Philippe de Monte

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Missa super mon coeur se recomande: Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Super flumina Babylonis 00:00 Tools
Miserere mei, Deus 00:00 Tools
Missa 8 vocum: La dolce vista V. Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Missa si ambulavero: Sanctus & Agnus Dei (à 6) 00:00 Tools
Agnus dei 00:00 Tools
Lungo le chiare linfe 00:00 Tools
O suavitas et dulcedo 00:00 Tools
Oculi Domini super justos 00:00 Tools
Occhi vaghi, amorosi - Occhi leggiandri 00:00 Tools
Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Canzon 00:00 Tools
Credo 00:00 Tools
La Deesse Venus (Chanson zu 5 Stimmen) 00:00 Tools
Beata Es Virgo Maria 00:00 Tools
Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis 00:00 Tools
Sanctus und Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Comme la tourterelle (Chanson zu 5 Stimmen) 00:00 Tools
Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi (from Motets Book V) 00:00 Tools
Quare tristis es, anima mea 00:00 Tools
Comme La Tourterelle 00:00 Tools
Hodie, dilectissimi, omnium sanctorum 00:00 Tools
O mitissime Jesu 00:00 Tools
Super flumina Babylonis a8 00:00 Tools
Dolce mio caro (Madrigal zu 4 Stimmen) 00:00 Tools
Comme la tourterelle (Intavolierung für Laute) 00:00 Tools
Laudate Dominum 00:00 Tools
Io Parto O Mio Fedele 00:00 Tools
Bonjour mon cœur 00:00 Tools
Beati qui habitant 00:00 Tools
La dolce vista (Madrigal zu 6 Stimmen) 00:00 Tools
Gloria 00:00 Tools
Missa 8 vocum: La dolce vista II. Gloria 00:00 Tools
Domine, quid multiplicati sunt (from Motets Book V) 00:00 Tools
Harmonia miscellae cantionum sacrarum Nurnberg: Ad te levavi 00:00 Tools
Missa super mon coeur se recomande: Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Missa super mon coeur se recomande: Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Filiae Jerusalem 00:00 Tools
Missa 8 vocum: La dolce vista I. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Tulerunt Dominum meum 00:00 Tools
Missa 8 vocum: La dolce vista VI. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
O Suavitas et dulcedo (Motette zu 8 Stimmen) 00:00 Tools
Ogni mio ben crudel 00:00 Tools
Missa 8 vocum: La dolce vista III. Credo 00:00 Tools
Pulchra es et decora 00:00 Tools
Miserere mei, Deus (from Motets Book V) 00:00 Tools
Hodie nobis caelorum Rex 00:00 Tools
Motet Adventi ignis divinus 00:00 Tools
La dolce vista 00:00 Tools
Missa 8 vocum: La dolce vista IV. Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Missa super mon coeur se recomande: Credo 00:00 Tools
Parce Mihi, Domine (Motette zu 6 Stimmen) 00:00 Tools
Clamavi De Tribulatione Mea 00:00 Tools
Anima dolorosa 00:00 Tools
Son questi i chiari lumi 00:00 Tools
Le premier jour du mois de mai 00:00 Tools
Benedictio et claritas 00:00 Tools
Lasso ben so 00:00 Tools
Missa super mon coeur se recomande: Gloria 00:00 Tools
Gaudent in caelis 00:00 Tools
Motet Quasi cedrus 00:00 Tools
Motet Domine Deus salutis meae 00:00 Tools
Ogni mio ben crudel II 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: VIII. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Leggiadre ninfe 00:00 Tools
Benedictus Deus 00:00 Tools
Le grand amour 00:00 Tools
Domini Est Terra 00:00 Tools
Missa super Cara la vita mia: I. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Que me servent mes vers 00:00 Tools
Motet Ecce ego mitto vos 00:00 Tools
Di mie dogliose note 00:00 Tools
Dolce mio caro 00:00 Tools
Avrai diviso il core: Havrai diviso il core 00:00 Tools
Assai Fervida Amante 00:00 Tools
Missa super Cara la vita mia: II. Gloria 00:00 Tools
Missa super Cara la vita mia: IV. Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: VI. Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: V. Domine Jesu Christe 00:00 Tools
Motet Non turbetur cor vestrum 00:00 Tools
Incipite Domino 00:00 Tools
Missa super Cara la vita mia: III. Credo 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: IX. Lux aeterna 00:00 Tools
Beati qui habitant II 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: I. Requiem aeternam 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: II. Te decet hymnus 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: VII. Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: IV. Si ambulem 00:00 Tools
Missa super Cara la vita mia: VI. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Missa super Cara la vita mia: V. Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Motet Sancte Johannes Baptista 00:00 Tools
Missa super Confitebor tibi Domine: I. Credo 00:00 Tools
Missa super Confitebor tibi Domine: II. Gloria 00:00 Tools
Langue a´ll vostro languir 00:00 Tools
Le premier jour du mois de may 00:00 Tools
Usquequo, Domine, oblivisceris me? 00:00 Tools
La Déesse Vénus 00:00 Tools
Peccantem me quotidie 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: X. Requiem aeternam 00:00 Tools
Missa Aspice Domine 00:00 Tools
Si trop souvent 00:00 Tools
Havrai Diviso Il Core 00:00 Tools
Missa de Requiem: III. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Monte: La dolce vista della donna mia 00:00 Tools
Missa super Confitebor tibi Domine: I. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Miserere mei 00:00 Tools
Quand de ta lèvre 00:00 Tools
Usquequo, domine 00:00 Tools
Parce mihi, Domine 00:00 Tools
Io parto o moi fedele 00:00 Tools
  • 5,919
  • 1,524
  • 5919
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Philippe de Monte (1521 – July 4, 1603), sometimes known as Philippus de Monte, was a Flemish composer of the late Renaissance. He was a member of the 3rd generation madrigalists and wrote more madrigals than any other composer of the time. Sources cite him as being "the best composer in the entire country, particularly in the new manner and musica reservata." Others compare his collections of music with that of other influential composers, such as Lassus. Philippe de Monte was born in Mechelen. After boyhood musical training in St. Rumbolds Cathedral in Mechelen, where he was a choirboy, Monte went to Italy — a common destination for a young Flemish composer in the sixteenth century — where he made a name for himself as a composer, singer, and teacher. He lived and worked in Naples for a while, and in Rome, in the employ of Cardinal Orsini, although he was in England for a brief period, 1554-1555, during the reign of Queen Mary I, while she was married to King Philip II of Spain. Monte reported that he disliked working in Philips's choir since all the other members were Spaniards. "Though Monte was not likely to have been a supporter of the Reformation, he took part in a variety of intellectual exchanges on sensitive topics, some of which involved Italian academics." Some of Monte's accomplishments include singing for the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Fernando de'Medici, and in 1568 Monte was appointed as successor to Jacobus Vaet as Kapellmeister to the chapel of Maximilian II. A majority of his music was published in Venice under the direction of Gardano, Monte's exclusive publisher in Italy. He wanted to utilize Italian publishers in order to stay close to the home of the madrigal. He was successful at recruiting new musicians to the chapel, for Lassus himself noted the astonishing quality of music-making in Vienna just two years after Monte became leader there. During his first ten years at the Imperial Court, Monte served as an active teacher. Monte worked for the remainder of his long life in Habsburg courts both in Vienna and Prague. Even though his accomplishments were many, he is not known to have held any positions as a church musician or in a noble household. Philippe de Monte died in Prague in 1603. Music and Influence: Monte was a hugely prolific composer, and wrote both sacred and secular music, primarily printed in the German language. He wrote about 40 masses and about 260 other sacred pieces, including motets and madrigali spirituali (works differing only from madrigals in that they have sacred texts). He published over 1100 secular madrigals, in 34 books, but not all of them survived over time. His first publication was in 1554 when he was 33. Most of his publications, from then on, included self written prefaces that were primarily utilized to express his gratitude to patrons of financial support. Monte's madrigals have been referred to as "the first and most mature fruits of the compositions for five voices." Stylistically, Monte's madrigals vary from an early, very progressive style with frequent use of chromaticism to express the text (though he not quite as experimental in this regard as Marenzio or Lassus), to a late style which was much simplified, featuring short motifs and frequent homophonic textures. Some of his favorite poets of the time included Petrarch, Bemembo, and Sannazaro. Unlike Monteverdi, who began in a conservative style and became experimental later in life, Monte's compositional career had an opposite curve, progressing from experimentation to unity and simplicity in his later works. Some believe that this comes from his change in poetry selections, whereas others believe it was a reflection from the imperial courts. Philippe de Monte was renowned all over Europe; editions of his music were printed, reprinted, and widely circulated. He has been described as "a quiet, unassuming man, gentle as a girl." He had many students, including Gian Vincenzo Pinelli from Padua, thereby passing on his compositional skills and experience to the generation who developed the early Baroque style. Believed to be one of the most prominent composers, Philippe de Monte's madrigals are still performed today. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.