Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
It must be called "Intelligence" if people stop when they realize they are not able to become what they are wishing to be. 00:00 Tools
A thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see. 00:00 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it "acts" every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious. 00:00 Tools
Anxiety is not about the issue. It is actually about people's "mind" related to the issue that they are afraid of. 00:00 Tools
A real "imitation" is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one. 00:00 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, and envy would torture foolish people and all the "instants" being involved. 00:00 Tools
It is supposed to be "ordinary" that imagination moves much faster and more freely than bright light in the darkness. 02:43 Tools
We promise with a view to hope, but the reason to "accomplish" what we promised would be fear. 02:43 Tools
A reality that people are living in this world is a lot "more" complicated than fantasy-land that they imagine. 02:43 Tools
"Existence" of eloquence is only in a look of people's face that remain silence, and it even beats any kind of words. 01:00 Tools
楽観の深奥で燻る魔は、万人が宿す普遍的無意識の『罪』の残滓。 00:32 Tools
If there is no word which tells sound, beautiful melody does not keep in mind 05:19 Tools
Also love and faith keep up with a daily small deed 05:02 Tools
音の中の『痙攣的』な美は、観念を超え肉体に訪れる野生の戦慄。 05:03 Tools
Those who play using word are not in the talent, it is only there's memory 03:31 Tools
Daredevil is child of ignorance & mean and it is inferior to other qualification 03:31 Tools
道徳とは権力の装置であり民衆の自由の最大の『枷』と自覚せよ。 03:34 Tools
Those who do not need tomorrow most see tomorrow most pleasantly 03:04 Tools
You can not call anyone happy, if you do not had been any trouble 05:14 Tools
連続と不連続の境界での戯れが、命脈を繋ぐ『供犠』という慰み。 04:59 Tools
夢境は重力の『検閲』を畏れず、閉じた裡を突破する自由の幽体。 04:01 Tools
『弦』の揺らぎは多様の文様を紡ぎ、泡沫夢幻の重奏をかなでる。 04:06 Tools
音の中の「痙攣的」な美は,観念を超え肉体に訪れる野生の戦慄。 04:57 Tools
茫漠の中の『粒子』の蜜月は、私という存在が煌めく刹那の現身。 05:05 Tools
探求者は相対する事象の『中間層』を彷徨う半音階的世界の住人。 04:08 Tools
生命の快楽とは死の『接種』であり、終焉へ歩む生の動力である。 03:25 Tools
「反復」は時間観を撹拌し,思惟の歩をゆるめ涅槃の郷愁を誘う。 03:41 Tools
Moderation and justice are the nominal which only a superior can use freely 06:00 Tools
俯瞰も仰視も果ては茫洋な空に対峙す,その偉観こそ真の「現実」 06:04 Tools
When one's mental lost right goal that shown wrong direction to the frustrations 05:33 Tools
私は川の窪み。流れは過ぎゆけど保たれる波紋。『動的』な秩序。 07:54 Tools
『参弐零参壱壱壱弐伍壱九参壱伍九伍弐壱七伍伍伍四壱四壱六四』 04:03 Tools
Human have ability of destroy oneself by logical mind 05:15 Tools
Courtesy Is Considered As A "Farce" If There Are No Honesty And Reality. 03:01 Tools
人々が個を偉人と称する時が来れば彼は殊に『傀儡』へと変わる。 03:01 Tools
貨幣を峻拒する狷介な咆哮だけが禁忌を侵犯する。黙考する『叫』 01:22 Tools
Break The "Heart" To What Is Actually Being Told Instead Of Asking Who Said That. 01:22 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず、我々の好むものを『見』せる。 00:00 Tools
己が分を知りて及ばざる時は速やかに止むるを『智』と言うべし。 00:00 Tools
One, That Does Not Require Tomorrow Most Stands In Tomorrow Most Gladly And Buy 'direction' 03:04 Tools
That It Makes Nonexistent Intelligence Even Although It Calls It With A Powerful Mind And Power How To 'none' Equa' 03:04 Tools
欲は全ての言葉を話し、全ての役を演じ、無欲者すら『演』ずる。 00:00 Tools
Even mightiest soul and mightiest power,it is same as nothing if there is no intellect 06:00 Tools
It 'be Done And Maintain' Only With The Modest Religious Service Of From Day To Day Just As Even The Faith Is Same Even The Love 00:00 Tools
It must be called "Intelligence" if people stop when they realize they are not able to become what they are wishing to be 06:00 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ、言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が『存在』する。 00:00 Tools
Moderation And Justice Are 'the Name' That The Only Superior Can Use Selfishly Merely 06:00 Tools
A thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see 00:00 Tools
不安なのは事柄にでは無く、それに関する人の『考』えにである。 00:00 Tools
Kotoba o Mochiite Kanaderu Mono wa Sainou ni Ara zu, Tada no Kioku ni 'Su'gi nu. 03:26 Tools
A Real "Imitation" Is The Imitation That Let People See Ridiculousness Of Boring Original One 04:59 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it "acts" every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious 03:26 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし、恐怖にかられて約束を『果』たす。 00:00 Tools
Ai mo Shinkou mo Onajiyouni Hibi no Sasayaka na Gongyou de Nomi 'Iji'sareru. 04:59 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People's "Mind" Related To The Issue That They Are Afraid Of 00:00 Tools
退屈な原作の滑稽さを直視させる模倣だけが真の『模倣』である。 00:00 Tools
暗黒中での想像力は明るい光よりも逞しく働くのを『常』とする。 00:00 Tools
怒りは愚かな者を殺し、妬みは馬鹿者の生命を『瞬間』ごと苛む。 00:00 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be "Ordinary" That Imagination Moves Much Faster And More Freely Than Bright Light In The Darkness 00:00 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason To "Accomplish" What We Promised Would Be Fear 00:00 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ,至る所で「鎖」に繋がれてゆく。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 00:00 Tools
"Existence" of eloquence is only in a look of people's face that remain silence, and it even beats any kind of words 06:00 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては「無」に等しい。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 00:00 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, and envy would torture foolish people and all the "instants" being involved 00:00 Tools
人が空想で描く世界よりも、人が生きる現実は『遥』かに物深い。 00:00 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み,しかし時節の変化は「恐」れている。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 06:00 Tools
A reality that people are living in this world is a lot "more" complicated than fantasy-land that they imagine 01:52 Tools
Without Having The Word That Even, A Beautiful Melody Tells Sound '留' め Does た To Heart That It Does It 06:00 Tools
天涯万里,必然を起こすは人に在り,偶然を成すは「天」に在り。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 06:00 Tools
Even Mightiest Soul And Mightiest Power, It Is Same As Nothing If There Is No Intellect 01:52 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず,我々の好むものを「見」せる。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 02:45 Tools
The Boldness Is The Child Of Ignorance And Meanness And '劣' る Considerably Than Other Qualifications 05:53 Tools
夢とは現実という平凡なものに付ける美しさに似た「嘘」の俗称。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 05:15 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ,言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が「存在」する。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 05:15 Tools
Person Who It Plays By Using A/The Word Not To A Plain Memory '過' ぎ, Without Existing In A/The Talent 03:04 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず,ただの記憶に「過」ぎぬ。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 03:04 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし,恐怖にかられて約束を「果」たす。(2011/6/25 LIVE@渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO) 03:04 Tools
It Not And Do A/The Foam To Any Pain And Happiness Be 'a/The Call' ぶな He How Many People 03:04 Tools
Courtesy is considered as a "farce" if there are no honesty and reality 05:33 Tools
Heart Be 'the Made' る Of Outlet In The Direction Of A/The Lie When It Has Lacked A Correct Goal 05:33 Tools
Break the "heart" to what is actually being told instead of asking who said that 05:15 Tools
Human Being Is Doing The Ability That Destroys Self Oneself By Reason '有' 05:15 Tools
Dream is a euphemistic term for “lies” used to sugarcoat mediocre life. 01:00 Tools
Anxiety is not about the issue. It is actually about people's 'mind' related to the issue that they are afraid of. 03:50 Tools
There Is Something Sad Sound When You Knock The Deep Part Of The Soul By Voice 05:38 Tools
Do not look for a meaningful encounter, but look for the “meaning” in each encounter. 04:54 Tools
Just To Kill A Disagreeable Thing. Is It Human's Thing To Do? Just To Kill A Hateful Thing. Doesn't It Call It Human? 04:23 Tools
Most of the reliance which is moved aside to other things is born 03:39 Tools
Break the 'heart' to what is actually being told instead of asking who said that. 03:29 Tools
A thought would never let people 'watch' what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see. 05:04 Tools
The human is born as free ones is connected to the chain everywhere 01:28 Tools
Courtesy is considered as a 'farce' if there are no honesty and reality. 03:00 Tools
Dream the popular name of the lie which is similar to the beauty which is attached 03:35 Tools
It must be called 'Intelligence' if people stop when they realize they are not able to become what they are wishing to be. 02:56 Tools
Always the future which improves is desired but change of moment fears 03:46 Tools
Any which it is pitiful thing are weak it does margin you endure boldly margin 03:20 Tools
The fact that it is censored in the loyal retainer of penetration 03:34 Tools
‘Do as you please,’ whispered “freedom”, a pseudonym of “threat”. 02:06 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it 'acts' every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious. 05:01 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment anger desires the fact that judgment is visible fairly 04:31 Tools
As for poem it is the consolodation where the owner and the lonely person of the soul 02:39 Tools
As for the person unhappily of others it has the sufficient strength 03:40 Tools
秤を伴わない剣は暴 走を、剣を伴わない秤は『無力』を意味する。 03:43 Tools
A real 'imitation' is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one. 06:09 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, and envy would torture foolish people and all the 'instants' being involved. 03:13 Tools
Men Cannot See Oneself, That's Why Seeing Others As An Ideal 06:14 Tools
It does not request the round meeting which has meaning keeps finding meaning 04:55 Tools
Singing song we would like being able to neglect it sits down in someones side 03:43 Tools
We promise with a view to hope, but the reason to 'accomplish' what we promised would be fear. 05:49 Tools
Of course for a good name for some fine words of freedom threat theory 02:06 Tools
'Existence' of eloquence is only in a look of people's face that remain silence, and it even beats any kind of words. 05:49 Tools
It is supposed to be 'ordinary' that imagination moves much faster and more freely than bright light in the darkness. 05:59 Tools
"Existence" of eloquence is on 02:06 Tools
A reality that people are living in this world is a lot 'more' complicated than fantasy-land that they imagine. 02:09 Tools
The human is born as free ones, is connected 'to the chain' everywhere. 01:28 Tools
Shitou, Yuei, Shifun, Kandon, Kouyou, Taimei, Kanthin, Yuryoku, Hisshi, Bouzin 01:52 Tools
『参弐零参壱壱壱弐伍壱九参壱伍九伍弐壱七伍伍伍四壱四壱六』 04:03 Tools
夜は光を掩蔽し、幾多の秘密を酌み、さかしまな『夢想』を育む。 05:19 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず,ただの記憶に「過」ぎぬ。 03:26 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし,恐怖にかられて約束を「果」たす。 05:53 Tools
Most of the reliance which is moved aside to other things 'is born' from the self-confidence which is held among oneself. 03:39 Tools
Dream 'the popular name of the lie which is similar to the beauty which is attached to commonplace actuality'. 03:35 Tools
自由と孤独は秤の上の矛盾であり、その均衡にこそ『檻』がある。 02:45 Tools
美しき旋律も、音を語る言を持たずしては心にも『留』めがたし 05:19 Tools
誰がそう言ったかを訊ねず、言われてるのは何かに『心』を砕け。 03:29 Tools
大胆は無知と卑劣の子であって、他の資格よりはるかに『劣』る 05:55 Tools
夢とは現実という平凡なものに付ける美しさに似た「嘘」の俗称。 03:34 Tools
意味を喪失した時、虚無は私を冒し、享楽だけが『慰』みとなる。 04:49 Tools
真実と誠実を無くしては、礼儀は茶番であり所詮『芝居』である。 03:00 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず、ただの記憶に『過』ぎぬ 03:26 Tools
Always, the future which improves is desired, but 'change of moment' fears. 03:46 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ,至る所で「鎖」に繋がれてゆく。 01:28 Tools
The fact that it is censored in the loyal retainer of penetration is decision of the correct 'value'. 03:34 Tools
Any which it is pitiful thing, are weak, it does margin you 'endure' boldly margin. 03:20 Tools
思想も共感もいらず、ただ幻聴を誘発する『起因』としての音楽。 05:02 Tools
Te (They) 05:19 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ,言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が「存在」する。 04:49 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては『無』に等しい 02:45 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み,しかし時節の変化は「恐」れている。 03:46 Tools
Ti (You) 05:19 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては「無」に等しい。 02:45 Tools
It does not request the round meeting which has meaning, keeps finding 'meaning' in the encounter. 04:55 Tools
Te (They) Remix 04:55 Tools
明日を最も必要としないものが、最も快く明日に立ち『向』かう 03:04 Tools
As for the person unhappily of others it has the sufficient 'strength' which withstands sufficiently. 03:40 Tools
離散的な欠片の集合が混沌から『秩序』に変わる時、美は発現す。 05:04 Tools
天涯万里,必然を起こすは人に在り,偶然を成すは「天」に在り。 03:11 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment, anger desires the fact that judgment is 'visible' fairly. 04:31 Tools
As for poem it is the consolation where the owner and the 'lonely' person of the soul which simply, can be fallen ill are lonesome. 02:40 Tools
何らの苦しみにもあわずして、何人をも幸福とは『呼』ぶなかれ 05:14 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず,我々の好むものを「見」せる。 05:04 Tools
Singing song, we would like being able to 'neglect'. It sits down in someone's side and would like to have sung. 03:43 Tools
愛も信仰も同じ様に日々のささやかな勤行でのみ『維持』される 05:02 Tools
All Right 03:43 Tools
舞台の幽暗に潜む『恩寵』は、躬を顫わす律動を媒介に顕現する。 06:00 Tools
Of course for a good name for some fine words of 'freedom' threat 'theory'. 02:06 Tools
雨滴は重力を信仰し、その軌跡は官能を伴い世界を『紗』で覆う。 03:50 Tools
節度と正義は、ただ優者のみが勝手に利用しうる『名目』である 06:00 Tools
心は正しい目標を欠いてしまうと偽りの方向にはけ口を『作』る 05:33 Tools
『有』。 01:52 Tools
過剰な豊潤が退廃である様に、禁欲も過ぎれば陶酔に『溺』れる。 03:31 Tools
Ikani Kyoudaina Seishin ya Chikara to Iedomo Chiseinaku Shite wa 'Mu' ni Hitoshii 02:45 Tools
道徳はうつろう教義であり、その『閾』は昼と夜でさえ変容する。 03:04 Tools
Utsukushiki Senritsu mo, Oto wo KataruGen wo Motazu Shite wa Kokoro ni mo 'To' megatashi 05:19 Tools
終焉から振り返る我が夢は、陰影の濃淡に浮かぶ『光』の残り香。 02:45 Tools
死闘、勇鋭、死憤、励鈍、倖用、待命、陥陳、勇力、必死、冒刃。 01:52 Tools
Ai mo Shinkou mo Onajiyou ni Hibi no Sasayakana Gongyou Denomi 'Iji' Sareru 05:02 Tools
私は舞う枯葉。風任せな躍動を自律と『錯誤』する縹渺たる虚体。 05:15 Tools
人間とは理性によって自己自身を破壊する能力を『有』している 05:15 Tools
具体を脱ぎ捨て潜勢を放てば、有為転変は『虚体』の夢に収斂す。 05:15 Tools
.如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては『無』に等しい。 02:45 Tools
彫琢した理念は音に宿り、感受する聴衆を『桎梏』から開放する。 03:48 Tools
己が分を知りて及ばざる時は速やかに止むるを『智』と言うべし 02:57 Tools
『緒』。 01:35 Tools
Ashita wo Mottomo Hitsuyou to Shinai Mono ga, Mottomo Kokoroyoku Ashia ni Tachi 'Mu' kau 03:04 Tools
Daitan wa Muchi to Hirestu no Ko deatte, Hokano Shikaku yori Harukani 'Oto' ru 05:53 Tools
Without Having The Word That Even, A Beautiful Melody Tells Sound '?' ? Does ? To Heart That It Does It 05:53 Tools
Kotoba wo Mochite Kanaderu Mono wa Sainou ni Arazu, Tada no Kioku ni 'Su' ginu 03:31 Tools
創造とは発見と同義であり、知覚の辺縁で発現を捉える『閃』き。 03:28 Tools
Ima Li Cvetia (Have You Got Flowers) 03:31 Tools
怒りは愚かな者を殺し、妬みは馬鹿者の生命を『瞬間』ごと苛む 03:14 Tools
暗黒中での想像力は明るい光よりも逞しく働くのを『常』とする 05:59 Tools
Setsudo to Seigi wa, Tada Yuusha nomi ga Katte ni Riyoushi Uru 'Meimoku' dearu 06:00 Tools
Umoreni (Tired) 06:00 Tools
人間は自分自身が見えない故に、他人に理想の『姿』を認め易い。 06:14 Tools
懺悔を曝け奏でるは、浄めと堕落の紙一重。頡頏する事の『鍛煉』 03:48 Tools
Anxiety is not about the issue 03:50 Tools
Nanira no Kurushimi ni mo Awazushite, Nanbito wo mo Koufuku to wa 'Yo' banakare 05:14 Tools
Kak (How) 05:15 Tools
『鍵』。 05:15 Tools
Mislia Pak (Think Again) 05:14 Tools
Kokoro wa Tadashii Mokuhyou wo Kaiteshimau to Itsuwari no Houkou ni Hakeguchi wo 'Tsuku' ru 05:33 Tools
The Boldness Is The Child Of Ignorance And Meanness And '?' ? Considerably Than Other Qualifications 05:53 Tools
Person who it plays by using a/the word not to a plain memory '?' ?, without existing in a/the talent 03:31 Tools
Ningen to Risei ni yotte Jikojishin wo Hakai Suru Nouryoku wo 'Yuu' shiteiru 05:15 Tools
声をもって、心の底を叩いてみると、どこか『哀』しい音がする。 05:38 Tools
Kaji I Ti (You Tell Her) 05:15 Tools
Tia (She) 05:59 Tools
Break the heart to what is actually being told instead of asking who said that. 03:28 Tools
Heart be 'the made' ? of outlet in the direction of a/the lie when it has lacked a correct goal 05:33 Tools
『盈』。 03:26 Tools
It not and do a/the foam to any pain and happiness be 'a/the call' ?? he how many people 05:14 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ,至る所で「鎖」に繋がれてゆく。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 03:25 Tools
Human being is doing the ability that destroys self oneself by reason '?' 05:15 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては「無」に等しい。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 02:52 Tools
天涯万里,必然を起こすは人に在り,偶然を成すは「天」に在り。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 03:14 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み,しかし時節の変化は「恐」れている。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 03:48 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず,我々の好むものを「見」せる。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 06:00 Tools
玲瓏たる純潔は『紅炎』の傀儡を疾らせ、暁天に燦めく証を刻む。(改) 03:50 Tools
Courtesy Is Considered As A “Farce” If There Are No Honesty And Reality. 06:00 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ,言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が「存在」する。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 04:24 Tools
『眩暈』 。 02:43 Tools
夢とは現実という平凡なものに付ける美しさに似た「嘘」の俗称。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 03:26 Tools
That it makes nonexistent intelligence even although it calls it with a powerful mind and power how to 'none' equal 02:45 Tools
A Real 'Imitation' Is The Imitation That Let People See Ridiculousness Of Boring Original One 06:10 Tools
夢魔を操り『煉獄』の夜を駆る恍惚。その忘我が時の幽閉を破る。(改) 05:53 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず,ただの記憶に「過」ぎぬ。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 04:31 Tools
Break The “Heart” To What Is Actually Being Told Instead Of Asking Who Sa 03:29 Tools
It Must Be Called “Intelligence” If People Stop When They Realize They Ar 02:56 Tools
It Must Be Called 'Intelligence' If People Stop When They Realize They Are Not Able to Become What They Are Wishing to Be 02:57 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People’s “Mind” Rela 03:49 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason To 'Accomplish' What We Promised Would Be Fear 02:57 Tools
True Eloquence “Exists” In Silent Expressions, Leaving Words Purposeless. 07:19 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし,恐怖にかられて約束を「果」たす。(2011-6-25 Liveat渋谷 Club Quattro) 07:19 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People 'Watch' What They Choose. Instead, It Let Them See What They Hope To See 05:04 Tools
不安なのは事柄にでは無く、それに関する人の『考』えにである 03:50 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People “Watch” What They Choose. Instead, It Le 05:04 Tools
There is something sad sound when you knock the deep part of the soul by voice. 05:38 Tools
Avarice Would Speak With Every Word, It “Acts” Every Part And It Even Pre 05:38 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず、我々の好むものを『見』せる 05:03 Tools
俯瞰も仰視も果ては茫洋な空に対峙す、その偉観こそ真の『現実』 06:04 Tools
Because the unlimited door is opened... 02:43 Tools
A Real “Imitation” Is The Imitation That Let People See Ridiculousness Of 06:09 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it 'acts' every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious 05:01 Tools
欲は全ての言葉を話し、全ての役を演じ、無欲者すら『演』ずる 05:01 Tools
Anger Kills All The Idiots, And Envy Would Torture Foolish People And All 06:09 Tools
退屈な原作の滑稽さを直視させる模倣だけが真の『模倣』である 06:10 Tools
“Existence” Of Eloquence Is Only In A Look Of People’s Face That Remain S 06:14 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be 'Ordinary' That Imagination Moves Much Faster And More Freely Than Bright Light In The Darkness 06:09 Tools
Men Cannot See Oneself, That's Why Seeing Others As An Ideal. 06:14 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ、言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が『存在』する 04:49 Tools
玲瓏たる純潔は『紅炎』の傀儡を疾らせ、暁天に燦めく証を刻む。(改 03:14 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし、恐怖にかられて約束を『果』たす 05:53 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be “Ordinary” That Imagination Moves Much Faster And Mo 03:50 Tools
Realize that morality is a device of power, and "shackles" the ultimate freedom of the people 03:43 Tools
With the fluctuation of a "string", is spun a pattern of diversity, so the transient ensemble plays 04:59 Tools
it must be called intelligence 02:56 Tools
『反復』は時間観を撹拌し、思惟の歩をゆるめ涅槃の郷愁を誘う。 03:41 Tools
A honeymoon of "particles" in the obscure is the mortal coil of my sparkling, momentary existence 05:04 Tools
Having fun at the boundary of the continuous and the discontinuous, the thread of life "sacrifice" a plaything 05:53 Tools
Fluctuation of the “string” is spun the pattern of diversity, play the transient octet 02:56 Tools
The pleasure of life is the "inoculation" of death and the raw power with which we walk to the end 03:34 Tools
「無論做什麼都好」,用輕聲細語巻出名為『自由』という『脅迫』 02:06 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People Watch What They Choose 05:04 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason To “Accomplish” What We Pr 05:49 Tools
Only the obstinate roar to reject money violate the taboo. “Shout” in meditation 01:21 Tools
A thought would never let peop 05:04 Tools
変容する意識下で読み取る世界が『誤読』ならば現実もまた錯覚。 02:12 Tools
The seeker, the inhabitant of the chromatic scale world, wandering in the relative events of the "middle tier" 03:00 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People's 'Mind' Related To The Issue That They Are Afraid Of 03:50 Tools
Magic smoulders in the depths of optimism as the remnant of "sin" conceived by the collective unconscious of a million people 05:53 Tools
"Convulsive" beauty in sound is the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild 06:09 Tools
人が空想で描く世界よりも、人が生きる現実は『遥』かに物深い 02:07 Tools
A Reality That People Are Living In This World Is A Lot “More” Complicate 02:08 Tools
The dream world does not fear the "censorship" of gravity as the ethereal body breaks through from the closed inside 06:09 Tools
Utsukushiki Senritsu mo, Oto wo Kataru gen wo Mota zushite ha Kokoro Ni Mo Tome Me Ga Tashi 05:18 Tools
I am dent of the river. Flow is passing but ripple is kept. The “dynamic” order 05:01 Tools
Horizon Wan Li, inevitability is caused to be a person... 03:10 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, an 03:14 Tools
Avarice Would Speak With Every Word It Acts 03:41 Tools
As for the sword which does not accompany the balance reckless driving... 03:43 Tools
Pleasure of life is the “inoculation” of death and the raw power walking to the end 03:34 Tools
If you put also the pearl of noctilucence on the darkness... 04:59 Tools
Realize that morarity is equipment Of power and “Shackles” of a maximum of freedom of the people 04:59 Tools
Courtesy is considered as a farce if there are no honesty and reality 03:00 Tools
Seeker is the chromatic scale world’s inhabitants wandering a “middle tier” of events that relative 05:04 Tools
Koe wo Motte, Kokoro no Soko o Tatai Te Miru to, Dok ka ~ Shii on ga Suru 05:38 Tools
Dream world does not fear the “censorship” of gravity, ethereal body of freedom to break through closed inside 04:00 Tools
Avarice would speak with every 05:53 Tools
We promise with a view to hope 05:53 Tools
『眩暈』 。 03:00 Tools
A Real Imitation is the Imitation that let People see Ridiculousness 06:09 Tools
As for characteristic danger and amusement... 03:19 Tools
Only the obstinate roar to reject money violates the taboo. "Shout" in meditation 01:28 Tools
夢とは現実という平凡なものに付ける美しさに似た『嘘』の俗称 03:32 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ、至る所で『鎖』に繋がれてゆく 01:28 Tools
When the people naming the great man... 06:09 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み、しかし時節の変化は『恐』れている 03:46 Tools
Existence of Eloquence is only in a look of Peoples Face 02:07 Tools
『弦』の揺らぎはの文様を紡ぎ、泡沫夢幻の重奏をかなでる。 00:00 Tools
Anger Kills All The Idiots, And Envy Would Torture Foolish People And All The 'Instants' Being Involved 06:09 Tools
Daitan ha Muchi to Hirestu no ko de atte, ta no Shikaku Yori Haruka ni Restu Ru 05:56 Tools
他に寄せる信頼の大部分は、己の内に抱く自信から『生』まれる 03:39 Tools
I am a dip in the river. The current flows through but ripples remain. The "dynamic" order 03:25 Tools
Courtesy is considered as a 'farce' if there are no honesty and reality 03:00 Tools
'Existence' Of Eloquence Is Only In A Look Of People's Face That Remain Silence, And It Even Beats Any Kind Of Words 02:12 Tools
The late-blooming which remains in the darkness... 05:23 Tools
The years when it does not go upside down... 02:12 Tools
Honeymoon of “particles” in the vague is the mortal coil of my sparkling momentary existence 04:08 Tools
It is supposed to be Ordinary that Imagination moves much faster 05:59 Tools
Magic smolder in the depth of optimism, the remnants of “sin” of the collective unconscious million people conceive 03:44 Tools
弱いというものは哀れな事だ、敢えて行うにしろ『忍』ぶにしろ 03:20 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots and envy would torture foolish people 03:13 Tools
On the reverse side of the eyelid sleep of the dawn... 03:43 Tools
A Reality That People Are Living In This World Is A Lot 'More' Complicated Than Fantasy-Land That They Imagine 05:38 Tools
”Convulsive” beauty in the sound, the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild 04:27 Tools
具眼の士に検閲されることは、最も正しい『価値』の決定である 03:34 Tools
Kirai na mono ha Koroshi te Shimae ba ii, sore ga Ningen no Suru Koto ka ~ Nikukere ba Korose ba ii, Sore ga Ningen Toiu Mono de ha nai no ka ne 04:23 Tools
Break the 'heart' to what is actually being told instead of asking who said that 03:29 Tools
A reality that people are livi 03:46 Tools
"Convulsive" beauty in the sound, the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild 03:46 Tools
Have fun at the boundary of continuous and discontinuous, plaything called “Sacrifice” vital artery linking 03:25 Tools
MC 01:35 Tools
人は他人の不幸には充分耐えられるだけの強さを『持』っている 03:39 Tools
詩はただ、病める魂の所有者と孤独者との寂しい『慰』めである 02:39 Tools
It must be called "Intelligenc 03:46 Tools
夢魔を操り『煉獄』の夜を駆る恍惚。その忘我が時の幽閉を破る。( 04:54 Tools
理は公平な判断を望み、怒りは判断が公平に見える事を『望』む 04:31 Tools
意味の在る巡り会いを求めず、出会いに『意味』を見つけて行く 04:54 Tools
「無論做什麼都好」,用輕聲細語説出名為『自由』という『脅迫』 02:06 Tools
Victory gazing/hoping beauty scene dearly... 03:41 Tools
声をもって、心の底を叩いてみると、どこか『哀』しい音がする 00:00 Tools
Boldness Is The Offspring Of Ignorance And Contempt And Is Far “Inferior” To Any Quality. 05:56 Tools
Humans are born as free creatures, shackled down by “chains” at every turn. 01:00 Tools
A real "imitation" is the imit 04:31 Tools
It does not request the round meeting which has meaning, keeps finding 'meaning' in the encounter 04:54 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか? 04:23 Tools
歌を謡って眠らせてやりたい。誰かの傍に坐り『謡』っていたい 03:42 Tools
『眩暈』。 03:14 Tools
It 'be Done And Maintain' Only With The Modest Religious Service Of From Day To Day Just As Even The Faith Is Same Even The Lov 04:54 Tools
The 'future' which it visits is full freely... 04:31 Tools
.愛も信仰も同じ様に日々のささやかな勤行でのみ『維持』される 05:02 Tools
Nobody Is Entitled To Be “Called” Blessed Without Suffering. 05:14 Tools
『緒』 。 03:50 Tools
It is supposed to be "ordinary 00:00 Tools
'Going/Participating 23,111,251,931,596,217,555,415,040'. 00:00 Tools
Humans “possess” enough strength to overcome others’ misfortunes. 03:39 Tools
2. 楽観の深奥で燻る魔は、万人が宿す普遍的無意識の『罪』の残滓。 00:00 Tools
One endures for a hopeful future, but “fears” changes. 01:00 Tools
Tani Yoseru Shinrai no Daibubun wa, Onore no Uchi ni Daku Jishin kara "u"mareru 03:39 Tools
Most part of trust is “born” from the self-confidence within. 04:00 Tools
何らの苦しみにもあわずして、何人をも幸福とは『呼』ぶなかれ。(new album) 04:49 Tools
Those Who Do Not Depend On The Future Have The Power To “Face” The Future With Steadiness. 03:04 Tools
Also love and faith keep up with a daily small deed. 04:59 Tools
The pleasure of life is the 'inoculation' of death and the raw power with which we walk to the end 03:34 Tools
Weakness is a shame, whether it calls for action or “endurance”. 05:53 Tools
Ai Mo Shinkou Mo Onajiyouni Hibi No Sasayaka Na Gongyou De Nomi 'iji'sareru 04:59 Tools
美しき旋律も、音を語る言を持たずしては心にも『留』めがたし。(bonus) 05:25 Tools
Those Who Play Music With Words Are No Talents But “Mere” Mementos. 03:31 Tools
Those Who Do Not Need Tomorrow Most See Tomorrow Most Pleasantly. 03:04 Tools
You Can Not Call Anyone Happy, If You Do Not Had Been Any Trouble. 05:14 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People's 「Mind」 Related To The Issue That They Are Afraid Of 03:50 Tools
人間は自分自身が見えない故に、他人に理想の『姿』を認め易い 06:14 Tools
The human is born as free ones, is connected 'to the chain' everywhere 03:39 Tools
Realize that morality is a device of power, and 'shackles' the ultimate freedom of the people 04:59 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People What They Choose. Instead, ... [Watch O 05:04 Tools
Those who play using word are not in the talent, it is only there's memory. 03:26 Tools
If There Is No Word Which Tells Sound, Beautiful Melody Does Not Keep In Mind. 05:19 Tools
"Wu Lun Zuo Shen Dou Hao" Yong Qing Sheng Xi Yu Shuo Chu Ming Wei "Jiyuu" to iu "kyouhaku" 03:31 Tools
『有』 。 05:02 Tools
The fact that it is censored in the loyal retainer of penetration is decision of the correct 'value' 04:59 Tools
Yume towa Genjitsu to iu Heibon na Mono ni Tsukeru Utsukushisa ni Nita "uso" no Zokushou 04:59 Tools
Daredevil Is Child Of Ignorance & Mean And It Is Inferior To Other Qualification. 03:31 Tools
It Must Be Called 「Intelligence」 If People Stop When They Realize They Are Not Able To Become What They Are Wishing To Be 02:57 Tools
『鍵』 。 03:14 Tools
終焉から振り返る我夢は、陰影の濃淡に浮かぶ『光』の残り香。 05:53 Tools
Ningen wa jiyuu na Mono toshite Umare, Itaru Tokoro de "Kusari" ni Tsunagarete Yuku 03:31 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People 「Watch」 What They Choose. Instead, It Let Them See What They Hope To See 05:04 Tools
With the fluctuation of a 'string', is spun a pattern of diversity, so the transient ensemble plays 04:06 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment, while wrath “desires” judgment to look fair. 04:31 Tools
意味を喪失した時、虚無は私を冒し、享楽だけが 『慰』 みとなる。 06:10 Tools
Yowai to iu Mono wa Aware na Koto da, Aete Okonau ni Shiro "shino" buni Shiro 04:49 Tools
Gugan no Shi ni Kenetsu Sareru Koto wa, Mottomo Tadashii "kachi" no Kettei de Aru 04:49 Tools
Even mightiest soul and mightiest power, it is same as nothing if there is no intellect. 04:49 Tools
Dream 'the popular name of the lie which is similar to the beauty which is attached to commonplace actuality' 04:49 Tools
Avarice Would Speak With Every Word, It 「Acts」 Every Part And It Even Pretends To Be Not Avaricious 04:31 Tools
『盈』 。 03:50 Tools
Inspections by the clairvoyant justify true “value”. 03:31 Tools
「無論做什麼都好」,用輕聲細語巻出名為『自由』という『脅迫』 02:06 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About the Issue. It Is Actually About People's ... 03:50 Tools
'Convulsive' beauty in sound is the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild 04:28 Tools
Even The Most Beautiful Melody Does Not “Remain” In The Heart Without Diction. 05:18 Tools
懺悔を曝け奏でるは、浄めと堕落の紙一重。頡頏する事の『鍛煉』 05:33 Tools
Love And Faith Can Be “Sustained” Only Through Daily Modest Dedication. 04:59 Tools
Moderation And Justice Are The Nominal Which Only A Superior Can Use Freely. 05:25 Tools
Magic smoulders in the depths of optimism as the remnant of 'sin' conceived by the collective unconscious of a million people 03:44 Tools
Even The Mightiest Soul And The Mightiest Power Meet To “Nothing” Without Intellect. 02:45 Tools
A honeymoon of 'particles' in the obscure is the mortal coil of my sparkling, momentary existence 04:08 Tools
'Convulsive' beauty in the sound, the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild 00:00 Tools
創造とは発見と同義であり、知覚の辺縁で発現を捉える『閃』き。 05:53 Tools
Having fun at the boundary of the continuous and the discontinuous, the thread of life 'sacrifice' a plaything 03:25 Tools
I am a dip in the river. The current flows through but ripples remain. The 'dynamic' order 07:54 Tools
I want to lull someone to sleep. I want to sit by someone and “sing”. 03:42 Tools
Kotoba O Mochiite Kanaderu Mono Wa Sainou Ni Ara Zu, Tada No Kioku Ni 'su'gi Nu 03:34 Tools
Human have ability of destroy oneself by logical mind. 05:15 Tools
Temperance And Justice Is A Deceptive “Gambit” Used By Chauvinists. 06:00 Tools
夜は光を掩蔽し、幾多の秘密を酌み、さかしまな 『夢想』 を育む。 05:38 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be 「Ordinary」 That Imagination Moves Much Faster And More Freely Than Bright Light In The Darkness 05:53 Tools
Ketsudan wa mugen no tobira wo hiraku no dewa naku mugen no gobyuu ni [shuushifu] wo utsu 01:52 Tools
It must be called "Intelligence" if people stop when they realize they are not able… 07:54 Tools
Itsumo Kouten Suru Mirai o Nozomi, Shikashi Jisetsu no Henka wa "Oso"reteiru 07:54 Tools
Ikani Kyoudai na Seishin ya Chikara toiedomo Chisei nakushitewa Mu ni Hitoshii 02:45 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか? 憎ければ殺せばいい、それが『人間』というものではないのかね? 03:25 Tools
The seeker, the inhabitant of the chromatic scale world, wandering in the relative events of the middle 'tier' 05:04 Tools
The dream world does not fear the 'censorship' of gravity as the ethereal body breaks through from the closed inside 04:01 Tools
Utsukushiki Senritsu mo, Oto o Kataru Gen o Motazushite wa Kokoro ni mo 'Todo'me ga tashi. 03:25 Tools
Songs are mere “lamentations” for the aesthetically deprived and the lonely. 02:40 Tools
Break The 「Heart」 To What Is Actually Being Told Instead Of Asking Who Said That 03:29 Tools
The Human Is Born As Free Ones, Is Connected "To The Chain" Everywhere. 03:43 Tools
Shi wa Tada, Yameru Tamashii no Shoyuusha to Kodokusha tono Sabishii "nagusa"me de Aru 03:25 Tools
Courtesy Is Considered As A 「Farce」 If There Are No Honesty And Reality 03:11 Tools
Above all, humans cause the inevitable, while the heavens cause the destined. 03:10 Tools
When One's Mental Lost Right Goal That Shown Wrong Direction To The Frustrations. 03:25 Tools
One Two Zero Three One One One Two Five One Nine Three One Five Nine Five Two One Seven Five Five Five Four One Four One Six Four 05:53 Tools
The Fact That It Is Censored In The Loyal Retainer Of Penetration Is Decision Of The Correct "Value". 03:29 Tools
Intelligence 03:43 Tools
Hito wa Tanin no Fukou niwa Juubun Taerareru dake no Tsuyosa o "mo"tteiru 03:11 Tools
Twilight jewels may glow in the dark but loses its "charm" in broad daylight. 04:59 Tools
Kotowari wa Kouhei na Handan o Nozomi, Ikari wa handan ga Kouhei ni Mieru Koto o "nozo"mu 03:11 Tools
死闘、勇鋭、死憤、励鈍、倖用、待命、陥陳、勇力、必死、冒刃 01:52 Tools
愛も信仰も同じ様に日々のささやかな勤行でのみ「維持」される。 05:01 Tools
Utsukushiki Senritsu mo Oto o Kataru Gen o Mtazu Shite wa Kokoro nimo Tomegatashi 05:19 Tools
離散的な欠片の集合が混沌から 『秩序』 に変わる時、美は発現す。 03:13 Tools
Break the heart to what is actually being told instead of asking who said that 05:53 Tools
A Real 「Imitation」 Is The Imitation That Let People See Ridiculousness Of Boring Original One 06:10 Tools
Always, The Future Which Improves Is Desired, But "Change Of Moment" Fears. 05:02 Tools
It Does Not Request The Round Meeting Which Has Meaning, Keeps Finding "Meaning" In The Encounter. 05:02 Tools
Reason Desires Fair Judgment, Anger Desires The Fact That Judgment Is "Visible" Fairly. 05:02 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it "acts" every part and it even pretends to be… 06:10 Tools
Decisions do not open infinite doors but "terminates" infinite fallacies. 02:43 Tools
Ai mo Shinkou mo Onajiyou ni Hibi no Sasayakana Koudou denomi Iji Sareru 05:02 Tools
Anger Kills All The Idiots And Envy Would Torture Foolish People And All The 「Instants」 Being Involved 06:10 Tools
「Existence」 Of Eloquence Is Only In A Look Of People's Face That Remain Silence, And It Even Beats Any Kind Of Words 03:30 Tools
The act of ceasing after acknowledging one’s own limit is called “intelligence”. 02:55 Tools
Any Which It Is Pitiful Thing, Are Weak, It Does Margin You "Endure" Boldly Margin. 05:53 Tools
Reality Is “Far” Interesting Than Fantasies. 06:10 Tools
As For The Person Unhappily Of Others It Has The Sufficient "Strength" Which Withstands Sufficiently. 05:53 Tools
Most Of The Reliance Which Is Moved Aside To Other Things "Is Born" From The Self-Confidence Which Is Held Among Oneself. 05:02 Tools
己が分を知りて及ばざるときは速やかに止むるを『智』と言うべし。 02:57 Tools
Ashita o Mottomo Hitsuyou to Shinai monoga Mottomo Kokoroyoku Ashita ni Tachimukau 03:04 Tools
Daitan wa Muchi to Hiretsu no Ko de atte, Ta o Shikaku yori Harukani Odoru 05:53 Tools
Daitan wa Muchi to Hiretsu no Ko deatte, Tano Shikaku yori Haruka ni 'Oto'ru. 05:53 Tools
Lust hungers for danger and games, in other words, craves the partner as the most dangerous "toy". 03:19 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason to 「Accomplish」 What We Promised Would Be Fear 06:10 Tools
Imi no Aru Meguriai o Motomezu, Deai ni "imi" o Mitsuketeiku 05:53 Tools
Anger Kills All the Idiots, And Envy Would Torture Foolish People ... 06:10 Tools
A sword without a scale defines disorder, while a scale without a sword defines "incompetence". 03:43 Tools
自由と孤独は秤の上の矛盾であり、その均衡にこそ 『檻』 がある。 02:45 Tools
終焉から振り返る我が夢は、陰影の濃淡に浮かぶ 『光』 の残り香。 05:30 Tools
Dream "The Popular Name Of The Lie Which Is Similar To The Beauty Which Is Attached To Commonplace Actuality". 05:53 Tools
Kokoro wa Tadashii Mokuhyou o Kaite shimau to Itsuwari no Houkou niwa Keguchi o Tukuru 05:33 Tools
Setsudo to Seigi wa tada Yuusha nomi ga Katte ni Riyou shiuru Meimoku de Aru 06:00 Tools
Of Course For A Good Name For Some Fine Words Of "Freedom" Threat "Theory". 02:57 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか? 憎ければ殺せばいい、それが『人間』というものではないのかね? 04:24 Tools
Kotoba o Mochiite Kanaderu Mono wa Tensai ni Arazu, tada no Kioku ni Suginu 03:31 Tools
大胆は無知と卑劣の子であって、他の資格よりはるかに「劣」る。 05:55 Tools
It Must Be Called Intelligence If People Stop When They Realize They Are Not Able To Become What They Are Wishing To Be 02:57 Tools
A thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see 06:10 Tools
A thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see. 02:57 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み,しかし時節の変化は「恐」れている。(2011/6/25 LIVE@ 02:57 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず、ただの記憶に「過」ぎぬ。 02:57 Tools
"Future" arrives as the sacrifice of freedom, independence, and individualism. 05:15 Tools
Idea tends not to show what we choose to see, instead, shows what we like to “see”. 05:03 Tools
Late bloomers left in darkness tend to bloom more vivaciously with their "dreams" than early bloomers. 05:23 Tools
思想も共感もいらず、ただ幻聴を誘発する 『起因』 としての音楽。 02:45 Tools
A Reality That People Are Living In This World Is A Lot 「More」 Complicated Than Fantasy-Land That They Imagine 02:06 Tools
Uta o Utatte Nemurasete Yaritai. Dareka no Soba ni Suwari "uta" tte Itai 02:06 Tools
Always, you desire the future which improves, but 'fearfully the change of moment' the [re] [te] are 02:06 Tools
Love beautiful landscapes, cherish dionysian hedonism, sketch, and sing to the "world". 03:41 Tools
Yet again, unreversible times and joyful consumptions arrives "tomorrow". 02:12 Tools
When an individual is seen as a hero, the hero is no longer an individual but a "puppet". 00:30 Tools
道徳はうつろう教義であり、その 『閾』 は昼と夜でさえ変容する。 06:00 Tools
私は舞う枯葉。風任せな躍動を自律と 『錯誤』 する縹渺たる虚体。 03:29 Tools
It Must Be Called If People Stop When They Realize They [Intelligence] 02:06 Tools
声を持って、心の底を叩いてみると、どこか『哀』しい音がする。 06:09 Tools
Humans “Own” The Potential To Destroy Oneself With Rationality. 05:15 Tools
Anxiousness is not about the circumstances, but is an entity that exists in the “thoughts” of the corresponding minds. 03:49 Tools
The dawn's sleep seeks to "awaken" within the closed eyes and in memories. 03:43 Tools
Only the obstinate roar to reject money violates the taboo. 'Shout' in meditation 01:21 Tools
欲はすべての言葉を話し、すべての役を演じ、無欲者すら『演』ずる。 05:02 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし、恐怖に駆られて約束を『果』たす。 05:53 Tools
Izura no Kurushimi nimo Awazushite, Nanbito o mo Koufuku towa Yobunakare 05:14 Tools
Shitou, Yuuei, Shibun, Reidon, Kouyou, Taimei, Kanchin, Yuuryoku, Hisshi, Bouba 05:14 Tools
Avarice Would Speak with Every Word, It Every Part and It ... [Acts I 01:52 Tools
The human is born as free ones, is connected to the chain everywhere 05:14 Tools
怒りは愚かな者を殺し、妬みは馬鹿者の命を『瞬間』ごと苛む。 03:14 Tools
Break The to What Is Actually Being Told Instead of Asking Who [Heart] 03:29 Tools
A Real Is the Imitation That Let People See ... 06:09 Tools
『.反復』は時間観を撹拌し、思惟の歩をゆるめ涅槃の郷愁を誘う。 03:41 Tools
夢とは現実という平凡なものに付ける美しさに似た「嘘」の俗称。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 03:26 Tools
不安なのは事柄にではなく、それに関する人の『考』えにである。 03:51 Tools
Most of the reliance which is moved aside to other things is born from the self-confidence which is held among oneself 06:09 Tools
As for poem it is the consolation where the owner and the lonely person of the soul which simply, can be fallen ill are lonesome 02:55 Tools
Ningen towa Risei ni yotte Jikojishin o Hakai suru Nouryoku o Yuu shiteiru 05:15 Tools
Hope makes promises, while fear “accomplishes” the promises. 08:24 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People “Watch” What They Choose. Instead, It Let Them See What They Hope To See. 05:04 Tools
Singing Song, We Would Like Being Able To "Neglect" It Sits Down In Someone's Side And Would Like To Have Sung. 05:04 Tools
As For Poem It Is The Consolation Where The Owner And The "Lonely" Person Of The Soul Which Simply, Can Be Fallen Ill Are Lonesome. 05:04 Tools
”@‰½‚É‹­‘å‚Ȑ¸_‚â—Í‚Æ‚¢‚¦‚Ç‚à’m«‚È‚­‚µ‚Ắw–³x‚É“™‚µ‚¢B 02:45 Tools
Watch 05:19 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか? 憎ければ殺せばいい、それが『人間』というものではないのかね? 04:23 Tools
Human Being Is Doing The Ability That Destroys Self Oneself By Reason 05:15 Tools
Any which it is pitiful thing, are weak, it does boldly in the margin 'patience' [bu] margin 05:03 Tools
Above all, humans cause the inevitable, while the heavens cause the destined 03:10 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず,ただの記憶に「過」ぎぬ。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 04:30 Tools
True “Imitation” Exposes The Actual Ridiculous And Boring Nature Of The Original Work. 03:14 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People’s “Mind” Related To The Issue That They Are Afraid Of. 03:50 Tools
It must be called “Intelligence” if people stop when they realize they are not able to become what they are wishing to be. 02:56 Tools
”ü‚µ‚«ù—¥‚àA‰¹‚ðŒê‚錾‚ðŽ‚½‚¸‚µ‚Ă͐S‚É‚àw—¯x‚ß‚ª‚½‚µB 05:19 Tools
A Reality That People Are Living in This World Is a Lot ... [More] 05:19 Tools
Break the 'heart' to what is a 05:19 Tools
It Must Be Called “Intelligence” If People Stop When They Realize They Are Not Able To Become What They Are Wishing to Be 02:56 Tools
When The Mind Loses Its Goals, It Tends To “Create” False Outlets. 05:33 Tools
The fact that it is censored in the loyal retainer of penetration is decision of the correct value 05:53 Tools
As for most of the reliance which is moved aside to other things, from the self-confidence which is held among oneself 'the raw' rare [ru] 02:56 Tools
As for poem the owner and the lonely person of the soul which simply, can be fallen ill it is lonesome, '慰' it is the [me] 02:56 Tools
Dream the popular name of the lie which is similar to the beauty which is attached to commonplace actuality 02:56 Tools
Wrath Kills Fools, And Envy Torments The Life Of Idiots At Every “Instant”. 06:09 Tools
Dark Imagery “Habitually” Works Much Adamantly Compared To Bright Light. 05:59 Tools
天涯万里,必然を起こすは人に在り,偶然を成すは「天」に在り。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 03:11 Tools
Any which it is pitiful thing, are weak, it does margin you endure boldly margin 08:24 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ,言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が「存在」する。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 04:24 Tools
–¾“ú‚ðÅ‚à•K—v‚Æ‚µ‚È‚¢‚à‚Ì‚ªAÅ‚à‰õ‚­–¾“ú‚É—§‚¿wŒüx‚©‚¤B 03:04 Tools
of Eloquence Is Only in a Look of People's Face That ... [Existence] 03:04 Tools
As for the person unhappily of others the sufficient strength which withstands sufficiently 'the holding' [tsu] [te] it is 03:04 Tools
具現の士に検閲されることは、最も正しい『価値』の決定である。 03:31 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment, anger desires the fact that judgment is visible fairly 03:11 Tools
Anxiety is not about the issue. It is actually about people's "mind" related to the issue that they are afraid of 08:24 Tools
Yoku wa Subete no Kotoba o Hanashi, Subete no Yaku o Enji, Muyokumono Sura En Suru 03:11 Tools
ˆ¤‚àM‹Â‚à“¯‚¶—l‚É“úX‚Ì‚³‚³‚â‚©‚ȋ΍s‚ł̂݁wˆÛŽx‚³‚ê‚éB 05:02 Tools
2 06:09 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason To Accomplish What We Promised Would Be Fear 05:02 Tools
美しき旋律も、音を語る言を持たずしては心にも「留」めがたし。 05:02 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment, as for anger judgment being visible fairly 'the gazing/hoping' [mu] 05:02 Tools
A real “Imitation” is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one. 06:09 Tools
Avarice Would Speak With Every Word, It “Acts” Every Part And It Even Pretends To Be Not Avaricious. 06:09 Tools
onorega 03:04 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People's Mind Related To The Issue That They Are Afraid Of 06:09 Tools
Acts 06:09 Tools
It Is Supposed to Be That Imagination Moves Much Faster and [Ordinary] 06:09 Tools
Imitation 06:09 Tools
1_玲瓏たる純潔は『紅炎』の傀儡を疾らせ、暁天に燦めく証を刻む。(改) 01:52 Tools
Ikani Kyoudai na Seishin ya Chikara to Iedomo Chisei Nakushi te wa 'Mu' ni Hitoshii 05:02 Tools
Always, the future which improves is desired, but change of moment fears 06:09 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては「無」に等しい。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 06:09 Tools
Singing song, we would like being able to neglect. It sits down in someone's side and '謡' the [tsu] [te] would like to be 06:09 Tools
意味の在る巡り会いを求めず、出会い『意味』を見つけて行く。 04:31 Tools
As for the person unhappily of others it has the sufficient strength which withstands sufficiently 05:59 Tools
A real "imitation" is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one 06:09 Tools
Avarice Would Speak With Every Word, It Acts Every Part and It Even Pretends To Be Not Avaricious 05:59 Tools
Courtesy is considered as a 'f 05:59 Tools
‘å’_‚Í–³’m‚Ɣڗò‚ÌŽq‚Å‚ ‚Á‚āA‘¼‚ÌŽ‘Ž¿‚æ‚è‚Í‚é‚©‚Ɂw—òx‚éB 05:53 Tools
Mind 05:53 Tools
A Reality That People Are Living In This World Is A Lot More Complicated Than Fantasy-Land That They Imagine 05:53 Tools
We Promise with a View to Hope, But the Reason To What We [Accomplish] 05:53 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be Ordinary That Imagination Moves Much Faster and More Freely Than Bright Light In The Darkness 05:53 Tools
Instants 05:53 Tools
Avarice Would Speak With Every Word, It “Acts” Every Part And It Even Pretends To Be Not Avaricious 05:53 Tools
Avarice speaks in all tongues, acts out every role, and even “acts” as the generous. 05:00 Tools
Fuan nanowa Kotogara nidewanaku, Soreni Kansuru Hito no Kanga eni de Aru 04:23 Tools
Shisou towa Wareware no Erabu mono o Misezu, Wareware no Konomu Mono o Miseru 04:23 Tools
Kokoro wa Tadashii Mokuhyou o Kaite shimau to Itsuwari no Houkou ni hake Kuchi o 'Tsuku'ru. 04:23 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み,しかし時節の変化は「恐」れている。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 03:45 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be “Ordinary” That Imagination Moves Much Faster And More Freely Than Bright Light In The Darkness. 03:45 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし,恐怖にかられて約束を「果」たす。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 07:19 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ,至る所で「鎖」に繋がれてゆく。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 07:19 Tools
S‚͐³‚µ‚¢–Ú•W‚ðŒ‡‚¢‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¤‚Æ‹U‚è‚Ì•ûŒü‚É‚Í‚¯Œû‚ðwìx‚éB 05:33 Tools
ß“x‚Ɛ³‹`‚́A‚½‚¾—DŽÒ‚Ì‚Ý‚ªŸŽè‚É—˜—p‚µ‚¤‚éw–¼–ځx‚Å‚ ‚éB 06:00 Tools
Heart 06:00 Tools
Farce 06:00 Tools
A thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. Instead, it let them see… 06:00 Tools
Jiyū to kodoku wa hakari no ue no mujundeari, sono kinkō ni koso “ori” ga aru. 04:27 Tools
°µü\ÖФǤÎÏëÏñÁ¦¤ÏÃ÷¤ë¤¤¹â¤è¤ê 07:00 Tools
Ashita o Mottomo Hitsuyou to Shinai mono ga, Mottomo Kokoroyoku Ashita ni Tachi'mu'kau. 07:00 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be “Ordinary” That Imagination Moves Much Faster And More Freely Than Bright Light in the Darkness 05:53 Tools
“Existence” Of Eloquence Is Only In A Look Of People’s Face That Remain Silence, And It Even Beats Any Kind Of Words. 05:53 Tools
hitoga 07:00 Tools
It 'be Done and Maintain' Only 05:02 Tools
Mad Hatter & Co 03:50 Tools
'Existence' of eloquence is on 05:53 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず,我々の好むものを「見」せる。(2011/6/25 LIVE@SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO) 05:59 Tools
3 05:14 Tools
The human is born as free ones 01:28 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason... 01:28 Tools
More 01:28 Tools
Ordinary 01:28 Tools
Hen'yō suru ishiki-ka de yomitoru sekai ga “godoku”naraba genjitsu mo mata sakkaku. 04:27 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People “Watch” What They Choose. Instead, It Let Them See What They Hope To See 01:28 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか?憎ければ殺せばいい、それが『人間』というものではないのかね? 05:15 Tools
Ikari wa Orokanamono o Koroshi, Netami wa Bakamono no Seimei o Shunkan goto Sainamu 03:14 Tools
A sword without a scale defines disorder, while a scale without a sword defines "incompetence" 02:51 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason To “Accomplish” What We Promised Would Be Fear. 03:14 Tools
Daitan wa Muchi to Hiretsu no Ko deatte, Tano Shikaku yori Haruka ni 'Oto'ru 05:53 Tools
huan nanoha 03:14 Tools
Tris Ile Mogę? 05:02 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People’s “Mind” Related To The Issue That They Are Afraid Of 05:02 Tools
夢魔を操り『煉獄』の夜を駆る恍惚。その忘我が時の幽閉を破る。(改) 04:06 Tools
shisou toha 05:02 Tools
‰½‚ç‚̋ꂵ‚Ý‚É‚à‚ ‚킸‚µ‚āA‰½l‚ð‚àK•Ÿ‚Ƃ́wŒÄx‚Ô‚È‚©‚êB 05:14 Tools
Break The "Heart" To What Is A 05:14 Tools
Courtesy Is Considered As A "F 05:14 Tools
Œ¾—t‚ð—p‚¢‚Ä‘t‚Å‚éŽÒ‚͍˔\‚ɍ݂炸A‚½‚¾‚Ì‹L‰¯‚Ɂw‰ßx‚¬‚ʁB 03:31 Tools
It must be called 'Intelligenc 03:31 Tools
A real 'imitation' is the imit 01:28 Tools
?????????????????????????????? 03:31 Tools
Ono ga Bu o Shirite Oyobazaru Toki wa Sumiyakani Yamuru o Chi to Iubeshi 02:57 Tools
AnkokuChuu deno Souzouryoku wa Akarui Hikari yorimo Takumashiku Hataraku no o Tsune tosuru 05:59 Tools
Human beings are born in freedom, and get "chained" at every turn. 05:00 Tools
it must be called intelligence... 05:00 Tools
anxiety is not about the issue... 03:50 Tools
Ningen to wa Risei Niyotte Jiko Jishin o Hakaisuru Nouryouku o 'Yuu' Shiteiru. 03:50 Tools
Audio Track 01 01:28 Tools
Kokoro wa Tadashii Mokuhyou o Kaite shimau to Itsuwari no Houkou ni hake Kuchi o 'Tsuku'ru 05:33 Tools
A Real Imitation Is The Imitation That Let People See Ridiculousness Of Boring Original One 01:28 Tools
It is supposed to be 'ordinary 07:42 Tools
Lullaby for a cheshire cat 05:36 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People Watch What They Choose. Instead, It Let Them See What They Hope To See 01:28 Tools
音の中の『痙攣的』な美は、観念を超え肉体... 04:27 Tools
Shisō mo kyōkan mo irazu, tada genchō o yūhatsu suru “kiin” to shite no ongaku. 05:15 Tools
¼º¤¬·Ö¤òÖª¤ê¤Æ¼°¤Ð¤¶¤ë•r¤ÏËÙ¤ä 02:51 Tools
That it makes nonexistent intelligence even although it calls it with a powerful mind and power how to 'none' equal. 02:51 Tools
Daredevil is child of ignorance & mean and it is "inferior" to other qualification. 05:15 Tools
Love beautiful landscapes, cherish dionysian hedonism, sketch, and sing to the "world" 05:18 Tools
Ikani Kyoudai na Seishin ya Chikara to Iedomo Chisei Nakushi te wa 'Mu' ni Hitoshii. 02:51 Tools
Dream Is A Colloquial Term Describing A "Lie", As If To Embellish An Ugly And Humdrum Life. 06:14 Tools
Lust hungers for danger and games, in other words, craves the partner as the most dangerous "toy" 05:18 Tools
Taikutsu na Gensaku no Kokkeisa o Chokushi saseru Mohou dakega Shin no Mohou de Aru 06:10 Tools
1 05:59 Tools
A Real “Imitation” Is The Imitation That Let People See Ridiculousness Of Boring Original One 02:51 Tools
Chinmokuchuu no Hyoujyou nikoso, Kotoba Erabi ni Masaru Hontou No Yueben ga Sonzai Suru 06:10 Tools
”Of course”, business 輕 聲 small language theory coming out name because, '做 什 麼 capital good' freedom 'the threat,' 03:13 Tools
Anger Kills All The Idiots, And Envy Would Torture Foolish People And All The “Instants” Being Involved. 06:10 Tools
De worp 04:18 Tools
Turkish Tea with a Twist 04:42 Tools
人間は自分自身が見えない故に, 他人に理想の『姿』を認め易い 06:14 Tools
lŠÔ‚Æ‚Í—«‚É‚æ‚Á‚ÄŽ©ŒÈŽ©g‚ð”j‰ó‚·‚é”\—Í‚ðw—Lx‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éB 05:15 Tools
Anger Kills All The Idiots, and Envy Would Torture Foolish People and All The Instants Being Involved 05:15 Tools
Existence Of Eloquence Is Only In A Look Of People's Face That Remain Silence, And It Even Beats Any Kind Of Words 05:15 Tools
人間は自分自身が見えない故に、他人に理想の「姿」を認め易い。 06:14 Tools
Decisions do not open infinite doors but "terminates" infinite fallacies 05:55 Tools
If there is no word which tells sound, beautiful melody does not "keep" in mind. 05:18 Tools
Those who do not depend on the future have the power to "face" the future with steadiness. 03:20 Tools
Those who play using word are not in the talent, it is "only" there's memory. 05:18 Tools
"Value" Is Determined Best And Equally Through The Inspection By The Wise. 06:14 Tools
The Greatest Trust For Others Will Be "Born" From Self-Reliance Within. 06:14 Tools
Aldus sprak toen de goudvis 05:30 Tools
yokuha 05:59 Tools
Wareware wa Kibou ni Shitagatte, Yakusoku o shi, Kyoufu ni Kararete Yakusoku o Hatasu 05:49 Tools
anger kills all the idiots... 03:13 Tools
ankokuchude 03:13 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず, ただの記憶に『過』ぎぬ 03:13 Tools
死闘, 勇鋭, 死憤, 励鈍, 倖用, 待命, 陥陳, 勇力, 必死, 冒刃 05:36 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ,至る所で「鎖」に繋がれてゆく。(2011/6/25 LIVE@ 04:18 Tools
Accomplish 05:36 Tools
Existence 04:18 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては「無」に等しい。(2011/6/25 LIVE 05:36 Tools
美しき旋律も,音を語る言を持たずしては心にも「留」めがたし。 05:18 Tools
Person Who It Plays By Using A/The Word Not To A Plain Memory 'N' N, Without Existing In A/The Talent 05:36 Tools
Without Having The Word That Even, A Beautiful Melody Tells Sound 'Y'  Does _ To Heart That It Does It 05:36 Tools
We Want To Sing You Off To Sleep With A Song, We Want To Sit Next To You And "Sing" A Song. 05:18 Tools
Also love and faith "keep" up with a daily small deed. 05:55 Tools
We All "Fear" The Days Flying By, Although We All Want To Escape From The Status Quo. 05:18 Tools
a thought would never let people watch... 05:18 Tools
Luistervink 03:50 Tools
Hito ga Kuusou de Egaku Sekai Yori mo, Hito ga Ikiru Genjitsu wa Harukani Monobukai 05:18 Tools
Utsukushiki Senritsu mo, Oto o Kataru Gen o Motazushite wa Kokoro ni mo 'Todo'me ga tashi 05:59 Tools
Temperance and justice is a deceptive "gambit" used by chauvinists. 05:53 Tools
chinmokucuno 05:18 Tools
声をもって,心の底を叩いてみると,どこか「哀」しい音がする。 05:38 Tools
When the mind loses its goals, it tends to "create" false outlets. 04:42 Tools
Moderation and justice are 'the name' that the only superior can use selfishly merely. 05:38 Tools
One, That Does Not Require Tomorrow 03:04 Tools
Ningen to wa Risei Niyotte Jiko Jishin o Hakaisuru Nouryouku o 'Yuu' Shiteiru 05:15 Tools
A Reality That People Are Living In This World Is A Lot “More” Complicated Than Fantasy-Land That They Imagine. 05:38 Tools
Kato neya 03:51 Tools
Nepoznati 03:51 Tools
引用の『妙』は深い陰影の底に在り、幽かな閃きにより趣を宿す。 03:35 Tools
Å­¤ê¤ÏÓÞ¤«¤ÊÕߤòš¢¤·¡¢Š¤ß¤ÏñR 03:14 Tools
Yet again, unreversible times and joyful consumptions arrives "tomorrow" 03:35 Tools
大胆は無知と卑劣の子であって,他の資格よりはるかに「劣」る。 05:55 Tools
We All Create "Meaning" In Our Encounter, As To Not To Expect A Meaningful Encounter. 03:20 Tools
Those who do not need tomorrow most "see" tomorrow most pleasantly. 03:20 Tools
Late bloomers left in darkness tend to bloom more vivaciously with their "dreams" than early bloomers 03:35 Tools
Those who play music with words are no talents but "mere" mementos. 02:45 Tools
We Promise With A View To Hope, But The Reason To “Accomplish” What We Promised Would Be Fear 05:55 Tools
Even the most beautiful melody does not "remain" in the heart without diction. 02:45 Tools
Setsudo to Seigi wa, tada Yuusha no miga Katteni Riyou shiuru 'Meimoku' dearu. 05:55 Tools
You can not "call" anyone happy, if you do not had been any trouble. 03:34 Tools
Human "have" ability of destroy oneself by logical mind. 04:31 Tools
Nanra no Kurushimi ni mo awazushite, Nanijin o mo Koufuku to wa 'Yo'bu na kare. 05:55 Tools
Even the Mightiest soul and the mightiest power meet to "nothing" without intellect. 02:45 Tools
"Future" arrives as the sacrifice of freedom, independence, and individualism 05:02 Tools
One, that does not require tomorrow most stands in tomorrow most gladly and buy 'direction'. 05:55 Tools
Boldness is the offspring of ignorance and contempt and is far "inferior" to any quality. 02:45 Tools
That It Makes Nonexistent Intelligence 02:45 Tools
As for poem it is the consolation where the owner and the 'lonely' person of the soul which simply, can be fallen ill are lones 05:30 Tools
“Existence” Of Eloquence Is Only In A Look Of People’s Face That Remain Silence, And It Even Beats Any Kind Of Words 05:30 Tools
ikariha 05:55 Tools
Ashita o Mottomo Hitsuyou to Shinai mono ga, Mottomo Kokoroyoku Ashita ni Tachi'mu'kau 05:38 Tools
Any Which It Is Pitiful Thing, Are Weak, It Does Margin You 'Endure' Boldly Margin 03:04 Tools
Bour Wat Zeg Je Van Mijn Reeën 03:47 Tools
The Boldness Is The Child Of Ignorance And Meanness And Considerably Than Other Qualifications 05:53 Tools
Increasing If Heart and Senses Agree All Best Change It Is Sly In Musi (2008) 05:53 Tools
我々は希望に従って約束をし、恐怖にかられて約束を『果』たす。 [Live] 07:19 Tools
Breiwerk 04:23 Tools
4 07:19 Tools
Always, The Future Which Improves Is Desired, But 'Change of Moment' Fears 05:53 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在 03:26 Tools
Anxiety is not about the issue. It is actually about people's "mind" related to the… 03:26 Tools
決断は無限の扉を開くのでは無く無限の誤謬... 02:43 Tools
Most part of trust is “born” from the self-confidence within 02:43 Tools
It Not And Do A/The Foam To Any Pain And Happiness Be 'a/The Call' vj He How Many People 02:43 Tools
Humans are born as free creatures, shackled down by “chains” at every turn 01:28 Tools
All Human Beings "Have" The Strength To Live With Other People's Misery. 01:28 Tools
Onore ga Bun wo Shirite Oyabazaru Toki ha Sumiyaka ni Yamuru wo "Chi" to Iu beshi 01:28 Tools
Poem Is Just A Lonely "Solace" Shared By A Master Of The Sick-Minded And The Solitary. 01:28 Tools
Weakness is a shame, whether it calls for action or “endurance” 03:20 Tools
The Weak Are Pathetic, Even Trying To Stand, Or Trying To Be "Patient". 03:20 Tools
玲瓏たる純潔は『紅炎』の傀儡を疾らせ、暁天に燦めく証を刻む。 06:14 Tools
Rational-Self Hope Is A Fair Judgement, But Angry-Self "Demands" Are To Be Looked At Fairly. 03:20 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment, while wrath “desires” judgment to look fair 04:31 Tools
Inspections by the clairvoyant justify true “value” 03:34 Tools
When one's mental lost right goal that "shown" wrong direction to the frustrations. 04:59 Tools
『参弐零参壱壱壱弐伍壱九参壱伍九伍弐壱七伍伍伍四壱四壱六』 (2010 -1) 02:07 Tools
Victory Gazing / Hoping Beauty Scene Dearly... 03:50 Tools
a varice would speak with every word... 05:01 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか?憎ければ殺せばいい、それが『人間』というものではないのかね? 05:30 Tools
Humans "own" the potential to destroy oneself with rationality. 03:39 Tools
warewareha 03:50 Tools
Without Having The Word That Even 03:34 Tools
(bonus track) courtesy is considered as a farce... 03:00 Tools
As for the person unhappily of 03:39 Tools
As For Poem It Is The Consolation Where The Owner And The 'Lonely' Person Of The Soul Which Simply, Can Be Fallen Ill Are Lonesome 02:45 Tools
心は正しい目標を欠いてしまうと偽りの方向にはけ口を「作」る。 05:33 Tools
Steak bourrée 04:13 Tools
Without Having The Word That Even, A Beautiful Melody Tells Sound Does To Heart That It Does It 07:19 Tools
The fact that it is censored i 02:06 Tools
Goe o Motte, Kokoro no Soko o Tataite Miru to, Doko ka 'Kana'shii Oto ga Suru. 05:38 Tools
Quanto costa? 04:06 Tools
Most of the reliance which is 03:46 Tools
Dream is a euphemistic term for “lies” used to sugarcoat mediocre life 03:35 Tools
Anger Kills All The Idiots, And Envy Would Torture Foolish People And All The “Instants” Being Involved 03:35 Tools
Nobody is entitled to be "called" blessed without suffering. 03:29 Tools
You can do whatever you want to do. whispered "freedom" is just a "threat". 03:35 Tools
When an individual is seen as a hero, the hero is no longer an individual but a "puppet" 06:14 Tools
Moderation and justice are the "nominal" which only a superior can use freely. 04:59 Tools
I want to lull someone to sleep. I want to sit by someone and “sing” 03:43 Tools
a real imitation... 03:35 Tools
A reality that people are living in this world is a lot 'more' complicated than that they imagine 02:07 Tools
Without having the word that even, a beautiful melody tells sound '?' ? does ? to heart that it does it. 03:29 Tools
Love and faith can be "sustained" only through daily modest dedication. 03:39 Tools
we promise with a view to hope... 05:49 Tools
いつも好転する未来を望み、しかし時節の変化は『恐』れている。 [Live] 03:45 Tools
Gugan No Shi Ni Kenetsu Sarerukotoha Mottomo Tadashii Kathi No Kettei Dearu 03:34 Tools
Person Who It Plays By Using Athe Word 03:31 Tools
Dream the popular name of the 03:35 Tools
Of course for a good name for 02:06 Tools
Courtesy Is Considered as A If There Are No Honesty and ... [Farce] 02:06 Tools
It does not request the round 03:29 Tools
Any which it is pitiful thing 03:20 Tools
愛も信仰も同じ様に日々のささや 04:59 Tools
We Promise with a View to Hope, But the Reason To [Accomplish] What We 04:59 Tools
Ningen Wa Jibunjishin Ga Mienai Yue Ni, Tanin Ni Risou No 'sugata' O Mitome Yasui 04:59 Tools
It Is Supposed To Be Ordinary That Imagination Moves Much Faster And More Freely Than... 04:59 Tools
俯瞰も仰視も果ては茫洋な空に対峙すその偉観こそ真の現実 04:59 Tools
Cherno-beli 04:59 Tools
暗黒の中で想像力は明るい光よりも逞しく働くのを『常』とする 03:25 Tools
The Boldness Is The Child Of Ignorance And Meanness And '£' ‹ Considerably Than Other Qualifications 04:59 Tools
Heart Be 'the Made' ‹ Of Outlet In The Direction Of A/The Lie When It Has Lacked A Correct Goal 04:59 Tools
A Thought Would Never Let People 'Watch' what they Choose; Instead, it Let them See what they Hope to See 04:59 Tools
明日を最も必要としないものが、最も快く明日に立ち「向」かう。 04:59 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it ''acts'' every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious 05:02 Tools
Shisou to ha Wareware no Erabu Mono wo Misezu, Konomu Mono wo "Mi"seru 05:02 Tools
existence of eloquence is only a look... 05:02 Tools
The Boldness Is The Child Of Ignorance And Meanness 05:53 Tools
(bonus track) break the heart... 03:29 Tools
it is supposed to be ordinary... 05:02 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか? 憎ければ殺せばいい、それが人間というものではないのかね? 03:35 Tools
"Going / Participating 23,111,251,931,596,217,555,415,040" 06:00 Tools
The "Future" Which It Visits Is Full Freely... 06:00 Tools
Ta Ni Yoseru Sinrai No Daibubun Ha Ono No Uthi Ni Idaku Zisin Kara Umareru 03:39 Tools
『眩暈』 03:39 Tools
taikutsuna 05:02 Tools
節度と正義は、ただ優者のみが勝手に利用しうる「名目」である。 06:00 Tools
It 'be done and maintain' only with the modest religious service of from day to day just as even the faith is same even the love. 06:00 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい,それが「人間」のすることか?憎ければ殺せばいい,それが「人間」というものではないのかね? 04:23 Tools
天涯万里、必然を起こすは人に在り、偶然を成すは『天』に在り。 [Live] 03:11 Tools
The dawn's sleep seeks to "awaken" within the closed eyes and in memories 06:00 Tools
I am a dip in the river. the current flows through bur ripples remain. the "dynamic" order 02:52 Tools
Twilight jewels may glow in the dark but loses its "charm" in broad daylight 02:52 Tools
We promise with a view to hope but the reason to accomplish what we promised would be fear 05:49 Tools
思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず、我々の好むものを『見』せる。 [Live] 05:59 Tools
Break The “Heart” To What Is Actually Being Told Instead Of Asking Who Said That. 03:29 Tools
Taikutsuna Gensaku no Kokkeisa wo Chokushisaseru Mohou dake ga Shin no "Mohou" de Aru 03:31 Tools
It Must Be Called [Intelligence] If People Stop When They Realize They 03:29 Tools
言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず、ただの記憶に『過』ぎぬ。 [Live] 04:31 Tools
It Not And Do AThe Foam To Any Pain 03:11 Tools
Break The “Heart” To What Is Actually Being Told Instead Of Asking Who Said That 03:29 Tools
Heart Be 'the Made' Of Outlet In The Direction 05:33 Tools
夢とは現実という平凡なものに付ける美しさに似た『嘘』の俗称。 [Live] 05:53 Tools
Human Being Is Doing The Ability That Destroys 05:15 Tools
"Convulsive" beauty in sound is the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild. 05:53 Tools
Reason Desires Fair Judgment, Anger Desires The Fact That Judgment Is 'Visible' Fairly 03:29 Tools
暗黒中での想像力は明るい光より 04:06 Tools
人間は自分自身が見えない故に, 06:14 Tools
Always the future which improv 06:14 Tools
Dumi 06:14 Tools
Anxiety is Not About the Issue; it is Actually About People's 'Mind' Related to the Issue that They are Afraid Of 06:14 Tools
Courtesy Is Considered As A “Farce” If There Are No Honesty And Reality 06:14 Tools
A varice would speak with every word, it "acts" every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious. 03:41 Tools
楽観の深奥で燻る魔は、万人が宿す普遍的無意識の『罪』の残滓 01:52 Tools
Avarice Would Speak with Every Word; It 'Acts' Every Part and It Even Pretends to be Not Avaricious 06:14 Tools
A Real 'Imitation' is the Imitation that Let People See the Ridiculousness of the Boring Original One 06:14 Tools
何らの苦しみにもあわずして、何人をも幸福とは「呼」ぶなかれ。 06:14 Tools
Humans “possess” enough strength to overcome others’ misfortunes 03:39 Tools
Songs are mere “lamentations” for the aesthetically deprived and the lonely 02:39 Tools
‘Do as you please,’ whispered “freedom”, a pseudonym of “threat” 02:06 Tools
Ithumo Kouten Suru Mirai Wo Nozomi Shikashi Zisetsu No Henka Ha Osoreteiru 03:46 Tools
声をもって、心の底を叩いてみると,どこか「哀」しい音がする。 03:46 Tools
If there is no word which tell 03:46 Tools
夢魔を操り『煉獄』の夜を駆る恍惚。その忘我が時の幽閉を破る。(改) 03:35 Tools
Fuanna no ha Kotogara ni de ha naku, Sore ni Kansuru Hito no "Kanga"e ni de Aru 01:28 Tools
Ningen Ha Ziyuu Na Mono Tosshite Umare Itaru Tokoro De Kusari Ni Tsuangareteyuku 01:28 Tools
‰Ѕ‚з‚М‹к‚µ‚Э‚Й‚а‚ ‚н‚ё‚µ‚ДЃA‰Ѕђl‚р‚аЌK•џ‚Ж‚НЃwЊДЃx‚Ф‚И‚©‚кЃB 01:28 Tools
Most Of The Reliance Which Is Moved Aside To Other Things 'Is Born' From the Self-Confidence Which Is Held Among Oneself 01:28 Tools
礼儀は「笑劇'' A 'として考えられています 04:31 Tools
”ь‚µ‚«ђщ—Ґ‚аЃA‰№‚рЊк‚йЊѕ‚рЋќ‚Ѕ‚ё‚µ‚Д‚НђS‚Й‚аЃw—ЇЃx‚Я‚Є‚Ѕ‚µЃB 01:28 Tools
As For The Person Unhappily Of Others It Has The Sufficient 'Strength' Which Withstands Sufficiently 03:20 Tools
Yowai Toiumono Ha Awarena Kotoda Aete Okonaunishiro Shinobu Nishiro 03:20 Tools
Most Part Of Trust Is "Born" From The Self-Confidence Within. 03:11 Tools
沈黙中の表情にこそ、言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が『存在』する。 [Live] 04:24 Tools
Yoku ha Subete no Kotoba wo Hanasi, Subete no Yaku wo Enji, Muyokusha sura "En"zuru 03:20 Tools
人間は自由なものとして生まれ、至る所で『鎖』に繋がれてゆく。 [Live] 03:25 Tools
Setsudo to Seigi wa, tada Yuusha no miga Katteni Riyou shiuru 'Meimoku' dearu 03:45 Tools
Anxiety is not about the issue. It is actually about people's mind related to the issue that they are afraid of. 03:47 Tools
如何に強大な精神や力といえども知性なくしては『無』に等しい。 [Live] 02:52 Tools
人間とは理性によって自己自身を破壊する能力を「有」している。 05:33 Tools
Ikani Kyoudai na Seishin ya Chikara to Iedomo Chisei Nakushitewa 'Mu' ni Hitoshii. 04:31 Tools
大胆は無知と卑劣の子であって、他の資質よりはるかに『劣』る。 05:53 Tools
Reason desires fair judgment a 04:31 Tools
Even Mightiest Soul and Mightiest Power, it is Same as "Nothing" if There is No Intellect. 04:31 Tools
Just to Kill a Disagreeable Thing. Is It Human's Thing to Do Just To Kill a Hateful Thing. Doesn't It Call It Human? 05:53 Tools
It Is Supposed to Be [Ordinary] That Imagination Moves Much Faster and 05:53 Tools
Heart Be 'the Made' Of Outlet In The Direction Of A/The Lie When It Has Lacked A Correct Goal 05:53 Tools
As for poem it is the consolod 05:53 Tools
Pleasure of life is the “inoculation” of death and the raw power walking to the end. 03:34 Tools
『参弐零参壱壱壱弐伍壱九参壱伍九伍弐壱七伍伍伍四壱四壱六四』。 03:34 Tools
己が分を知りて及ばざる時は速や 01:52 Tools
shitou,yuei,shifun,kandon,kouyou,taimei,kanthin,yuryoku,hisshi,bouzin 01:52 Tools
Anxiety Is Not About The Issue. It Is Actually About People's 01:52 Tools
Anger Kills All the Idiots; And Envy would Torture Foolish People and All the 'Instants' Being Involved 01:52 Tools
『眩暈』                         。 05:19 Tools
We Promise with a View to Hope; But the Reason to 'Accomplish' what We Promised would be Fear 01:52 Tools
Kotoba o Mochii te Kanaderu Mono ha Sainou ni Ara zu, Tada no Kioku ni ka Ginu 06:14 Tools
a thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. instead, it lets them see what they hope to see. 01:52 Tools
Person who it plays by using a/the word not to a plain memory '?' ?, without existing in a/the talent. 01:52 Tools
–ѕ“ъ‚рЌЕ‚а•K—v‚Ж‚µ‚И‚ў‚а‚М‚ЄЃAЌЕ‚а‰х‚­–ѕ“ъ‚Й—§‚їЃwЊьЃx‚©‚¤ЃB 01:52 Tools
One endures for a hopeful future, but “fears” changes 01:52 Tools
ђS‚Нђі‚µ‚ў–Ъ•W‚рЊ‡‚ў‚Д‚µ‚Ь‚¤‚Ж‹U‚и‚М•ыЊь‚Й‚Н‚ЇЊы‚рЃwЌмЃx‚йЃB 01:52 Tools
‘е’_‚Н–і’m‚Ж”Ъ—т‚МЋq‚Е‚ ‚Б‚ДЃA‘ј‚МЋ‘Ћї‚ж‚и‚Н‚й‚©‚ЙЃw—тЃx‚йЃB 01:52 Tools
€¤‚ађM‹В‚а“Ї‚¶—l‚Й“ъЃX‚М‚і‚і‚в‚©‚И‹ОЌs‚Е‚М‚ЭЃw€ЫЋќЃx‚і‚к‚йЃB 01:52 Tools
”@‰Ѕ‚Й‹­‘е‚Иђёђ_‚в—Н‚Ж‚ў‚¦‚З‚а’mђ«‚И‚­‚µ‚Д‚НЃw–іЃx‚Й“™‚µ‚ўЃB 01:52 Tools
Yume Toha Genzitsu Toiu Heibon Namononi Tsukeru Utsukushisa Ni Nita Uso No Zokushou 03:35 Tools
Shihatada Yameru Tamashii No Shoyuusha to Kodokusha Tono Sabishii Nagusame Dearu 02:39 Tools
Humans Are Born As Free Creatures, Shackled Down By "Chains" At Every Turn. 04:31 Tools
a reality that people are living... 02:09 Tools
ђЯ“x‚Жђі‹`‚НЃA‚Ѕ‚ѕ—DЋТ‚М‚Э‚ЄЏџЋи‚Й—˜—p‚µ‚¤‚йЃw–ј–ЪЃx‚Е‚ ‚йЃB 02:09 Tools
Moderation And Justice Are 'the Name' 06:00 Tools
Also love and faith keep up wi 02:09 Tools
Ikari ha Orokana Mono wo Koroshi, Netami ha Bakamono no Seimei wo "Shunkan" goto Sainamu 02:09 Tools
Chinmokujuu no Hyoujou ni koso, Kotobaerabi ni Masaru Hontou no Yuuben ga "Sonzai" suru 04:55 Tools
The boldness is the child of ignorance and meanness and '?' ? considerably than other qualifications. 02:09 Tools
ђlЉФ‚Ж‚Н—ќђ«‚Й‚ж‚Б‚ДЋ©ЊИЋ©ђg‚р”j‰у‚·‚й”\—Н‚рЃw—LЃx‚µ‚Д‚ў‚йЃB 02:09 Tools
A thought would never let people watch what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see. 02:52 Tools
Anger Kills All the Idiots and Envy Would Torture Foolish People and All the "Instants" Being Involved 03:25 Tools
One Endures For A Hopeful Future, But "Fears" Changes. 02:52 Tools
Ankokujuu de no Souzouryoku ha Akarui Hikari yori mo Takumashiku Hataraku no wo "Tsune" to Suru 02:52 Tools
Dream Is A Euphemistic Term For "Lies" Used To Sugarcoat Mediocre Life. 05:53 Tools
Humans "Possess" Enough Strength To Overcome Others' Misfortunes. 03:43 Tools
Buroung Zou Sanmou Tou Hau Yon Thinsan She Sou Zu Min Woue Ziyuu Toiu Kyouhaku 02:52 Tools
Songs Are Mere "Lamentations" For The Aesthetically Deprived And The Lonely. 04:31 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, an and envy would torture foolish people and all the 'instants' being involved. 04:31 Tools
己が分を知りて及ばざる時は速やかに止むるを「智」と言うべし。 04:31 Tools
utsukushiki senritsu mo, oto o kataru gen o motazu shite wa kokoro ni todomegatashi. 05:19 Tools
Of Course For A Good Name For Some Fine Words Of 'freedom' Threat 'theory' 04:31 Tools
暗黒の中で想像力は明るい光よりも逞しく働くのを『常』とする。 07:00 Tools
Break the 「heart」 to what is actually being told instead of asking who said that. 03:25 Tools
Kirai na mono wa Koroshite Shimaeba ii, Sore ga 'Ningen' no Suru Koto ka? Zou kereba Koroseba ii, Sore ga 'Ningen' Toiumono Dewanai no ka ne? 07:00 Tools
Courtesy is considered as a 「farce」 if there are no honesty and reality. 03:25 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, and envy would torture foolish people and all the… 07:00 Tools
It is supposed to be "ordinary" that imagination moves much faster and more freely… 07:00 Tools
Black in the dark no imagination de wa yo-ray version next ru mo ri seeking shi ku ku No Dong 'regular' 07:00 Tools
声をもって、心の底を叩いてみると、どこか「哀」しい音がする。 03:41 Tools
Do Not Look For A Meaningful Encounter, But Look For The "Meaning" In Each Encounter. 03:25 Tools
As For Poem It Is The Consolation Where The Owner And The Lonely Person Of The Soul 05:19 Tools
Onore ga Bu wo Shirite Oyobazaru Toki wa Sumiyaka ni Yamuru wo "Chi" to Iu Beshi 03:41 Tools
Kotowari Ha Kouhei Na Handan Wo Nozomi Ikariha Handan Ga Kouhei Ni Mieru Koto Wo Nozomu 04:31 Tools
Those Who Play Using Word Are 04:31 Tools
Nanra no Kurushimi ni mo awazushite, Nanijin o mo Koufuku to wa 'Yo'bu na kare 01:52 Tools
We Want To Sing You Off To Sleep With A Song, We Want To Sit Next To You And Sing A Song. 02:05 Tools
It must be called Intelligence if people stop when they realize they are not able to become what they are wishing to be. 06:00 Tools
One, that Does Not Require Tom 06:00 Tools
Hito Ha Tanin No Fukou Niha Juubun Taerarerudakeno Tsuyosa Wo Motteiru 06:00 Tools
嫌いなものは殺してしまえばいい、それが『人間』のすることか?憎ければ殺せばいい、それが人間というものではないのかね? 06:00 Tools
Њѕ—t‚р—p‚ў‚Д‘t‚Е‚йЋТ‚НЌЛ”\‚ЙЌЭ‚з‚ёЃA‚Ѕ‚ѕ‚М‹L‰Ї‚ЙЃw‰ЯЃx‚¬‚КЃB 06:00 Tools
Do not look for a meaningful encounter, but look for the “meaning” in each encounter 04:55 Tools
As for poem the owner and the lonely person of the soul which simply, can be fallen ill it is lonesome, '慰' it is the [me]. 06:00 Tools
夢魔を操り『煉獄』の夜を駆る恍惚。その忘我が時の幽閉を破る。 03:04 Tools
Human being is doing the ability that destroys self oneself by reason '?'. 06:00 Tools
Avarice Would Speak with Every Word, It Every Part and It ... [(Acts I 04:55 Tools
Heart be 'the made' ? of outlet in the direction of a/the lie when it has lacked a correct goal. 04:55 Tools
It not and do a/the foam to any pain and happiness be 'a/the call' ?? he how many people. 04:55 Tools
実際にはどのように''ハート''を破ります... 04:55 Tools
6 03:04 Tools
Theelief / Tea Leaf 03:04 Tools
A real 「imitation」 is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one. 05:46 Tools
Daredevil is child of ignoranc 05:53 Tools
A real imitation is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one. 05:53 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it 「acts」 every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious. 03:04 Tools
A Real [Imitation] Is the Imitation That Let People See ... 05:53 Tools
Fuanna no ha Kotogara ni de ha naku, Sore ni Kansuru Hito no Kangae ni de Aru 05:53 Tools
自由と孤立と己とに充ちた現代に生きた犠牲として訪れる『未来』。 05:53 Tools
Weakness Is A Shame, Whether It Calls For Action Or "Endurance". 03:43 Tools
'Existence' of eloquence is only in a look of people's face that remain silent, and it even beats any kind of words. 05:53 Tools
Singing song we would like bei 03:43 Tools
Inspections By The Clairvoyant Justify True "Value". 04:00 Tools
Dream world does not fear the “censorship” of gravity, ethereal body of freedom to break through closed inside. 04:00 Tools
[Existence] of Eloquence Is Only in a Look of People's Face That ... 04:00 Tools
9 04:00 Tools
Fluctuation of the “string” is spun the pattern of diversity, play the transient octet. 04:00 Tools
ai mo shinkou mo onaji you ni hibi no sasayaka na gongyou de nomi "iji" sareru. 04:27 Tools
Have fun at the boundary of continuous and discontinuous, plaything called “Sacrifice” vital artery linking. 03:25 Tools
daitan wa muchi to hiretsu no ko de atte, hoka no shikaku yori haruka ni "oto"ru. 03:25 Tools
setsudo to seigi wa, tada yuusha nomi ga katte ni riyou shiuru "myoumoku" de aru. 04:27 Tools
A real "imitation" is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring… 03:25 Tools
Hito ga Kuusou de Kaku Sekai yori mo, Hito ga Ikiru Genjitsu ha Harukani Monobukai 03:25 Tools
It must be called ''Intelligence'' if people stop when they realize they are not able to become what they are wishing to be. 03:25 Tools
死闘, 勇鋭, 死憤, 励鈍, 倖用, 03:25 Tools
Walsjemenou 03:25 Tools
音の中の『痙攣的』な美は、観念を超え肉体に訪れる野生の戦慄 03:25 Tools
Utsukushiki Senritsu mo Oto o Kataru Gen o Motazushite wa Kokoro ni mo 'Todo'me ga tashi 05:19 Tools
A thought would never let people "watch" what they choose. Instead, it let them see what they hope to see. 03:42 Tools
Singing Song We Would Like Being Able To Neglect. It Sits Down In Someones Side 03:42 Tools
夢魔を操り『煉獄』の夜を駆る恍惚。その忘我が時の幽閉を破る。 03:42 Tools
.大胆は無知と卑劣の子であって、他の資格よりはるかに『劣』る。 03:42 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word, it acts every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious. 03:42 Tools
玲瓏たる純潔は『紅炎』の傀儡を疾らせ、暁天に燦めく証を刻む。(改) 03:42 Tools
Wrath kills fools, and envy torments the life of idiots at every “instant” 03:42 Tools
A real "imitation" is the imitation that let people see ridiculousness of boring original one. 03:42 Tools
Walsjemenou?! 03:42 Tools
Anger kills all the idiots, and envy would torture foolish people and all the instants being involved. 03:42 Tools
Kotoba o Mochiite Kanaderu Mon 03:43 Tools
A reality that people are living in this world is a lot more complicated than fantasy-land that they imagine. 02:05 Tools
Shiso to wa Wareware no Erabu Mono wo Misezu, Wareware no Konomu Mono wo "Mi"seru 03:42 Tools
何らの苦しみにもあわずして、何人をも幸福とは『呼』ぶなかれ. 03:42 Tools
Avarice would speak with every word it acts every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious 03:42 Tools
  • 1,314,301
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té (also sometimes stylized as te' or テ in Japanese), is a Japanese post-rock and instrumental quartet, formed in Tokyo, Japan in 2004 currently signed at indie-rock label Zankyo Record. Characteristic for them are their titles, since album titles always consist of 29 characters, while song titles consist of 30 characters and their unique sound which is often compared to Mogwai or 65daysofstatic. They had their major-label debut at Tokuma Japan Communication in June 2010. "té" derives from the Spanish and French word for "tea". Although the name "テ ハポネーゼ" ("té japonais"; Japanese tea) was used, they shortened it to "té". In January 2004 the band was founded, while Akihiro Kono (Guitar) was the leader. Besides that, he also works for their label Zankyo Record, produced songs from the indie period of 9mm parabellum bullet and album of sparta locals and is guitarist in the solo project of Takashi Igarashi (from syrup 16g. The band quickly gained praise from critics and fans alike due to their energetic and inspirational live performances and in September 2004 they released their 1st maxi single at Zankyo Records. té's highly anticipated debut full-length was released in Japan in September 2005, and immediately charted at number ten on the Tower Record Japan charts ahead of many major popular artists. They continually toured Japan in support for the record, and word quickly spread internationally, with music magazines such as Bounce, HMV, VICE and so on featuring the band in their feature articles. The music of te' is so aggressive and emotional with its heavy sound and tremendous roar. That is one of the reasons why their music was sometimes compared to hardcore music. Not only the heaviness, but they play so delicately a beautiful melody methodically and tightly. To express these two completely different senses at the same time, the music of te' doesn't need vocals at all. One big reason why te' is now getting offers to play in another countries like U.S.A, Asia, is because of their high quality of their stage. Everyone who watches their stage, they won't believe how they play those music with their aggressive stage performances. There is a completely new scene ahead for the audiences who have experienced the music of té. In 2012 Zankyo Record started to make music available internationally under Members: Akihiro Kono - Guitar Hirotoshi Kuroda - Guitar Tomohiro Matsuda - Bass (since January 2011) Fukuda Yoko - Drums (since June 2015) ex member: Masa - Bass Tooru Tachibana - Drums Official website: OHP Official facebook: Facebook Discography: 2004/09/21 己が分を知りて及ばざる時は速やかに止むるを『智』と言うべし。(1st single) 2005/09/07 ならば、意味から解放された響きは『音』の世界の深淵を語る。 (1st album) 2006/04/28 "If that is what is being thought, liberated sound talks the depth of "musical" world. (1st album) 2006/06/06 言葉を用いて奏でる者は才能に在らず、ただの記憶に『過』ぎぬ。 (2nd single) 2007/03/07 美しき旋律も、音を語る言を 持たずしては心にも『留』めがたし。 (3rd single) 2007/07/25 音楽の研究者は、音楽をねじ伏せようとしてはいけない。音楽をして、音楽の赴く所に赴かしめるように導けばよい。そうして音楽自身をして音楽を研究させ、音楽の神秘を物語らせればよい。 (1st DVD) 2007/09/12 それは、鳴り響く世界から 現実的な音を『歌』おうとする思考。(2nd album) 2008/10/08 まして、心と五感が一致するなら 全て最上の『音楽』に変ずる。(3rd album) 2009/03/11 「音楽を汚すものは、悦楽でも、惰性でも、官能でも無い。 現実が要求する打算と、経験から生まれる熟慮、それに反省。 現実を汚す音楽を救えるものは、受取手の無垢という表現」 (2nd DVD) 2010/06/02 敢えて、理解を望み縺れ尽く音声や文字の枠外での『約束』を。 (4th album) 2012/02/22 音の中の『痙攣的』な美は、観念を超え肉体に訪れる野生の戦慄。(4th single) 2012/10/03 ゆえに、密度の幻想は綻び、蹌踉めく世界は明日を『忘却』す。(5th album) 2014/06/15思想も共感もいらず、ただ幻聴を誘発する『起因』としての音楽。 2015/08/05其れは、繙かれた『結晶』の断片。或いは赫奕たる日輪の残照。 2016/04/06『閾』 History: 2004.01 Band founded, kono as leader 2004.09 1st maxi single was released from zankyo record. 2005.09 1st full length album, [If That Is What Is Being Thought, Liberated Sound Talks The Depth Of "Musical" World], was released. Japan tour was very successful. 2006.03 te’ was called and played the huge festival “independence D”in Japan, and played before 10,000 audiences. 2006.03 te’ has released 1st album in the United States through [status quo audio] and went to US and toured in the US for their release. 2006.06 te’ has released 2nd single & DVD 2006.11 te’ has been offered and played together with 65daysofstatic in their Japan showcase at liquidroom. 2007.03 te’ has released 3rd single [If there is no word which tells sound, beautiful melody does not keep in mind], and held a one-man show at shibuya o-nest. Tickets were sold out. 2007.09 te’ has released 2nd full length album [it is a thought to try to "sing" the realistic sound from the deeply resonated world.], and held an one-man tour in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Sendai. 2007.10 te’ was offered and played at [2007 MegaPort Festival] in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2008.02 te’ held their own special showcase night at liquidroom for the first time in their career, and played with VOLA & THE ORIENTAL MACHINE, ART-SCHOOL, OCEANLANE. Tickets were sold out. 2008.03 te’ has released their 2nd album in Taiwan, through [White Wabbit Records] in Taiwan. te' was also offered and played at [The Wall] in Taipei, Taiwan. 2008.08 Gig at "RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2008 in EZO" 2008.10 te' release 3rd full length album, One-man at Club Quattro 2008.11 Release tour with sleepy.ab 2008.12 Gig at "LIVE DI:GA JUDGEMENT 2008 UDAGAWA" and "COUNTDOWN JAPAN 08/09" 2009.02 Event with MO'SOME TONEBENDER and ASPARAGUS 2009.04 Gig at ARABAKI ROCK FEST.09 2009.06 Hiro (Guitar) takes a break due to his bad health condition, 2 days event with GOOD 4 NOTHING and MO'SOME TONEBENDER 2009.08 Gigs at ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL and SUMMER SONIC, Hiro resumed his activities 2010.06 te' release 4th full length album 2010.12 Masa (Bass) leaves the band 2011.01 Matsuda (Bass) joins the band 2011.12 Gig at "DEVILOCK NIGHT THE FINAL〜Thank you and Good bye〜" 2012.02 te' release a single which will be featured on the new album 2012.07 Gig at "RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2012 in EZO" 2012.09 te' release 5th full length album, also digital (worldwide) 2015.08 6th full length album release Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.