Tools | |
12212045 | Play | Es Hat Sich Nichts Verändert | 03:07 Tools | |
12212044 | Play | Indianer | 02:34 Tools | |
53301435 | Play | Ich lieb Dich wahrscheinlich unwahrscheinlich | 04:22 Tools | |
12212108 | Play | So Oder So | 05:16 Tools | |
12212132 | Play | Fleckerlteppich | 02:45 Tools | |
53301438 | Play | Streicheleinheiten - Neuaufnahme | 03:27 Tools | |
53301439 | Play | Herrlich gefährlich | 03:27 Tools | |
53301441 | Play | Peter Cornelius: Three Kings From Persian Lands Afar | 04:00 Tools | |
12212114 | Play | Spiele Spielen | 04:01 Tools | |
12211976 | Play | Gutes Gefühl | 03:36 Tools | |
12212037 | Play | Fleckerl Teppich | 02:45 Tools | |
12212030 | Play | Lieber Heute Als Morgen | 30:00 Tools | |
12211964 | Play | Overture | 07:24 Tools | |
12212117 | Play | Du Entschuldige I Kenn´ Di | 04:20 Tools | |
12212063 | Play | Sehnsucht nach der heilen Welt | 03:57 Tools | |
53301443 | Play | Drei Wünsche frei | 02:45 Tools | |
53301450 | Play | Die Spatzen pfeifen's vom Dach | 04:17 Tools | |
53301470 | Play | Die könige | 04:19 Tools | |
12212163 | Play | Ich war zu jung für sie | 04:09 Tools | |
53301444 | Play | Heut' Ist Heut' | 02:45 Tools | |
12211958 | Play | Zuneigung | 03:58 Tools | |
12212182 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 3. Die Konige (The 3 Kings) | 02:27 Tools | |
53301457 | Play | Der Barbier von Bagdad (The Barber of Bagdad): Overture | 03:37 Tools | |
53301445 | Play | Rock'n'Roll (Auf Einer Wandergitarr') | 03:57 Tools | |
12212000 | Play | I hab mein Schlüssel verlorn | 03:22 Tools | |
53301498 | Play | Bevor i geh (live) | 04:18 Tools | |
53301446 | Play | I lieg´ in der Sonn` | 03:22 Tools | |
12211946 | Play | No. 5. Christus der Kinderfreund | 02:27 Tools | |
53301449 | Play | Geh Net Am Leben Vorbei | 04:17 Tools | |
12212083 | Play | Ich möcht' noch einmal ganz am Anfang steh'n | 05:10 Tools | |
12212076 | Play | Du Entschuldige - I Kenn'Di | 04:25 Tools | |
12212194 | Play | Die Spatzen Pfeifen Vom Dach | 03:28 Tools | |
12212064 | Play | Die Könige (The Three Kings) | 02:38 Tools | |
53301454 | Play | Du entschuldige-i kenn di | 04:09 Tools | |
12212104 | Play | Die Liebe Ist Da | 03:37 Tools | |
12212028 | Play | Besser Spät Als Nie | 04:06 Tools | |
53301452 | Play | Cornelius: Christmas Carols, Op.8 - 3. Die Könige | 05:10 Tools | |
53301483 | Play | 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8: 1. Christbaum | 03:45 Tools | |
12212156 | Play | Du entschuldige- I kenn' di | 04:22 Tools | |
12212058 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 3. Die Konige (arr. for brass) | 02:17 Tools | |
53301522 | Play | 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8: 3. Die Könige | 04:23 Tools | |
12211954 | Play | No. 2. Die Hirten | 03:01 Tools | |
77049140 | Play | Ganz Wien hat den Blues (Live) | 03:12 Tools | |
53301456 | Play | Du entschuldige ich kenn di | 04:22 Tools | |
12212038 | Play | So weich und warm | 03:49 Tools | |
77049136 | Play | Die unbequemen Freund (15) | 03:14 Tools | |
12211984 | Play | Reif für die Insel (Neuaufnahme) | 04:33 Tools | |
12212057 | Play | Augenblick | 04:01 Tools | |
12211973 | Play | Christbaum | 01:29 Tools | |
53301459 | Play | Peter Cornelius: Christmas Carols, Op.8 - 3. Die Könige | 04:33 Tools | |
53301519 | Play | 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8: 2. Die Hirten | 00:30 Tools | |
12212103 | Play | Ich und Du | 02:07 Tools | |
53301460 | Play | Suechtig | 04:33 Tools | |
12212126 | Play | Entschuldige, i kenn' di | 04:23 Tools | |
53301461 | Play | Schatten Und LIcht (Radio Edit) | 03:49 Tools | |
77049139 | Play | Cornelius / Nicolai / Arr Atkins : The Three Kings | 04:18 Tools | |
53301548 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 3. Die Konige | 04:39 Tools | |
12212278 | Play | Immer Am Limit | 03:56 Tools | |
12211986 | Play | Jesusbarnet | 02:01 Tools | |
12211970 | Play | No. 3. Die Konige | 02:50 Tools | |
12212071 | Play | Wer wird dich halten | 03:31 Tools | |
12212253 | Play | Die Walkure: Wintersturme Wichen Dem Wonnemond | 03:11 Tools | |
12212124 | Play | Steicheleinheiten | 10:00 Tools | |
89345664 | Play | 3. Die Könige | 10:00 Tools | |
53301473 | Play | Du entschuldige i kenn di 1980 | 03:39 Tools | |
12212032 | Play | Papagei | 04:22 Tools | |
12212041 | Play | An Beiden Enden | 03:46 Tools | |
12211998 | Play | Der Kaffee is fertig | 04:17 Tools | |
12212228 | Play | Absolve Domine | 02:28 Tools | |
12212133 | Play | Nur a Jean und a T-Shirt | 04:19 Tools | |
53301463 | Play | Du bist mir ins Gedächtnis tätowiert | 01:52 Tools | |
12212211 | Play | Wenn Du Net An Dich Glaubst | 04:47 Tools | |
12212025 | Play | Invasion | 04:08 Tools | |
12212272 | Play | Träumer, Tramps & Clowns | 02:52 Tools | |
12212049 | Play | Auf Bewährung | 03:43 Tools | |
12212145 | Play | Reif für die Insel (Neuaufnahme 2006) | 04:32 Tools | |
53301468 | Play | Calatati | 03:54 Tools | |
87368563 | Play | mit´n schmÄh | 02:36 Tools | |
12212148 | Play | Entschuldige i kenn di | 04:24 Tools | |
53301465 | Play | Du Entschuldige - Ich Kenn' Di | 04:24 Tools | |
77049141 | Play | Christmas Carols, Op.8: 1. Christbaum | 04:13 Tools | |
12212225 | Play | Es Ist Alles In Butter (- Mit Dem Computer) | 00:00 Tools | |
87368568 | Play | Atkins: The Three Kings (After "Die Könige", No. 3 from Peter Cornelius' "Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8" | 00:30 Tools | |
53301466 | Play | ES IST NIE ZU SP?T | 04:24 Tools | |
12211947 | Play | Act II: Unsel'ger Freund! Und musstest so du enden! (Abul, Cadi, Servants, Cadi's Friends, Mourning Women, People of Bagdad, 4 Officers) | 04:13 Tools | |
53301479 | Play | Zu Zweit Schaut Alles Besser Aus | 02:28 Tools | |
53301467 | Play | Reif für die Insel | 04:22 Tools | |
12211981 | Play | Macht Der Gewohnheit | 04:01 Tools | |
53301477 | Play | Lass` Mi` Heut` Bei Dir Sein | 04:08 Tools | |
12212050 | Play | Zwischen Brooklyn Und Manhattan Bridge | 03:30 Tools | |
12212034 | Play | Wie schön, dich wiederzusehen | 02:36 Tools | |
87368564 | Play | Christmas Carols, Op.8: 2. Die Hirten | 03:45 Tools | |
12212204 | Play | `Segel im Wind | 03:40 Tools | |
53301469 | Play | Peter Cornelius - Du entschuldige i kenn' di | 04:24 Tools | |
53301486 | Play | Der Barbier von Bagdad: Overture | 01:31 Tools | |
53301472 | Play | Du Entschuldige, ich Kenn´ Di | 04:19 Tools | |
12212178 | Play | Der Kaffe ist fertig | 04:15 Tools | |
12212084 | Play | Erde Feuer Wasser Luft | 03:39 Tools | |
53301474 | Play | Du entschuldige (I kenn' di) | 03:39 Tools | |
53301476 | Play | Reif für die Insel (Neuaufnahme) [Radio Version] | 04:33 Tools | |
12212014 | Play | Lebst Du Noch | 03:43 Tools | |
12212022 | Play | Schlaftablette | 03:45 Tools | |
53301478 | Play | Puppe | 02:28 Tools | |
12212091 | Play | Hinterhofsprinzessin | 00:30 Tools | |
53301503 | Play | Weihnachtslieder Op. 8 (1991 Digital Remaster): III. The Three Kings (trans. H. N. Bate; arr. Ivor Atkins) | 04:55 Tools | |
12212165 | Play | Rock 'n' Roll (auf einer Wandergitarr') | 03:50 Tools | |
77049137 | Play | Vaterunser op.2: Zu uns komme dein Reich."Das sind goldne Himmelspfade" | 01:44 Tools | |
53301480 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: Die Konige (The Kings) | 03:26 Tools | |
53301490 | Play | Du Endschuldige I Kenn Di | 04:49 Tools | |
12212073 | Play | Act I: O Wusstest Du, Verehrter | 01:53 Tools | |
53301481 | Play | Cornelius: Vaterunser op.2 - Zu uns komme dein Reich."Das sind goldne Himmelspfade" | 01:53 Tools | |
12212008 | Play | Der Barbier von Bagdad (The Barber of Baghdad): Overture | 07:17 Tools | |
53301482 | Play | Gleichzeitig | 07:17 Tools | |
12212078 | Play | No. 2. Ein erinnern | 02:11 Tools | |
12212015 | Play | Du entschuldige i kenn di 2005 | 00:30 Tools | |
53301539 | Play | Trauerchore, Op. 9: No. 3. Mitten wir im Leben sind | 04:13 Tools | |
12212054 | Play | Paradiesvogel | 03:14 Tools | |
77049142 | Play | Drei Kon'ge Wandern Aus Morgenland, Op. 8, No. 3 | 04:13 Tools | |
53301484 | Play | Du entschuldige - i kenn´di | 03:45 Tools | |
12212238 | Play | Du entschuldige ich kenn dich | 04:21 Tools | |
53301485 | Play | Das Licht geht aus in ana Discothek | 04:21 Tools | |
87368565 | Play | The Three Kings - Arr.Ivor Atkins (1869-1953) | 04:13 Tools | |
12212200 | Play | Cornelius: 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8 - 1. Christbaum | 01:31 Tools | |
53301506 | Play | Die Wies´n | 04:55 Tools | |
12212258 | Play | No. 1. Christbaum | 01:44 Tools | |
12212112 | Play | No. 3. Zu uns komme Dein Reich | 03:26 Tools | |
53301487 | Play | Cornelius: 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8 - 2. Die Hirten | 01:31 Tools | |
53301488 | Play | Cornelius: 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8 - 3. Die Könige | 01:31 Tools | |
12212009 | Play | Der Barbier von Bagdad (The Barber of Bagdad), Act II: Salemaleikum | 02:03 Tools | |
12212048 | Play | Der alte Soldat (The Old Soldier) | 04:49 Tools | |
53301489 | Play | Von Heimweh Ka Spur | 04:49 Tools | |
53301491 | Play | Mit'n Schm?h | 02:07 Tools | |
53301492 | Play | peter_cornelius_-_reif_fuer_die_insel_(neuaufnahme_06)-mst | 02:07 Tools | |
12212053 | Play | Glaubensfrage | 03:58 Tools | |
12212260 | Play | A' Ausweg Is Des Net | 03:29 Tools | |
12212131 | Play | Wenns Dir Net Hilft (Schaden Kanns A Net) | 03:35 Tools | |
53301493 | Play | Mein Leb'n | 03:35 Tools | |
53301494 | Play | Du Entschuldige-I Kenn' Di | 04:00 Tools | |
12212167 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 6. Christkind | 01:58 Tools | |
87368573 | Play | Drei Könige | 04:39 Tools | |
53301502 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 1. Christbaum | 04:18 Tools | |
53301495 | Play | A Schritt vor'm Abgrund | 01:44 Tools | |
12212020 | Play | Act I: So hat der Satan dich noch immer hier? (Nureddin, Abul, Servants) | 03:44 Tools | |
12212242 | Play | No. 1. Wie oft hast du in stiller nacht | 01:21 Tools | |
12212127 | Play | Siegfried: Erwache, Brunnhilde! Wache, Du Maid! | 04:09 Tools | |
53301496 | Play | Vielleicht | 04:09 Tools | |
53301534 | Play | Mit`n Schmäh | 03:51 Tools | |
12212079 | Play | No. 9. Erlose uns vom Ubel | 02:31 Tools | |
12212046 | Play | es wird immer sei wies immer war | 04:00 Tools | |
12211968 | Play | Brautlieder: I. Ein Myrtenreis | 01:32 Tools | |
89345665 | Play | Du entschuldige - i kenn' di (Album Version) | 01:32 Tools | |
53301497 | Play | Ohne Titel | 04:18 Tools | |
53301513 | Play | Die Wolk´n | 01:32 Tools | |
87368570 | Play | Christmas Carols, Op.8: 6. Christkind | 04:13 Tools | |
53301538 | Play | Der Kafee ist fertig... | 04:13 Tools | |
53301500 | Play | i lieg in der sonn | 04:18 Tools | |
53301514 | Play | Alcatraz | 04:21 Tools | |
53301499 | Play | Wie a Schluck Wasser | 04:18 Tools | |
89345666 | Play | 3 Mannerchore, Op. 12: Der alte Soldat (The Old Soldier) | 04:18 Tools | |
87368571 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 2. Die Hirten | 04:39 Tools | |
53301501 | Play | Bahnsteig | 04:18 Tools | |
53301544 | Play | Ein Ton - Op. 3, No. 3 | 04:39 Tools | |
12212221 | Play | No. 3. Mitten wir im Leben sind | 04:55 Tools | |
53301504 | Play | Cornelius: Christmas Carols, Op.8 - 1. Christbaum | 04:55 Tools | |
77049143 | Play | Requiem | 04:39 Tools | |
53301505 | Play | Jahreszeiten | 04:55 Tools | |
53301507 | Play | Cornelius: 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8 - 5. Christus der Kinderfreund | 04:55 Tools | |
53301508 | Play | Cornelius: 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8 - 6. Christkind | 04:55 Tools | |
53301509 | Play | Um jeden Preis | 04:55 Tools | |
12211983 | Play | Act II: O Nureddin! Geniesse froh dein Gluck (Abul, Bostana, Nureddin, Margiana, a Slave, Voices) | 05:06 Tools | |
12212012 | Play | Zu den Bergen hebt sich ein Augenpaar | 02:25 Tools | |
12212105 | Play | Act I: Sanfter Schlummer (Servants, Nureddin) | 05:02 Tools | |
53301510 | Play | Zwischen Honig und Gift (Die Branchenparty) | 05:02 Tools | |
53301511 | Play | Act I: So schwarmet Jugend, achtet nicht Gefahr (Abul) | 05:02 Tools | |
12212173 | Play | Heut ist heut | 03:12 Tools | |
12212184 | Play | Wasserblaue Augen | 04:36 Tools | |
12212138 | Play | Erde, Feuer, Wasser und Luft | 03:36 Tools | |
89345667 | Play | Irgendwann im nächsten Lebn | 03:36 Tools | |
89345668 | Play | Requiem (Seele, vergiss sie nicht) | 03:36 Tools | |
53301512 | Play | Narrisch werd'n muss herrlich sei' | 01:32 Tools | |
89345669 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: Tre Kungar | 01:32 Tools | |
89345670 | Play | Three Kings [from Persians lands afar] | 01:32 Tools | |
87368569 | Play | Drei Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: 3. Die Koenige | 04:16 Tools | |
53301515 | Play | Es Ist Nie Spät | 04:21 Tools | |
89345671 | Play | Verratene Liebe | 04:21 Tools | |
12212271 | Play | Lang hab i g'sucht | 04:21 Tools | |
53301516 | Play | Leere Kilometer | 04:21 Tools | |
12212107 | Play | Du, Entschuldige I Kenn Di | 04:20 Tools | |
12212257 | Play | Peter Cornelius - Segel im Wind | 04:09 Tools | |
89345672 | Play | Vöglein fliegt dem Nestchen zu | 04:09 Tools | |
53301517 | Play | Das Ende einer langen Regenzeit | 04:21 Tools | |
12212017 | Play | Der Kaffee is fertig (2005) | 00:30 Tools | |
53301518 | Play | Hotelzimmerblues (Allein in ein'm fremden Hotel) | 00:30 Tools | |
53301520 | Play | Segel im Wind [Radio Version] | 00:30 Tools | |
53301521 | Play | Du Endschuldige Ich Kenn Dich | 00:30 Tools | |
12212256 | Play | Lang hab' I g'sucht | 04:23 Tools | |
53301523 | Play | Tag & Nacht | 04:23 Tools | |
53301524 | Play | Du entschuldige I kenn` Di | 04:23 Tools | |
12212261 | Play | Wenn'd Dir Net Hilft (Schaden Kann's A Net) | 03:32 Tools | |
89345673 | Play | Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 3. Die Konige (The 3 Kings) (arr. M. Knight for brass septet) | 03:32 Tools | |
89345674 | Play | Liebe, ein Zyklus von 3 Chorliedern, Op. 18: No. 2, Ich will dich lieben, meine Krone | 03:32 Tools | |
53301547 | Play | Diesen Winter überleb'n | 04:39 Tools | |
87368574 | Play | Peter Cornelius - Du Entschuldige i kenn di | 04:39 Tools | |
89345675 | Play | 3 Chorgesange, Op. 11: No. 1. Der Tod, das ist die kuhle Nacht | 04:39 Tools | |
53301525 | Play | Cornelius: Christmas Carols, Op.8 - 6. Christkind | 03:32 Tools | |
53301526 | Play | Du entschuldige, ich kenn' di | 03:32 Tools | |
53301527 | Play | Fruhling im Sommer | 03:32 Tools | |
53301528 | Play | Irgendwann im n?chsten Leb'n | 03:32 Tools | |
12212003 | Play | No. 2. Brennende Liebe | 01:32 Tools | |
53301529 | Play | Nebenwirkung | 01:32 Tools | |
12212074 | Play | Allrgretto molto | 04:12 Tools | |
53301530 | Play | Schatten Und LIcht - Radio Edit | 04:12 Tools | |
12212181 | Play | Act I: Sei Allahs Frieden uber dir, mein Sohn (Bostana, Nureddin) | 01:54 Tools | |
12212279 | Play | Pfauenrad | 03:51 Tools | |
53301531 | Play | Die Konige (The Kings) | 03:51 Tools | |
53301532 | Play | Simeon | 03:51 Tools | |
53301533 | Play | Burn Our Syndrom | 03:51 Tools | |
12212275 | Play | Du entschuldige I kenn' di | 04:24 Tools | |
12212023 | Play | Du entschuldige i | 04:23 Tools | |
89345676 | Play | Liebe: ein Zyklus von 3 Chorliedern, Op. 18: No. 2. Ich will dich lieben, meine Krone | 04:23 Tools | |
89345677 | Play | 3 Zweistimmige Lieder, Op. 6: No. 2, Der beste Liebesbrief (1) | 04:23 Tools | |
89345678 | Play | Segel im Wind. | 04:23 Tools | |
89345679 | Play | Wenn der Blues zu Besuch ist | 04:23 Tools | |
12212098 | Play | Du entschuldige- i kenn di | 04:16 Tools | |
89345680 | Play | Kinder Spüren | 04:16 Tools | |
53301536 | Play | Peter Cornelius: 6 Weihnachtslieder Opus 8 - 1. Christbaum | 04:16 Tools | |
89345681 | Play | Christmas Carols, Op.8: 4. Simeon | 04:16 Tools | |
89345682 | Play | Selbstverwirklichung | 04:16 Tools | |
89345683 | Play | Drei Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: 4. Simeon | 04:16 Tools | |
89345684 | Play | Du entschudige - i kenn' di | 04:16 Tools | |
12212157 | Play | Lass`mi` heut bei dir sein | 04:13 Tools | |
89345685 | Play | Brautlieder: II. Der Liebe Lohn | 05:39 Tools | |
89345686 | Play | Times Square | 05:39 Tools | |
89345687 | Play | 4 Duette, Op. 16: No. 1, Heimathgedenken | 05:39 Tools | |
89345688 | Play | Zwei verschiedene Blau | 05:39 Tools | |
53301541 | Play | Irgendwann im nächsten Leb´n | 04:13 Tools | |
53301542 | Play | Track 2 | 04:13 Tools | |
89345689 | Play | Wasserblaue Aug´n | 04:13 Tools | |
89345690 | Play | Nur die Hoffnung nicht | 04:13 Tools | |
53301543 | Play | Cornelius: Christmas Carols, Op.8 - 2. Die Hirten | 04:13 Tools | |
12212027 | Play | No. 1. Ach, wie nichtig, ach, wie fluchtig | 04:39 Tools | |
87368572 | Play | Du entschuidige i kenn di | 04:39 Tools | |
53301545 | Play | Positive Energie [Radio Edit] | 04:39 Tools | |
53301546 | Play | Ka-Rate | 04:39 Tools | |
12212021 | Play | Act I: Ich seh, durch Strenge werd ich ihn nicht los… (Nureddin, Abul) | 10:24 Tools | |
53301549 | Play | Das Wort Ehrlich | 10:24 Tools | |
87368575 | Play | Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond (Die Walküre) | 10:24 Tools | |
77049144 | Play | Yuppie | 10:24 Tools | |
53301550 | Play | Der Barbier von Bagdad: O Holdes Bild | 10:24 Tools | |
53301551 | Play | Act II: Allah ist gross, und Mahomet sein Prophet (First, Second and Third Muezzin, Margiana, Bostana, Cadi) | 10:24 Tools | |
12212042 | Play | Am Meer | 01:44 Tools | |
12212051 | Play | Der Barbier von Bagdad (The Barber of Bagdad), Act II: O holdes Bild in Engelschone | 05:39 Tools | |
12212155 | Play | Act I: O sehet den Armen (Nureddin, Serverts, Abul) | 02:43 Tools | |
12212068 | Play | Act I: Hinaus aus Hof und Haus! (Chorus, Abul) | 02:58 Tools | |
53301552 | Play | Meine erste Liebe | 02:58 Tools | |
87368576 | Play | Peter Cornelius - Der Kaffee Ist Fertig | 02:58 Tools | |
53301554 | Play | Treib' mi net zum Wahnsinn... | 02:58 Tools |
Track name
This tag can refer to two different artists: 1. Peter Cornelius (born January 29, 1951 in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian pop-singer, guitarist and a former member of Enigma. Offical homepage: 2. Peter Cornelius, also known as Carl August Peter Cornelius, (24 December 1824 – 26 October 1874) was a German composer, writer about music, poet and translator. He was born and died in Mainz where his grave in the Hauptfriedhof survives. Cornelius played violin and composed lieder from an early age, and began studying composition with Heinrich Esser in 1841. Cornelius lived with his painter uncle Peter von Cornelius in Berlin from 1844 to 1852, during which time he met prominent figures such as Alexander von Humboldt, the Brothers Grimm, Friedrich Rückert and Felix Mendelssohn. During his last few years in Berlin, Cornelius wrote music criticism for several major Berlin journals and entered into friendships with Joseph von Eichendorff, Paul Heyse and Hans von Bülow. Cornelius's first mature works (including the opera Der Barbier von Bagdad) were composed during his brief stay in Weimar (1852–1858). His next place of residence was Vienna, where he stayed for five years. It was in Vienna that Cornelius began a friendship with Richard Wagner. It was at Wagner's behest that Cornelius moved to Munich in 1864, where he finally took a wife and fathered four children. Among many British musicians, his best known work is "The Three Kings", an epiphany 'carol' of which a version is included in the first volume of the popular Willocks and Jacques compilation, Carols for Choirs. Despite his friendships with Wagner and Franz Liszt, Cornelius had a rocky relationship with the so-called "New German School" of composition. He did not attend the premiere of Tristan und Isolde with von Bülow and Wagner, using the premiere of his own opera Der Cid as an excuse. His third and final operatic project, Gunlöd, based on the Norse eddas, was left incomplete at his death (from diabetes). Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.