Benito Lertxundi

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Bizkaia Maite 03:27 Tools
Nere Herriko Neskatxa Maite 05:24 Tools
Mendian Loretxoa 01:30 Tools
Oi Ama Eskual Herri 03:44 Tools
Loretxoa 01:30 Tools
Baldorba 04:21 Tools
Udazken Koloretan 06:20 Tools
Herribehera 03:34 Tools
Gaueko Ele Ixilen Balada 06:59 Tools
Maria Solt Eta Kastero 03:25 Tools
Atarratzeko Gazteluko Kantua 04:33 Tools
Kantuz 03:43 Tools
Urrundik Heldu Naiz 03:17 Tools
Kaixo ardizain 04:01 Tools
Itsasoari begira 08:17 Tools
Zehazten Erraza Naiz 04:23 Tools
Orreaga 04:45 Tools
Ilargia 03:20 Tools
Zenbat Gera 03:09 Tools
Egunak Gauean 04:49 Tools
Jaun Baruak 06:27 Tools
Bakea 04:22 Tools
Matalaz 01:55 Tools
Ni gatibu hartzeko 03:26 Tools
Zergatik Utzi Kantatzeari 03:46 Tools
Altabizkarko Kantua 20:37 Tools
Mayi 05:47 Tools
Haizeak jotzen zuen 04:24 Tools
Itzala 03:52 Tools
Beotibar 06:07 Tools
Gu Bizi Bezainbat 02:52 Tools
Zer Balio Du 05:32 Tools
Mirotzak 04:21 Tools
Ekaitza 02:51 Tools
Entzun Zazu 04:16 Tools
Bihotz 05:10 Tools
Hitzak 03:32 Tools
Balearen Bertsoak 05:22 Tools
Oi Zuberoa 05:06 Tools
Gure Bide Galduak 02:33 Tools
Itzaltzuko Bardoa 10:23 Tools
Gartxot / Nere Ate Ondoan 06:50 Tools
Muñagorriren Bertsoak 04:57 Tools
Panpoxa 01:47 Tools
Iluna Denerako 04:10 Tools
Goizian Goizik 05:05 Tools
Marinel galduaren balada 05:20 Tools
Mundurat Eman Ninduzun 04:48 Tools
Nigarra Begian 02:39 Tools
Formak 04:18 Tools
Egunsentiko Ametsetan 02:03 Tools
Txori Ttikia 08:37 Tools
Oi Ama Euskal Herri 04:11 Tools
Laket Dut 05:09 Tools
Dama Gazte Xarmant Bat 06:12 Tools
Oro Irriño Bat 02:49 Tools
Itoitz 03:39 Tools
Joan Zinen 05:08 Tools
Nintzenaz Oroitzean 05:19 Tools
Orreagako Gatazka 03:34 Tools
Mauleko Bidean 03:36 Tools
Gaua Eta Ni 08:30 Tools
Partiada trixtea Ternuarat 05:49 Tools
Azkaindarrak 04:44 Tools
Itsasoan Laino Dago / Nere Ekialdean 09:13 Tools
Beti Penetan 02:09 Tools
Egun Batez 07:54 Tools
Nor Da Erromesa 03:53 Tools
Oskatxe 02:45 Tools
Oi Lur, Oi Lur 04:53 Tools
Mundian malerusik 02:52 Tools
Uhera 03:28 Tools
Naizenez Gero 04:57 Tools
Baldorbav 04:25 Tools
Denborak 06:29 Tools
Euskal Pizkundea 05:46 Tools
Primaberako Liliak 05:32 Tools
Amerikara Noa 04:32 Tools
Arratsalde Lizuna 04:14 Tools
Suaren Bila 03:24 Tools
Askatasunaren Semeei 07:56 Tools
Damua 05:18 Tools
Milia 03:33 Tools
nere ekialdean 07:25 Tools
Partitu Ginen 02:06 Tools
Primaderako Liliak 05:33 Tools
Zuhaitzen Denbora 03:57 Tools
Imotzetik Ziordiara 02:52 Tools
Oro Irrino Bat 02:44 Tools
Zortearen Kolpeak 02:58 Tools
Lehen floria 04:23 Tools
Basarte Honetan 04:27 Tools
Marruz Olak Hirian 05:28 Tools
Nere Maitea 02:40 Tools
Joanen Zinen 04:49 Tools
Ezin Uka 01:51 Tools
Gaztetarzunak / Bihotz 07:52 Tools
Kimu Bat Zuhaitzan 04:25 Tools
Erregek Gizon Ederrik 03:04 Tools
Irail Tristea 04:47 Tools
Urak Dakarrena 02:08 Tools
Zure Askatasunagatik 02:40 Tools
Aire delezius huntan 02:51 Tools
Amodiozko Poema 03:03 Tools
Txori erresiñula 04:28 Tools
Herri Behera Jota 03:42 Tools
Belatsarena 02:09 Tools
Egia 02:07 Tools
Dame 02:18 Tools
Aita saldu nauzu 02:08 Tools
Ametsik Gabeko Loan 06:33 Tools
Nahiago Nuke 06:33 Tools
Umeak Ere Jakin Dute 02:05 Tools
Zuberoa I 04:55 Tools
Zuk Dakizun Hura 03:04 Tools
Erribera 03:34 Tools
Goizian argi hastian 03:58 Tools
Sasi Intelektualak 02:37 Tools
Luna Denerako 03:07 Tools
Pastoraleko martxa 01:46 Tools
Otartxo utsa 06:27 Tools
Oihala / Ni Sahatsa Bezala 03:02 Tools
Ez Kanta Beltza 05:35 Tools
Triste Jartzen Nauzu 01:51 Tools
Gure Bide Galduak / Zenbat Gera 03:02 Tools
Bortu Gainetarik 06:22 Tools
Basoilarrak 03:40 Tools
Ni Olentzero Naiz 12:34 Tools
Jabetasuna 02:33 Tools
Prima eijerra 02:57 Tools
Belatsarena - Bereterretxe 06:21 Tools
Lluna Denerako 03:02 Tools
Zuberoa Ii 04:15 Tools
Illunpetako Gizona 02:57 Tools
Bera 07:19 Tools
Oi Gure Lurra 03:51 Tools
Oi laborari gaixua 03:14 Tools
Ursuako kantua 05:47 Tools
Asarre Egon Nahi Nuke 02:05 Tools
Udabarrian (Bizkaitarra) 03:12 Tools
Ene Izar Maitea 01:52 Tools
Oria Ibaia 05:54 Tools
Mutil Dantza 01:34 Tools
Gure Bide Galduak, Zenbat Gera 10:53 Tools
O’Carolan I 01:49 Tools
Ürzo Lüma Gris Gaixoa 04:24 Tools
Orbaizetako Arma Olaren Kantua 04:40 Tools
Itzaltzutik Itzulian 02:00 Tools
O’Carolan Ii 03:37 Tools
Baliaren Bertsoak 02:03 Tools
Sahatsa Intro, Ni Sahatsa Bezala 04:33 Tools
Partida tristea Ternuarat 05:51 Tools
Biribilketa / Ahuena 02:43 Tools
Gaztetarzunak 02:43 Tools
Ni, Sahatsa Bezala 03:31 Tools
Orhiko Txoria 02:29 Tools
Esku ezkerra (haur bati) 03:22 Tools
Itsasoan Laino Dago Nere Ekialdean 09:14 Tools
Gaztetarzuna, Bihotz 05:02 Tools
Zuberoa I / Zuberoa II / Zuberoako Bralia 02:03 Tools
Ni. Sahatsa bezala 03:32 Tools
Nigarra Negian 02:37 Tools
Gartetarzunak 02:03 Tools
Kadrille 02:20 Tools
Zergaitik utzi kantatzeari 04:21 Tools
Munduak Ez Du Bakerik 04:21 Tools
Ibertzean 04:21 Tools
Isil Isilik 04:21 Tools
Ospakizun Gauean 04:21 Tools
Altabizkar Kantua 20:29 Tools
Udabarrian 04:20 Tools
Gartxot / Nere Ate Ondoan 04:20 Tools
Gure Bide Galduak Zenbat Gera 10:54 Tools
Aiezkoako Mendietan / Orbaizetako Arma Olaren Kantua 02:10 Tools
Otzandu herrian 02:10 Tools
Sahatsa Intro Ni Sahatsa Bezala 02:20 Tools
Belar nerabean 02:20 Tools
Aiezkoako mendietan orbaizetako arma olaren kantua 09:18 Tools
Euskal Herrian Euskaraz 02:20 Tools
Amodiozko 02:20 Tools
Dame gazte xarmant bat 02:10 Tools
Esku Ezkerra 02:20 Tools
Iragan Lurrina 02:20 Tools
Belatsarena (Herrikoia) 02:10 Tools
O'Carolan I 01:49 Tools
O'Carolan II 03:38 Tools
Muñagorrien bertsoak 05:01 Tools
Gaztetarzuna Bihotz 05:01 Tools
Gartxot Nere Ate Ondoan 03:38 Tools
01 - Ezin Uka 01:49 Tools
Lehen hazia 01:49 Tools
04 - Umeak Ere Jakin Dute 03:38 Tools
Urzo lüma gris gaixoa 04:25 Tools
02 - Ilunpetako Gizon 03:38 Tools
05 - Aita Saldu Nauzu 03:38 Tools
Gartxot/Nere Ate Ondoan 03:38 Tools
06 - Sasi Intelektualak 02:36 Tools
Zuberoa I - Zuberoa II - Zuberoako bralia 11:46 Tools
01 11:46 Tools
02 07:58 Tools
09 - Urak Dakarrena 02:09 Tools
Biribilketa-Ahuena 02:09 Tools
03 - Ekaitza 02:09 Tools
05 04:25 Tools
Juan Baruak 04:25 Tools
Iragan Lurrinak 04:51 Tools
Bizipen Margotuak 04:51 Tools
Udaberrian 04:51 Tools
04 04:25 Tools
09 04:25 Tools
Nere Herriko nesKatxa 04:25 Tools
Biribilketa - Ahuena 04:25 Tools
07 04:25 Tools
Oi Lur Oi Lur 04:51 Tools
Herri-Behera Jota 04:51 Tools
Txingudi, Bizipen Margotuak 04:51 Tools
Urrundik Eldu Nahiz 04:51 Tools
Kaioaren Ametsa 04:51 Tools
07 - Zenbat Gera 04:51 Tools
Hitaz oroit 12 04:51 Tools
03 04:51 Tools
06 04:51 Tools
10 04:51 Tools
06 Oi Zuberoa 04:51 Tools
Hasarre egon nahi nuke 04:51 Tools
08 Askatasunaren semeei 07:58 Tools
08 07:21 Tools
11 07:21 Tools
10-Loretxoa 07:21 Tools
12 07:21 Tools
Herribera 07:21 Tools
Urzo Luma Gris Gaixoa 07:21 Tools
04 Urrundik heldu naiz 07:21 Tools
Hitaz oroit 11 07:21 Tools
Ilunpetako Gizon 07:21 Tools
  • 62,452
  • 3,584
  • 62452
    top track count

"Benito Lertxundi was born in Orio (Gipuzkoa) 6th January, 1942 on The Wise Men's day. He is the eldest of 9 brothers and sisters from a large, modest family. His family was not traditionally musical although they did enjoy singing on special occasions. Benito himself showed a greater interest in drawing rather than music, although he remembers how he liked listening to the local organist secretly and in silence. He didn't like the official teaching of the times, with an imposed language which was not his mother tongue. Once he had finished school he studied at the Fine Art's School of the Franciscans in Zarautz. He learnt to model clay and wood; he won several awards and he obtained his first job as a wood carver. When he was 19 he began to work in Martin Lizaso's watchmaker's shop, where he learnt to repair watches and made a crucial discovery. One day Lizaso brought him an old lute and Lertxundi started tuning and playing it in his own way. He enjoyed the experience, the following step was to buy an electric guitar. He practiced in the watchmaker's shop, before it opened, in the afternoon, making Basque versions of his favourite musical groups and singers: The Shadows, Cliff Richards, Elvis Presley. However, his inclination towards music was not done in public until he entered a singing contest organised by a newspaper from San Sebastian called La Voz de España. He was one more out of the 400 or 500 contestants who went to The Bellas Artes Theatre, but he was chosen the winner and since then things began to change: he became famous in his village… and he received a call from Mikel Laboa. Towards 1965 the Ez Dok Amairu movement was beginning, with artists such as, The Artza Brothers, Jose Angel Irigarai, Lourdes Iriondo, Xabier Lete, Julen Lekuona, Laboa himself. Oteiza's influence, during that great momentum which tried to renovate Basque Art and make society aware of it. Ez Dok Amairu happened to be a magnificent place to experiment and learn, and despite it breaking up in 1972, it had already made a mark and impression on Benito. In 1971 his first long play record with his name as the title was published: Benito Lertxundi. Actually, it was a collection of his first singles: his first love and fight songs, which he sang with the guitar as his only aid, combining popular themes which had already been written, despite the fact that nowadays we could think he was musically naive." Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.