Naseer Shamma

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Viaje de las Almas. Travelling Souls 14:56 Tools
Luz del alma 11:13 Tools
Awshar 06:24 Tools
Danza del caballo 13:30 Tools
Palestinian Heritage 04:24 Tools
Al-Andalus Abre Sus Puertas. Al-Andalus Opens Its Gates 06:36 Tools
Discurso del Alma 07:37 Tools
The Moon Fades 08:44 Tools
Maquam Rast 10:24 Tools
El Camino a Shaqlawa. The Path to Shaqlawa 08:23 Tools
From Assyria to Seville 04:43 Tools
La Sabiduría de mi Abuelo. My Grandfather's Wisdom 04:51 Tools
Tender Breeze 07:41 Tools
An Eastern Love Story 07:33 Tools
Hammurabi 04:56 Tools
Baghdad Night 08:43 Tools
Nostalgia de Córdoba. Nostalgia for Cordoba 13:52 Tools
Para Túnez. For Túnez 12:13 Tools
State of Passion 08:59 Tools
Garcia Lorca 06:19 Tools
Hilal as-Saba 08:11 Tools
Ard Al-Sawaad 14:00 Tools
Maqam Rast 10:28 Tools
Ancient Dreams 06:39 Tools
Dream Nights 07:49 Tools
Ishraq 05:59 Tools
Ebraheem 06:33 Tools
Rast Improvisation 06:21 Tools
Hilal El Saba 07:37 Tools
Hilal As Sabá 00:30 Tools
Horse Dance 04:01 Tools
Meditation 07:13 Tools
Creció el amor 07:27 Tools
Saleema Muraad 08:20 Tools
Taalim Huriyya 04:46 Tools
Oud Improvisation 07:11 Tools
Hali Bihi Yahlou 04:38 Tools
Hilal As Sab�� 06:19 Tools
Holy Call 06:33 Tools
Creci�� El Amor 06:19 Tools
Blossom of Pain 10:10 Tools
Between Palms 06:21 Tools
Du coeur 08:40 Tools
Sama'e Kord 05:31 Tools
Egyptian Heritage 08:49 Tools
Brightness 07:54 Tools
If I Have Wings 05:33 Tools
Baghdad Kama Ohebboha 04:26 Tools
Happened At Al-Amiriyya 15:16 Tools
Birds Love 05:17 Tools
Halat Wayd 07:51 Tools
Bein El Nakhil 06:35 Tools
Le dernier depart d'Andalouse 08:19 Tools
Min adh-Dhâkira\\Mémoires 08:55 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya\\Une histoire d'amour orientale 07:50 Tools
Zaman Al-Nawahand 08:07 Tools
Happened at All - Amiriyaa 15:17 Tools
Baïn Al-Rasafah Wal Al-Karkh 02:55 Tools
Share'a Al-Rasheed 08:01 Tools
Une Histoire D'amour Orientale 07:50 Tools
Baghdad as I Love It 04:27 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba\\Douces brises 05:21 Tools
Sukûn al-Layl fî Baghdad\\Nuit calme à Bagdad 08:42 Tools
Bird's Love 05:18 Tools
Histoire d'enfance orientale 07:35 Tools
Min Ashûr ila Ishbîliyya\\D'Assur à Séville 05:24 Tools
La danse de la jument 04:46 Tools
Al 3eraq 3ala Maqam Wahed 10:34 Tools
Lil Ruh Hadith 06:42 Tools
Salât bâbiliyya\\Prière babylonnienne 05:50 Tools
Rasheed Street 08:02 Tools
Between Resafa and Karkh 02:56 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya\\Chanson irakienne 07:47 Tools
Entre les palmiers 07:37 Tools
Enfance 08:01 Tools
Min al-qalb 09:49 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya\\L'abri d'al-'Amiriyya 15:15 Tools
Taalim Huriya 06:20 Tools
Discourse of the soul 07:39 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb\\Dialogue entre deux poètes 07:40 Tools
Fawq al-nakhl 12:34 Tools
Zaman Al-Nawahand / The Times Of Nahawand / La Era De Nahawand 08:07 Tools
Subhan El Dayem 04:43 Tools
Illumination 09:03 Tools
Dau' ar-Ruh (Light of the Soul) Maqam Hijaz 11:16 Tools
L'abri d'Al-'Amiriyya 15:16 Tools
Souvenirs 08:55 Tools
De la memoire 08:16 Tools
Hali Bihi Yahlu / Hi Fills My Spirt to the Brim / Mi Ánimo Con Él Queda Colmado 04:37 Tools
Qussat kurdiya 08:42 Tools
Crecio el amor 07:28 Tools
Une fois... a Almeria 08:17 Tools
Halat Wayd / In A State Of Passion / Estado De Pasión 07:50 Tools
Lawha 14:26 Tools
Halam al-hanin 13:08 Tools
Douce Brise 05:21 Tools
Bagdad Night 08:42 Tools
Bein Elnakhil / Amid the Palm Trees / Entre las Palmeras 06:33 Tools
'Adhuba 08:26 Tools
Iraq at a Single Maqam 10:34 Tools
Fawq al-nakhl (Over the palm tree) 12:34 Tools
Messe Babylonienne 05:50 Tools
Min Adh-Dhâkira/Mémoires 08:55 Tools
Min al-qalb (From the heart) 09:49 Tools
Une Nuit Paisible À Bagdad 08:42 Tools
Ishraq (Dawn) 05:44 Tools
Dance of the Horse Maqam Nahawand 13:33 Tools
Dialogue Entre Deux Poêtes 07:40 Tools
Zada al-Garam (Love Grew) Maqam Nahawand 07:28 Tools
Chanson Irakienne Ancienne 07:47 Tools
Qussat Kurdiya (Kurdish story) 08:42 Tools
Lawha (Suffering) 14:25 Tools
Ishraq / Illumination / Iluminación 06:41 Tools
D'Assour À Séville 05:24 Tools
Awshar Maqam Awshar 06:25 Tools
Subhan El Dayem. Él Es El Eterno 06:20 Tools
Halam al-hanin (Nostalgia) 13:08 Tools
Nasamat 'Adhba/Douces Brises 05:21 Tools
Viaje de las almas / Travelling souls 14:54 Tools
The Moon Fade 06:20 Tools
Taalim Huviyya / The Precepts Of The Houri / Preceptos De La Hurí 05:59 Tools
Discourse of the Soul Maqam Ajam 07:39 Tools
Blossom of Pain - Zahret Al-Alam 10:10 Tools
Lil Ruth Hadit / the Discours of the Soul / Discurso del Alma 04:42 Tools
Palestinian Heritage - Turath Filistiny 04:24 Tools
Meditations - Halet Wujd 07:13 Tools
Rast Improvisation - Irtijal Rast 06:21 Tools
Douces Brises 05:21 Tools
Subhan El Dayem / He Is The Eternal One / Él Es El Eterno 13:52 Tools
Qissat Hubb Sharkiyya/Une Histoire d'Amour Orientale 07:50 Tools
El camino a Shaqlawa / The path to Shaqlawa 08:23 Tools
Horse Dance - Raqset Al-Faras 04:01 Tools
Sukûn Al-Layl Fî Baghdad/Nuit Calme à Baghdad 08:42 Tools
Al-Andalus abre sus puertas / Al-Andalus opens its gates 06:35 Tools
Hammurabi / Hammurabi 04:55 Tools
Naseer Shamma 2 00:30 Tools
Naseer Shamma 1 00:30 Tools
Brightness - Ithraq 07:55 Tools
Salât Bâbiliyya/Prière Babulonienne 05:49 Tools
La sabiduría de mi abuelo / My grandfather's wisdom 04:51 Tools
Egyptian Heritage - Hiwar Ma' Al-Kubar 08:48 Tools
Naseer Shamma 3 00:30 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya (An oriental love story) 07:52 Tools
Min Ashur Ila Ishbiliya [From Assur to Seville] 00:00 Tools
Para Túnez / For Túnez 12:15 Tools
Nostalgia de Córdoba / Nostalgia for Cordoba 13:52 Tools
Al-Amiriyya/L'Abri d'Al-Amiriyya 15:15 Tools
Chanson Irakienne 15:15 Tools
Halam al-hanin (maqam 'ajjam) - Nostalgia 13:08 Tools
Min adh-Dhakira (Memories) 08:57 Tools
Mémoires 08:55 Tools
Nasamat 'adhba (Soft breezes) 05:23 Tools
Sukun Al-Layl (A Quiet Night In Baghdad) 08:42 Tools
Min Ashur Ila Ishbiliya 13:52 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya (Une histoire d'amour orientale) 08:42 Tools
Ughniya'irâqiyya/Chanson Irakienne 07:46 Tools
Min adh-Dhâkira (Mémoires) 05:50 Tools
Bein Elnakhil 06:34 Tools
Hiwâr Bayn Al-Mutanabbi Was -Sayyâb/Dialoque Entre Deux Poètes 07:40 Tools
Maqam Dasht 05:09 Tools
Salat Babiliyya (Babylonian Prayer) 05:50 Tools
Eyptian Heritage 08:48 Tools
Min Adh-Dhâkira 08:55 Tools
Min Ashur Ila Ishbiliyya (From Assur To Seville) 05:24 Tools
'Adhuba (Transparent feeling) 07:51 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya (The shelter at al-'Amiriyya) 15:16 Tools
Bloosom of pain 10:09 Tools
Sukun al-Layl fi Baghdad\Nuit calme a Bagdad 08:42 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya 07:51 Tools
Ughniya 'iraqiyya (Iraqi Song) 07:47 Tools
Adhuba (Transparent Feeling) 08:26 Tools
Min Ashur Ila Ishbiliyya\D_Assur A Seville 05:24 Tools
Min adh-Dhakira\Mmoires 08:55 Tools
D'assur À Séville 04:23 Tools
Salat babiliyya\Priere babylonnienne 05:50 Tools
Hiwar bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyab\Dialogue entre deux poetes 00:00 Tools
Nasamat adhba\Douces brises 05:22 Tools
Estado de Pasión 08:11 Tools
Hiwar Bayn Al-Mutanabbi Was-Sayyab (Dialogue Between Two Poets) 07:40 Tools
Min Ashûr ila Ishbîliyya (D'Assur à Séville) 05:24 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya\Une histoire d_amour orientale 07:50 Tools
Al-Andalus Abre Sus Puertas 05:23 Tools
Dance of the Horse - Maqam Nahawand 13:33 Tools
Palastenian Heritage 04:23 Tools
Al Amriyya 15:17 Tools
Prière Babylonienne 05:50 Tools
Dialogue Entre Deux Poètes 05:50 Tools
Sukûn al-Layl fî Baghdad (Nuit calme à Bagdad) 08:42 Tools
Min Ashûr Ila Ishbîliyya/D'Assur à Séville 05:23 Tools
Ughniya iraqiyya\Chanson irakienne 00:00 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya 15:16 Tools
Une Nuit Calme À Bagdad 00:00 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya / Une histoire d'amour orientale 07:50 Tools
Al-Amiriyya\L_abri d_al-Amiriyya 05:50 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba (Douces brises) 05:24 Tools
Salât bâbiliyya 05:50 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba 05:22 Tools
Raqsat Al-Faras 13:35 Tools
Min Adh-Dhâkira / Mémoires 08:54 Tools
Naseer Shamma - Raqsat_Al-Faras 13:35 Tools
Ishraq / Illumination / Iluminación 06:36 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya (L'abri d'al-'Amiriyya) 15:16 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb 07:41 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb (Dialogue entre deux poètes) 08:21 Tools
Discourse of the Soul - Maqam Ajam 08:21 Tools
State Passion 08:21 Tools
Le dernier départ d’Andalousie 08:21 Tools
Salât bâbiliyya (Prière babylonnienne) 07:47 Tools
Sukûn Al-Layl Fî Baghdad 08:42 Tools
andulsiah 05:07 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya (Chanson irakienne) 07:47 Tools
Hilal as-Sabá 00:00 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba / Douces brises 05:22 Tools
Sukûn al-Layl fî Baghdad / Nuit calme à Bagdad 08:43 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba/Douces brises 00:00 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya/Chanson irakienne 00:00 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya 07:47 Tools
Naseer Shamma - SHAREE ERSHEED 06:25 Tools
Min Ashûr Ila Ishbîliyya / D'Assur à Séville 05:23 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya / Chanson irakienne 07:47 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb / Dialogue entre deux poètes 07:41 Tools
Awshar - Maqam Awshar 06:25 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya\Une histoire d'amour orientale 07:50 Tools
Sukûn al-Layl fî Baghdad/Nuit calme à Bagdad 00:00 Tools
Salât Bâbiliyya/Prière Babylonienne 05:23 Tools
Salât bâbiliyya / Prière babylonienne 05:50 Tools
Holly Call 08:26 Tools
Betweeen Palms 08:26 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya\L'abri d'al-'Amiriyya 00:00 Tools
Min Ashûr ila Ishbîliyya\D'Assur à Séville 00:00 Tools
Dialogue entre deux poetes 07:41 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba\\\\Douces brises 05:22 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya / L'Abri d'al-'Amiriyya 15:16 Tools
Master of Oud 14:56 Tools
Qussat kurdiya (maqam desht) - Kurdish Story 00:00 Tools
Min adh-Dhâkira\Mémoires 08:26 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb/Dialogue entre deux poètes 00:00 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya/L'Abri d'al-'Amiriyya 00:00 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyaa/Une histoire d'amour orientale 08:43 Tools
Min Ashûr Ila Ishbîliyya 05:24 Tools
If I Have Wing 05:23 Tools
Adhuba 08:26 Tools
Danza del Caballo. Versión 13:33 Tools
Nasamât 'adhba\Douces brises 13:33 Tools
Sukûn al-Layl fî Baghdad\Nuit calme à Bagdad 08:55 Tools
Salât bâbiliyya\\\\Prière babylonnienne 05:50 Tools
hilal al saba 00:00 Tools
Qissat hubb sharqiyya\\\\Une histoire d'amour orientale 07:51 Tools
Zada Al-Gharam 07:29 Tools
Hilal-alsaba 00:30 Tools
from the heart 08:43 Tools
Danza del caballo رقصة الفرس: مقام نهاوند 13:33 Tools
Memoires 08:55 Tools
Salât bâbiliyya\Prière babylonnienne 05:23 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya\Chanson irakienne 09:18 Tools
Min Ashûr ila Ishbîliyya\\\\D'Assur à Séville 05:24 Tools
Sukûn al-Layl fî Baghdad\\\\Nuit calme à Bagdad 08:43 Tools
Layl Bagdad 05:50 Tools
Al-'Amiriyya\\\\L'abri d'al-'Amiriyya 15:16 Tools
Maqam Rast مقام رست 05:23 Tools
Nasamat 'adhba 08:11 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb\Dialogue entre deux poètes 06:25 Tools
Dance of the Horse 08:43 Tools
Priere babylonienne 05:23 Tools
Qissat Hubb Sharkiyya 05:23 Tools
لماذا الرجوع إليك 09:18 Tools
Light of the soul 09:18 Tools
Lil Rooh Hadeeth 07:40 Tools
اشراق 07:54 Tools
Rahil al KAMAR 00:30 Tools
Nostalgia De Córdoba 13:52 Tools
Hiwâr bayn al-Mutanabbi was-Sayyâb\\\\Dialogue entre deux poètes 07:41 Tools
Awshar أوشار: مقام الأوشار 06:25 Tools
01 Travelling Souls - نصير شما - رحلة الارواح 06:36 Tools
Nuit Calme a Baghdad 06:25 Tools
Halet Wujd 06:25 Tools
Viaje De Las Almas (Travelling Souls) 14:56 Tools
Min adh-Dhâkira\\\\Mémoires 08:56 Tools
Para Túnez 12:13 Tools
Ughniya 'irâqiyya\\\\Chanson irakienne 07:47 Tools
Nassamat adba 07:47 Tools
Rahil il kamar 07:47 Tools
Hob el assafir 07:47 Tools
Discurso del alma للروح حديث: مقام عجم 07:40 Tools
Viaje De Las Almas 06:36 Tools
Kissat hob charkia 15:16 Tools
D'Assur a Seville 15:16 Tools
Chanson Iraquienne 15:16 Tools
Share Al Rasheed 06:36 Tools
Ishraq (Illumination) 06:41 Tools
Al-Andalus Abre Sus Puertas (Al-Andalus Opens Its Gates) 06:36 Tools
Viaje de las almas / Travellin 14:56 Tools
La sabiduria de mi abuelo / My 04:51 Tools
Daú ar-ruh ضوء الروح: مقام حجاز 11:16 Tools
Al-Andalus abre sus puertas / 06:36 Tools
Ard as-Sawad (The Black Land) 06:36 Tools
Dau Al-Ruh 06:36 Tools
L'abri D'Al Amiryya 06:36 Tools
Happened at al Amiriyya 06:36 Tools
Al Iraq Eala Maqam Wahed 06:36 Tools
Sukűn al-Layl fî Baghdad 08:42 Tools
Zaman al-Nahawand (The time of Nahawand) 08:06 Tools
Subhan el dayem (He is the Eternal One) 06:20 Tools
Travelling Souls 06:20 Tools
Para Tunez / For Tunez 06:36 Tools
HOB AL ASSAFIR 06:36 Tools
1. Zahrat El Alam 08:11 Tools
Zada al-Garam زاد الغرام: مقام نهاوند 06:36 Tools
5. Horse Dance 08:11 Tools
Hilal as-Sabá هلال الصبا 08:11 Tools
Allami 08:11 Tools
Salat Babiliyya 08:11 Tools
6. Egyptian Heritage 08:11 Tools
Sâlat bâbiliyya 08:11 Tools
Bagdad As I Love It 08:11 Tools
Qissat 7ub Sharqiyya 00:00 Tools
Lamouni Elli Gharou Minni || نصير شمة 00:00 Tools
Sharee Ersheed 00:00 Tools
Min adh-Dhakira / Memoires 00:00 Tools
Nasmât 'adhba (Douce Brises) 00:00 Tools
Raheel el Amar 00:00 Tools
Danza del Caballo. Versin 00:00 Tools
  • 90,063
  • 7,780
  • 90063
    top track count

Naseer Shamma (Arabic ,نصير شمه), is a renowned Arab Iraqi musician and oud player. He was born in 1963 in Kut, Iraq, a village on the Tigris River. He began studying the oud at the age of 12 in Baghdad, following in the footsteps of Jamil Bashir and Munir Bashir. When he was 11-years old, Shamma saw an oud for the first time, in the hands of a stylish music teacher. In 1985, Shamma played his own compositions at his first concert, attended by several renowned Iraqi artists. At the time, he worked closely with the late Iraqi master Munir Bashir. But Shamma wanted to blaze his own path. Master Munir invented the technique of contemplation with oud, but Shamma wanted his music to carry content, an idea or image that is shocking. He received his diploma from the Baghdad Academy of Music in 1987. He began to teach oud after three years at the academy, as well as continuing his own studies. Shamma has composed music for films, plays and television. Between 1993 and 1998 he taught oud the Higher Institute of Music in Tunisia, and in 1999 he took the post of Director of the Arab Centre for the Oud (بيت العود العربي) in Cairo. He performs on the oud in a manner which combines traditional methods with his own modern compositions. Naseer Shamma has also created an eight-string oud or lute following the manuscript of the 9th-century music theorist Al-Farabi. This new design (eight instead of six strings) expanded the musical range of the oud and gave it a distinct tonality. His innovations also include a new method of playing the oud with only one hand, which was originally invented by Salim Abdulkarim, so that children and soldiers injured during the Gulf War could play and enjoy the oud. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.