Negură Bunget

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Ceasuri Rele 03:07 Tools
Primul Om 04:55 Tools
Norilor 03:21 Tools
Înarborat 00:00 Tools
Dedesuptul 00:00 Tools
Hora soarelui 00:00 Tools
Al doilea om 00:00 Tools
Cunoașterea tăcută 00:00 Tools
De piatră 00:00 Tools
Cel din urmă vis 00:00 Tools
Tesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Umbra 00:00 Tools
Vremea locului sortit 00:00 Tools
Ochiul Inimii 08:07 Tools
În-zvîcnirea apusului 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreană 00:00 Tools
Jar 00:00 Tools
A-vînt în abis 00:00 Tools
Arborele Lumii 00:00 Tools
Al Locului 00:00 Tools
Ţesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Bruiestru 00:00 Tools
Wordless Knowledge 00:00 Tools
I 00:00 Tools
Pămînt 00:00 Tools
II 00:00 Tools
Cînt de Sursur 00:00 Tools
Întoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Uprising Follow 00:00 Tools
Negrii 00:00 Tools
III 00:00 Tools
Vaiet 00:00 Tools
din afundul adincului intrupat 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouă 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii 00:00 Tools
Vel Proclet 00:00 Tools
Blaznit 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula 00:00 Tools
Curgerea Muntelui 00:00 Tools
Nametenie 00:00 Tools
IIII 00:00 Tools
Pãmînt 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanã 00:00 Tools
De Rece Singie 00:00 Tools
In Miaz De Negru 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Imbre 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
De Piatrã 00:00 Tools
Ţara de dincolo de negură 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouã 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmã Vis 00:00 Tools
La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi 00:00 Tools
Izbucul Galbenei 00:00 Tools
Þesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Suier de solomonar 00:00 Tools
Vallachorum Tyranorum 00:00 Tools
Transilvanian Fullmoon Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negurã 00:00 Tools
Picur Viu Foc 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie 00:00 Tools
A-Vînt în Abis (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
hotar 00:00 Tools
Conoaș Terea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Țesarul de lumini 00:00 Tools
De Silvae Transilvaniae 00:00 Tools
la marginea lumii 00:00 Tools
Vint da Rau 00:00 Tools
Vant Da Rau Pin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
frig în oase 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii (acoustic version) 00:00 Tools
Dîn afundul adîncului întrupat 00:00 Tools
poartă de dincolo 00:00 Tools
IV 00:00 Tools
Împodobeala timpului 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa Channeling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Blăznit 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Îmbre 00:00 Tools
Tul-Ni-Ca-Rînd 00:00 Tools
Cunoaşterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Gradina Stelelor 00:00 Tools
Schimniceste 00:00 Tools
Intoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hulă 00:00 Tools
Stanciu Gruiul 00:00 Tools
Tara De dinicolo De Negura 00:00 Tools
Tarim Vilhovnicesc 00:00 Tools
Brazda Da Foc 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea morţii 00:00 Tools
Vînt Dă Rău Pîn Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Tărîm vîlhovnicesc 00:00 Tools
Baciu Mosneag 00:00 Tools
Impodobeala Timpului 00:00 Tools
Schimnicește 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Channeling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Esarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Ceasuri Rele / Dark Times 00:00 Tools
Țesarul De Lumini / Weaver of Lights 00:00 Tools
Primul Om / First Om 00:00 Tools
Cunoașterea Tăcută / Silenced Knowledge 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea morții 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Оnarborat 00:00 Tools
Sculptured Fog 00:00 Tools
Marea cea mare 00:00 Tools
Dedesuptul / Underneath 00:00 Tools
Norilor / To the Skies 00:00 Tools
Cunoa Tera Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Vint Da Rau Pin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Primul OM (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
În Miaz De Negru 00:00 Tools
Wordless knowledge (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negură 00:00 Tools
Tăul fără fund 00:00 Tools
Al Doilea Om / The Second Om 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui / Horas Round Dance 00:00 Tools
besarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - In-zvicnirea apusului 00:00 Tools
plecăciunea morţii (acoustic version) 00:00 Tools
II (Vara) 00:00 Tools
De Piatrг / Of Stone 00:00 Tools
'n Crugu Bradului I 00:00 Tools
De Piara 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elegy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
III (Toamna) 00:00 Tools
I: Poarta a Vintului... 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmг Vis / The Final Illusion 00:00 Tools
Vazduh 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - A-vint in abis 00:00 Tools
'n Crugu Bradului II 00:00 Tools
Nămetenie 00:00 Tools
I (Primăvara) 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Al locului 00:00 Tools
Into the Mountains King Realm 00:00 Tools
Tara de dincolo de negura 00:00 Tools
II: Catra Sipotu da Piatra... 00:00 Tools
Conoa? Terea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Channelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
II + III 00:00 Tools
'n Crugu Bradului III 00:00 Tools
Izbucu Galbenei 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Bruiestru 00:00 Tools
III: Colo N Jos Catre Apus 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoasterea tacuta (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Vînt Dă Rău 00:00 Tools
IV (Iarna) 00:00 Tools
IV: In Padure Urla Lupe 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Plecaciunea mortii 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
'n Crugu Bradului IV 00:00 Tools
Sala molksa - Chanelling through art immortal 00:00 Tools
Vînt Da Rau Pîn Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Țara de dincolo de negură 00:00 Tools
IIII (Winter) (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîncului Intrupat 00:00 Tools
În Miaz Da Negru 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Schimniceste (Tibor Kati Mix) 00:00 Tools
Taram Valhovnicesc 00:00 Tools
Al locului (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - A-Vint In Abis - Acoustic 00:00 Tools
Văzduh 00:00 Tools
Vоnt Da Rau Pin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
On - Zvоcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Şuier De Solomonar 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-ca-rînd (Daniel Dorobantu Mix) 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy - The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Brazda da foc (Silent Strike Mix) 00:00 Tools
Norilor (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Baciu mosneag (Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth Mix) 00:00 Tools
În miaz dă Negru 00:00 Tools
A - Vоnt On Abis 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Plecaciunea Mortii - Acoustic 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elegy - The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Vоnt da Rau 00:00 Tools
Vînt Da Rau 00:00 Tools
Pгmоnt 00:00 Tools
Dоn Afundul Adоncului Ontrupat 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Vînt Dă Rău Pîn Valea Ladului 00:00 Tools
Schiminiceste 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanг 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urma Vis (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Cunoaterea Tcut 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy:Tthe Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Ţara de Dincolo de Negurã 00:00 Tools
Intro 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hulг 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa: Channeling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sоngie 00:00 Tools
Outro 00:00 Tools
Blãznit 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hulã 00:00 Tools
Șuier de Șolomonar 00:00 Tools
În miăz de negru 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoaterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Brazdă Dă Foc 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouг 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adînculu Întrupat 00:00 Tools
II + III (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Primul Om - Live 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy - The Vamp 00:00 Tools
Vazduh (Focul Viu) - Focul Viu 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negurг 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urm? Vis 00:00 Tools
fiesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Vremea Locului Sortit - Maiestrit Version 00:00 Tools
Оntoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Wordless Knowledge - Live 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoasterea Tacuta - Live 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-că-rînd 00:00 Tools
Оn-Zvоcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Into The Mountains King Realm Bonus 00:00 Tools
I: Poartă-a vîntului... 00:00 Tools
Din A Fun Dul Adincului 00:00 Tools
In-Zvicnirea Apusului - Maiestrit Version 00:00 Tools
Suir De Solom Onaz 00:00 Tools
Sculptured Fog Bonus 00:00 Tools
De Piatrг 00:00 Tools
A-Vоnt оn Abis 00:00 Tools
III: Colo-n Jos Către Apus 00:00 Tools
A-Vint In Abis - Maiestrit Version 00:00 Tools
A-vînt în abis (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmг Vis 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoasterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
IIII (Winter) - Live 00:00 Tools
Cunoaºterea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
Hint Da Rau Pin Balea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Grădina Stelelor 00:00 Tools
II: Cătră Șipotu dă Piatră... 00:00 Tools
IV: În Pădure Urlă Lupii 00:00 Tools
Hint Da Rau 00:00 Tools
Şuier De Şolomonar 00:00 Tools
Outro: Vînt Dă Rău 00:00 Tools
Al Locului - Maiestrit Version 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii - Acoustic 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-ca-rind 00:00 Tools
Bruiestru - Maiestrit Version 00:00 Tools
Șuier de solomonar 00:00 Tools
Phovala Hula 00:00 Tools
A-Vint In Abis - Acoustic 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Vînt dã rãu pîn valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Norilor - Live 00:00 Tools
Intro: Vînt dă Rău Pîn Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Into the Mountain King's Realm 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tгcutг 00:00 Tools
Al Locului - Live 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii - Maiestrit Version 00:00 Tools
Юesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
A-Vоnt оn Abis (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
Om 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui - Live 00:00 Tools
Măiestrit - A-vînt în abis 00:00 Tools
Sala Molska-Chanelling Through 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urma Vis - Live 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoaşterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Channeling Throu 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie - Zirnindu-Sa Version 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Chanelling Throught Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula - Zirnindu-Sa Version 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea Morții (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru / Cunoaşterea tăcută 00:00 Tools
Transylvanian Fullmoon Vampirism 00:00 Tools
II + III - Live 00:00 Tools
Plecãciunea Mortii 00:00 Tools
De Rece Singie - From "Transilvanan Forest " Version 00:00 Tools
Vînt dã rãu 00:00 Tools
Sala molksa 00:00 Tools
Vazduh - Live 00:00 Tools
Vallacorum Tyranorum 00:00 Tools
II / III 00:00 Tools
Blaznit - Remix 00:00 Tools
I (Primăvară) 00:00 Tools
Tesarul De Lumini - Live 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîncului Întrupat - Sala Molksa Version 00:00 Tools
Conoasterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea Morții (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
doci.nnm.ru_~MadMax~_Ceasuri Rele 00:00 Tools
II (Vară) 00:00 Tools
Baciu Moșneag 00:00 Tools
III (Toamnă) 00:00 Tools
vant da rau 00:00 Tools
De Piatrã / Of Stone 00:00 Tools
Negrii - Remix 00:00 Tools
În Miaz De Negru - Remix 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea mortii (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
Cunoas Terea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Plecãciunea Morþii 00:00 Tools
IIII (Iarna) 00:00 Tools
Intro: Vint Da Rau Pin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adincului Intrupat - Zirnindu-Sa Remix 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmã Vis / The Final Illusion 00:00 Tools
Outro: Vint Da Rau 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Îmbre - Remix 00:00 Tools
Ceasuri Rele (Intro) 00:00 Tools
Conoasterea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
Brazdă dă foc (Silent Strike Mix) 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie - Remix 00:00 Tools
Vînt Da Rau Pîn Valea Iadului - Remix 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula - Remix 00:00 Tools
In zvicnirea apusului 00:00 Tools
I (Primãvara) 00:00 Tools
A-vint in abis (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-ca-rind (Daniel Dorobantu Mix) 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elegy The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Vel Proclet - Remix 00:00 Tools
Cara De Dincolo De Negura 00:00 Tools
Baciul Moșneag 00:00 Tools
I - Poartă-a vîntului... 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîncului Întrupat - Sala Molksa Remix 00:00 Tools
IIII (Iarnă) 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea Mortii 00:00 Tools
Suier De Solomonar - Remix 00:00 Tools
Al doilea OM (outro) 00:00 Tools
Conoa? Terea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
IV - În Pădure Urlă Lupii 00:00 Tools
Sculptured Fog (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Vînt Da Rau - Remix 00:00 Tools
Impodobeala Timpului (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - 01 - I 00:00 Tools
I (Primavara) 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Channelling Through Art Immortal - Remix 00:00 Tools
Sala Molska-Chanelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Ţesarul de lumini 00:00 Tools
A-vint In Abis (acoustic version) 00:00 Tools
III - Colo-n Jos Către Apus 00:00 Tools
Cunoașterea tăcută 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - A-vint in abis (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
II - Cătră Șipotu dă Piatră... 00:00 Tools
Untitled 00:00 Tools
Înarborat 00:00 Tools
Immortality´s Elegy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
?esarul de lumini 00:00 Tools
Tara de Dincolo de Negurã 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru / Cunoașterea tăcută 00:00 Tools
Pćmīnt 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea Morţii (Acoustic) 00:00 Tools
Toamna 00:00 Tools
Cumpana 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - 02 - II 00:00 Tools
Şesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouć 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - 03 - III 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tгcutг 00:00 Tools
Conoasterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Into the Mountains King Realm (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanć 00:00 Tools
Īntoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negurć 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Plecaciunea mortii (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîneului Întrupat 00:00 Tools
Conoașterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tćcutć 00:00 Tools
În Miaz De Negru 00:00 Tools
Tara de Dincolo de Negură 00:00 Tools
Cel din urmă vis 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Din Afundul Adincului Intrupat 00:00 Tools
Vremea Locului Sortit (Maiestrit) 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreana (Lyrics) 00:00 Tools
Intro: Vînt dã Rãu Pîn Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Sculptured Fog 00:00 Tools
Plecãciunea Morţii 00:00 Tools
Vãzduh 00:00 Tools
Cоnt De Sursur 00:00 Tools
Acesarul de Lumini 00:00 Tools
De piatră 00:00 Tools
Sala Molska - Chanelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
In-zvicnirea apusului (Maiestrit) 00:00 Tools
A-Vînt În Abis [Acoustic][Version] 00:00 Tools
Conoac Terea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Vallachorum Tyranorum (demo) 00:00 Tools
ºuier de solomonar 00:00 Tools
Din afundul adîncului întrupat 00:00 Tools
Vant da rau prin valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - 04 - IV 00:00 Tools
Baciul moşneag 00:00 Tools
Žesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Immortalitys Elogy-The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
A-vint in abis (Maiestrit) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmć Vis 00:00 Tools
În Miaz dã Negru 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-că-rînd (Daniel Dorobantu Mix) 00:00 Tools
Cumpăna 00:00 Tools
Vazduh (Video) 00:00 Tools
Sala molksa—Channeling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Cunoa_terea tcut 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Blaznit (Remix) 00:00 Tools
De Piatră / Of Stone 00:00 Tools
De Piatrć 00:00 Tools
Īn-Zvīcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Immortality’s Elegy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Transilvanian Fullmoon Vampirism (demo) 00:00 Tools
Suier de Salamonar 00:00 Tools
Pamint (Virstele Pamintului) 00:00 Tools
Cunoa?terea tacuta 00:00 Tools
Tărîm Vilhovnicesc 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urm Vis 00:00 Tools
A-Vīnt īn Abis 00:00 Tools
Al Locului (Maiestrit) 00:00 Tools
Vremea Locului Sortit (Maiestrit Version) 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanγ 00:00 Tools
Channeling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
02 Tesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
In-Zvicnirea Apusului (Maiestrit Version) 00:00 Tools
Pγmξnt 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmă 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii (Maiestrit Version) 00:00 Tools
01 - I 00:00 Tools
Vint Da Rau Pin Valea Jadului 00:00 Tools
Primul Om With Lyrics 00:00 Tools
Wordless knowledge (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Din Afundil Adinenlui Intrupat 00:00 Tools
Primavara 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouγ 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tγcutγ 00:00 Tools
Suier De Şolomonar 00:00 Tools
Bruiestru (Maiestrit) 00:00 Tools
Primul OM (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
A-Vint In Abis (Maiestrit Version) 00:00 Tools
Phovala Hula (Demo) 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii [Acoustic][Version] 00:00 Tools
La Hotarul Cu Cinci Culmi 00:00 Tools
Curgerea Muntelui (Album Version) 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii (Maiestrit) 00:00 Tools
IIII (Winter) 00:00 Tools
Primul Om (Slideshow) 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tacuta (Video) 00:00 Tools
Ceasuri Rele (Dark Times) 00:00 Tools
09 Cel Din Urma Vis 00:00 Tools
Al Locului (Maiestrit Version) 00:00 Tools
A-vint in abis (Maiestrit)(Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
De Rece Singie (demo) 00:00 Tools
De Silvae Transilvaniae (demo) 00:00 Tools
07 - Norilor 00:00 Tools
III (Live Video) 00:00 Tools
Chanelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
08 De Piatra 00:00 Tools
Din Afundul Adineului Оntrupat 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea mortii (Maiestrit)(Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
T##esarul de lumini 00:00 Tools
02 - II 00:00 Tools
De Piatr? 00:00 Tools
Bruiestru (Studio Rock Open Fest 05.2003) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmă Vis / The Final Illusion 00:00 Tools
Vara 00:00 Tools
Norilor (To The Skies) 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Chanelling 00:00 Tools
Bruiestru (Maiestrit Version) 00:00 Tools
Outro: Vînt Dã Rãu 00:00 Tools
A-Vīnt īn Abis (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
Into The Mountain King's Realm (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Schimnicește (remix by Tibor Kati & Ionuț Cârja) 00:00 Tools
A-Vînt în Abis [Acoustic Version] 00:00 Tools
Sala molksa (chanelling through art immortal) 00:00 Tools
Vant da rau pan Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Vârstele Pământului 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negurγ 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Live) 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie (Zirnindu-Sa Version) 00:00 Tools
Cunoaterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Brazdă dă Foc (Remix by Silent Strike) 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-că-rînd (Remix by Daniel Dorobanțu) 00:00 Tools
Poartã De Dincolo 00:00 Tools
N Crugu Bradului I 00:00 Tools
A-Vξnt ξn Abis 00:00 Tools
Țara de Dincolo de Negurã 00:00 Tools
01 - vremea locului sortit 00:00 Tools
03 - III 00:00 Tools
Into the Mountain King’s Realm 00:00 Tools
Norilor (Video) 00:00 Tools
III (Shadows From The East 04.2004) 00:00 Tools
De Sivae Transilvaniae 00:00 Tools
Chit De Sursur 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii (Acoustic V 00:00 Tools
Ξn-Zvξcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula (Zirnindu-Sa Version) 00:00 Tools
Cunoaşterea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
Iarna 00:00 Tools
N'Crugu Bradului I 00:00 Tools
Ξntoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Wordless Knowledge (Live) 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanم 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa-Chanelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Suier De Solomonar (Remix) 00:00 Tools
04 - Al Locului 00:00 Tools
04 Conoas Terea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
IV (Iarnă) 00:00 Tools
Wordless Knowledge (Munchen - Om Tour 11.2005) 00:00 Tools
Negrii (Remix) 00:00 Tools
de piaträ 00:00 Tools
Primul OM (live) 00:00 Tools
Immortality’s Elogy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
ήesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Pمmînt 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Îmbre (Remix) 00:00 Tools
Negru 00:00 Tools
Vînt da rau (Remix) 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Al Doilea Om (The Second Human) 00:00 Tools
De Piatră (Of Stone) 00:00 Tools
Dedesuptul (Underneath) 00:00 Tools
În Zvîcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
N Crugu Bradului II 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Chanelling throu 00:00 Tools
05 - bruiestru 00:00 Tools
De silvae Transilvanie 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tcut 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngle 00:00 Tools
08 - Vel Proclet 00:00 Tools
゙esarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Sala Molska - Chanelling Though Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperborean 00:00 Tools
11 - Al Doilea Om 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului - II 00:00 Tools
Nametenie (Edit) 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy: The Vampirism (demo) 00:00 Tools
03.SALA MOLKSA 00:00 Tools
Sculptured Fog (Unreleased Bonus Track) 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Channelling through Art Immortal (Remix) 00:00 Tools
N Crugu Bradului III 00:00 Tools
Vremea Timpului Sortit 00:00 Tools
Vînt Dã Rãn Pîn Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Al Locului (Edit) 00:00 Tools
I##narborat 00:00 Tools
Vint Da Rau Pinvalea Iadului 00:00 Tools
De Piatrγ 00:00 Tools
A/Vint in abis 00:00 Tools
05 - Inarborat 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elegy 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie (Remix) 00:00 Tools
În Miaz De Negru (Remix) 00:00 Tools
A Vant In Abis 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea morþii 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea T緜ut・ 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmä Vis 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa Channeling Through 00:00 Tools
Schiminicește 00:00 Tools
1 00:00 Tools
Norilor (live) 00:00 Tools
Cunoas##terea ta##cuta## 00:00 Tools
A-Vînt în Abis (Acoustic Versi 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului IIII 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoaºterea tãcutã 00:00 Tools
De piatra## 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului - I 00:00 Tools
Cunoașterea Tăcută (OM 2006) 00:00 Tools
Блъзнѣт 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmγ Vis 00:00 Tools
Vînt da rau pîn Valea Iadului (Remix) 00:00 Tools
lesarul de lumini 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula (Bonus track) 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoasterea tacuta (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Conoaşterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
N'Crugu Bradului II 00:00 Tools
Deadly Psalm 00:00 Tools
Outro - Vint Da Rau 00:00 Tools
01 - Blaznit 00:00 Tools
Țesarul De Lumini (Weaver Of Lights) 00:00 Tools
Tesarul De Lumini (Live) 00:00 Tools
N'crugu Bradului III 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tمcutم 00:00 Tools
04 - IV 00:00 Tools
Om - Cunoasterea Tacuta (7:11) 00:00 Tools
辝sarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Pesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Chwnin Mej Zemsty 00:00 Tools
'n Crugu Bradului - III 00:00 Tools
Vazduh (Live) 00:00 Tools
In/Zvicnirea apusului 00:00 Tools
Baciul moşneag (Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth Mix) 00:00 Tools
Vel Proclet (Remix) 00:00 Tools
05.VANT DA RAU 00:00 Tools
Primul OM (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
Tesarul De Lumini LIVE (DVD Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Primul Om (The First Human) 00:00 Tools
Din afundul adâncului întrupat 00:00 Tools
06 - Plecaciunea Mortii 00:00 Tools
Battle About Moonlit Throne 00:00 Tools
Sala molksa-Channeling through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Vremea iocului sortit 00:00 Tools
قesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Împodobeala Timpului (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Into The Mountains King Realm [*][Live] 00:00 Tools
Frig Оn Oase 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula (Remix) 00:00 Tools
Virstele Pamintului - Pamint (6:56) 00:00 Tools
Al locului (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Dedesuptul (The Underneath) 00:00 Tools
Tesarul De Lumin 00:00 Tools
Å¢Esarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Fallen Angel 00:00 Tools
In Sign Of Fire 00:00 Tools
Intro - Vint Da Rau Pin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Cunoașterea Tăcută (Silenced Knowledge) 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Edit) 00:00 Tools
Cumpana (Vinyl Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Om - De Piatra (5:35) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Uma Vis 00:00 Tools
Cel din urma## vis 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urma Vis (Live) 00:00 Tools
Baciu Moșneag (Remix by Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urm・Vis 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rou 00:00 Tools
01 - Vallachorum Tyranorum 00:00 Tools
sala molska - chanelling trough art immortal 00:00 Tools
Immortality´s Elegy The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa - Chanelling... 00:00 Tools
Track 1 00:00 Tools
Înarborat (Rooted) 00:00 Tools
The Moon Of Revenge Lucifer 00:00 Tools
Duel Of The Ages 00:00 Tools
Alecaciunea mortii [acoustic][Version] 00:00 Tools
Rite Of Delith In The Forest D 00:00 Tools
Vis / Cel din urma vis 00:00 Tools
Vint De Rau 00:00 Tools
De Piatr・ 00:00 Tools
Sala Molska 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - I 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouم 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîncului Întrupat (Sala Molksa Version) 00:00 Tools
Immortalitys Elogy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Negrit 00:00 Tools
Opowfest Daia i Norg 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adincului Intrupat (Zirnindu-Sa Remix) 00:00 Tools
'n Crugu Bradului 00:00 Tools
Norilor (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
A-Vînt În Abis [Acoustic] 00:00 Tools
Cunoaşterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Dead Rose 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urm 00:00 Tools
Auier De Oolomonar 00:00 Tools
The Path Of Doom 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanד 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea mor?ii 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea morţii 00:00 Tools
Cunoa?terea T?cut? 00:00 Tools
06.De rece singie 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru & Cunoaterea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
Weaver of Lights 00:00 Tools
Sculptured Fog [*][Live] 00:00 Tools
În - Zvîcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
03 - a-vant in abis 00:00 Tools
Schimnicește (re-mixed version by Tibor Kati) 00:00 Tools
Al doilea/om 00:00 Tools
Dusze Wactwyry Drzew 00:00 Tools
Cunoa Terea TAcutA 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmم Vis 00:00 Tools
4 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Ceasuri rele 00:00 Tools
În Miãz De Negru 00:00 Tools
Wordless knowledge (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
خn-Zvîcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului - I (12:11) 00:00 Tools
Conoa Terea Tcut 00:00 Tools
II: Cătră Sipotu dă Piatră... 00:00 Tools
Among Dark Hills 00:00 Tools
03 III 00:00 Tools
Irig În Oase 00:00 Tools
Tesarul de lumini (Weaver of Lights) 00:00 Tools
Tul-ni-că-rînd (re-mixed version by Daniel Dorobanțu) 00:00 Tools
Din Afundul Adincului Int 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - II 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru & Cunoaterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru/Cunoasterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
esarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Brazdă dă foc (re-mixed version by Silent Strike) 00:00 Tools
Salamolksa 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru / Cunoasterea tacuta 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negurم 00:00 Tools
02 - Þesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Marea Cea Mare (Negura Bunget & Thy Veils) 00:00 Tools
Plecγciunea Mortii 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîncului Întrupat (Sala Molksa Remix) 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negur 00:00 Tools
Om - Tesarul De Lumini (12:48) 00:00 Tools
În Miaz dâ Negru 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy, the vampirism 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hulâ 00:00 Tools
IIII (Winter) (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urma Vis (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Vazduh (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Ţesarul De Lumini (Weaver of Lights) 00:00 Tools
Baciu moșneag (Remix by Adrian “Oq” Neagoe & Tragacanth) 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru/Cunoaşterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Hora soarelu 00:00 Tools
01 I 00:00 Tools
N'Crugu Bradului IV 00:00 Tools
Suet De Solomonar 00:00 Tools
II - Catra Sipotu Da Piatra... 00:00 Tools
Fiesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
I - Poarta A Vintului... 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sīngie 00:00 Tools
ZI 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy:The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tut 00:00 Tools
3 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Tesarul de lumini 00:00 Tools
Din afundul adinculu intrupat 00:00 Tools
08 - De Piatrã 00:00 Tools
2 00:00 Tools
P鉳頽t 00:00 Tools
negura_bunget_-_zirnindu-sa_-_02_-_negrii 00:00 Tools
A-Vξnt ξn Abis (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hul 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru / Cunoaºterea tãcutã 00:00 Tools
II + III (Live) 00:00 Tools
02 00:00 Tools
Om - Hora Soarelui (5:55) 00:00 Tools
Wizja Nabcysbzqrego Zwycfesiwn 00:00 Tools
Baciu moșneag (Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth Mix) 00:00 Tools
Negura_Bunget_-_Zirnindu-Sa_-_07_-_Dupre_reci_imbre 00:00 Tools
A-Vînt in Abis 00:00 Tools
II + III (Focul Viu) 00:00 Tools
Cant de sursur 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru Cunoasterea tacuta 00:00 Tools
Phovala Hula (demo) 00:00 Tools
IIII (Winter) [Focul Viu] [Live] 00:00 Tools
P緡絜t 00:00 Tools
04 Cunoaterea Tcut 00:00 Tools
De Piatr 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea mortii (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
Primul Om (First Human) 00:00 Tools
Cunoa?terea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Èšesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Phovala Hulã 00:00 Tools
Wallachorum Tyranorum 00:00 Tools
Into The Mountain King’s Realm (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmă Vis (The Final Dream) 00:00 Tools
Pדmמnt 00:00 Tools
vint In Abis 00:00 Tools
Plecaciunea Mortii [Acoustic Version] 00:00 Tools
In-Zvîcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
02 II 00:00 Tools
Intro: Vînt Da Rau Pîn Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
In-Zvоcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tacuta (Silenced Knowledge) 00:00 Tools
05 - Înarborat 00:00 Tools
Suier De Solomanar 00:00 Tools
04 IIII 00:00 Tools
III: Colo-n Jos Catre Apus 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elogy The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Schimnicește (Tibor Kati Mix) 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoasterea Tacuta (Live) 00:00 Tools
08 - De Piatra 00:00 Tools
Vint de Rau Prin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Pământ 00:00 Tools
Bruiestru / Cunoașterea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
Dark Times 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa-Channeling Through 00:00 Tools
Primul Om (First Om) 00:00 Tools
De Piatrم 00:00 Tools
Plecãciunea Morflii 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului - IV 00:00 Tools
خntoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Cunoasterea tacuta 00:00 Tools
negura_bunget_-_zirnindu-sa_-_08_-_vel_proclet 00:00 Tools
Track 2 00:00 Tools
Dîn afundul adîncului întrupat (Remix) 00:00 Tools
A-Vint In Abis (Acoustic Version) (2010 - Maiestrit) [Black Metal] (Track 7/8) 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (live) [Edit] 00:00 Tools
III - Colo n jos catre apus 00:00 Tools
negura_bunget_-_zirnindu-sa_-_05_-_pohvala_hula 00:00 Tools
Blăznit (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
Plecciunea morcii 00:00 Tools
De rece sîingie 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Norilor 00:00 Tools
De Rece Singie (demo) 00:00 Tools
Transilvanian Fullmoon Vampirism (demo) 00:00 Tools
ホntoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
04 Cunoasterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Tesarul De Lumini / Weaver of Lights 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Sun's Round Dance) 00:00 Tools
02 - Suier de Solomonar 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Hour of the Sun's Round Dance) 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rouד 00:00 Tools
Sala molksa / Chanelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
03 - In Miaz De Negru 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmד Vis 00:00 Tools
Din Afundul Adineului Întrupat 00:00 Tools
Conoas Terea Tדcutד 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreană ( Progressive | Folk | Atmospheric Black Metal ) (CBR 320 kbps) (2010) 08:52 Tools
Conoa? Terea T?cut? 00:00 Tools
Cunoaterea tcut 00:00 Tools
esarul De Lumini / Weaver of Lights 00:00 Tools
Înarbora 00:00 Tools
De Piatrד 00:00 Tools
Outro: Vînt da rau 00:00 Tools
Of Stone 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa: Chanelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
Chei de Rou? 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / dacia hiperboreana 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperborean? 00:00 Tools
Avînt în Abis 00:00 Tools
Înarborat Cosmos 00:00 Tools
negura_bunget_-_zirnindu-sa_-_01_-_blaznit 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Primul om 00:00 Tools
04 - Cunoaºterea Tãcutã 00:00 Tools
09 - Cel Din Urmã Vis 00:00 Tools
02 - Tesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
09 - Cel Din Urma Vis 00:00 Tools
To the Skies 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adîncului Întrupat (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
Negura_Bunget_-_Zirnindu-Sa_-_06_-_De_rece_singie 00:00 Tools
Immortality's elegy the Vampir 00:00 Tools
IV - In padure urla lupe 00:00 Tools
Dоn afundul adоncului оntrupat 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului - II (13:21) 00:00 Tools
Din afundul adancului intrupa 00:00 Tools
03 - Uprising Follow 00:00 Tools
Al locului (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
Part I 00:00 Tools
Immortalitys Elogy - The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Part II 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urm?Vis 00:00 Tools
Inarborat Kosmos - Wordless Knowledge (6:14) 00:00 Tools
Norilor (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
De Silvae Transilvaniae (demo) 00:00 Tools
Track 5 00:00 Tools
Ceasuri Rele (Dark Hours) 00:00 Tools
Norilor (Of the Clouds) 00:00 Tools
Cunoa?terea Tacuta / Silenced Knowledge 00:00 Tools
De piatrã (Of Stone) 00:00 Tools
Cunoaş Terea Tăcută 00:00 Tools
?esarul De Lumini / Weaver Of Lights 00:00 Tools
Ţesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Sala Molska -Chanelling through art immortal 00:00 Tools
Vrema Locului Sortit 00:00 Tools
Immortality`s Elegy: The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Cesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Cara de Dincolo de Negurד 00:00 Tools
IIII (live) 00:00 Tools
A-Vint оn Abis 00:00 Tools
In Miaz Da Negru (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Înaborat 00:00 Tools
II - Vara 00:00 Tools
Channeling through art immorta 00:00 Tools
N Crugu Bradului IV 00:00 Tools
Negrii (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Înarborat (Arboreal) 00:00 Tools
Baciu moşneag 00:00 Tools
Om - Cel Din Urma Vis (10:03) 00:00 Tools
Plecăciunea Morţii [Acoustic Version] 00:00 Tools
04 - Cunoasterea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Baciu moșneag (re-mixed version by Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth) 00:00 Tools
Al Doilea Om (The Second Om) 00:00 Tools
04 - Vaiet 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Inarborat 00:00 Tools
Ţesarul De Lumini (live) 00:00 Tools
02 - Pesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Transylvanian Fullmoon Vam 00:00 Tools
Negura_Bunget_-_Zirnindu-Sa_-_03_-_In_miaz_de_-_Negru 00:00 Tools
Virstele Pamintului - Chei De Roua (5:50) 00:00 Tools
Negrii (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
蝞-Zv頲nirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Vînt da rău 00:00 Tools
Fesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
01 - Wordless Knowledge 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - Suier De Solomonar 00:00 Tools
Transylvanian fullmoon Vampiri 00:00 Tools
De Rece Singie (From "Transilvanan Forest " Version) 00:00 Tools
Negri 00:00 Tools
04 - Cunoa Terea Tacuta 00:00 Tools
04 - Din Afundul Adancului Intrupat 00:00 Tools
Dacia Hiperboreanu 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - III 00:00 Tools
Track 3 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hulă (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
Virstele Pamintului - Dacia Hiperboreana (8:48) 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urma Vis (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / umbra 00:00 Tools
de rece sξngie 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Bruiestru (9:43) 00:00 Tools
Чей чай-то скис? Семьи рушат... Чей чай-то скис?! 00:00 Tools
Om - Inarborat (6:22) 00:00 Tools
Hora Soarelui (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
Arborele Luimii 00:00 Tools
Part IV 00:00 Tools
Dîn Afundul Adincului Intrupat (Remix) 00:00 Tools
Cunoașterea tăcută (Silent Knowledge) 00:00 Tools
Cunoasterea Tacuta / Silenced Knowledge 00:00 Tools
Outro; Vint Da Rau 00:00 Tools
Din Afundul Aduncului Intrupat 00:00 Tools
25 - Norilor 00:00 Tools
Suier Da Solomonar 00:00 Tools
23 - Inarborat 00:00 Tools
21 - Primul Om 00:00 Tools
24 - Dedesuptul 00:00 Tools
־ntoarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
?narborat 00:00 Tools
pohvala_hula 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Imbre (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / cara de dincolo de negura 00:00 Tools
Immortality's Elegy: The Vampirism (demo) 00:00 Tools
Blaznit (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Cunoaterea Tcut / Silenced Knowledge 00:00 Tools
Baciul Moșneag (Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth Mix) 00:00 Tools
Intro: Vant Da Rau Pin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Vaiet (Chinese bonus) 00:00 Tools
De_rece_singie 00:00 Tools
Uprising follow (Chinese bonus) 00:00 Tools
?uier de ?olomonar 00:00 Tools
De Piatra (Of Stone) 00:00 Tools
Vazduh (Exclusive Track) 00:00 Tools
Pohvala Hula (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
De Rece Singie (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / pamint 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmă Vis (LiVE) 00:00 Tools
Vel Proclet (Alternate Version) 00:00 Tools
ªuier de ºolomonar 00:00 Tools
"Om" ( Full Album ) 2006 00:00 Tools
Channelling Through Art Immortal 00:00 Tools
蝞toarcerea Amurgului 00:00 Tools
Vint Da Rau Prin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Om - Dedesuptul (6:39) 00:00 Tools
Negura_Bunget_-_Zirnindu-Sa_-_04_-_Din_afundul_adincului_intrupat 00:00 Tools
Rooted 00:00 Tools
A-Vint оn Abis (acoustic) 00:00 Tools
Silenced Knowledge 00:00 Tools
Chei De Roua - Varstele Pamantului 00:00 Tools
03 - De Sivae Transilvaniae 00:00 Tools
Virstele Pamintului - Arborele Lumii (7:36) 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / Dedesubtul 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Îmbre (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoaoterea 00:00 Tools
În Miaz de Negru (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / De piatra 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget - IV 00:00 Tools
Virstele Pamintului - Tara De Dincolo De Negura (5:53) 00:00 Tools
01 00:00 Tools
Negura Bunget / jar 00:00 Tools
Immortality´s Elegy: The Vampi 00:00 Tools
04 - Immortality's Elogy - The Vampirism 00:00 Tools
Track 4 00:00 Tools
Track 1 00:00 Tools
Vant De Rau Prin Valea Iadului 00:00 Tools
Vel Proclet (Remixed Version) 00:00 Tools
II III 00:00 Tools
Underneath 00:00 Tools
Maiestrit - Al Locului (10:26) 00:00 Tools
01. I 00:00 Tools
Schimnice?te 00:00 Tools
02 - In-zvicnirea apusului 00:00 Tools
Vazduh (Focul Viu) [Live] 00:00 Tools
02 - In-Zvacnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
doci.nnm.ru_~MadMax~_Ceasuri R 00:00 Tools
Dupre Reci Оmbre 00:00 Tools
Immoratality's Elegy_ The Vampirism (din afundul ... ) 00:00 Tools
Om - 07 - Norilor 00:00 Tools
De Piatre 00:00 Tools
L`esarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Chanelling Through Art Imm 00:00 Tools
Intro Bruiestru + Cunoașterea tăcută 00:00 Tools
IIII - În Pădure Urlă Lupii 00:00 Tools
26 - De Piatra 00:00 Tools
20 - Tesarul De Lumini 00:00 Tools
Pamant 00:00 Tools
19 - Ceasuri Rele 00:00 Tools
02 - In - Zvicnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
I - Primavara 00:00 Tools
I: Poarta-a vîntului... 00:00 Tools
Nora Soarelui 00:00 Tools
ホn-Zv祥nirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
În zvâcnirea apusului 00:00 Tools
Cunoastera Tacuta 00:00 Tools
Dupre_reci_imbre 00:00 Tools
A-V絜t 絜 Abis (Acoustic Version) 00:00 Tools
III - Toamna 00:00 Tools
In-Zvicnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Into The Mountains King's Realm 00:00 Tools
Vînt Da Rau Pîn Valea Ladului 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa-chanelling Through 00:00 Tools
A-V絜t 絜 Abis 00:00 Tools
Cel Din Urmäƒ Vis 00:00 Tools
In Afundul Adancului Intrupat 00:00 Tools
De Piaträƒ 00:00 Tools
02 - Cint De Sursur 00:00 Tools
De Rece Sîngie 00:00 Tools
On - Zvîcnirea Apusului 00:00 Tools
Sala Molksa (Channeling Through Art Immortal) 00:00 Tools
Chanelling Through Art Immorta 00:00 Tools
Sala molska - channeling throu 00:00 Tools
Zirnindu-Sa - Negrii (5:39) 00:00 Tools
'N Crugu Bradului - IIII (12:54) 00:00 Tools
A - Vînt On Abis 00:00 Tools
Alecaciunea mortii [acoustic] 00:00 Tools
Baciu moşneag (Adrian "Oq" Neagoe & Tragacanth Mix) 00:00 Tools
Măiestrit - A-vînt în abis (acoustic version) 00:00 Tools
  • 2,764,379
  • 62,184
  • 2764379
    top track count

Negură Bunget is (or was; the status of the band is currently unclear) a folk-influenced atmospheric black metal band from Timișoara, Romania. The band was formed in early 1995 by Hupogrammos (guitars, vocals, keyboards) and Negru (drums; R.I.P. March 21, 2017). The duo’s first demo, From Transilvanian Forests, was recorded at Magic Sound Studio in Bucharest, November 1995, and released at the end of the same year, under the band’s original name, Wiccan Rede (it has since been re-released under the band's new name; page at From Transilvanian Forests). The release of this demo was preceded by the band’s first live performance in Buzau (June 1995), and was then followed by concerts all around Romania. Once their conceptual perspective shifted towards the exploration of the universe and spirituality of their ancestors, the band’s name changed to Negură Bunget. The new approach became clearly evident on the debut album, Zîrnindu-să (Romanian for Getting Weak), released by the newly founded Romanian label Bestial Records (late 1996). December 1998 brought Negură Bunget’s second release, Sala Molksa (named for the place Dacian knights went after death), a mini-album also released by Bestial Records. Sala Molksa introduced the band’s third official member, Spurcatu, on guitars/bass. The 4 tracks unveil a much more straight-forward sound, complex, aggressive, atmospheric, fast - the music of Transilvanian spirituality. The band played in July 1999 at the Open Hell Festival in Volyne (Czech Republic). Măiastru sfetnic (Romanian for Masterful Guide) is the third opus of Negură Bunget, widely heralded as their creative and commercial breakthrough. The album was released by Bestial Records in 1999 in a special digipak format (designed and handmade by Negură Bunget). More than 56 minutes, yet only 6 epic tracks, united in haunts, evilness, descent, atmospheres, speed and aggression, displaying the band’s vision on how a black metal-based world should have looked like. Măiastru sfetnic also brought the band a 3-album contract with Italian label code666 Records. A new track was recorded specially for code666’s compilation Better Undead Than Alive, and the band’s first video was shot for the same track ("Văzduh", meaning "Air") in the mountains of Transilvania. The 'n crugu bradului (Romanian for Through the Depths of the Fir Tree Heights) album, the first one to be released by code666 Records (later re-released as a double-LP set by Those Opposed Records), can be seen as a spiritual endeavor though the essences of the Transilvanian traditional spirituality. The album contains just 4 tracks, symbolizing the evolution of a year’s 4 seasons, yet 54 minutes of conceptual black metal. The album was released in February 2003, and got positive reviews all over the media, making the band better known on the international scene. In April/March 2004 Negură Bunget embarked on its first European tour, with gigs in Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia and Hungary. In the following summer the band also played at Under The Black Sun Festival in Germany and on Wanted Festival in Hungary. Finally, a few gigs in Romania ended the year. 2005 saw the release of the limited edition Inarborat kosmos (Romanian for Arboreal Cosmos) MCD (later re-released as a 12" vinyl EP by Finnish label Blood Music). With lyrics in English, the 4-track EP offers an apparently traditional black metal, but turned complex by intricate and slightly chaotic guitar sounds, which have by now become a landmark of the band’s constant quest for the proper rendition of Transilvanian spirituality. The CD also contains a multimedia section with 2 live recordings. A second European Tour followed in October-November 2005, in anticipation of the following album, Om. 23 gigs all over Europe showed the band's live potential is no lesser than its power in the studio. Om was finally released by code666 Records in November 2006 in a special double digipak edition featuring a CD and a full DVD (vinyl pressings have been made once by Enucleation Records, with a bonus track "Văzduh" but without significant remastering to the album, and on three separate occasions by Blood Music, remastered but without the bonus track). With Om, Negură Bunget proposes once again a new complete opus, focused around the symbolism and signification of one unitary concept. Romanian language offers a vast and complex signification: Om means Man (the human being), but Om is also the main contemplative state for elevation in traditional esotericism (for instance, it is a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and several other spiritual traditions, written as ॐ in Devanagari script). A new extended European tour took place in April/May 2007, with the band performing more than 40 concerts throughout the Europe. Another tour was done at the end of 2007, focused more on Netherlands and Germany. In October 2007 Negură Bunget signed a contract with German label Lupus Lounge / Prophecy Productions followed by the release in 2008 of the early Negură Bunget albums on a special digipak edition. A live DVD was also recorded at the beginning of 2008; it was ultimately released on DVD and 2CD by Prophecy Productions as Focul viu (Romanian for Living Fire) on March 25, 2011. The begging of 2008 marked yet another European tour for Negură Bunget, this time along The Vision Bleak and Farsot. This was followed by a Romanian tour in April. In the summer of 2008 Negură Bunget played some of the most important metal festivals: Wacken Open Air and Summerbreeze, and also Artmania Festival, Kaltenbach Open Air, Rockmania Festival, Paalisare Rock Fest. Another extended European Tour was completed in October/November 2008. The spring of 2009 bought new challenges for the Negură Bunget. Founding member Hupogrammos and longtime member Sol Faur left the band, and a new line-up was formed, featuring Corb on guitars and vocals and Spin on guitars. The first gigs in the new line-up followed soon after, including Graspop Metal Meeting, MetalCamp, Brutal Assault Festival, Hole in the Sky Festival. The work on Măiestrit (Romanian for Masterly), a re-interpretation of the 2000 Negură Bunget album Măiastru sfetnic, was finalized before the end of 2009, and the album was released in March 2010 by Prophecy Productions as the last studio material of the old line-up (though by release date, the final album to contain performances by Sol Faur and Hupogrammos was 2011's Focol viu, a live album recorded in early 2008). Soon after, the band started work on a new album, entitled Vîrstele pămîntului, which was completed in seclusion in the wilderness of the mountains. Vîrstele pămîntului (Ages of the Land/Earth) is, as the title suggests, an album about ages, about places of the earth and places of the spirit, about bounds transcending worlds. It’s an album about embracing your destiny, about choosing and consciously assuming a way of life. The album was released by code666 Records in March 2010, in a special handmade woodbox edition, and immediately got some amazing review across the media. A full European Tour entitled Spirit of the Land followed in March/April/May 2010, with almost 50 shows across Europe presenting the new material. 2010 was the most intense year in the history of Negură Bunget. Two albums released, followed by a long European tour as headliners (Spirit of the Land Tour), another tour in autumn (Black Trolls Over Europe - 10 dates), some festivals in between (including Hellfest) and a lot of work, all make this year special and unforgettable. Figures for 2010: 72 gigs played, 2 European Tours as headliners, more than 50.000 km of driving on our van, 66 answered interviews, more than 10.000 CDs sold. 2011 marked the 15-year anniversary of Negură Bunget, so all the band activities celebrated this anniversary. April brought the releases of the live DVD Focul viu (Living Fire) and the MCD Poartă de dincolo (The Gate Beyond) symbolically marking the end of the 10 years cooperation with Code666 Records. April also meant a tour along Norwegian legends Enslaved. Some summer festivals were played - Exit and Party San. The second part of 2011 saw the band on the Transilvanian Legacy Tour, traveling through Europe and Romania, playing more than 35 dates. In 2011 Negură Bunget started developing its most ambitious project, The Transilvanian Trilogy, a complex musical and visual trilogy. 2012 was another busy year for the band. March brought Negură Bunget to Paganfest Europe 2012 on a amazing line-up alongside Eluveitie, Primordial, Heidevolk, and Solstafir. April/May was time for the very first US and Canadian tour - 40 dates were set for this amazing endeavor Transilvanian Legacy US. Some summer festivals followed. The first part of the visual & musical trilogy was developed and a complex production and recording process started. Some media recognition - the band was voted Best Romanian Metal band in 2012 by, Romanian leading metal Portal, and Metal Artist of 2012 by 2013 again started intensely, with a complete reset of the band studio and live concept, meant to open brand-new paths for Negură Bunget. The EP Gînd a-prins (literally meaning something like Caught in Thought or Lost in Thought, though the album has a double meaning, as aprins means inflamed or, metaphorically, intense, so the album title also means Intense Thought) was completed in the first part of the year, as an introduction for the Tău album (Romanian for Swamp; ultimately released in 2015; the first album of the planned Transilvanian Trilogy). The band presented this evolution live on the Tău tour, again traveling throughout all Europe. The band's final album is 2016's Zi (Romanian for Day; the second album of the planned Transilvanian Trilogy). Tragedy struck unexpectedly in late March 2017 when drummer and co-founding member Negru (real name Gabriel Mafa) died of a heart attack, leaving the band without any founding members and without its driving creative force. All scheduled shows were immediately cancelled and the future of the band remains unclear, even as of this writing (January 2018). The band's official site now appears to have expired, and the band's Facebook, Twitter, and other sites have not been updated since before Negru's death. The surviving members of the band's last known lineup do not appear to have made any comments on the band's status, though his erstwhile bandmates Hupogrammos and Sol Faur posted a tribute on their band Dordeduh's official Facebook site. It is also unclear whether any further studio material since Zi had been recorded; if so, whether it was in a finished state at the time of Negru's death; and if it was unfinished, whether the surviving band members intend to complete it, release it in its unfinished state, or leave it unreleased. News of Negru's death was greeted with an outpouring of grief amongst fans of extreme and progressive metal worldwide and across the Internet, and even if the band never releases or performs any further material, it is certainly assured a lasting legacy and influence on the black and progressive metal genres. The name: The band explains: "A powerful dark presence of an intense nature, connected with the local nature and with its spirit, ascending and descending, shaping through the clouds of the present. You can sometimes feel it is there, but you cannot grab it. Only your clean mind and soul can came close of its presence. From the very beginning we shaped ourselves into relating with it, so that is now part of us. That’s how we understand Negură Bunget. Negură Bunget is a black fog coming from a deep dark dense forest. The name tries to picture somehow the kind of atmosphere, both musical and spiritual we’d want to create through our music. It has also a symbolical nature, standing for the inexpressible parts of our ideology. The two words are also from the Tracic substrate of the Romanian language (the oldest one, containing about 90 words) as the interest for our local history and spirituality is something of crucial importance and meanings for us as a band." Last known lineup: Gabriel Mafa / Negru - drums, percussion, dulcimer, tulnic, toacă, xylophone, horns (1995-2017) Tibor Kati - vocals, guitars, keyboards, programming (2013-2017) Adrian "DQ" Neagoe - guitars, vocals, keyboards (2013-2017) Petrică Ionuțescu - pipes, horns, duduk, nai, kaval, tulnic, traditional instruments (2013-2017) Ovidiu Corodan - bass (2013-2017) Daniel Dorobanțu - visual design (2013-2017) Past members Hupogrammos (real name Edmond Karban; sometimes credited as Hupogrammos Disciple's or Hupogrammos Disciple) - vocals, guitars, keyboards, folk instruments (1995-2009) (Makrothumia, Dordeduh) Sol Faur (Cristian Popescu; sometimes credited as Spurcatu) - guitars, bass (1997-2005, 2006-2009) (Dordeduh) Gădineț - bass (2009-2013) Inia Dinia - keyboards (2005-2013) (Argus Megere) Fulmineos - vocals, guitar (2010-2013) (Argus Megere, Kultika, Fogland, Ekasia, Ordinul Negru, Nocturnal Invocation, Cursed Cemetary, Karpates Omos, Apollinic Rites, Ultima Candela) Urzit - guitar (2010-2013) aGer (Ageru Pamintului) - percussion, xylophone, pipes, vocals (2003-2012) Aivazz Valah Disciple - keyboards (1995) Spin - guitars (2009-2010) Corb - vocals, guitars, dulcimer (2009-2010) Chakravartin - vocals (2012-2013) (MG42, Clitgore, DinUmbră, Kistvaen, Sincarnate) Vartan Garabedian - percussion, vocals (2013-2016) (Grimegod) Mihai Neagoe - sound design (2013-2016) Ageru Pământului - vocals, flute, kaval, nai, tulnic, percussion, xylophone (2003-2009) (Argus Megere, Fogland, Argus, Cursed Cemetery) Live: Ursu (aka Ermit) - bass (1997-2007), also session (studio) bass on 'n crugu bradului and Om (Malpraxis) Daniel Dorobanțu - keyboards (1997-1998) (Thy Veils) Vampir (Naval) - keyboards (1996-1997, 1998-2005), bass (1997-1998) Freak (Teodor Alexuta) - percussion (2003) (Vokodlok) Trunks - bass (eyeSEEred) Andrei Popa - bass, guitars (2005, 2016) (Illuminati, Cyborg (live), My Shadow) Diana Karban - keyboards (Makrothumia) Gabi Karban - keyboards (1996-2006), live bass (2007) Necuratul - percussion (2000-2003) Iedera - keyboards (2005-2006) Alin Drimuș - flute, nai (2006) (Marțolea) Arioch - bass (2007-2009) (Odem Arcarum, Secrets of the Moon, The Ruins of Beverast (live), Abztract Fortune, Svarrogh (live), Sael, Reign of Decay, Dordeduh (live)) Andri Björn Birgisson - guitars (US/Mexico tour, 2015) (Auðn, Dynfari) Cosmin Harbei - guitars, dulcimer (European tour, 2015) Jóhann Örn - guitars, vocals (US/Mexico tour, 2015) (Dynfari, Sacrilege) Daath Yug - tulnic, kaval (European tour, 2015) Luci Chîrlan - vocals, flute, kaval, nai, tulnic, toacă, live theremin (European tour, 2015) Gădineț - bass, flute (European tour, 2016) (Din Brad) Sergiu Istudor - guitars (European tour, 2016) Olivian Mihalcea - guitars, flute (European tour, 2016) Alexandru Ardelean - guitars (North European tour, 2017) Traumata - guitars (2016-2017) Discography: (includes some re-releases, but not all; multiple releases from same year may not be in exact order of release date) From Transilvanian Forest (demo) - self-released, originally under the Wiccan Rede name (page: From Transilvanian Forests), 1995 Zîrnindu-să (cassette) - Bestial Records, 1997 Zîrnindu-să (CD) - Breath of Night Records, 1998 Sala Molksa (MCD) - Bestial Records, 1998 Măiastru sfetnic (handmade digipak) - Bestial Records, 2000 'n crugu bradului (handmade digibox) - Code666 Records, 2003 Scream of the Eastern Lands (split with Besatt, Dub Buk, Inferno, Immortal Hammer, and Verdeleth) Inarborat kosmos (digi MCD) - Code666 Records, 2005 CD BOX - re-edition of the first 3 CD’s - Negura MUSIC, 2005 Om (CD/DVD, double digipak) - Code666 Records, 2006 From Transilvanian Forest (digipak, re-release, box, adding two previously unreleased songs) - Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions, 2008 Zîrnindu-să (double digipak, re-release, box) - Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions, 2008 Sala Molksa (double digipak, re-release, box) - Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions, 2008 Măiastru sfetnic (digipak, re-release, box) - Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions, 2008 Om (double vinyl with bonus track) - Enucleation Records, 2008 'n crugu bradului (single vinyl) - Marish Records, 2009 'n crugu bradului (double vinyl) - Those Opposed Records, 2009 Măiestrit (digipak, artbook) - Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions, 2010 Vîrstele pămîntului (digipak, handmade woodbox) - Code666 Records, 2010 Poartă de dincolo (digi MCD) - Aural Music/Code666 Records, 2011 Focul viu - Live DVD (DVD, 2CD) - Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions, 2011 Gînd a-prins (7" vinyl single) - Prophecy Productions, 2013 Om (double vinyl, triple gatefold sleeve, remastered) - Blood Music, 2014 (also reprinted as a normal gatefold sleeve in 2015 and 2016) Tău - Lupus Lounge, 2015 Om/Inaborat kosmos (remastered, 2CD) - code666 Records, 2016 Zi - Lupus Lounge, 2016 Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.