
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Ve stínu starých dubů 00:00 Tools
Bouře navždy zuří 00:00 Tools
Paganus 00:00 Tools
Skryti V Mlze 04:25 Tools
Země obrů 04:25 Tools
Duj, větře, duj 00:00 Tools
Koloběh vod 00:00 Tools
Národ ohně, železa a pokladů 00:00 Tools
V rachotu hromů 00:00 Tools
Volám do Lesů 03:30 Tools
Zelená ruka jara 04:39 Tools
Vzácné setkání 00:00 Tools
Znovu cítím pravdu 00:00 Tools
V Kodském polesí 00:00 Tools
Zatrollené hvozdy 00:00 Tools
Pod stromy chladný stín 00:00 Tools
Poustevník 00:00 Tools
Naturia (Trollech) 04:32 Tools
Podzimní cesta starého vlka 00:00 Tools
Od kolébky po rakev 00:00 Tools
Pod hradem Radyní 00:00 Tools
Lješi 03:36 Tools
Cauda Draconis 00:00 Tools
Palindrom 00:00 Tools
Stromy jsou v nás 04:45 Tools
The Elf and the Forest Spirit (Trollech) 06:03 Tools
Ve Hvozdech 02:23 Tools
Scel lem duib 00:00 Tools
Tajemství hlubin lesa 00:00 Tools
Podkovy 05:50 Tools
Moudrost kováře 05:13 Tools
Královský jezdec 06:22 Tools
Osvobození 06:07 Tools
Do vězení 05:19 Tools
Opět vidím lodě 00:00 Tools
Oheň jara 00:00 Tools
Strom koloběhu 02:22 Tools
Brnění 04:38 Tools
Z kotle popíjej 02:59 Tools
Hrdě proti bílému Kristu 00:00 Tools
Mlha nad Peklovským potokem 02:23 Tools
Jasmuz už spí 05:41 Tools
Burning Glades (Trollech) 05:50 Tools
Underworld Whirlwind (Trollech) 05:59 Tools
Podpozemsky vir 00:00 Tools
Všem bude skryto tajemství 06:48 Tools
Hagalaz R 00:00 Tools
Cesta bahnitá vede kroky mé 00:00 Tools
Řeka smete, co jí patří 04:53 Tools
V risi trollech 08:37 Tools
Introllech 00:00 Tools
Desf v korunach (intro) 01:37 Tools
I See The Ships Again 00:00 Tools
Kdyz setka se voda s mrazem 03:11 Tools
Naturia 04:33 Tools
V Říši Trollech 00:00 Tools
Hladiny vod 00:00 Tools
Skret duchmaus ze stribra 00:00 Tools
Když setká se voda s mrazem 03:11 Tools
Skryti v mlze (Hidden in the fog) 04:25 Tools
Elf a Duch Lesa 06:04 Tools
Skřet Duchmaus ze Stříbra 00:00 Tools
Každý strom má svůj stín 04:41 Tools
Ve slepém rameni deště 05:15 Tools
Zalesněná země 00:00 Tools
Cestou dál a dál 04:43 Tools
Vtělení ve strom 00:00 Tools
Tumultus 00:00 Tools
Černý les - Černý kov 00:00 Tools
Zaspali své kletby 04:42 Tools
Skret Duchmaus Ze Stríbra 05:36 Tools
Císařská rokle 03:29 Tools
Smrt se neptá 04:41 Tools
Podpozemský Vír 05:47 Tools
Vichru prst 03:16 Tools
Démon protivítr 05:15 Tools
Strážce 03:57 Tools
Šat stromů 03:57 Tools
Zelená ruka jara (A green hand of spring) 04:38 Tools
Vnitřní tma 04:43 Tools
Parhelium 00:00 Tools
Stromy jsou v nás (Trees are in us) 04:45 Tools
Opet Vidím Lode (I See The Ships Again) 06:07 Tools
NATURIA - Naturia 04:32 Tools
Ve Stínu Starych Dubu 04:47 Tools
Musím tě zabít, abych mohl jíst tvé sny 03:18 Tools
Mlha nad Peklovským potokem (Fog over Peklov stream) 02:23 Tools
Reta Smete, Co Ji Patri 04:53 Tools
Lesem S Jarním Úsvitem (Through The Forest With Spring Dawn) 05:24 Tools
Déšť v korunách (intro) 00:00 Tools
Písen Pro Zemi V Lune Starého Kontinentu (Song For Land Into Bosom Of Old Continent) 04:40 Tools
Zatmění Země 03:29 Tools
Z kotle popijej (Drin from Cauldron) 02:59 Tools
Dům kostí 04:23 Tools
Cerny Les - Cerny Fov 08:32 Tools
Zabíjím s jiskrou v očích 03:57 Tools
Reka smete co ji patri 00:00 Tools
Řeka smete co jí patří 00:00 Tools
Černá spektra 05:14 Tools
Stret Duchmaus Ze Stribra 05:36 Tools
Cesta Bahnítá Vede Kroky Mé 09:13 Tools
Reka Smete, Co Jí Patrí 04:53 Tools
Když setká se voda s mrazem (When water meets frost) 03:11 Tools
ELF A DUCH LESA - The Elf and The Forest Spirit 06:03 Tools
Všem bude tajemství skryto tajemstvi (The secrets will be hidden to all) 06:48 Tools
Cerny les cerny lov 06:48 Tools
Mýtiny Hoří 05:52 Tools
Volám do lesù (I Call Into Forests) 03:29 Tools
Cerný Les-cerný Kov 08:33 Tools
Moudrost kováøe 05:13 Tools
Zemì Obrù (Land of the Giants) 04:49 Tools
Lesem s jarním úsvitem 00:00 Tools
Píseň pro zemi v lůně starého kontinentu 00:00 Tools
Déšť v korunách 01:37 Tools
07 - Opet Vidim Lode 06:10 Tools
Stromy jsou v nas (Trees are in us) 04:45 Tools
Přilož dlaň listopad 08:33 Tools
Cerný Les - Cerný Kov 08:33 Tools
Přilož dlaň na listopad 08:33 Tools
Cerny les - cerny kov 01:22 Tools
Dést´v Korunách (Intro) 01:37 Tools
Ve Stínu Starých Dubù 04:47 Tools
Strom kolobìhu 02:22 Tools
Trollech / Zelena ruka jara (A green hand of spring) 01:37 Tools
Volám Do Lesù 02:22 Tools
Ve hvozdech (instrumental) 01:37 Tools
Brnìní 04:38 Tools
Do vìzení 05:19 Tools
Zeme obru (Land of the giants) 04:25 Tools
Volám Do Lesu 05:19 Tools
Kralovskэ jezdec 06:22 Tools
V Rísí Trollech 08:37 Tools
Zelena ruka jara (A green hand of spring) 04:39 Tools
Země obrů (Land of the giants) 04:24 Tools
Zemì Obrù 05:19 Tools
KOMA - Coma 04:39 Tools
Scel Lem Duíb 01:58 Tools
Volám do lesů (I Call Into Forests) 03:29 Tools
Opìt vidím lodì 00:00 Tools
V Ríší Trollech 08:37 Tools
Kdyz setka se voda s mrazem (When water meets frost) 03:11 Tools
Duj, Vìtøe, Duj 06:16 Tools
Through The Forest With Spring Dawn 00:00 Tools
Z kotle popijej (Drink from the cauldron) 02:59 Tools
Mlha nad Peklovskym potokem (Fog over Peklov stream) 02:23 Tools
Ve Stinu Starych Subu 04:47 Tools
PODPOZEMSKY VIR - Underworld Whirlwind 04:47 Tools
Opet Vidнm Lode (I See The Ships Again) 06:07 Tools
Volam do lesu (I call into forests) 03:30 Tools
MЭTINY HOШН - Burning Glades 04:47 Tools
Hrdì proti bílému kristu 00:00 Tools
PODPOZEMSKЭ VНR - Underworld Whirlwind 06:07 Tools
Song For Land Into Bosom Of Old Continent 00:00 Tools
PARALELNН - Parallel 00:00 Tools
V Rachotu Hromù 00:00 Tools
Narod Ohne Zeleza A Pokladu 03:26 Tools
MÝTINY HOØÍ 03:26 Tools
Lesem S Jarnнm Ъsvitem (Through The Forest With Spring Dawn) 05:24 Tools
Kolobìh Vod 06:01 Tools
Zalesnèná Zemè 06:01 Tools
I Call In 05:24 Tools
Mýtiny Horí 06:01 Tools
Bouøe navždy zuøí 05:52 Tools
Vsem bude skryto tajemstvi (The secret will be hidden to all) 06:49 Tools
Pнsen Pro Zemi V Lune Starйho Kontinentu (Song For Land Into Bosom Of Old Continent) 04:40 Tools
HVМZDOPRAVCI - Star Wanderers 04:40 Tools
Trollech / Vsem bude skryto tajemstvi (The secret will be hidden to all) 06:48 Tools
Trollech / Mlha nad Peklovskym potokem (Fog over Peklov stream) 02:23 Tools
Trollech / Z kotle popijej (Drink from the cauldron) 05:52 Tools
Trollech / Ljesi (Ljesi) 06:49 Tools
demon protivitr 05:23 Tools
Jasmuz už spí 05:41 Tools
Národ ohnì, železa a pokladù 02:23 Tools
Podpozemskэ Vнr 06:00 Tools
Mэtiny Hoшн 05:52 Tools
Trollech / Stromy jsou v nas (Trees are in us) 06:49 Tools
03 - 01. V Risí Trollech 08:37 Tools
Vlèlení Ve Slrom 03:00 Tools
Z kotle popijej (Drink from Cauldron) 02:59 Tools
Trollech / Skryti v mlze (Hidden in the fog) 04:25 Tools
03 - 02. Reka Smete, Co Jí Patrí 04:53 Tools
Volam do lesu (I call into Forest) 03:29 Tools
Mytiny Hori - Burning Glades 05:23 Tools
I see the ships again (bonus) 00:00 Tools
03 - 06. Poustevník 03:24 Tools
03 - 03. Scel Lem Duíb 01:58 Tools
Černá spekra 05:12 Tools
Ve hvozdech (instr.) 00:00 Tools
03 - 07. Cesta Bahnítá Vede Kroky Mé 09:13 Tools
Ve stínu starých dubu 04:49 Tools
Trollech / Kdyz setka se voda s mrazem (When water meets frost) 09:13 Tools
MYTINY HOOI - Burning Glades 08:33 Tools
Dest V Korunach (Intro) 04:49 Tools
Zatmeni Zeme 03:30 Tools
Smrt se nepta 04:45 Tools
Trollech / Volam do lesu (I call into forests) 09:13 Tools
Trollech / Zeme obru (Land of the giants) 09:13 Tools
03 - 05. Cerný Les-cerný Kov 08:33 Tools
Musím Te Zabít, Abych Mohl Jíst Tvé Sny 03:18 Tools
Kazdy strom ma svuj stin 04:24 Tools
Ve slepem rameni deste 04:24 Tools
Kdyz setká se voda s mrazem 03:11 Tools
Vzácné Setkáni 05:22 Tools
Cerna spekra 03:00 Tools
Ljesi (Ljesi) 03:00 Tools
03 - 08. Skret Duchmaus Ze Stríbra 05:36 Tools
Dum kosti 04:24 Tools
Sat stromu 03:30 Tools
Lesem s jarním usvitem 05:15 Tools
10. Ve stínu starých dubů 03:00 Tools
Zalesnìná zemì 03:00 Tools
Démon Protivitr 05:14 Tools
Skret Duchmaus Ze Strнbra 04:24 Tools
Ve Stinu Starých Dubů 04:48 Tools
Cestou dal a dal 03:30 Tools
Cisarska rokle 05:14 Tools
mlha na Peklovskym potokem (Fog over Peklov stream) 02:23 Tools
Opt Vidm Lod 02:23 Tools
Zatrollenй Hvozdy 02:23 Tools
HVIZDOPRAVCI - Star Wanderers 02:23 Tools
Podpozemský vír - Underworld Whirlwind 05:55 Tools
PARALELNI - Parallel 02:23 Tools
Vnitrni tma 04:43 Tools
Zabijim s jiskrou v ocich 04:00 Tools
Pod Hradem Radynн 05:22 Tools
Ve sínu starých dubů 05:23 Tools
Strazce 05:14 Tools
I see the ships again(bonus) 05:55 Tools
Mýtiny hoří - Burning Glades 05:55 Tools
Hrdě proti bílemu kristu 05:48 Tools
Z kotle popíjej (Drink from the cauldron) 04:53 Tools
Vtìlení ve strom 04:00 Tools
Èerný les - Èerný kov 04:00 Tools
Zatmení Zeme 03:30 Tools
Reka Smete, Co Jн Patrн 04:00 Tools
Černý les-Černý kov 05:14 Tools
Priloz dlan listopad 03:30 Tools
Lesem s Jarnm svitem 04:48 Tools
Moudrost kovбшe 05:13 Tools
Vsem bude skryto tajemstvi (The secrets will be hidden to all) 06:48 Tools
Desf Korunach 01:37 Tools
V Rнsн Trollech 08:37 Tools
V ríši Trollech 08:37 Tools
Déšť v korunách-intro 08:37 Tools
Oheò jara 08:37 Tools
Střet Duchmaus ze Stříbra 08:37 Tools
Cerná Spektra 05:12 Tools
Dйstґv Korunбch (Intro) 03:30 Tools
Pod Bradem Radyni 03:30 Tools
Ve Stнnu Starych Dubu 03:30 Tools
Musím tì zabít, abych mohl jíst tvé sny 03:00 Tools
Krбlovskэ jezdec 01:37 Tools
Všem bude skryto tajemství (The secret will be hidden to all) 08:33 Tools
Černý les 01:37 Tools
Když se setká voda s mrazem 01:37 Tools
Dum Kostí 04:24 Tools
Skøet Duchmaus ze Støíbra 01:37 Tools
Øeka smete co jí patøí 05:12 Tools
Tajemstvн Hlubin Lesa 05:12 Tools
duj,větře,duj 09:13 Tools
Skryti v mlze (Hidden in the F 01:37 Tools
Elf A Duch Lesa (Trollech) 05:12 Tools
Písen Pro Zemi V Lune Starého Kontinentu 05:12 Tools
Reta Smete, Co Ji Patrí 04:53 Tools
Vnitrní Tma 04:43 Tools
Zabíjím S Jiskrou V Ocích 04:00 Tools
Zalesnčná Zemč 03:30 Tools
Všem Bude Tajemství Skryto 04:53 Tools
Déšť v korunách. 04:53 Tools
Národ ohně, železa a pokladu 03:26 Tools
Elf A Duch Lesa (The Elf And The Forest Spirit) 06:04 Tools
D隝 v korunách (intro) 06:04 Tools
Osvobozenн 06:04 Tools
Strom kolobмhu 03:00 Tools
Zatrollene hvozdy (old version) 06:04 Tools
4. Národ ohně, železa a pokladů 06:04 Tools
Drink From The Cauldron 04:53 Tools
Volám do lesů (I call into forest) 08:33 Tools
Déšt'v Korunách (intro) 08:36 Tools
Národ ohně železa a pokladů 05:48 Tools
01 - V Rísí Trollech 04:24 Tools
Vlčlení Ve Slrom 04:24 Tools
Dest'v Korunach 01:37 Tools
Pod Stromy Chladnэ Stнn 01:37 Tools
Cerný Les - Cerný Fov 08:33 Tools
Hidden in the Fog 04:53 Tools
Podzimnн Cesta Starйho Vika 04:43 Tools
Cesta bahnitб vede kroky mй 04:43 Tools
Podpozemsky Vir (Underworld Whirlwind) 06:01 Tools
Naturia (Naturia) 04:33 Tools
Osvobození - [Jasmuz] (2010) 06:07 Tools
Do vмzenн 05:19 Tools
Každý strom má svůj stín (new song 2017) 04:59 Tools
Ve Stine Starych Dubu 03:00 Tools
Brnмnн 05:19 Tools
Reta Smete, Co Ji Patrн 04:53 Tools
Jasmuz uћ spн 04:53 Tools
U Risi Trollech 08:36 Tools
Brněni 04:59 Tools
Trollech / Moudrost kovare 04:53 Tools
Hrde Proti Bнlйmu Kristu 04:53 Tools
Cesta Bahnita Vede Frofy Me 04:59 Tools
Národ ohně,železa a pokladů 03:24 Tools
Od Kolйbky Po Rakev 04:53 Tools
03 - Zatrollené Hvozdy 04:53 Tools
I Call Into Forests 03:24 Tools
Stret Duchmaus Ze Stríbra 05:36 Tools
Opet vidнm lode 05:36 Tools
Cernэ les - Cernэ kov 05:36 Tools
Trollech / Strom kolobehu 05:36 Tools
10 Ve stínu starých dubů 05:36 Tools
04 Národ Ohně, Železa a Poklad 05:36 Tools
V Říší Trollech 05:36 Tools
Poustevnнk 05:36 Tools
Královský jezdec - [Jasmuz] (2010) 06:22 Tools
Jajemstvi Hlubin Lesa 06:35 Tools
Reka smete co ji patri (new version) 06:35 Tools
Podpozemsky Vir (Trollech) 06:35 Tools
Stret Duchmaus Ze Strнbra 05:36 Tools
V risi Trollech (new version) 05:19 Tools
Bouøe Navždy Zuøí 05:36 Tools
2. Boure navzdy zuri 06:59 Tools
Cesta Bahnнtб Vede Froty Mй 09:13 Tools
Cernэ Les - Cernэ Fov 08:33 Tools
1. Duj, vetre, duj 06:48 Tools
Mocna duse stromu (unpublished) 08:33 Tools
03 Pod hradem Radyni 08:07 Tools
Mytiny Hori (Trollech) 08:33 Tools
07 - Opět Vidím Lodě 08:36 Tools
01 - Dest'v Korunach 08:36 Tools
Podpozemský Vír / Underground Whirlwind 06:00 Tools
Zalesnená Zeme 04:59 Tools
Dest'v Korunach (Intro) 01:37 Tools
Elf A Duch Lesa / The Elf And The Forest Spirit 01:00 Tools
A Green Hand Of Spring 08:07 Tools
Vnitrni Tma - Zatmeni Zeme (3:28) 00:00 Tools
Poustevníf 03:24 Tools
Through the forest with spring 03:24 Tools
Trollech / Brneni 03:24 Tools
Cesta Bahnítá Vede Froty Mé 09:13 Tools
Koustevnik 03:24 Tools
V øíši Trollech 03:24 Tools
Píseò pro zemi v lùnì starého kontinentu 03:24 Tools
When Water Meets Frost 03:24 Tools
V Rнљн Trollech 03:24 Tools
Mytiny Hori 05:48 Tools
8. V Kodskem polesi 05:48 Tools
Podkovy - [Jasmuz] (2010) 05:50 Tools
Cauda Draconis - [Jasmuz] (2010) 04:38 Tools
05 Koloběh vod 04:38 Tools
4. Narod ohne, zeleza a pokladu 04:38 Tools
Od kolebky po rakev (new version) 04:38 Tools
3. V rachotu hromu 04:38 Tools
Narod ohne, zeleza a pokladu (old version) 03:24 Tools
5. Kolobeh vod 03:24 Tools
Národ Ohně Zeleza A Pokladů 03:24 Tools
Tumultus (old version) 03:24 Tools
Poustevnнf 03:24 Tools
Palindrom (old version) 03:24 Tools
Podzimni cesta stareho vlka (old version) 03:24 Tools
Reta Smete Co Ji Patri 04:52 Tools
Ve hvozdech ( instr.) 04:52 Tools
Trollech / Kralovsky jezdec 04:52 Tools
06 - Od Kolébky Po Rakev 04:52 Tools
Národ ohnì, železa a pokladù 04:52 Tools
Poustervnif 04:52 Tools
Koma 04:52 Tools
Trees Are In Us 04:52 Tools
Vsem Bude Skryto Tajemství 06:48 Tools
Øeka smete, co jí patøí 08:07 Tools
02 - Pod Stromy Chladný Stín 06:48 Tools
Land Of The Giants 06:48 Tools
Trollech / Podkovy 06:48 Tools
V øíši Trollech 06:48 Tools
Mýtny Hoøi / Burning Glades 06:48 Tools
Burning Glades 05:51 Tools
Koma (Heiden) 06:48 Tools
Demon protivitr (new song) 00:00 Tools
The Elf and The Forest Spirit 00:00 Tools
Do vìzení - [Jasmuz] (2010) 05:19 Tools
Vnitrni Tma - Vnitrni Tma (4:43) 01:00 Tools
Dest v Korunach 05:51 Tools
Trollech / Do vezeni 08:07 Tools
Reka smete co jí patrí 08:07 Tools
Trollech - Naturia 08:07 Tools
  • 181,910
  • 5,948
  • 181910
    top track count

Trollech is Pagan Black Metal band from Plzen (Pilsen), Czech republic. Formed in 1999 . Next information is from Trollech homepage : The Trollech Empire is ancient, but only in autumn 1999 Asura (Godwar Gorgon´s Ray) and Lord Morbivod have met each other, face to face and they felt desire to play for this Empire songs in the spirit of black metal. Asura was long ago thinking of chiming forest tones which would sound to celebrate nature. Songs are old, simple, but they are breathing with us. Welcome You who are coming to the gates of the empire called Trollech and take greetings from its guards. Before you enter, listen to the old story ... Our empire extends in dark deep forests as well as in our hearts and minds. Only the oldest and wisest of us know the secret of both old age and our empire´s birth, as well as the one of the Trollech name´s creation, such age-old people we are. The Trollech empire is full of evergreen forests, beautiful meads and meadows, deep blue lakes, mighty roaring rivers, bubbling streams and streamlets, cold springs, lovely little wells and pools, high mountains and rocks with their peaks in snow and hills in fog. Here live beings such as goblins, dwarfs, elves, nymphs, fairies, dryads, sylphs, dragons, witches and wizards, brave warriors, different nature elements, gnomes and plenty of other creatures, beasts and various nature vermin. The gates of Trollech were closed to the human world, because you, people, have forgotten both - the respect to Mother Nature and the beings which take care of her. You have lost the sense of perceiving beauty and grace of our kind Mother, you have forgotten her strong power which wakes up and sends to sleep every life. You have forgotten about her justice. Now the time comes when the gates are open again, and we are coming into your world among you, the human race. We do not create the past, we create the future. We are coming to you from the far gates of our empire and in our hearts we are bearing a piece of our realm and a message, which we want to pass on you ... Listen to the song of Nature, as once your forefathers did. The voice is still in Your heart. We are just trying to wake it up ... After we leave, only then stories and myths about the beings and guards of the Trollech empire will stay here ... Now welcome, enter and look through all you desire. We revealed a bit of the Trollech guards´ secret ... Asura G.G. Ray -x- Statement In the name of the thunders, in the name of the trees and all the laws of nature! So that the general knowledge about the Trollech Empire would not be transformed by any people, read the age-old truth and do not allow anyone to confuse you by venomous trends or antitrends which are poisoning our clean river of forest songs. We, the three old guardians from gates are one soul with nature and we worship old cultures which used to be in the old days closely connected with all the power and beings from plentiful forests. Yes, there really used to be times when also people understand to nature, they used to know her and only then she belonged to them as well. Now it is another age, although we do not avoid it, it does not come into our output in no way. We worship merits which pertain to present-day people very little, so it is impossible to talk about present soulless patriotism and not at all about nationalism and similar, for Trollech unknown, human inventions. Just at present misleading streams get into black metal society and hide under patriotic dictums something else than true love to the land. Many people talks about their pagan forebears, about pride and they connect with these words various pugnacious positions almost against all who do not spread the same. It is sad to watch how they abuse words, they do not know much about, to propaganda and to cover up their venomous political attitudes. Trollech is outraged when somebody, no matter how ranks, dare to dishonour pagan forest metal with feeble-minded words. Trollech is not interested neither in human nations nor their hatred and we will never allow them to enter our gates. We stand by each other and any miscreant does not change and damage our genuineness. For all that, for all the doubters we emphasize: "We are not, we were not and we will never be nationalist or differently political oriented band. We do not wish anyone would see in this something like that! We will always worship nature and our forest friends. They are the only one to understand us fully and mainly for them we will play true black metal songs." Hail to forests and all the days of theirs! Lord Morbivod -x- About the heraldic sign The main symbols of the heraldic sign are the capital letters T in the centre, C and H by the sides (CH). These letters are the first and last letters of the name of the Trollech empire. In the middle of the big T and actually in the centre of the heraldic sign there is a tree in a circle. This is because in almost every mythology there is a tree in the centre of the world, and Gods talk through trees and they breathe through plants. The circle symbolizes the neverending cycle of four seasons of the year, and so the endless cycle of life and death. Three points of the heraldic sign symbolize the triplet - the principle of all being completion. The mother, father and child - a continuation of the line. The number 3 is also a number of Nature. It marks 3 kingdoms of Nature : animal - vegetable - mineral, 3 dimensions of space : the length - the width - the height, and 3 dimensions of time : the past - the present - the future. Asura G.G. 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